Reverend Insanity

: Section 29: The Leopard Lyrics

The twenty-ninth section: secluded leopard lyrics (first more)

The sun is like blood, and the West is burning with clouds.

Under the sunset, the footless bird that had been flying for a long time began to fall slowly.

After a series of ups and downs that exceeded the limit, and withstood the explosion of the fireman, it was covered with cracks and was no longer able to fly.


A loud bang, under the control of Fangyuan, the footless bird finally fell into a forest.

For a time, the smoke and dust rose, and the beasts fled.

"Where is this?" Bai Ningbing jumped off the back of the bird and looked around.

The trees in the whole body are short and thick, but the branches and leaves are particularly prosperous, and they are not as sparse as the bone trees on the Bone Mountain. The mountains here are like a canopy, and the leaves are purple.

Light purple, dark purple, purple red, purple purple...

The evening wind blew, looking far and wide, forming a purple wave.

"Purple mountain forest... We go all the way north, according to the itinerary, here should be near the Purple Mountain." Fang Yuan estimated.

There was a layer of sorrow in his eyebrows: "The purple mountain is safe during the day, but the night is extremely dangerous. It is getting dark, and we quickly leave here to find a safe place to stay."

"Alright." Bai Ningbing nodded.

After a long time, they fortunately found a cave.

The original owner of the cave is a cloth bear.

This bear's abdomen has a natural childcare bag, similar to a kangaroo.

The dry wood was sizzling and the bonfire was burning and burning. The broth in the iron pot was boiling and exuding a strong aroma.

The fat and tender bear's paw has also been grilled. In addition to these, there are also foods taken from hundreds of families.

The two of them screamed and relaxed, and the heartstrings that had been tightened slowly relaxed.

Bai Ningbing suddenly chuckled, and the blue eyes looked at Fang Yuan: "Look, this is retribution. You burned the brothers and sisters. It didn't take long for you to be burned like this."

The fire reflected on Fang Yuan’s face, and the horrible injury on his face made it look awful and ugly. If it is a timid girl, seeing his face, I am afraid I will be scared and screamed on the spot.

Fang Yuan smiled, didn't take it easy, and even secretly happy for it.

"Fortunately, there are fleshy bones in your hand. It is not difficult to restore your original appearance. Just cut off the flesh of your whole body burn and treat it with meat and bones to grow a new flesh. However, your current turn is You can ask me, you may ask me, I am so compassionate, I can't bear it, I can treat you for it." Bai Ningbing has not let go of any opportunity to dig a source.

Fang Yuan made an act of raising his eyebrows, even though his current eyebrows have been burned out.

"Why do you want to treat it? Isn't this a good situation?" He laughed. "We killed the only two young masters of the 100 family, and played a hundred families and old families. You think they will let us go." Is this kind of injury now just saving me the time to change my face?"

The earthworms have been destroyed, and Fangyuan is now missing the right ear. There is cartilage in the ear, and this injury is not a cure for the white bone. But even if he has treatment, he is willing to lack an ear to change his image.

In the past, there was a devilish white scorpion, who was captured and detained in a big prison. Install crazy and stupid, and apply your own shackles to yourself. Even self-cutting the fifth limb and becoming an eunuch. His enemies finally thought that he was completely mad, so he relaxed his vigilance and fled him. In the future, he returned to revenge and killed the enemy's young and old.

There is also the right way giant Wu Ji Niang, who was seized by her biological sister when she was in the throne. However, her sister licked her beauty and was in a dilemma. She cut her nose and practiced herself, finally winning the space for survival and growth. After more than ten years, she overthrew her sister's rule and regained power. Cut off the five senses of my sister, so that they can't die for survival.

Those who have always been big events are good at forbearance and are not afraid of the beauty of the flesh.

This is true whether it is the right way or the magic road, whether it is a male or a woman.

After the martial arts maiden came to power, despite the treatment, she never recovered her nose, so I was wary. Therefore, the Wu family is the first family in southern Xinjiang, covering the iron family, merchants, flying family, no one can dominate the dominance!

Those who are stunned by the flesh and blood, are superficial and difficult to achieve.

Whether it is this world or the history of the earth, this point is fully explained.

Zhou Youwang smiles for love, bonfires, and finally what? The rebels were separated and killed by the barbarians.

