Reverend Insanity

: Section 938: Fangyuan falls

It seems to be a long time, as if it was a moment.

The magnificent Supervisor Tower began to slowly emit a white radiance, and then the radiance gradually became brighter and began to shine.

After a few breaths, the light rushes, like the king of the world, shining through the battlefield!

The chaotic battlefield that had been tragically killed was suddenly stagnant.

Almost all the immortals raised their heads and looked at the tower.

The three-field 蛊仙无 is pale and pale. Many of the fairy in the heavens shed tears at this moment.

"The nine-turn fate repair has been successful!"

"Yuan Qiong did not disappoint us! He did it! It was really great."

“The prison tower is back to the peak and perfect, we won!”

The heavenly celestial celestial screams and grows, and the morale suddenly rises to the top.

"Withdrawal, quick withdrawal!" Whether it is Wu Yong, or Yao Huang, or Shen Congsheng and others are yelling at the same time, there is no fighting spirit.

Bingsaichuan still manipulated the robbery altar, and his expression was extremely unwilling. His other source said: "Do something faster!"

The Taikoo Sword Dragon, whose Fang Yuan changed, also began to retreat quickly.

Longgong abandoned the source and quickly entered the prison tower with the Longmen.

"Fate fate, fatefulness..." When he saw the complete destiny, he finally could not restrain his inner excitement, shed tears of excitement, and relieved.

In the beginning, his apprentice, Honglian, was damaged. In order to recover this mistake, Longgong resolutely shouldered the burden of repairing the fate.

"Hong Ting, you made a big mistake, the teacher finally made up for you. For the teacher to live up to the heavens, not to the human race!" Long Gong took a few breaths, gradually calmed down, his eyes flickered, looking at the tower outer.

"Now, it is the time to give the first prize!" Longgong drunk, and immediately urging the most powerful means of attacking the tower.

Immortal killing tricks - defeat!

Light, the light that fills the heavens and the earth, is everywhere, shining the universe and burning people's hearts.

Only a moment, the seven-turn fairy houses in the scene collapsed, and the celestial beings survived.

Even the robbery altar and the Dragon Palace were terrible, and Bingsaichuan, Wu Shuai, and Zhanbudu immediately proceeded to repair it.

The eight-strong powerhouse in the history of the North Plains, which survived the battle, was even recruited, and its shape slowly dissipated.

For the innumerable years of the beasts of the heavenly courts and the swordsmen of the Fangyuan Shifang, they were immediately slaughtered for more than half, and the blood flowed for a while.

The double-entry of the Maori ball was forcibly defeated, and the Emperor Tibetans were also suppressed and fell to the ground. It was difficult to climb for a time!

Only the Taiyuan Jianlong, which Fang Yuan has changed, is safe and sound.

He is a complete demon of the heavens, not subject to the killing and killing, natural immunity!

"There is only you, Fang Yuan!" Long Gong stared at the Taikoo Sword Dragon, showing a strong murder and hatred.

It is the magic of the heavens in front of him. He destroyed the fairy tomb and cut off the largest part of the accumulation of heaven for more than three million years!

There is nothing wrong with sin, and he must not die!


The dragon public flew out of the prison tower, cut through the sky and rushed to Fangyuan.

"Block him, take a break from the source!" Long Gong shouted, the voice stirred the world, shaking the universe.

The song of destiny played in a timely manner, and the speed of Fang Yuan’s retreat plummeted.

Immortal killing tricks - air cut!

The dragon is approaching, and the palm of the hand is showing, there are countless sharp airflows, forming a road to the sharp air blade, covering the Fangyuan with the storm.

Fangyuan actively canceled the countercurrent body protection print, broke through the air blade and sprinkled the blood in the air.

The Wannian Fighting Car quickly flew and successfully merged with Fangyuan.

Fangyuan stepped on the bow and once again turned into a Taikoo monkey, turned back to the arm, the fairy road kills the trick - summer fan!

The hurricane flew and the airflow was washed and smashed.

Fang Yuan went to the next step, and the 10,000-year-old slammed the smashing glare, showing the sacred killings of the ceremonies.


Under the Wannian Fighting Car, the shadows of the sky are constantly tumbling, and the massive beasts are summoned again, participating in the battlefield of heaven, spreading over and spreading everywhere.

At this time, Feng Jiu Ge also rushed to the front of the dragon.

Immortal killing tricks - bowing songs.

Immortal killing tricks - a song!

The power of the bow song condenses the adult shape, and it traverses in the herd of thousands of years. Wherever the beasts go, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses, they have betrayed Fangyuan and changed their strings to rely on Fengjiu for the use of Fengjiu.

"Good job!" Seeing this scene, Long Gong is also surprised.

Feng Jiu Ge has always been the main song of destiny, maintaining the battlefield, unable to free up his hands to use other means, now has a kung fu, immediately showing a rich means.

Long Gong once again approached the 10,000-year fighting speed, dragon claw hit, 撼世龙锤 and other killings alternately used, playing the broken swords group collapsed, the 10,000-year-old plane cracks spread, a large number of locusts died instantly.

Fang Yuan was beaten to retreat, and he tried to repair the Wannian Fighting Car while reluctantly resisting the combination of Longgong and Fengjiu.

"I should wait for the counterattack!" Prince Fengxian first set off a wave of counterattacks.

A sharp phoenix sound, his whole person has turned into a flaming phoenix, flying wings, flying over the place to make a fire, the raging flames form a sea of ​​fire.

