Reverend Insanity

: Section 781: Extortion 9 Turns


The sound of the waves is transmitted to the ear of the source, accompanied by the sound of the seabird clearing.

In front of the East China Sea, in the warm sunshine, sparkling.

The sea breeze is refreshing and refreshing.

Fang Yuan’s heart has a slight loss: “Sure enough, the time is not yet...”

He used Cui Liuzhu to kill the move and came to the East China Sea from southern Xinjiang. The purpose was to find the blue dragon whale.

For Fang Yuan, mastering remorse is a wonderful thing.

Because he wants to refine a large number of six turns of Xian, and improve their overall strength. Repenting in hand can detract from his numerous losses and minimize the risk of refining!

In fact, he has been here many times since he was born again.

This sea area is where he went to see the blue dragon whales in the last generation.

Unfortunately, Fangyuan has not waited for the blue dragon whale.

"Maybe I should start with the temple and directly rob him of the means?"

"With that means, I can find the exact location of the blue dragon whale."

This idea flashed through Fang Yuan’s mind and he quickly assessed the risks involved.

If you want to do it, in fact, the temple itself is not difficult to deal with. Fangyuan can even use the identity of Chu and the means of wisdom to design and frame them.

The real risk is that Fangyuan does not know what this means is.

If it is the ordinary immortal killing, it will be. I am afraid that it is something strange and eccentric, and I am afraid that it will be self-defeating.

According to Fang Yuan, the possibility of the latter is not small. Because five hundred years ago, I did not hear anyone robbing this means from the temple god.

There are also eight turns in the East China Sea, and the temple is not seven turns. His method is about the true story of the land, and it is impossible to prevent the eight turns of the fairy.

However, these Zhu Xian seem to have no desire to shoot, it has already explained that the water inside is still relatively deep.

"According to the trajectory of the last world, I waited with peace of mind and could follow the temple to see God."

"But this method also has a drawback, that is, the ink effect. The last temple of the Ming Dynasty chose Chu Yu, after hesitating, will he still choose Chu in this world?"

Fang Yuan used Cui Liuzhu to kill and recruited and returned to southern Xinjiang.

At present, the southern region of the five domains is the safest. Even if South Xinjiang is right to deal with him, he has a large number of prisoners in his hands to speak the conditions, and he is the most thorough understanding of the situation in southern Xinjiang.

Fang Yuan did not rush to start with the temple god. His plan for rebirth was going very smoothly. Considering it very well, even if Fang Yuan wanted to kneel down on the temple, he would do it at this time, and he was too anxious.

Everything must be on the heat, waiting for the timing to mature, one thing to do step by step, in an orderly manner.

Sometimes life needs to be fast, sometimes it needs to be slow.

Too fast, the fire is too big, and the good things are burnt. It’s too slow, the fire is small, it’s always hot, and it’s a waste of time.

The speed of the slow and slow, Fang Yuan has already mastered very well.

Next, his main job is to be separated!

He needs to condense a dragon man.

Bai Ningbing’s method of changing the dragon man has been obtained by Fang Yuan, and he has already begun to study this law.

This method is called the Renren refining method, which means that Zhu Xian regards himself as a coffin, combines with the fire and rises the dragon fire, refines together, and finally changes the race and becomes a dragon.

The success rate of this method is less than one percent, and in the process of refining, all the traces of Zhu Xian will affect the final result.

When Fang Yuan first saw it, he was amazed by the whimsy of this law.

Later, he discovered the inadequacies of this law.

This method was created by the Longgong. The Longgong is good at the airway and the change of the road. It is not profound in the practice of the road. It relies on the touch of the two realms of the airway and the change of the road.

However, Fangyuan is the ultimate in refining, and this method can make a huge improvement in the field of refining. After the improvement, the success rate will increase a lot, and it is even possible to reach 10%.

It is also one tenth.

This probability is already the limit of square source improvement, and it can no longer be improved.

Because everyone like the dragon refining the law, it is essentially a humane killing, involving the meaning of change.

Fang Yuan’s changing realm is not comparable to Long Gong. This is especially true in the humanitarian realm.

Therefore, everyone is like a dragon's refining method is also a good material, which allows Fang Yuan to enlighten the humane little essence.

"What really hinders me is that it is a fire!"

The thundering fire is a nine-turn fairy, and the human flame in the three flames of heaven and earth is extremely rare.

Bai Xiangdong had a group in the middle of the sky, but it has been used by Bai Ningbing. Bao Huang Tianzhong is not.

Open purchase in Baohuang Tianzhong?

No, Fangyuan has a better choice!

Xia Jiada base camp.

The atmosphere in the hall was dignified and depressed.

Fang Yuan’s blackmail letter was first sent to Xia’s hands.

"Fangyuan thief, sinful and wicked, damn! The kill!" Xia Fei quickly snorted, his face full of color.

The rest of the Xia Jiaxuan is also a look of iron and blue, very ugly.

But in addition to anger and hatred, these right ways also have a dreamlike unreality.

Dignified summer home, super power, there will be such a day, was blackmailed by a magical road fairy!

The ransom of the blackmail is actually the strongest of the Xia family, the foundation of the Xia family, the power of the Xia family - Taishang elders Xia Wei! !

