Reverend Insanity

: Section 191: Crane disaster

The blue sky is high and the clouds are blossoming. M

The old man of the sergeant rides on the white crane, and under the white eyebrow of the blade, the double scorpion transmits a deep murder.

"Oh, this hatred, from your descendants, start counting." He smiled, looking down on the battlefield below, sticking out the skinny fingers, and gently pointing down.

The white crane under the seat suddenly raised his long and elegant neck and made a loud and long tweet.

The sound spreads in the vast sky, and the rest of the sounds are heard.

"What is this sound?" Fang Yuan is urging to listen to the ear grass, and at the moment he first heard it, and suddenly he was shocked.

The sound of the cranes is endless, and the momentum is magnificent. This is not a hundred or two cranes, nor two or three thousand flying cranes, and at least 10,000 flying cranes can form such an effect.

“Is there any crane group moving?” Inexplicably, Fang Yuan felt extremely bad.

The cranes also attracted the attention of the teachers in the field, and they looked up.

"What is that in the sky?"

"Listen to the sound, there should be a large group of flying birds in the migration. Admonish all the teachers, do not make random shots, and cause trouble!" The white family chief is talking, suddenly the sound is stagnant.

His eyes slowly grew, and he saw one, two, three... thousands of flying cranes in the sky, densely swaying, and swooping to the ground.

"How could this be?"

"Hurry and guard, defense!"

"Come on, there are tens of thousands of flying cranes. There must be a beastmaster."

"Where the wolf has just gone, is there a crane disaster? God. I am very troubled by Qingmaoshan..."

The sorcerers were in a state of utter disappointment, and all of them were shaking in their hearts and fighting.

It was hard to resist the wolf tide in the past, but now there is a crane disaster. The three great families of Qingmao Mountain have suffered heavy casualties. Where can they cope with such a huge crane group?

The flying crane shrinks its wings, like a rainy day, and it shoots down.

Explosive. The screams and screams broke out, and the various colors shone, and the moon blades, water bombs, iron thorns, etc. reflected the sky.

After a short and fierce resistance, the sergeants were mostly injured and injured.

This flying crane has a long scorpion like an iron cone. Each time the wings slap, there is a force of wild boar collision, and the claws are sharp and can crack the stone. Ordinary flying cranes are hard to get around. What's more, among the cranes, there are a large number of flying cranes of the king-level beasts, and there are also a few flying cranes of the king beasts.

The family resists the wolf tide and has rich experience accumulated in history. The key is that a hard cottage can rely on defense. But here, the mountains are empty. Where is there any defense building?

Almost the first wave of attacks, the division was reduced by half.

The long crane smashed the heart, the crane claws scratched the head, and the crane wings patted, and the people vomited blood. Far out of the air, the bones are broken.

Fang Yuan was also attacked. His eyes are all white, and he only listens to the attack by listening to the ear grass.

"Fangyuan, support!" At this time, behind him came the cry of Gu Yuebo.

Fang Yuan felt very confused.

What happened to this ancient moon blog? When I just yelled at myself, the tone was not right, and there was actually a kind of maintenance. Now I have specially rushed over and supported myself.

Although Fang Yuan is a veteran, he can't do anything like God. In such a rush, where can I think of the iron if the men will recognize themselves as ten bodies.

Gu Yue Bo Nai four strong, the siege of Fangyuan's flying crane is a common raptor, easily killed or dispelled by Gu Yuebo.

"Fangyuan, is that you?" Gu Yuebo came to the fog.

Fang Yuan’s thoughts in his mind: Nowadays, the situation is extremely dangerous. Relying on the side of Gu Yuebo can greatly increase the chance of survival. I immediately replied: "It is me."

Gu Yuebo heard the sound of Fang Yuan, and suddenly a huge stone fell: "Good! Fang Yuan, we will not mention the things we used to do. No matter what, the family will protect you. We go back to the cottage, I protect You retreat!"

He did not know that the source of the cottage is the Longtan Tiger Cave.

However, compared with the cottage, the cranes are close at hand and die without escaping. The latter is still a little farther away, not to the extent of burning eyebrows.

Fang Yuan sighed and did not hesitate: "The patriarch please lead the way, I try to keep up!"

But at this time, a giant crane descended from the sky, and the white-browed old man sat on the back of the crane, and his voice was cold: "No one can escape, and the old man will die here."

Fang Yuan couldn't see it, but he heard the ancient moon bo around and exclaimed: "Five turns to the teacher!"

Obviously, the ancient moon chief has reconnaissance means to judge the cultivation of strangers.

Fang Yuan could not help but feel a shock: How did a five-turn strongman appear? The little Qingmao Mountain is not a famous mountain and a big river. How do the five strong players one after another appear one after another?

“Is it true that it is related to the ancient moon generation?” Fang Yuan’s mind flashed a ray of light.

His heart was moving!

If it is an ordinary crane disaster, he has no chance. Wild birds are difficult to use. Although he has cultivated himself as a peak of three turns, but compared with five turns, it is limited and difficult to break.

But now there is a five-turner who brings him an infinite crisis and brings a hope of breaking.

Nowadays, in this game of Qingmao Mountain, the three five-way division is the key to the key, and everyone else is the foil.

Only five transfer divisions can deal with the five-turn division.

In an instant, Fang Yuan’s heart was resolved.

It's time, you have to bet on this!

"The patriarch, the ancestors of a generation have already recovered in the underground. We are safe when we return to the cottage!" Fang Yuan said.

"What?" The scream of Gu Yuebo came from the ear.

