Reverend Insanity

: Section 12: Road

Section 12: Road

Hundreds of feet high, the wind whistling.

"Death!" Tianhe, a man who screamed, revived the residual power and turned it into a white light, rushing to the ancient moon generation.

"Want to kill me, you are too naive." The blood corpse opened his mouth and opened his mouth. He licked his teeth and refused to retreat. He ran into it.


In the huge roaring sound, the giant force came in and the two were far from flying.

Both lose!

"Aoyama does not change, green water flows. Master, today's revenge, will come to Japan." The ancient moon generation laughed, the black batwing behind the vibration, is about to fly.

Suddenly a huge shadow shrouded.

He looked up and looked at the iron-clad flying crane king who was extremely injured.

"I didn't die? It's awful..." The face of the ancient moon suddenly changed.

Was intercepted by the iron scorpion flying crane king, Tianhe Shangren also rushed to the front and back. In the end, the flying crane king fell to the earth, and the blood ghost body was blown up.

The crane crane grasped the head of the ancient moon generation and hovered in the air. His eyes were scattered for a while, and it was only after he came back.

He laughed three times and then laughed and cried.

After a few moments of venting, he flew to Qingmao Mountain. However, he was crushed by the glacier town where Bai Ningbing blew himself up. He had to activate the burial jade. When he broke out of the ice, he searched wildly, but in the end he only dug out the dying square under the ice.


The pictures on the walls faithfully show the scene at the time.

The next thing, there is nothing to be done, it is the scenery of the cranes who came back to the road.

Xianhemen is one of the oldest sects in Zhongzhou. Historically, people in the martial art have to carry out an emergency task and carry a locust with them to record the execution process.

Regardless of whether the mission is successful or not, the sergeant will return to the mountains and return to the mountain. The martial art will conduct relevant assessments according to the recorded process.

Although the crane is a sect elder, it cannot be exempted from this rule.

Only his qualifications are too old, and the masters in Xianhemen are rarely qualified to evaluate him. Even the contemporary head of the crane does not.

But at this moment, the old man sitting in front of the crane is not unusual.

He Feng Yang, too elders, six turns to the division, known as He Yu Fei Xian!

He was wearing a white robe at the moment, wearing a black belt, large sleeves, and sitting on a futon.

He is like a teenager, and he is as gentle as jade. The eyebrows are green and slender, and the eyebrows are hanging down to the waist. The deep eyes stared at the picture on the wall, and then retracted his eyes.

The crane man stood in front of him with respect and respect, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

In fact, it is said that the cranes of the cranes have been sleeping for nearly a thousand years, and the cranes are still his juniors. However, the so-called qualifications are never about age, but about strength.

Although the crane is a five-turn, it is only one level difference with He Fengyang. But the gap is the difference between the world and the clouds.

Five turns are mortal, six turns have become immortals!

"Tianhe is a man." He Fengyan slowly opened his mouth, his voice was as clear and gentle as a stream.

"Yes." Tianhe’s master was quick to answer.

"You killed the martial traitor this time, but did not find the **** skull. Instead, the two juniors played the town to suppress..." In the room, echoing the sound of the crane.

The crane on the crane hangs lower and the face is bright.

"However, one of them is the North Ming Bing body. It is not surprising that you are being crushed by the town. The good news is that you made a remedy after the incident. I ask you, the boy you brought back, really Is it a twin brother who paints a kid?" He Fengyang asked.

"It has been ascertained below. This is the case. The brother who escaped is the source of the brother, and the younger brother is being arrested. What is even better is that the brothers have always had emotional disharmony. In the image of the murder of my brother After the Founder saw it, he now wants to kill his brother immediately." Tianhe Shangren said with a smile.

He Feng Yang nodded slightly: "It seems that you have planned. But is your time enough?"

Tianhe’s face changed and his tone suddenly became low: “The elders are too embarrassed. The limit of life has been reached. It’s a dead person, only a few days to live. Even if it’s It’s impossible to change this situation.

In this case, only when he finds a longevity can he solve the problem fundamentally.

However, it is hard to find a longevity, but there are a few longevity in the crane gate, but it is not his turn. Always in charge in the hands of the head and several elders.

