Reverend Insanity

: Section 937: Responsibility and sacrifice

After the Zongmen Mountain, the mountains are green and the birds are singing.

"Little, what are you lying on the ground?" A gentle female voice came to the ear.

"It’s a sister." Yuan Qiong, who was a teenager, opened his eyes and saw a young girl staring over him with a pair of watery eyes, with a smile in his eyes.

The girl's gaze shifted to the hands of Xiaodu, and she exclaimed: "Wow, small, you have made a three-turn. You are really amazing."

"But I am not happy at all. You know, I don't like the practice of refining the road." Yuan Qiong muttered and climbed up.

"Don't be so languid, you are a talented person, but you can't envy it." The girl sister patted his shoulder and comforted.

However, Yuan Qiong is still in a weak state, shrugging his shoulders.

"Haha, this way, I will share one of my secrets with you. A few days ago, I found a clue in the father's study that was hidden in the back of the Zongmen. Don't want the instrument to search for it?" The teacher and sister turned around and said to Yuan Qiong.

Unsurprisingly, Yuan Qiong, the young man of heart, couldn't stand the loneliness. He suddenly heard his eyes brightened: "Is there such a fun thing? Wonderful, Zongmen Houshan really has the inheritance left by the older generations. The inheritance is extremely rare, but the inheritance of the Master is a lot. Tell me the clue, the sister."

"Well, there is only one poem in the clue. I have been pondering these days. I will read it to you." The sister is not hiding, it is just a sect. The father of the sister is also the master of Yuan Qiongdu, but the immortality exists.

Yuan Qiong listened to it again, and did not think much, he slaps a hand: "I know, this clue is solved like this, take the first and last words together, then take the second and the penultimate word and then match it. So, it is a position."

The teacher and sister pondered a bit, and said: "It turned out to be there! Small, really smart, I guessed it all at once."

"Then let's go find it." Yuan Qiong is the first to take the lead.

"Wait for me." The sister squatted and quickly chased.

"Do not worry about the sister, this inheritance I will leave you, I will not grab you, haha." Yuan Qiong's figure is quickly fell into the depths of the forest.

In the end, the two found a heritage from a cave.

"This is a sacred inheritance." Yuan Qiongdu and his sister and sister carefully examined, "Italian fire? It is the flame of burning with the will as a fuel. This means is really ingenious and amazing. Create such a How did the martial artist think of it? It’s really interesting. Hey, how is this payment, Master?”

Yuan Qiong is very shocked.

The sister-in-law also felt quite surprised and uncertainly said: "It may be the same name with the same name."

Yuan Qiong is pondering, his eyes are covered with a touch of light: "I am afraid not! Sister, I remember you said at the beginning, this clue is from Master's study."

"Yeah, I sorted out the sly book, you know that I love to collect these antiquities. Then I found out by accident that I dropped a bamboo stick from an old book, which is a clue." The sister recalled.

"This inheritance was indeed arranged when I was young." At this time, Yuan Qiongdu’s master slowly walked into the cave and appeared in front of Yuan Qiongdu.

Together with him, there is also the teacher of Yuan Qiongdu, who is short and fat, round face, and amiable.

Yuan Qiongdu and Shijie immediately salute, and they sang together: "See Master (Father), Shi Bo."

Yuan Qiong is grinning: "Master, are you deliberately relaxing?"

"Of course not." His master shook his head and looked at the inheritance of Yuan Qiong's hands. His eyes contained a trace of memory and sigh.

"Hahaha, you are a ghost." The fat teacher on the side pointed to Yuan Qiongdu. "My master and I have just returned from Ling Yingfeng. I found the traces of both of you when I talked. I can testify this inheritance." It is indeed what your Master left when he was young. He was really fond of Yan Dao, who had been working hard for five years, and he bought a Yan Dao three."

"But Master is clearly a waterway." Yuan Qiong was so wide-eyed that he didn't expect Master to like Yan Dao when he was young.

"There is no way." Fat Shibo sighed. "The waterway inheritance of the division needs the heir. How can personal preferences compare with the teacher's plan? It must be known that every inheritance of the immortality needs to be inherited from generation to generation. People are constantly improving on the basis of their predecessors, so that each inheritance can not be separated from the development of the times and not eliminated by the times. This is the responsibility that I have shouldered. This inheritance is when your master is ignoring the road. I personally set it. I was at the scene and saw that he was crying."

"Cough." Yuan Qiongdu’s master interrupted. "Since the two of you have discovered this inheritance, give it to you. Let's go first."

The two elders left, and only Yuan Qiongdu and the girl sister were left in the cave.

