Reverend Insanity

: Section 190: 3 Battle White Ice

"Moon of the moon!" The knife pressure came, and the Founder screamed and screamed the locust. He was flooded with a moon-blue misty light that spread quickly and covered the surrounding teachers.

But even if you do this, it is difficult to hide the despair on the faces of everyone.

"Struggling is useless." In the blue eyes of Bai Ningbing, there is a cruel and indifferent light.

But it is at this time!


The ground under the feet of the people suddenly bulged, almost exploding, and the mud was splashed.

The sergeants were miserable and fell around.

In the smoke, a giant spider appeared in front of everyone.

The scent of five turns of locusts makes people feel guilty.

It seems that on the spider made of steel, a young black robe black hair stands tall.

"Finally arrived at the ground!" Fang Yuan clenched his fists, and his eyes were shining!

"Well?" Then he saw the midair and was slashing his white ice.

The huge ice blade, with a whistling sound, cut it to him.

"Fangyuan, you are finally here!" Bai Ningbing has been calm and indifferent face, after a slight glimpse, thoroughly moved, revealing excitement and war.

Fangyuan is cold and cold, and the ice blade is not yet in the body. The cold wind's knife wind will make him chilly, and the long black hair flies behind his head.

He raised his hand sharply, sawing gold!


The ice blade and the sawtooth gold smashed into a stalemate, and the golden serpent's serrations turned wildly, and a lot of ice spatters splashed.


Cracks appeared on the surface of the ice blade and quickly spread throughout the ice blade.

"Open!" Fang Yuan broke a drink, he has the power of two pigs. The power is completely covered with white condensation ice.

White condensed ice can only fly back and the ice blade breaks. The ice chips are scattered and scattered.

The tarantula began to go crazy again, slamming six legs and killing it.

Aphids have low intelligence, but are inherently sensitive and can tell which object is threatening. The scent of white condensed ice makes the tarantula of the thousand miles as a big enemy, locked in the dead.

Bai Ningbing raised his hands and shot a row of ice cones. The ice cone hit the body of a tarantula. They have shattered, and the tarantula has been violently violent, screaming and carrying Fang Yuan.

Brush it!

Three pairs of dark spiral steel feet, such as smashing arrows, straight toward the thin body of white condensed ice.

Feel the crisis, from the empty space of white ice. Suddenly flying a line of snow.

The snow is soaring, revealing the white-skinned snake, suspended in midair.

Bai Ningbing laughed and jumped up, riding on the back of Bai Xiangxian snake, overlooking Fangyuan: "Interesting! Interesting! Fangyuan. You really didn't disappoint me!!"

"Brother, brother..." Founder climbed up from the ground, and his face was cut open by a flying ice blade. There was blood on his face, looking at Fangyuan, and his expression was extremely complicated.

"The other party actually has five turns?" The white family long eyes sank. Get nervous.

"Fangyuan, you really have appeared! Five turns of the cockroach... Isn't that a mile of a tarantula?" Gu Yuebo's full attention was also drawn.

In the battlefield. Two teenagers of opposite ages are far away.

A white robe, silver-haired blue dragonfly, riding on the white-phase fairy snake, holding the ice blade. Such as the ice fairy drop the dust.

A black robe black sable, standing on the back of a wolf spider, a jagged gold cymbal in hand, noisy. Such as the devil is in the world.

The confrontation between the two people did not know how much attention they attracted.

Bai Ningbing was crazy and erected the ice blade. He shouted: "This will be a wonderful battle for my life. Come on, Fangyuan, let us fight to death!"

"Hey." Fang Yuan stared at Bai Ningbing and observed the surrounding with the light.

This is the battlefield of the tribes!

I can't think of a thousand miles of tarantula actually brought him here...

He didn't want to stalk with Bai Ningbing and spend it here. Regardless of the coldness of the blood, or the victory of the ancient moon generation, you must come to find his troubles. But how can you escape if you don't beat this white ice?

Only one battle!


The white-phased snake and the long-distance wolf spider collided together, the white snakes were entangled, the black spiders stabbed, and they entangled each other.

On the backs of the two cymbals, the two figures flickered, and the ice blade swept through the air in the air. The sawtooth gold roared, sometimes shrinking, and sometimes stretching.

The rock broke and the thunder-like explosion continued.

The ice cone is in the middle of the source, and it is blocked by the white light of the canopy. The blood blade shot white condensate ice, causing a large wound, but in a flash it was stained with a layer of frost to fill the wound. The icing turned into flesh and blood, and the white condensed ice returned to its original state.

"Sure enough, it is the North Ming ice body!" The bear family saw this scene and rounded his eyes.

The ten best bodies are the legendary talents. He did not think that this life could be witnessed.

"Hehehe, Fangyuan actually contends with Bai Ningbing, he will be defeated!" The white family smiled.

"This may not be..." The iron man on the side licked his mouth.

"Ten extermination, must be ten extinct. Such a fierce battle, if it is C and other qualifications, the real yuan has not been enough! Fang Yuan, you really is the ancient moon and yin!" Gu Yuebo secretly pinched the fist The look is very excited.

