Reverend Insanity

: Section 780: Pure Dreams


Fang Yuan observes the soul of the body. Fiction

After several times of this time, his soul has returned to the soul of 60 million people!

Today's souls are no longer weak, but full of energy and lifelike. The face is exquisite, the body is as usual, and a halo is radiated from the depths of the soul, covering the whole body of the soul, giving a strong and exquisite feeling.

Pirates of innocence and rumored to kill the ghosts, as if silk underwear, close to the surface of the soul. On top of it, there is a layer of ghost coats.

The ghost official clothing kills the seven-transformation soul fairy, and the six-turn net soul fairy is the core. At this moment, it has become an armed suit, and a layer of armor is attached to the military uniform.

With such a soul, Fang Yuan finally has a soul.

Immortal kills the soul!

For a time, Fang Yuan’s soul left the flesh and relied on the remaining thoughts, wills and emotions to manipulate all kinds of locusts and maintain the spirits.

Just like drinking water as easily and naturally, almost half of the soul splits from the body, and then the soul of the body re-enters the flesh.

Under this circumstance, the soul of Fang Yuan’s body fell directly to the soul of 30 million people.

But the soul that he splits is also the soul of 30 million people.

Fang Yuan closed his eyes and raised his spirit for a while.

Just after returning to the soul, he felt a slight stun feeling. This is a normal reaction, because the soul that he split this time is half occupied, and the amount is too large.

In the immortality, Xianyuan stopped instilling, and all kinds of locusts rested without any damage.

The division of the soul is quite successful. In fact, this move is not easy, there is a lot of risk, and the probability of failure is great.

However, Fang Yuan had practiced this trick before, and had paid a lot of effort and cost. Now this is a success.

Fang Yuan opened his eyes and it was restored to the original.

He opened a gap in the portal of Xianyu, and the soul immediately swept a gale and drew into it.

Into the Supreme Immortal, there is a flesh waiting for the soul.

This flesh is nothing else, it is the pure dream of the dream to seek the true body!

After the soul divides into a pure dream and seeks the truth, there are some fluctuations in the breath at first, and then it is silent, like death.

Fang Yuan looked calm.

He has roughly mastered three pure dreams in his hands.

The first one is the most powerful pure dream for the true body. The old man of the meteorite was condensed at the beginning, which is the original shadow. This kind of pure dream seeks the life of only nine hours. Every time the growth is changed, the strength will become stronger and stronger, and it will be terrible in the later period.

However, this pure dream seeks the true body, the demand for the fairy is a lot, but also a huge amount of dreams. Fang Yuan did not meet this requirement.

The second is the pure dream of the immortality of Zhu Xian, which is the most used by Fang Yuan. It used to resist the great pursuit of the Southern Xinjiang. Now used to and the pool song by secret trading dreams.

This pure dream has the biggest drawback, it is time-limited. When the time limit is reached, it will directly blew itself up and return to a group of dreams that cannot last.

The third pure dream seeks the true body, which was learned from Feng Jinhuang in the battle of Fang Yuan. This is the perfect pure dream for the real body, the consumption of dreams is small, there are not many immortals, can be replaced, but it is a fetus, no 蛊仙修.

The soul of the soul is now the third pure dream to seek the true body, with an empty space, only one change.

After a while, the pure dream of seeking the real body opened his eyes.

The soul of 30 million people has converged, and it has been initially integrated into this body. Because this body is not high, it is difficult to carry a complete soul of 30 million people.

This is a typical situation in which the flesh is weak and the soul is too strong.

The soul that caused Fangyuan must converge with most of the power, as if the giants were curled up and carefully organized in a paper house.

But it doesn't matter.

Fang Yuan has already prepared the relics.

The relic is a kind of spherical ball, only the size of the thumb, the shape is ordinary and unremarkable. However, it has a great effect. It can be promoted to the wall, and it can be promoted to the first level.

The 蛊师修 is one to five turns, and the relics also have a corresponding five turns.

One turn of bronze relics, two turns of red iron relics, three turns of silver relics, four turns of gold relics, five turns of amethyst relics.

Regardless of the turn of the relic, it is the most precious in the turn! The value is far more than the same as the locust.

For example, the red iron relics will cost 8,000 yuan in the mortal world, and this price will exceed the ordinary three turns.

The silver relics are three-way, and the price has soared to 50,000!

The gold relics are directly regulated. In the mortal market, there are at most silver relics, and the gold relics are very rare, often being held in the hands of death.

This situation has improved in Baohuang Tianzhong. After all, Bao Huangtian is the trading market of Zhuxian and the largest market in the world.

In Bao Huangtianzhong, the relics that turned to three turns were sold, and the four-turn gold relics were much less, while the five-turned Amethyst relics were much less.

This is not that Zhu Xian also put these locusts in their hands, and they are controlled so that they are not circulated. Instead, the relics can only be formed naturally, and there is no such thing as refining.

This is true even for the blessed land or the heavens.

Why is this happening?

Fang Yuan now has the realm of refining and the realm of humanity masters, and understands the reasons.

Because the relics are also human locusts!

It has an intrinsic effect on the aliens and the human race. In places where the size of the aliens and the human race is large, the relics will form more.

Fang Yuan’s pure dreams began to use bronze relics.

