Reverend Insanity

: Section 28: No bird, fly high!

Running gallop!

At the foot is a secret road, it seems to be as long as ever. But for a long journey, there will be an end.

A little light appeared in the vision of Fang and Bai, and gradually expanded.

"It's an exit!" Bai Ningbing blurted out and debuted.

"According to the rumors of past lives, this secret road should lead to a cliff in Baigu Mountain." Fang Yuan did not open his mouth, and he ran his head, thinking only in his heart.

I should be grateful to the brothers and sisters who lost their lives and flowers. It is because of their intelligence that they have attracted Fangyuan to come here. It was also because of their sacrifice that Fang Yuan was able to repay his wishes and get a good flesh.

Suddenly, a tight footstep came from behind.

"Finally caught up!"

"Found the two thieves!!"

"Where are you going!"

Hundreds of teachers are arrogant and chasing them.

The hundred family leaders took the lead and several old families followed. The narrow secret road will bring hundreds of people to a long growing team.


Suddenly, an old family suddenly accelerated, and his body was shaped like a cannonball, quickly pulling closer to Fangyuan.

"White condensed ice!" Fang Yuan shouted.

White condensate bites his teeth and his palms squat back.

Bloody moon.

A slamming sound, a blood blade flew out, and the home in the back was old, making it rush.

But then, in the secret road, the colored light bloomed, and a large number of long-range attacks came to the side and the white.

"White condensed ice, then!" Fang Yuan screamed again and loaned Tian Peng to her again.

Bai Ningbing also promoted the canopy, the ironthorn thorns, and the defense of the ice muscles, so three-pronged, hard to resist most of the attacks.

"Hundreds, do you want to know the whereabouts of the two young masters?" Fang Yuan shouted.

In the hands of Fang and Bai, the 100 masters saw hundreds of flowers and flowers. Hearing this statement, the offensive suddenly stagnate.

"Say, how are you taking my family?"

"If there is anything wrong with them, you will be bleak!!"

"Bring my child back!!" The hundred family chiefs were violent, reaching for a hand and flying out a cold man.

Cold fish!

This cockroach is only the size of a dart, shaped like a small fish, and draws a curved arc in the air, which has a tracking effect.

Fang Yuan snorted, could not escape, was shot by the cold fish.

Suddenly the cold loomed over his body, and his speed plummeted.

Hidden scales.

Fang Yuan’s thoughts and movements are all swaying, and it is necessary to hide his body shape.

"Don't think about it!" An old family suddenly stretched out his right hand and aimed at Fangyuan.


A soft bang, hidden in the open space of Fangyuan, suddenly burst and destroyed.

Fang Yuan’s heart sank and quickly rushed to jump grass.

On the bottom of his two feet, there was a tingling tingling, and two sturdy spring-like grasses grew from the flesh.

With the elasticity of the grass, Fangyuan jumped forward and the speed surged.

"I will take a step first, remember to jump!" He left this weird word.

"What?" Bai Ningbing was naturally confused, but the wind behind it was very strong.

She looked back and suddenly groaned.

But the head of the hundred female patriarchs came close, her eyes were red, like an angered lioness. The strength of the momentum is that Bai Ningbing can't help but tremble.

After all, the other party is a four-turner.


The hundred families were punched and shouted, and the enormous power suddenly broke the white light of the canopy.

White condensed ice spit a bit of blood, calling out a sawtooth gold plaque.

The serrated gold is turned into a golden light, entangled in the hundred family.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Ningbing galloped and galloped to the exit.

It turned out to be a cliff!

In this moment of time, Bai Ningbing suddenly understood that the meaning of Fang Yuan’s words - it was to let her jump off the cliff!

"You can't run away!" There was a burst of white family celebrity behind him. As for the sawtooth gold, it has been broken into several segments by her brute force.

There was a slight struggle in the eyes of Bai Ningbing.

This height, jumping down is absolutely ten dead. But at this moment, the situation is extremely dangerous, and there is no room for choice.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she jumped down the cliff.

"It’s really jumping!"

"He is dead!"

Some hundred teachers have exclaimed and stopped at the cliffs.

The hundred families looked down and saw that Bai Ningbing was flying. Her forehead was straight and snarled: "Live to see people, die to see the dead, I must catch them both!"

The body is constantly falling, and the wind whispers in the ear.

Bai Ningbing never expected to think that he had a day of jumping off the cliff.

"Is it going to die like this? Although it is wonderful, it is not good..." The breath of death rushed to the surface, and Bai Ningbing’s heart trembled fiercely.

"Yangshuo has not yet reached the death of a woman. It is a tragedy. But if you fall, you will definitely become a bone mud, and you will not see men and women coming."

Bai Ningbing also couldn’t figure out that he had such a strange idea before he died.

At this time, the wind in the ear suddenly became sharp, and a voice that she was very familiar with came: "White Ice!"

Bai Ningbing turned back to look around, not who is the source and who?

At this moment, Fangyuan is also flying, but the difference is that he has a big white bird on his feet.

No bird!

This bird has no flesh and blood, and all of them are white bones. The eagle's head is swallowtail, two pairs of wings, distributed on both sides, without a bird's foot.