"This is the real strength of my brother? The original brother is really a ten-body, has been hidden!" Founder slightly open mouth, a face of lost souls.

The facts are in front of you, so what is his previous pride?

Every time, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing’s fierce confrontation made his heart tremble once.

He felt that he was getting smaller and smaller, and his brother Fang Yuan’s tall figure blocked him.

"What kind of battle is this! Unimaginable, it’s just two two-turners fighting."

"Is it wrong? Fang Yuan is so fierce? And Bai Ningbing alone is not going down the wind!"

Some of the surviving young sergeants are stunned.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.

The white-phase fairy snake and the mile-long tarantula are both defeated. It is not the refinement of Bai Ningbing, but it is only attracted by the breath of the North Ice.

The white-phased fairy snake spits out a cloud of white mist, covering the battlefield. Then the body trembled and shook the white condensed ice and turned and flew.

"This big fairy..." saw this scene. The white family grew up and looked at the white snake that escaped. I didn’t know what to say for a while.

This fog is a mist of fog, which can obscure the vision and accompany it. Fang Yuan was covered by white fog, and his eyes were all white.

But he is not confused, although his vision is blocked, he has four other senses - taste, hearing, smell, and touch.

Listen to the ear grass.

Fangyuan auricles must be fluttering, and I heard the sound and judged the situation of three hundred steps.

Electric eyelids!

The white condensate eyes flashed in the eyes. However, the electric eyelids are only three turns, although they can glimpse the shape, but in the cloud of the five-turned snakes, they are completely suppressed.

"Damn!" he cursed.

Ice cones!

Dozens of ice cones are sprayed indiscriminately around.

When Fang Yuan’s ear moved, he heard the sound of the ice cone breaking, and quickly turned over to the side of the tarantula.


The ice cone hit the body of a tarantula. The latter was angry and rushed in the direction of the ice cone.

"I don't want to play with you." Fang Yuan turned over and resolutely abandoned the tarantula, and relied on the ground to listen to the ear grass and detached from the battlefield.

This thousand-mile tarantula has been polluted by blood madness and will soon be turned into a pool of blood. Still abandoned is wonderful.

That white condensed ice is now a time bomb. If he kills him, he will make himself blew himself up.

An invisible warrior, I saw a cloud, suddenly split a small piece. Flying to the southeast of the battlefield gap.

This group of clouds is the source of Fang.

The fog is like a shadow. Unless it is dispelled, it will always cover the horizon of Fangyuan, and continue to dissipate itself.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are still white, but he has the ear to listen to the ear grass.

The autumn wind blows the leaves, the mountains and rivers flow, the birds scream, and the beasts breathe. They are all sounds. Only the mountains and rocks are silent, so they bump into each other.

"Ice Blade Storm!" suddenly came the sound of white condensed ice.


The wind swelled, the cold air overflowed, the air temperature dropped sharply, and the white ice storm instantly formed, which was twice as large as the original.

The tarantula was thousands of miles away.

"In the fog, it should be Fang Yuan! Stop him!!" On the side, Tie Ruoman shouted.

"Fangyuan, you don't want to go, Gu Yue Shanzhai is your home!" Gu Yue Bo anxious, got up and chased, but was blocked by the other two patriarchs.

"How? The ancient moon patriarch, do you want to destroy the agreement and personally go down this battlefield?" The bear family sneered.

"Oh, this is even if our ancient family has conceded defeat. Who dares to block me again, I will kill the hand!" Gu Yuebo looked at Fang Yuan and went further and further, anxiously.

"Are you scaring me? I am not afraid of you, Gu Yuebo." The white family chief looked gloomy and took a color to the teacher around him.

That sorcerer would like to know, immediately began to deploy the people around him, in an attempt to chase Fangyuan.

"Can't let it go, I will come when I go." Tie Ruo man took advantage of this opportunity, and suddenly turned around, she grew a pair of dark iron wings behind her, flew in the air and chased Fang Yuan.

But just here, suddenly, a green shadow was shot.

Five turns - hills and giants!

This shape is like a bronze mask, in the form of quaint, leaving three holes in the eyes and mouth. The bronze mask is blood-stained, regardless of the horror of the iron man, and the face of the girl is covered.

"Father!" Seeing the blood, Tie Ruo male exclaimed with a subconscious.

Just then a huge iron hand also flew over, grabbed the iron if the man, and then stopped, and flew to the distance.

This sudden change made everyone look at them.

"It seems that the iron and blood is cold and fierce. Oh, I haven't seen it for nearly a thousand years. Brother, you really brought some surprises to the younger brother." In the sky above a hundred feet, an old man overlooks all this. Indifference.

He has white hair and his brows are white. He is sitting on a giant crane at the moment, spreading his right palm and placing a **** insect.

This crystal clear, like a red agate. It is like a sly, and it is faintly glowing at this moment, pointing to the direction of the ancient moon cottage.

"Brother, if you hide here, you will find it. When you took my chance, this time I will give it back to you ten times!"

The old man with white eyebrows gnashed his teeth and said that here, his face showed a deep and hateful color.


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