His openness is different from that of ordinary sorcerers. The ordinary emptiness is stable, and the empty space of pure dreams is constantly broken and constantly shaped, as if it is a dream bubble.

This is a feature of dreams.

In the last life, Feng Jinhuang also once sighed that she was able to improve the perfect pure dream for the real body, more of a coincidence, she created a broken dream in advance.

But no matter how the empty space of the pure dream is broken and shaped, there is still a layer of light film around it, which is slim and thin, but it is firmly defined by the dreams.

This layer of light film is a feature of the first step.

After a bronze relic squats down, the light film suddenly becomes thicker, and the above-mentioned wave of light flows, swaying and moving, becoming a water film.

Pure dreams are separated by a bronze relic.

Then, the water film is fixed, thickened and hardened, and becomes a stone film.

After using the third one, in the empty space of pure dreams, the stone film becomes a crystal film.

Pure dreams and true nature are special qualifications. Although the bronze real yuan is like a dream, it is as high as 90%.

Fang Yuan’s pure dreams were immediately closed and closed, put in the mind, manipulate the real yuan, and prepare to impact the crystal film.

However, before he really started, his empty space was directly sublimated, the crystal film was broken, and it was turned into a light film of red iron.

For a moment, pure dreams became the first division of the second division.

Fang Yuan was slightly surprised, and immediately reacted: "The pure dream is the eleventh body, and like the ten body, the repair can rise on its own and continue to break through."

In the practice of Yanshi, the small realm is easy to be promoted. As long as the time is enough, it is all water and kungfu. But in the big realm, every road is a level, and the harder it is to get to the back.

Fang Yuan originally wanted to rely on his own rich experience to attack the big checkpoints. He did not expect that the pure dreams of the real body would naturally break through, which is much more convenient than his original expectation.

The individual relics were fed, and Fang Yuan’s pure dreams were repaired and continually broken.

Although there are few amethysts in the Huangtian Tianzhong, there are many in the treasury. These are just minor problems.

Therefore, in just half an hour, Fang Yuan’s pure dream has a five-turn peak.

"Prepare to rise to the immortal!" Fang Yuan will release the pure dream to the sacred fairy.

It can't be robbed in the Supreme Immortal, because it will cause great confusion in the world, which greatly interferes with the balance of Xian.

Fangyuan’s Supreme Immortal itself is in great demand for heaven and earth. If the dream of pure dreams is successful, the loss of these two worlds will be huge.

Therefore, Fang Yuan’s original plan is to arrange a pure dream to be separated from the robbery.

Fang Yuan intends to take a sigh of relief and create a perfect pure dream avatar with Zhu Xian Xiu!

However, just as he was about to implement the next step, suddenly his heart suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

"Well? Wait a minute!" Fang Yuan's eyes could not help but condense.

He has a deep sense of martial arts, and suddenly there is a strong sense of crisis. This is not a hole in the wind, but a certain omen.

This kind of feeling, Fangyuan can not be ignored.

"This seems to indicate that if I force the pure dream to be robbed, I will encounter a great crisis?"

Fangyuan brows slightly wrinkled.

Yanshi Shengxian is going to be robbed.

According to common sense, even if the catastrophe is strengthened, there is a limit. The six-turn disaster will be stronger and will not exceed the seven-level catastrophe.

"But if it is a dream of disaster," Fang Yuan’s eyes are deep.

Pure dreams for the real body to rise to the immortal, ushered in the possibility of dreams of catastrophe, but for this, Fang Yuan knows very little.

In today's situation, even if it is as strong as a dragon, it is helpless to the means of dreams.

In this respect, Fang Yuan is much stronger than Long Gong because he has a dream.

However, it is not omnipotent to solve dreams.

And there are two main types of dreams, one is a realistic dream, and the most explored by Fang Yuan. The second type is a grotesque dream. Any situation can happen. It cannot be understood by common sense. Fangyuan does not want to touch it.

"If I want to make a pure dream to be a fairy, is it a chance to kill me?"

"In this case, it is still in the Supreme Immortal."

"There is no God in the Supreme Immortal. Although it will draw a lot of heaven and earth, the loss of the bottom, but if there is a pure dream of the immortal level, the benefits are more."

However, when Fang Yuan relocated the pure dreams and wanted to rob, the sense of crisis in his heart was slightly reduced, but he still couldn’t go.

Fang Yuan pondered: "So, even if there is no God, I use pure dreams to seek the real body to rise to the immortal, there will still be a dream of disaster, and the threat to me will be great?"

Ascension means adventure.

Is this risk value not worth it?

Fang Yuan lingered for a while, and finally sighed He still chose to be safe.

This kind of adventure is not worth it.

The key is that he has no grasp at all. It’s better to switch to other genres, but dreams...

Fang Yuan shook his head.

In fact, this road has great expectations.

Because once the success of Shengxian, Fangyuan can not only get the pure dream of the fairy, but also the opportunity to learn the law, let him know the results of the dream, and more will be promoted to the fairy!

However, Fang Yuan regrets that the risk of Shengxian is extremely high.

"I can't use it even in the Spring and Autumn Period."

This source of rebirth has developed very well and is not worth the risk.

Blind adventure, not brave, but stupid.

"Well, just let it go." Fang Yuan snorted.

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