If before the ambush, someone told Xia Jiaxuan, Xia Jiaxuan will definitely hit a few slaps, smile at this person: Give me a clearer.

But at this time, Xia Jiaxuan immortals only have the urge to beat themselves a few slaps: How did this matter fall to the present level?

Xia Zhao, who is the elder of the Xia family, is the most stressed person. He lamented: "The channel is all you have seen, and Fang Yuan asked us to come up with a fire. How do you have any thoughts? Let’s talk about it."

Xia Jiaqun looked at each other and did not speak.

Xia Zhao had no name, look at Xia Fei fast: "You, you just didn't scream loudly? Say what you mean."

Xia Fei’s temperament is impatient, but the other party’s source is resentful, but at this moment he has been indulging for a long time, and he said: “Fangyuan’s thief can even kill the celestial celestial beings. Although it’s a seven-turn, it’s too wicked. If you really want the life of my family, I will not care about it. Maybe we can unite with other families? Fangyuan extorts us and definitely extorts other families!"

As soon as this was said, Xia Liupei immediately retorted: "We have lost too many elders, how can those outsiders rely on it? Now they can't wait for us to lose Xia Yu adults! Since Fangyuan will definitely extort other forces, but you can see what forces are connected. We are?"

"You!" Xia Fei blinked his eyes quickly, but could not say the words of rebuttal. For a long while, "Even if we want to compromise, but we are excited about the fire, we don't have it."

"My family does not mean that no one else."

"Maybe Fangyuan that the devil just wants to raise a high price first, then wait for us to negotiate?"

There is a summer family, Yan Xian said one after another.

Like the previous world, the biggest character of the Xia family was planted in the hands of Fang Yuan, and Xia Jiaxuan was only recognized and planted by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s response is very straightforward: “Don’t talk to me about other things, I’m going to make a fire! I don’t care what you guys do, let’s get over and talk about it, or Xia’s life? Ha ha.”

Fangyuan is more calm than the previous one.

In the last life, he extorted the right path of southern Xinjiang, and there were many elements of temptation.

In this world, he knows himself and knows the bottom line of every Zhu Xian, and Xia Jia is eaten to death by him.

Although this summer home and the Pakistani family have eight turns of Zhu Xian was captured, but the situation of Xia Jia is still the worst, because the Pakistani family also has a strong eight-turn alternate - Bud!

Therefore, the first object that Fang Yuan first extorted was still Xia Jia.

The Xia family did not have a thundering fire, but it was also expected by Fang Yuan. Because he has long searched the soul of Xia Yu, and did not find anything in the treasury.

If it is the seven-turn celestial being of other families, perhaps not knowing all the treasury, but Xia Wei is well-known for being a great elder.

In fact, Fang Yuan really did not know which of the southern provinces were in the right path.

It is possible that there will be a collection, but the nine-turned celestial material is pressed at the bottom of the inventory, but it is not too big elders to know.

It is also possible that there is no such fire in the entire southern Xinjiang.

Regardless of these, Fang Yuan’s headache, he is prepared to let the South Xinjiang righteous way to give him a headache.

In the plan of Fangyuan, the dragon man is also a big event.

Because of this avatar, it is about the acquisition of the Dragon Palace!

Fang Yuan’s intelligence on the Dragon Palace is actually unclear, but he at least calculated that the identity of the dragon is the key to inheriting the Dragon Palace. The last generation, Bai Ningbing became the owner of the Dragon Palace, which is the best example.

While Fangyuan extorted the right path of southern Xinjiang, he continued to practice and tried to digest the results.

Soon after, the time of the killing of the plane was improved, and the new killing power was stronger than the previous one!

This is because Fangyuan's Zhoudao Xianyu is far more than the previous one.

Not only because of the annexation of the blessed land, but also the turbulence of the year is not as heavy as the previous generation of the Southern Xinjiang group, many of the celestial celestial beings have been preserved.

Another point is that Fang Yuan has even entered some of the celestial ceremonies in the treasury of the Southern Xinjiang.

First is the Xia family, then the Ba family, then the wing family.

The winged wing of the wing family is the blood of the elders of the elders of the wing family. It is a successor to the elders who are deliberately cultivated by the great elders. It is very important.

The fourth place is the pool home.

For Chi Jia, Fang Yuan’s attitude is very amiable: “Chi Qu is from the old brother, who are the two of us! This time, I can capture the Southern Xinjiang Qunxian, and it’s thanks to you. I’m going to put it back directly to your elders. Give it to you."

The pool song is dark in color, just like the bottom of the pot!

"Don't call it so intimate!"

Chi Qu is extremely responsive to my heart.

He found himself on the thief boat of Fangyuan, and he couldn't come down!

These days, his mood is very heavy.

Because he knows that Fang Yuan is able to capture the Southern Xinjiang group, the most crucial dependence is the dream. These dreams are that he secretly trades to the source.

If you let South Xinjiang Zhengdao know this big secret, not only the pool music, but even the pool home is at stake!

The trading of dreams has become the heart of Chi Qu, and he now wants to stop this dangerous business, but is it possible?

Thinking of what I have to face is a character like Fang Yuan, Chi Qu is cold in my heart.

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