"So in the near future, I abandoned my life savings and locusts in exchange for a ghost. I will take the square into the mountain gate and accept him as a disciple. Then I will guide him and make it to the blood-sparing worm. Supervise him to kill his brother, to recapture the blood skull for Xianhemen!" Tianhe is humane.

He Feng Yang raised his eyebrows slightly: "It sounds like you are confident in your plan. But is that party really going to be at your mercy?"

"Although he has good qualifications, he is still a child. After he dies, he will store his soul in the soul of the soul. He will always grow up with him and point him to practice. The road has already been laid for him, he only has to go!"

Speaking of this, Tianhe’s master fell down on the ground, and the dagger pleaded: “Please give the elders another chance, one chance!”

He Fengyang’s silence for a moment, this is the way: “Well, I will promise you this last time.”

"Xie elders, Xie elders!" Tianhe was a great joy.

"Go. I am waiting for your good news."

"Without twenty years, there will be a fruit of success!" Tianhe’s singer’s voice trembled slightly, but only retired.


South Xinjiang, Wancheng Mountain, Tiejiacheng.

The black stone walls of the tall hòu are thousands of miles long. From the mountainside, Tiejiacheng has countless stone houses and iron buildings, which are arranged in series and continue to the top of the mountain.

Under the sunshine, the people in the city come and go, and the traffic is soaring.

The main pavilion is located near the top of the mountain, with strict defense and a small number of people around it. The patrols exchanged for the inspections, and the divisions were all savvy and meticulous.

On the roof of the main house, two people stood.

A middle-aged man with a cold face like iron and a little gentleness in his eyes.

Standing next to him is a young girl with a sad but firm look.

It is iron if men.

"You only came back for a few days? But this is your 19th time to resign to me. Your father's death makes me very sad. You lost your mother in the early years, now you are lost, but you have to remember, you still have me. This is awkward. You are my niece, I will not let you take risks." The iron family chief sighed.

If the man looks like a burning man, he looks directly at the Tiejiayi patriarch: "Do you know? My father went though, but I was happy for him in my sorrow. My father decided to eradicate evil and punish the criminals. He did it, even if it was He was injured and did not back down. He insisted on the road of his own life. Now, I am going down."

The head of the Ironclad family was stunned.

At this moment, he saw the cold shadow of the iron in the body of Tie Ruo.

Really like, these eyes, such a gaze.

In the meantime, the Tiejiayi patriarch seems to have returned to his youth. He is standing next to him, staring at the town's magic tower, and firmly saying: "I want to fight the world's criminals and let the world be full of justice and love!" Hold the people in the magical way to the town magic tower, even if the town magic tower is full!"

The vows of the past are still in my ears. But my best friend is no longer...

The scorpions in front of the eyes overlap, and the head of the Tiejia squats slightly, shaking their memories. He looked at the reluctant girl in front of him with a look of appreciation and love, both worried and encouraging: "The road you chose is not good."

If Tie Ruo did not answer, he turned his head and looked at the mountains.

At the highest point of the foothills of Wancheng Mountain stands a majestic iron tower.

It is magnificent and seems to withstand the sky and step on the mountains. The white clouds are like fog, lingering around it, making the outsiders seem confused and adding a mysterious color to it.

This tower is not only a grand scene in southern Xinjiang, but also famous in the world. Even if it is Zhongzhou, there are many people who hear it.

Town Magic Tower!

The tower is 100 feet tall and is divided into nearly 100 floors. The tower is simple, vicissitudes and vicissitudes. Since the completion of the construction, the Iron Master has been detained a number of magic martial arts teachers. Hundreds, thousands, thousands?

Even the tyrant of the Ironclad is not necessarily clear.

It is the symbol of the right path and the deepest pride in the heart of the Iron Master. How many Devils and Devils buried their ambitions here, leaving grief, remorse, unwillingness, and regret.

The Magic Road teacher talked about its bleak face, and the people in the right way said that the eyebrows danced!

If the iron is open, the tone is as firm as iron, and it seems to be the head of the Iron Family, and it seems to be talking to himself: "Wancheng Mountain has a town tower, and my heart also has a town tower. This road, my father did not go. Finish, let me take over and continue to go!"


"I can't hold on..." Chen Cui spent dizziness, nausea from time to time, and wanted to vomit. But spit and spit out, and the whole body is weak, and the feeling of fatigue is constantly coming.

Her original plan was to stay on for three days, but just after one day, she knew she was too optimistic.

