Reverend Insanity

: Section 116: The Great Army Rout

"Help the Lord."

"Help the Lord."

When the eaves walked into the dark corner of the camp, there were two or three consecutive visits.

The length of the eaves is also natural, and the clothes are broken and dirty.

The Humanitarian Tenth Group has emerged as a pioneer in the murals of the newly-emerged beasts. At some distance, they built a stable camp, and then a large number of logistics were constantly filled in, giving the humanitarian army ample supply.

The eaves followed in the dark and dispatched gangs to find opportunities.

“What is the current situation?” asked the chief of the room.

"On the other side of the road, we have been followed by gang brothers."

"Help the Lord, the situation is good. We have collected a lot of beasts and a lot of expensive fur. We have to make a fortune!"

"Just because of this, we have conflicts with some caravans and the Escort."

The eaves long frowned. "How do I help the casualties?"

The gangs he created were developing very fast. The members were not only the human locusts they had cast, but also the original shackles of the gods.

After hearing the number of casualties, the eaves long brows wrinkled deeper.

"Although the gang is easy to develop, it is the most inexpensive human locust, but the combat power is too low. Faced with businessmen, darts, etc., they are all in a weak position. Only when they are united and have a number of advantages, Can not suffer."

The eaves long sighed in the heart, the gangs seem to be huge, but the strength is not so good. In the future, it will not be safe to deal with human beings and use gangs to make knives.

The eaves grew in the tenth camp, but at this moment the humanity ten have already gone further and are building the twelfth camp.

"Now, I only hope that the beast will flow. The deeper the beast is, the more powerful the beast will be."

The only hope of the elders is that the humanity is rid of the beasts and collapses all the way.

Not only was the defeat, but it was still a big defeat and was seriously injured. This is the only opportunity for a long room.

"There is no way, my current strength is low, the only thing that can get the hand is the gang. The humanity is all the priests, and they have the real yuan. So their human locusts can only last for a while. But I am using The sacred Yuan of the sorrow, if it is an infinite real element, can only maintain these shackles."

When the elders thought about it here, suddenly there was a blackout in front of them, and a feeling of weakness rose from the deepest part of the body.

The elders quickly took out the person's mind and put it in front of the nose and mouth.

Suddenly, a person was inhaled into the body and merged with the original will.

The body of the elders at this time is shackled, with no soul, only one will. The will has always been difficult to sustain, especially when thinking about it, it will quickly consume itself.

Fortunately, in the mural world of the Emperor's City, people have been developed.

The intention of human beings can transform any will of the adult. With this help, the will of the elders can exist and be active.

At this time, the deepest part of the beast wall mural.

A will is lifelike, suspended in the air.

His white robe green towel, soft temperament, with a smile, is the Yuanlian will!

At his feet, the ball in the hair squatted on the ground, curled up all over the body, bound by the invisible giant force, and could not move.

Not only that, but there is also a powerful force to extract the traces on the ball in the moment.

"Dog Yuanlian, you have kind of put your hairy me out, a happy fight!" Mao Liqi screamed.

Yuan Lian will slightly shake his head: "Maori ball, are you still not convinced? You are in a desperate situation, unless it is a giant yang immortal to respect the birth to save you, otherwise you will die."

"And your heart is more clear, this is simply hopeless. You only have to surrender, only to have a chance."

"Otherwise, the longer the time drags, the lower your strength will be. Until... dies."

Yuan Lian will say the words of persuasion, the tone is gentle, and the expression is mild.

Mao Liqi is angry and angry: "Come on, Mao, I don't want it, my track marks are for you!!"

Yuan Lian will be amazed.

The next moment, I saw that Maori Ball not only completely released the defense, but also encouraged itself to cooperate with the outside world to absorb the madness of its own traces.

Among the glare of the mysterious light, countless traces of the road, one by one, spread quickly around the whole, and put into the beast paintings.

Some track marks fell to the ground and turned into a giant beast with different forms. Some road marks fly innately, condensing a group, forming fierce birds, overwhelming.

The world of murals is extremely mysterious, and it is possible to extract foreign road marks and draw them with road marks to form various birds and beasts.

But at this moment, with the full cooperation of Maori Ball, the number of beasts that have been painted has skyrocketed, and soon surpassed the security line.

"Not good." Yuan Lian will be slightly changed, and did not expect Mao Liqi to be so impulsive.

It was suppressed in the mural world, although there is no offensive power, but there is still defensive effort. If it is fully defensive, it can last for a long time. Therefore, Yuan Lian will only come to persuade.

For Maori, the most sensible way to deal with it is to die hard, let the mural world squander its power and fight for the longest time.

Just like the genius of the genius, he was pressed by the gods and towns, and he was not able to escape from sleep. But you can leave your hopes in the future.

Who is right in the future?

However, Maori ball is so irrational, beyond the plan of Yuan Lian will.