Fang Yuan was covered in blood, apparently just in the secret way, and he suffered many injuries.

"Catch my hand." He squatted on the back of the bird and tried to reach over.


A soft bang, both hands clasped in the air.

Fang Yuan used another force to pull the white condensed ice on the back of the bird.

However, at this moment, a piece of swelled rock is less than a hundred feet away from them. The footless bird is like a meteor, falling towards this rock.

"Be careful, we have to fall!" Bai Ningbing exclaimed, and a heartfelt time mentioned the eyes of the blind.

The rock has expanded dramatically in her field of vision.

In the eyes of Fang Yuan, Li Mang flashed and shouted: "How can my magic road be damaged in this little Baigu Mountain, give it to me!"

Up! Up! Up!

The shouts echoed in the valley.


Under his control, the footless bird madly flapped its wings and tried its best to ease the speed of the fall.

A snoring sounded and cracks appeared in all four wings.

The source of the Yuanyuan is really consumed by the real yuan, but the Tianyuan Baolian radiates a warm and radiant glow, and a large amount of natural real elements are spewed out. At the same time as Fangyuan’s Zhenyuan Sea Surface has been reduced, it has skyrocketed.

A group of bone beasts leisurely strolling around the rocks, feeling the insufficiency of the birds, looked up and looked up, suddenly frightened and fled.

A gray-bone chicken, scared to have a sharp bird's head, slammed into the bones of the mountain bones, buttocks high.

This kind of animal, ostrich, is so natural. When you are scared, you like to deceive yourself.

I have to hit it!

Bai Ningbing forgot to breathe, Fangyuan roared his eyes.

The huge wind pressure crushed the white bone tree on this rock. In the end, the innocent bird rubbed the cock's buttocks and slanted back!

The slender chicken tail behind the camel's buttocks is not left. Show off its round ass.

"Ha ha ha." Bai Ningbing laughed on the back of the bird.

Death is still alive, the pressure is gone, she feels a heart, and falls from the eyes of the blind back into the chest.

Wonderful, it is wonderful. The excitement of life and death has always been the most exciting. This kind of life is not exactly what she always wanted, has been pursued?

"No bird, rush to the blue sky." She sang almost.

"The patriarchs! They are still alive!" At the cliff, the teachers of the 100-year-old are all blue.

"I can't catch up, it's a footless bird, I can fly thousands of miles a day." The iron knife sighed helplessly.

The number of locusts that can fly is inherently low, and it is rare to catch a footless bird. Under five turns, the innocent bird is the first flight mount.

"Hey, there are no eyes in the sky! How can you tolerate such a wicked person to live in the world!" Some old people shouted and screamed.

The hundred family's long eyes were blood red, and the fists were almost crushed, and the teeth squeaked.

Listening to the laughter of Bai Ningbing, she even had a strong urge to jump off the cliff to chase the enemy!

Hundreds of families are not without flying squats. Some of the sergeants have already demonstrated their magical powers and chased them to Fang and Bai. But watching the speed, the fool is also clear, to catch up with these two people, is completely delusional.

A strong bitterness is filled with the hearts of hundreds of teachers.

The criminals are far away from the eyes of the suffering people, but they can only watch them.

"No! Never let them escape! No!!" A veteran of the sergeant screamed, and the whole body suddenly burned with blazing flames.

"Hundreds of wars." The hundred family's long face changed.

"The old man!" everyone was shocked.

"Grandpa!" The hundred wars shed tears.

"The patriarch, you! You must not let these two thieves escape, otherwise what is the dignity of our 100 families? The hatred of the two young masters is different from Dai Tian! After I leave, please take care of my grandson, this boy's temper It’s the same as the old one...” He lost his voice when he said it.

His flesh and bones were transformed into flames, and the vocal cords naturally disappeared.

Even the eyes turned into a purple-black round.

He became a humanoid torch!

The flames are burning, the temperature is rising rapidly, and everyone is retreating. The mountain seems to be singing a sad song.

The fireman is jealous.

Four turns of aphids, once used, burned whole body and turned into flames. Until it goes out. This wary old family chose to sacrifice their own lives to gain this powerful force.

"Well, this patriarch is standing here, watching the family and building meritorious deeds!"

However, Wen Jia Lao has never heard of it.

He felt that his power was stronger than ever, and that life burned at this moment, reaching its zenith and boundless.

The purple-black scorpion glanced around the crowd, and he looked at his grandson's last glance, and then resolutely turned into a raging flame.

The flames approached the infinity at an extremely fast speed.

"Good!" The crowd saw this scene and cheered loudly.

The faces of the hundreds of families who are as cold as steel have also had an excited look.

"There are strong enemies!" Bai Ningbing was dignified.

She lacks the experience of fighting at high altitudes. One is not well handled. If she falls down, she can be broken.


The fireman screamed, and the purple-black shackles were full of killings.

When the fire flashed, the speed of the fireman surged, and it was like a power to the source.

"Hurry up!" Fang Yuan always pays attention to manipulating the infinite birds and fluttering their wings.

The footless bird speeds up and pulls the distance away, causing the fireman to rush.