The harm that snake venom brings to her is getting more and more serious. She knew she had been forced into the cliff and had to find a cure for mites as soon as possible.

"It's damn. If it weren't for the two thieves, maybe I caught the wild locusts and lifted the snake venom." Her heart was restless. Since she had snake venom, she has been trying to find a cure for mites. However, the mountain forest is full of danger. She has no means of catching insects. No progress has been made so far.

Bai Ningbing raised his dagger in his hand and was about to cut it off his right ear.

"And slow." Fang Yuan suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.

The sharp blade is only a little apart from the right ear of the white condensed ice.

To use the earweed, you need to cut your right ear and replace it. The left and right are just an ear, not a big deal. Compared with the upcoming big harvest, Bai Ningbing does not think it is a pity.

The people in the magic road, the heart is hot. Hey to others and be more embarrassed to yourself!

And often people who can give up can make a big anecdote.

"You don't need to cut it, she came out." Fang Yuan said, and he began to leave.

He used the ground to listen to the earweed, far behind Chen Cuihua.

After a while, he heard the fighting.

The two leaned close to the lush bushes. I saw this magical Taoist teacher is fighting with a double-headed mountain pig.

Watching the battle for a moment, both of them have a bright and exciting light.

Chen Cuihua’s apparent state is very bad, and the combat power is more than half that of the meeting. And this double-headed mountain pig is a lone king of the beast, with a defensive shackle.

"This will be a war of attrition, and we can make it cheaper."

"The fruit she buried is really Jiao Lei potato!"

"It's a bit strange. This sergeant has been fighting for so long, and the real yuan has not been exhausted yet?"

"It seems that she has some help, like Tianyuan Baolian, fish bubble, etc..."

After watching it for a while, Fang Yuan realized that the time had come, calling out the hidden scales and handing it to Bai Ningbing.

Bai Ningbing nodded intently, hiding his body shape and quietly approaching.


A loud explosion, the double-headed mountain pig once again smashed a Jiao Lei potato.

This time, it fell completely, and no longer afraid. It fell to the ground and struggled. The entire belly was blasted to a gap, the intestines slowly flowed out, and the blood of a strand of cockroaches came out.

"This **** mountain pig, the skin is really hòu. It took a long time to blow up and die!" Chen Cuihua gasped, leaning against the trunk, and her eyes were black.

This battle made her weak and extremely tired.

The fear in my heart is strong against her, and she is not allowed to faint.

"No. I have to hurry back to the cave. If I faint in the wild, it is too dangerous!"

She was about to start, and suddenly there was a violent wind coming from her ear.

"Strange, how can there be wind?" This is the last question in her life.

Bai Ningbing patiently sneaked close-up step by step, and shot like a thunder. He used the death of the mountain pig, and the magical female sorcerer’s heart was relaxed and broken.

Chen Cuihua’s head was smashed and smashed by a serrated gold plaque. The headless body slammed and fell to the ground.

"It's got it." Fang Yuan smiled and walked over.

Bai Ningbing has already fallen, and his heart has penetrated into the empty space of Chen Cuihua. He immediately disappointed: "There are only three skeletons in the air."

However, all the locusts refining and smelting are somewhat dull, not as clever as wild locusts.

The magician female teacher has died, and the empty wall is gradually darkening. The three dragonflies still stay in it.

However, this is hard to beat the source.

"Strongly take it!" He thought about it and easily took the three donkeys out.

They are: a rice bag, a thorn, a thorn, and a Jiaolei bean.

Of course these are not all.

Fang Yuan groped for a moment, and found a hairy ankle on the foot of the sorcerer, and jumped into the grass. Finally, in her sloppy brain, she found a bookworm.

But unfortunately, this bookworm has been just killed, and was shot dead by Bai Ningbing.

"This bookworm should be a heritage. The content inside has helped her to learn a lot of things from the teacher. It must also record some secret recipes, etc." Fang Yuan regretted the truth.

"The bookworm will be forgotten. This magical Taoist teacher, actually there is no treatment?" Bai Ningbing was disappointed.

Fangyuan is silent and has no openings.

No treatment, this result, he had expected before. The magician female teacher is involved in snake venom. If there is treatment, even if it is not disinfected, it is not so embarrassing.