"Teacher, I am practicing the wooden road. I don't need this, I will give it to you." The sister also said goodbye to Yuan Qiongdu.

Yuan Qiong looked at the inheritance in his hand, and his heart was swaying with a slight wave of whispers, and his mouth whispered: "Master..."

Open your eyes again.

Yuan Qiong found that he was still in the prison tower.

"Damn! I was disturbed in the process of refining, so I suffered a reflex, and I passed out in the first place!" Yuan Qiong recalled, and could not help but jump.

Refining sputum is the most taboo, and it doesn't matter how heavy your injury is now. What is important is that you can't have anything to do with fate. You can't be implicated. This is related to the millions of years of the heavens!

Yuan Qiong is almost desperate.

He himself has been fainted as the only celestial celestial. Then, as a target of refining, can you have nothing to do with fate?

Although fate is not destroyed, it is highly probable that the results of previous repairs will be lost, and it may even be hit back to the original damage.

Now, Yuan Qiong can only hope that the situation of fatefulness is better, and that he and Tian Ting’s efforts in countless years cannot be turned into nothing.

But when Yuan Qiong raised his eyes and saw the fate, he himself stopped.


A group of flames replaced him, and he was refining for him. His fate was quietly located in the heart of the flames, only half a step away from the repair.

After the shock, Yuan Qiong’s heart instantly warmed up.

This is an Italian fire!

The flame that used the will as fuel, when he was a teenager, was obtained from Master's inheritance. Later, although he practiced the refining of the road, he did not forget the inflammatory road. He continued to improve the smoldering fire, carry forward the glory, and transcend the mundane and reach the stage of fairy tales.

"Italian fire has already become the most familiar and best way to refine my temper. In the faint moment, I am afraid that I subconsciously spurred the fire!" Yuan Qiong secretly guessed.

This is not the first time this happens. In fact, in his life's years, many times in the experience of refining, many times through the fire to save the field. Every time he is about to support himself, he will spur the fire to temporarily replace himself and stabilize the situation.

After countless times, the use of smoldering at a critical moment has become him, a subconscious habit of deepening the bone marrow.

Yuan Qiong spit out a sigh of gas.

He quietly watched the burning of the fire, and he could not help but think: "It is not a habit, more accurately, it is a responsibility."

He couldn't help but think of his master, so he smiled: "Responsibility... Master, it seems that I have not let you down."

Yuan Qiong knows his own situation. He is too heavy at this time and can no longer continue to refine. But hope is placed in front of his eyes, he will use the last life and will to fuel this group of fire.

"Burn it, burn it." Yuan Qiong muttered to himself, and he used his life to light up the fire!

The fire burns quietly, and the flame is bright and very stable.

In the heart of the flames, the destiny finally came out of the last half, completely repaired!

Yuan Qiong has no interest.

Just like his master, just like his sister, like the ancestors of countless heavenly courts, they put their own light and heat into the greatness of heaven, and they use their own lives to build a foundation for heaven!

My hatred ~ ~ the hero of the.

The foundation of Tianting, the vast Zhongzhou, is indeed an inch of blood.

The Italian fire eventually dissipated.

"Oh, huh." The top of the silent tower of the tower, sounded from the sorrow and weakness of the laughter, "Yuan Qiong is a fairy friend has done it, now it is our turn."

"But you and my state, it is very difficult to communicate with each other, let alone climb up to promote the tower." The tail of the car, the tone is low.

Strictly but rumored, it seems very happy: "There is still a way. The only remaining fairy in my body can also motivate my signboards. You said that it is a coincidence?"

The rear of the car and the stricter are the best friends. The tail immediately understood the strict words: "Don't do this, you took the injury on me and you will die immediately."

"What fear is there? In the current situation, you are fighting in the same way, and the front line is in danger. I am afraid that no one can come in. The tail brother, you and I have been together for many years, your talent is much stronger than mine. And your way. I haven’t finished it. I’m really looking forward to the genre you’re about to start... but unfortunately I can’t see it.”

Slightly faintly speaking, the body began to scatter a light blue brilliance, and the radiance covered the body of the car.

The flesh of the two celestial beings are ruined, like the garbage of two bones and flesh and blood. But with the effect of blue light, the flesh of the rear of the car began to recover, but it became more serious.

"My friend..." The eyes closed at the rear of the car, slowly opened, silently flowing two lines of tears.

The strictness on the side has no life, and the injury at the rear of the car is still very heavy, but he tried his best, but he was able to climb to the fate of the fate.

"Zoom it, spurt it... I beg you." The front of the car was black, and he instilled all the celestial elements, and then only silently prayed.

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