On the cliff, there was a sound of regret and regret.

But soon, the fireman rushed again.

The footless bird flies sideways and passes by. Bai Ningbing was almost smashed down and quickly grabbed the prominent bones on the back of the bird.


The fire man killed again.

Fang Yuan sneered, and the footless bird suddenly shrank the wing and swooped to the ground.

The fireman followed, and the sprint speed was faster than the infinity bird, gradually getting closer.

The footless bird suddenly appeared in the four wings, suddenly pulled high, and flew back.


The fire man flies, relying on the flame to push, without his wings, he can't change direction and directly hit the rock.

For a time, the flame spread in the area of ​​nearly ten acres, killing all the bone beasts and destroying a large number of bone trees.

In the sea of ​​fire, a group of fire re-agglomerates into an adult shape and flies out. The other party is white and persevering.

However, the locusts also need to see what kind of people reuse.

In the three major aspects of cultivation, cultivation, and refining, the "use" accounted for one. It’s not that anyone who takes a shackle casually can play well. The doorway and the knowledge are very deep inside.

The fire man is the same means of returning to the end, and it is natural for the first time to use it. On the other hand, Fang Yuan, although this life is the first time to drive a footless bird, but in his previous life, I did not know how many flying mounts I used. I used my experience to be more than a hundred times warm. I know how many times it is, I’m so close to the soul, almost into the soul. An instinct.

On the edge of the cliff, hundreds of people have been paying attention to the battle in the air.

From hope and expectation, it gradually turned into anger.

But anyone who has a clear eye can see that the inanimate bird is playing around with a lot of wars.

The roar of the fire man, originally sounded so shocking, full of momentum, but now it has become a strong outside, highlighting the sadness and helplessness.

"Damn..." Someone clenched his fists.

"How could this be?" The iron knife was also surprised by the technology of Fangyuan, and sighed helplessly.

‘Founder, I want you to die! ‘There was a hundred wars screaming, and the seeds of hatred were buried deep in his heart.

The sacrifice of Wen’s old battles, under the play of Fang Yuan, seemed to be a joke, and it was like a satirical slap in the face of hundreds of people.

Gradually, the anger of everyone turned into disappointment and despair.

"Can't catch up."

"Can we just watch it?"

"Ancient Moon Founder..." Many people recited the name and gnashed their teeth.

The footless bird soared freely and once again passed the fireman.

"Youth, the technology of your bird is first class. Hahaha!" Bai Ningbing laughed and let go of his heart.

Fang Yuan’s face suddenly condensed: “Be careful!”


The violent explosion suddenly occurred, and the hundred wars knew that they couldn’t catch up with the whites and decided to blew themselves.

The flame of the explosion enveloped the entire footless bird.

Fortunately, the infinity bird is the body of the white bone, and even the wings are pieces of thin bones like a blade.

The flame can't cause damage, but what really harms is the shock power of the explosion.

The crack in the footless bird increased greatly, and it was blown up, lost its balance, and fell to the ground.

However, after falling a certain distance, under the control of Fangyuan, it regained its balance and fluttered its wings to the far side.

"Fangyuan!" Bai Ningbing screamed.

Previously, Fangyuan loaned her to Tianpeng. She had mites to protect her body, but Fangyuan did not.

Suddenly, Fangyuan did not have time to push the locust defense.

The innocent bird rushed out of the flame, and Fang Yuan was burning with hot flames.

The wind blew the flames, and the ground at the right ear was burned. But he looks like iron, as if it were not a party.

After the footless bird was really stable, Fangyuan spit out the pocket flower and poured a bottle of milk into the head.

The flame was extinguished, but he was covered in a large area of ​​burns, and his face was disfigured and unbearable.

Bai Ningbing opened his mouth and said nothing, but he couldn’t speak for a while.

Instead, Fangyuan pulled his mouth and smiled: "I like the footless bird, do you know why?"

His smile is really infiltrating.


"Because it has no bird foot, only wings. So it can only fly. When it falls, it means its destruction."

Desperate, don’t fly, die!

The blue pupil expands and begins to flash. The head-on wind blows the silver hair, and the white condensed ice's mouth is also slightly raised: "Hehehe... Then let us fly high."

The footless bird flies far away and becomes a point in the eye, eventually disappearing.

On the cliff, hundreds of people "had to wear their eyes" and did not speak.

A dead silence envelopes everyone.

Heaven and earth are so broad!

The sky is Baigu Mountain is like snow, and the sun is coming from the slope. The back of the footless bird and the square and white are deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Anger is brewing, hatred is sprouting...


A hundred female patriarchs suddenly spewed out a blood, looked up and fell, and passed out.

"The patriarch!"

"The patriarch!"

"Fast, cure the sorcerer, come and save the patriarch!"

There was a panic on the cliff.

(ps: What is the magic road? One way, there must be its thoughts and ideas. For what is the magic road, the individual has personal opinions, but in my opinion, the footless bird undoubtedly interprets a magical spirit. After all, the magic road is Cruel, not only for others, but also for yourself. So it is naturally unpleasant. This chapter 4700 words, you know Ha.) (To be continued)

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