He was puzzled by the fact that in the battle, the sorcerer was very strange. Especially in the real yuan, her recovery speed is higher than that of A, which can compete with the ten best.

However, she is not a ten-body, but a qualification, and these flaws have not helped her to restore the function of the real yuan.

"The original chest is so wrapped." At this time, Bai Ningbing opened the wrapped chest cloth of the magician female teacher.

Fang Yuan's eyes glanced and saw a silver-triangle triangle at the chest of the body.

"It is actually three more!" Fang Yuan is very different.

"Three more, what?" Bai Ningbing raised his eyebrows.

"This is up to five revolutions, which can speed up the time by three times. It is no longer used, it is a consumption of mites. It acts on the sorcerer and will form such a silver triangle tattoo on the chest."

Later, Fang Yuan explained it in detail.

The three more embarrassing, acting on the teacher, can accelerate the personal time of this teacher by three times.

The river of time, rolling and flowing, the flow rate is consistent. For normal people, one day is one day.

But for those who are more awkward, one day is equivalent to three days of concentration.

Chen Cuihua, who was planted with three more shackles, is inevitably making progress. When others work hard to raise the air, she spends three days warming up. The effect of practice is naturally obvious.

There is also a huge advantage, that is, the speed of recovery of the real yuan. In her body, the flow of time is faster, three times that of ordinary people. Therefore, the recovery speed of the real yuan is naturally three times.

This is also why, in the recent battle, her real yuan recovery speed is called Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing surprised.

However, the balance of everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Three more have such a big profit, there are big drawbacks!

The biggest downside is the loss of life. The flow rate of the time has increased three times, showing that life has been greatly shortened and reduced to one-third of the original.

Chen Cuihua was only less than a year old, but for her, it took two or three years.

Second, any injury that takes time to brew will increase.

Green toxins take time to penetrate slowly, and the damage gradually deepens. The poison is in the middle of others, and the day is the effect of the day. But Chen Cui spent this poison, and one day was the effect of three days of accumulation.

This is also the main reason why she was so embarrassed by snake venom.

"It can be planted three more ambiguous. It seems that the inheritance of this woman is at least a five-pass heritage. Unfortunately, Pearl is secretly cast and falls in the hands of these people." Bai Ningbing snorted and looked at the headless bodies under his feet. Disdain.

In the long run, the three are more harmful, shortening the life of the teacher to one-third. But in fact, it is very practical for the Magician.

Because of the Magic Road Master, they have always been alone, and there is no resource support for the family and the martial art. Also be prepared to guard against the right path, first of all, to survive.

Only by living is the most important thing. Everything else is virtual.

The higher the cultivation, the greater the chance of survival.

The three more 浓缩 蛊 蛊 蛊 的 的 的 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩 浓缩

But if there are no more shackles, the seedlings of the cherry blossoms will not be able to bloom, and they have already been eradicated.

"It's not surprising. With the three more sturdy sergeants, each is a brave and daring generation. But this woman, but the temper does not match. The timidity of life, the procrastination, and the courage to go forward. It is also the end of today. Fang Yuan took a look at the body on the ground will regain his gaze.

The face of Bai Ningbing is somewhat ugly.

No treatment, what is the end. The magician female teacher in front of me is the best example.

Is this also a portrayal of his future?

Fang Yuan smiled and patted her shoulders and comforted him: "The roads in this world are all coming out of people. But each person has its own way, and the roads of others are not even suitable for themselves. You and me are all What are you worried about on your own path?"

Bai Ningbing heard the words and looked at it and gradually flew. Then nodded: "What you said is."

Fang Yuan squinted and looked at the mountain forest in front of him.

After killing this magician, he got a few locusts, which made his strength soar.

But he also knows that he lacks treatment, and does not hang his hopes on his own luck.

Next, he may get a treatment sputum, maybe like this sorcerer, until death, all have nothing to gain, look forward to wearing. Perhaps the next moment, it will be trampled down by the herd, and the hope of life will turn around.

But what does it matter?

At the foot of the road, you can continue.

(ps: I wrote 3,000 words last night, but I was not satisfied. I didn’t write all the purposes of “Road”, I didn’t upload it. It’s only a morning to get up early and write 5,500 words. I’m so happy. These days, thanks Vote for my children's shoes. Everyone has a variety of ways, thank you all the time, support and understanding of the next!)

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