His shock has made Fang Yuan's heart a certain one.

"This kind of thing, how can I say it indiscriminately. Only when I go to the cottage, can I save my life." Fang Yuan continued.

Gu Yuebo is also a person with a decision. He immediately squats in Fangyuan and flies away in the direction of the cottage.

But the flying crane constantly flies and blocks on the road. The king of beasts, the king of the beasts. Suddenly emerged.

Gu Yuebo fought **** battles and defended Fangyuan. Gradually struggling, caught in the heavy encirclement of the flying crane. Fang Yuan was protected by Gu Yuebo, and it was safe for the time being.

When the time is up, the fog will dissipate on its own.

Fang Yuan glanced at the battlefield and saw the corpse in the battlefield. It was extremely fierce. The sorcerer sacrificed a huge amount, but the crane group also suffered a lot, except for the broken arm of the human body. It is a black and white crane corpse.

"Isn't this a shovel flying crane?" Fang Yuan was surprised.

Others can't recognize it because the flying crane is not a native bird in southern Xinjiang. But he knows that this iron-flying crane is from Zhongzhou.

"Well? Wan Beast King, five turns strong!" Immediately, Fang Yuan saw the midair, the giant crane slowly floating wings, floating. On its back. Sitting on a cold-blooded old man with white-browed hair.

Fang Yuan will take his eyes back and look at Gu Yuebo.

The ancient moon patriarch, who has been wounded, is covered in blood and fights hard. Many times it is clear that you can dodge, but for the safety of Fangyuan. I would rather be hurt by myself.

"The patriarch! The situation is not so good now. The sergeants fight each other and are cut into small pieces by flying cranes. Sooner or later they will be annexed. We can only gather their strength and twist them into one. Only then can we rush out and return to the cottage! "Fangyuan is on the ancient moon.

"You are justified." Gu Yue Bo Guangguang swept the battlefield. Then he shouted loudly, "You, the enemy, the current, I have the means of making enemies in the ancient moon cottage. Quickly come to join me and rush out together!"

The sound echoed in the battlefield, and suddenly attracted countless eyes.

"What? Gu Yuejia also has a uniform for the five-turner's card?"

"Ning is credible and it is not credible!"

"Brothers, rush out and meet the ancient moon patriarch!!"

The sergeants were already desperate, but at this time they saw a glimmer of hope from the words of Gu Yuebo.

Under the threat of death, these once hostile sergeants joined forces and soon merged into one place.

"The ancient moon home...hehe. It’s all the brothers and sisters of your brothers." On the giant crane, the old man with white eyebrows sneered, and was about to command the crane group to intercept, but after thinking about it, he stopped the plan.

"It may be better to let these people escape, and it is more convenient to use them. These are his descendants. When they are fighting, they can also let him vote for some. But these three four-turn teachers have the ability to interfere with the situation. Can't keep it, kill it first!"

Thinking of this, the white-browed old man screamed and screamed, and three white apertures flew out.

"What is this?" The bear family chief first recruited, was covered by this white aperture, the whole man's speed plummeted, comparable to the snail crawling.

The same is true of the remaining two patriarchs.

"Fangyuan, you are going. The ancient Yue people listened to their lives and swear to protect the safety of Fangyuan. Only he knows that means!" Gu Yuebo tried several kinds of means, and he could not solve this aperture. He had to scream and reflexively face the white eyebrows. Old man.

Fang Yuan looked back and took a deep look at the ancient patriarch of the ancient moon.

"Fangyuan is old, we are here to protect you!" Immediately there will be a large number of ancient Yue people, gathered to Fangyuan's side, and he will be firmly guarded.

The light waves of the treatment, as well as the whirlwinds that increase the speed, are all on the side of the source.

Behind them came a roaring sound. Under the mysterious and cruel fate, the three patriarchs who originally looked at each other were not pleasing to the eye. At this moment, they were closely united and launched a life-and-death battle with the mysterious old man.

There is no suspense in the outcome of this battle.

The three patriarchs died in battle, and the old-fashioned old man squatted on his sleeves and sat firmly on the giant crane. The army of flying cranes covered the sky and slowly pressed down to the ancient moon cottage.

There was a chaos in the ancient moon cottage, and there was a cry of screaming.

A large number of bamboo buildings collapsed, and rows of dead bodies between the ruins were covered with white cloth. The wounded wounded and lie down on the ground. Healing the sweat of the sergeant.

The main house collapsed, and the square was filled with blood. This vision made the people panic.

The iron-blood cold and the fierce battle of the ancient moon caused the mountain turmoil, and naturally it spread to the cottage directly above the ground.

The ancient moon medicine Ji, who stayed in the cottage, did not wait for Gu Yuebo, but waited for the three tribes.

"What is going on here?" She whispered and asked Fangyuan did not speak, because the flying cranes coming from behind the air were already the best explanation.



"Does the ancient moon family annihilate today?"

For a time, the ancient moon cottage was in chaos.

"Senior brother, my younger brother, I am in a hurry, I will come to see you. Why don't you come out to meet?" The old man with white eyebrows is on the back of his crane, and his tone is full of chilling murder.

His remnant was not over. On the square of the cottage, the blood was suddenly spewed to a height of ten meters, and the red coffin of Zhu Hong emerged vertically.

The ancient moon generation, who became a blood ghost corpse, stood in the middle of the scorpion, and his **** eyes stared at the old man.

"You didn't even die... How did you find it here? Sure enough, just the teacher, you are guided by you!" asked the ancient moon hate.

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