White water at the other end of the line of defense almost simultaneously shot, hehe, the white water waves, the waves, the waves, and the waves.

The light of the gods is like a meteor, four electric shots, and a hole in the battlefield.

Zhou Xiongxin was accompanied by a channel tiger, and the boy and the wild scorpion joined forces to attack. Zhao Shanhe and Yuzhuzi once again displayed their killings to sit on the mountain and deal with the enemy Xianyu House.

Because before the Longgong Shenwei, the three domain 蛊仙 are trying to shrink into the fairy house.

The heavenly courts set off the arrogance of counterattacks, the robbery altar, the Dragon Palace, the Yuqing Dianfeng Xiaozhulou, etc. are also difficult to block the trend, and the war retreats.

The Tianting side, with the supervision of the Tianta and the scorpion list as the core, constantly advances and squeezes the dodge space of the three domains.

Qin Dingling also flew out from the list of scorpions, and used various means of transportation to maximize the offensive of the party. After all, 蛊仙 shrinks in the fairy house, usually can not be casual, can only use the means in the fairy house.

The three domains of the celestial continually retreat, before they suffered a defeat and kill, the state is very low. The vast majority of Zhu Xian had to repair the Xianyu House with all his strength, and he could only be beaten passively.

Under the circumstance, Maoliqiu, Wuyong and others had to venture out of the fairy house and fight with the main force of the heavenly court to fight for the precious time of repairing the fairy house in the rear.

"Support! If you can't hold it at the moment, it's a luxury to evacuate the heavens."

"Be careful with the tower, especially to guard against the killing!"

"How is the battle of Fangyuan? The only one who can fight the defeat is him."

As always, the cents once again pin their hopes on Fang Yuan.

Although many immortals and Fangyuan have hatred, the current situation forces them to rely on Fangyuan.

But what disappoints the group is that Fang Yuan seems to be quite unhealthy.

He was attacked by Feng Jiu Ge and Long Gong, and he barely relied on the left and right wings of the Wannian Fighter.

The fate of killing by the fate of the fate is not effective for Fang Yuan. However, Feng Jiu Ge’s fate song is only eight turns, but the level is higher, which not only contains life, but also includes transportation.

For the source, it is naturally effective. Prior to this, Fang Yuan used the means of transportation to help himself practice.

The source of Destiny's songs was effective, which made him fall a lot, almost offsetting the increase in the number of heroes.

On the other hand, although Longgong was not squandered by the heroes of his own, but his own dragons and the three gas return, as well as the fate of the three superimposed, his entire combat power soared to an incomparable degree of shock.

Relying on the dragon princess attack, Feng Jiu Ge assisted the cooperation, Fang Yuan once retired, difficult to attack.

"The heavens will not be defeated!" Long Gong fists whistling, blasting the air, squatting on the 10,000-year-old speeding car.

The Wannian Fighting Car is like a small seesaw in the storm. It was thrown away by the shackles and slammed into the ground.

"Fangyuan, then pick up the old man's trick." Longgong meteor dive down, there is a direct collision with the posture.

Fang Yuan looked up at the sky, and snorted, and the golden mans flashed on the 10,000-year-old speeding car. The ancient battlefields of the twelve zodiac were separated and instantly turned into graystone giants.

The giant waved his palms and set foot on the ground in the heavens to meet the dragon.


In the sound of the explosion, the dragon and the giant slammed together, killing and smashing, forming a violent explosion.

The horror of light and heat, as if the giant ball is bulging, and then blasted.

The hurricane-like waves were swept around, and Fang Yuan and the Wannian Fighter, which was almost to fall apart, flew away.


Suddenly the wind rang, and the huge figure like the dragon **** suddenly appeared behind kills the trick - the dragon hammer!

Fang Yuan’s pupils are shrinking, and it’s too late to turn back, directly urging the countercurrent body print.


The countercurrent body print finally reached its limit and completely collapsed.

Fang Yuan suffered a fierce blow from Long Gong. Although he changed into a monkey in the Taikoo, the entire back was almost pierced.

Huge force slammed Fangyuan out and slammed it on the ground, plowing a long **** road and smashing three fairy houses on the ground. This stopped.

The dragon sighed and the body was crumbling. Counter-current body protection printed against the counter-offensive, he hit the boxing power of Fang Yuan, he also received a single receipt, even more serious than Fangyuan. After all, Fang Yuan has been cut by the counter-current body protection, and the strong body of the monkey itself.

Longgong snorted and couldn't do it for a while, stepping up healing.

On the edge of the battlefield, Xianku has been looted by the three masters of the ghost, but he has not found the door to life and death.

"Strange, life and death are clearly placed here." Ziwei fairy frowned.

"It seems that Long Gong also did a lot of things with you." The gate of life and death is the secret of heaven and earth. It hides countless souls. It is of great significance to the ghosts and deities, but unfortunately it cannot be found at the moment.

"On the Lord, Fang Yuan can't support it. Are we going to help him, let the war deadlock, and fight for us?" Zheng Yuan old man swears.

The demon sorrow looked at the battlefield. When he saw Fangyuan’s position at the moment, he suddenly smiled: “Don’t worry, there is still a sage who has not shot.”

Before embroidering the building, Fangyuan fell in a pool of blood.

The bloodstains of the three wild sages were sewn in the air and blown by the storm on the battlefield. The three bloodskins were loosened, like a flag fluttering, hunting in the wind.

In an instant, Fang Yuan smelled a strong **** suffocation!

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