Reverend Insanity

: Section 11: Planning

The earth and stone splashed and the smoke rose.

White condensed ice was blown to the ground, and a squid hit it up and stood up again.

She has the protection of the heavenly scorpion, unscathed, but the scorpion in the open space has been oscillated, and the white light of the body has also faded by three points.

"What is a ghost?" Bai Ningbing cursed and stared.

But seeing the original place of the explosion, it has turned into a small deep pit with a diameter of two or three meters.

Inside the cave, the magician female sorcerer laughed happily: "Well! You can't kill you this time, little girl skin, do you have a kind of rush?"

"Hey." Bai Ningbing snorted, although her heart was angry, but she was not an impulsive person.

The explosion just after it was protected by the canopy, but if you take it a few more times, I am afraid that the canopy will be destroyed.

"What kind of means was it just? From the ground, there was an explosive attack. If I got out of the ground, could I avoid that kind of attack?" Bai Ningbing thought, she was not stupid, although she was ignorant in other aspects. But the battle is sharp and intelligent.

"I didn't fly locusts. I always touched the ground when I jumped. No, I don't have to storm. This guy just has to think about rushing me over, huh, huh."

Thinking of this, Bai Ningbingyin laughed and said: "Don't you think that you are hiding in the hole, is it safe? I just keep the hole, I don't want you to come out."

"Ha ha ha, then you will keep it. I have already prepared a lot of food, the outside door is heavy and heavy, see who is energy-consuming!" The magician female sergeant immediately retorted.

Bai Ningbing sneered at it, the more delayed the time, the better for her. Because this magical Taoist priest is poisoned by green cockroaches, the longer she is, the weaker she is.

But at this time, Fang Yuan has a fist to the magician female teacher: "The mountain encounter, we are purely passing. Oh, it is difficult for us to be embarrassed, but we will never see each other again. I will leave!" ”

Said, he turned and left.

"What are you going to? She is just a three-turner. As long as I can figure out the means of the explosion, we won!" Bai Ningbing raised his brow.

Fang Yuan snorted: "You are also three turns, I only turn. We still have to hurry, don't get so troubled. Not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it."

Bai Ningbing stunned and immediately realized that Fang Yuan was performing. Although I don't know what Fangyuan has played, but with his understanding of him, Bai Ningbing chose to cooperate with Fangyuan and deliberately angered: "You guy, always so timid. Oh, forget it, you will spare your life. Let's go."

She looked deeply at the demon girl and did not hide her murder. Later, she followed Fang Yuan into the forest and walked out of the vision of the demon girl.

After pulling a sufficient distance, Bai Ningbing first broke the silence: "The way she exploded was not enough. She just played against me and never used it. Until she retreated into the cave, I stepped on the spot and it exploded. I guess she should be a pre-buried locust, but it can't move. We can seduce a group of beasts and use the beasts to hit the cave and test her means."

Some words made Bai Ningbing's fighting talents unmistakable.

However, Fang Yuan smiled and asked a question: "And then?"

White condensed ice.

Fang Yuan picked up his eyes and his eyes sparkled with exquisiteness: "According to what you said, a group of wild beasts have been tried to test out her means. What about it? To force her into desperation, she knows that she has no chance to survive, and she will inevitably Fighting to death, we must pull back when we die. If we save our lives, we will lose something."

"And, even if she finally defeated her, she must have smashed the locusts in her hands with the idea of ​​"we can't get anything. The sorcerer needs to destroy one's own locusts, only one thought." We have no targeted means to kill her, can't get her locusts, what good is it?"

White condensate brows slightly wrinkled.

Previously, they were prepared to guard against this martyr, and they were afraid of her sneak attack to protect themselves. But when the two of them discovered the truth of this magician, their intentions naturally changed.

Kill this weak magical sorcerer, get the locusts on her body, and grow up!

Wild aphids, a wide variety, but the order is appropriate, and easy to feed too little. The locusts on the sergeant must be carefully selected by their masters and will definitely take into account all aspects of the parties. If it can be obtained, it will be more reliable than catching wild locusts.

But very few people can kill the locusts after killing the enemy.

In addition to the loss during the battle, the sorcerer's thoughts can make the locusts self-destruct. Many defeated people, as long as they have sufficient reaction time, will not leave their own locusts to the enemy who killed themselves.

It is not difficult to kill this magician, but it is not easy to try to win the mites on her body.

"Is there a strong take on you?" Bai Ningbing suddenly said.

"A strong take-up, can play a role is too small. To deal with the beast is okay, to deal with the sergeant, want to succeed, need harsh conditions." Fang Yuan shakes his head.

Bai Ningbing suddenly thought of something, worried about the authentic: "We leave like this, if it is self-defeating, let her easily escape. How is it?"