An unprecedented violent beast tide, quickly formed, rushed hundreds of miles, and rushed to the human army!

Humanity Shizi just looked at the first sight, and his face changed dramatically.

"Rewind, this beast is too fierce!"

"Even if we do our best, we are definitely not an opponent."

"Withdrawal, the most urgent task is to save strength and leave it to be revived!"

The humanity is all elite and hurriedly evacuated.

However, it is not easy to evacuate. The tide of the beasts is like a tsunami. Many birds and beasts are very fast, and they are entangled in the open army.

The humanity’s ten sons fought **** battles and finally smashed a **** road.

They successfully retreated to the eleventh battalion, and the entire army went halfway and suffered serious damage.

The animal tide continues to flow in, it seems endless!

The camp was built successfully and the defense was strong, but it was soon crumbling under the fierce impact of the animal tide.

"My God, it seems that we have completely angered these herds."

"This beast is so fierce, even if all the previous ones are superimposed, it is not as good as this one."


Humanity Ten was withdrawn to the tenth battalion.

The chief of the room has been withdrawn in advance.

Early information was conveyed to him, and the elders knew that the beast was too strong, and the tenth battalion could not support it.

Although he wants to seek revenge, he does not want to take care of himself. In fact, just relying on the strength of the gang, even if you are desperate, you may not be able to revenge.

The tenth battalion could not withstand it and was quickly washed away by the beast.

The humanity ten had to retreat, and the animal tide paid a price, but the whole scale was too big. These costs are completely affordable!

In the end, the horrible beast wave drove everyone out.

The camps that the ten people of Mankind have worked hard to build are all left and destroyed.

The ranks of the humanity are not one, and the characters in other mural worlds are even more devastating.

The crowds who retreated back were so frightened that they were frightened.

The gates were closed, and the garrison on the city was exposed to the dignified color, all of which had already rushed to the city because of the animal tide!

The fierce beast did not stop and stormed the city.

The offensive and defensive war lasted for three days and three nights, and the city could not keep it. Many times, a giant beast directly climbed the wall and smashed into the city, causing a lot of casualties.

At a critical juncture, a large number of peas soldiers appeared, participated in the defense, and repelled the animal tide.

"The Bean God Soldier has already been used for us!"

"Yes. This is the killing trick of the Bean God Palace. After our success, we have become our helper."

The humane ten surprises, but also very deplorable.

This time their losses were too heavy, and the previous accumulation was almost completely lost. Fortunately, they have no loss of personnel and their lives are still there.

The elders have long been absent from this city and have retreated to the rear.

The loss of the gang is not small.

The embarrassment of the elders’ hopes, although it happened, is far beyond his expectations. Humanity 10 helps each other and unites, and he has never found a chance to start.

The beast wave disappeared, and a large number of beasts returned to the beast wall murals, and they scattered around, making the exploration of the beast murals far more difficult than before.

The world of murals is also like a behemoth, and it is also wounding. The claws that had been stretched into the murals of the beasts were almost broken.

"I didn't expect the beast paintings to be so sinister. So it is inferred that the other murals should be at the same level." The wound found the eaves.

The two exchanged information.

The elders told the smugglers to collect all kinds of news, such as the degree of damage of the humanity, and the performance of Ye Fan and Hong Yi in this battle.

The bruises tell the elders a big discovery.

The sinking is the deepest person to explore. He saw the scene of the transformation of the beast!

"Taking the road mark as a painting, the method of painting the road is really mysterious. But what it seems..." The elders analyzed, "It seems that the beasts of the beasts are in the depths of a large enemy of the heavens. The battle is essentially a means of weakening the enemy and increasing the pressure on the town."

The analysis of the eaves, the injury is quite recognized, he long said to the eaves: "Do not know who is inside the suppression? At least eight turns of the immortals! Enemy enemies are friends, maybe we have the possibility of cooperation. ”

"This time The loss of the army is too terrible, almost no one. In a short time, it is impossible to form an exploration army. We take this opportunity to go to the depths of the murals?" The eaves shook his head. "The beasts are not recognized by the six parents."

Suddenly nodded: "In this mural world, the gap between Xianfan is not big. It seems that only when the army is reorganized and explored. We can take advantage of it."

Just in the world of murals, the human and animal wars have just stopped, Fangyuan secretly came to the mushroom family.

Tianyuanbao Huanglian successfully upgraded into eight turns, and Fangyuan also mastered a large number of compound killings.

The sea and the sea have repeatedly invited the heavens, and they want to form a coalition army to jointly attack the alien alliance of Fangyuan. However, although the court was promised, he was slow to see the action.

This attitude makes Fangyuan more convinced of the current severe situation.

The mushroom people's land is open, and Lu Wei personally ushered Fangyuan into the depths of the blessed land.

The two talked secretly, just sitting down, Fang Yuan asked: "Is the ghost still dead?"

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