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled, with a calm tone: "In a short time, she will never escape."


The right way, whether it is family inheritance or teacher genre, will be cultivated to a certain extent and the quality is high.

And the magic sorcerer is often mixed.

Some are traitors of the right way, fugitives, these people have been trained, there are the bottom of the sergeant and some are farmers, hunters, and occasionally opened the air, got some inheritance, is halfway out.

"This magician female teacher, the accent is rough, the fighting skills are not enough, and there is not enough survival experience. Every time she camps on the camp, she will leave obvious traces. Even if it is injured, it will not cover up the important clues such as blood." I think her physique is rude and strong, and she is a big peasant woman. She just got a small inheritance."

Fang Yuan continued to analyze: "The kind of explosion, it should be a kind of two-turn grasshopper that she buried in advance, named Jiao Lei potatoes.

No matter who stepped on it, it will explode. How much knowledge can a rural woman have? I was poisoned, I couldn't handle it, and my wounds became more and more serious. I felt terrified and insecure. I subconsciously laid a lot of Jiao Lei potato dumplings in the hole. ”

"If we force her, it will make her do extreme things. But taking the initiative to leave, but let her breathe a sigh of relief, temporarily hold back the mood. She will doubt whether we really go. Going out is risky, Maybe we will run into our mouth and those Jiao Lei potato shackles will bring her a huge sense of security. So within a short time, she will not go."

Bai Ningbing has no expression of silence and has been listening silently.

Although she is very unwilling, but also has to admit that Fang Yuan's analysis is extremely reasonable, it is simply a three-pointer, not enough!

"You analyzed well, but her snake poison is in the body. It is not a way to go out of the cave after all." Bai Ningbing retorted.

Fang Yuan nodded and pointed to his right ear: "So, we have to monitor her."

His land is listening to the earweed, although it is only two turns, but the scope of reconnaissance is comparable to a lot of three turns of locusts.

Bai Ningbing shook his head slightly: "Hey, you have some drawbacks in this move. You should listen to the earweed to continually consume the real yuan. Even if you have Tianyuanbaolian to supplement the real yuan consumption, but people's energy is limited, need rest. You need to sleep. You can't always eavesdrop on it?"

Faced with such doubts, Fang Yuan directly turned his eyes: "How do you become stupid? There is only one person in the other party, we can have two."

The locusts can be borrowed, and the two of them can use the earweed alternately and take turns to rest.

Bai Ningbing looked a stagnation, and immediately flashed a shameful color in his eyes.

"Damn! Such a simple question, I actually can't think of it?" She bitten her teeth and complained that she had made such a low-level mistake.

Fang Yuan smiled.

In the final analysis, Bai Ningbing is not willing to see Fangyuan overwhelming himself. The following consciously wants to refute Fangyuan everywhere, but he has lost his position.

Fang Yuan is very happy to see such a rebuttal, because every failure of Bai Ningbing's rebuttal will make him further convince Bai Ningbing.

This kind of concession is minimal and subtle. Even Bai Ningbing can't feel it.

When she responded, she was already unknowingly used for Fang Yuan.

For Fang Yuan, the magical Taoist priest is only one of the goals. Bai Ningbing is the second goal.

Chen Cuihua was frightened.

She was originally a peasant woman. When she was muddy, she accidentally landed in a hole.

In the cave, she found a body that was passed down in vain and became a teacher.


Chen Cuihua couldn’t think of it, one day, she turned out to be a high-ranking master! !

But after a short ecstasy, she ushered in bad luck.

A mountain leopard, as big as a oxen, was smashed with a blue whirlwind and attacked her village.

The whole village was and she was chased by the mountain leopard, relying on the locusts, and escaped.

In the wild for a long time alone, there were fewer and fewer mites in her hands. Finally, I recently encountered a green giant. Although she killed the giant python, she was poisoned.

Especially today, she also encountered two teachers.

This is the third time she has met a teacher. The painful lessons she had brought to her two times allowed her to learn to protect herself.

But she still debuted halfway, lacking the foundation of the teacher.

As soon as she thought of the battle, Chen Cuihua was panicked.

She is not the opponent of that girl at all!

Fortunately, I have buried a lot of Jiao Lei potato oysters beforehand. Fortunately, the boy was weak and timid and chose to leave.

When Chen Cuihua saw that their figures were completely out of the mountain, they were really relieved.

But she is not sure, they really left.

Her scouting locusts allowed her to see everything in the 350 steps. The degree of clarity is as if it is in front of her.

But there is no perspective.

"Let's wait. Wait another three days, I will go out again." Chen Cuihua secretly said that she has learned to be cautious and patient. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group @凌尘凌公子] Bring my family silly girl @雪冉丶 If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support, is My biggest motivation. )

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