Lu Buzhi Yu, Wu Wangzhi in Xi Shi, Xiang Yu snoring actually took Yu Ji with his side, huh, what are these people?

In contrast, Cao Cao is short, Sun Hao is disabled, Sima Qian is sentenced to death...

Heart of beauty in everyone. But the achievements have nothing to do with the beauty of the flesh and blood. It is the cornerstone of the great cause that can be resolutely left.

"In fact, it is you, blue and silver hair, it is too dazzling, need to change." Fang Yuan looked at Bai Ningbing body, said.

Bai Ningbing snorted and did not speak.

Fang Yuan continued: "There is no bird damage, we just flew thousands of miles. Although it is far away from Baijiazhai, we have made this case, and 100 families will come to pick us up. The situation is still dangerous. If they are With the release of overnight rewards, our future days will be even more difficult."

Bai Ningbing frowned and thought for a moment, and cut a cry: "Whether, this body is also tired of me. If you change the shape, it is also a wonderful experience."

Next, the two began to summarize the loss and gains.

The loss is there.

Listening to the ear grass, sawtooth gold carp, carapace scorpion, iron thorns, hidden scales, and no birds, all were destroyed in the pursuit.

However, for Fang Yuan, it is the most important thing to escape from birth.

If you are alive, you will have hope.

This is the basis of everything.

In order to survive, what if you give up the Spring and Autumn Period?

In a word, I can give up and be a big husband!

And what about the harvest?

In Fangyuan’s empty space, a large number of bone guns and spiral bones were shot.

The three-level series of flying bone shields, jade bones, iron bones, meat bones used for treatment, and several bone books that record various recipes.

In addition to this, there are also enthusiasm for harvesting at the 100 camps.

Of course, the most important thing is that at the last minute, the risk is taken, and the successful flesh and blood is round.

Compared to the harvest, those losses are not serious!

After all, this is a complete inheritance. Although the flower-walker is a five-turner, it is even better than the four-turner. However, Fang Yuan’s harvest in the inheritance of flowers and wines has been lost to this bone.

There is no reason for it. The inheritance of the bones is designed by the gray bones and the mind is designed for a long time. The inheritance of flowers and wines is a product of rushing and inspiring.

In fact, Fang Yuan is just taking a main line in the inheritance of the bones. There are also many spur lines, and in the meat capsules, most of the teeth are not knocked open. These things are cheaper than Baijiazhai.

They have mastered it here, and as long as it takes time and effort, it will surely swallow the entire heritage.

"But it doesn't matter. The locusts in the plan have been taken by me. As long as this fleshy scorpion can work, it is far more than anything else. It is just a little trouble to hear the stalks of the ear." ”

Among the concepts of Fangyuan, only practicality is valuable.

Lost the serrated gold cymbal and can be replaced with a spiral bone gun. There are no thorns and carapace, but there are also canopies and flying bone shields. Only the loss of the earweed was lost. In the aspect of reconnaissance, there was a short board.

In the past, there was less treatment and less movement. Now these two aspects have almost been completed, but there have been mistakes in reconnaissance.

The things of life are unsatisfactory.

The night of the Purple Mountain is much more lively than the day. This night, Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing turned around and stayed up at night, and they didn't sleep well.

From time to time, from the outside of the cave came the buzz of the beast, the sound of culling.

Especially at dawn, a battle was launched near the hole, and Fangyuan, who was asleep, was awakened.

This is the battle of two thousand beasts!

A black-winged pheasant with wings, provocatively provokes a leopard.

The two sides came to me and started to fight the battle. The movement was very loud and the momentum was amazing.

The Leopard is a unique beast of the Purple Mountain. Their bodies are strong and they have a purple skin. They are very fast. They often shuttle through the mountains and leave a quiet phantom. When hunting, it is silent, and the prey often does not react, and it becomes their belly.

Fang Bai and two people are worried, they can be said to be blocked in the hole, it is difficult to get out.

As time passed, the leopard gradually lost, falling into the wind.

This is a pregnant female leopard.

The leopard has always been a male and female match. Now the female leopard is pregnant, naturally the male leopard goes out to hunt. I don't want to be bogged down by the black feathers.

In the end, the female leopard died under the entanglement of black feathers.

However, the black feathers were not taken off, and the returned male leopard collided. After another life and death, the male leopard killed the murderer, but only got the cold body of the female leopard.

The dawn is coming.

The light of the morning light shines on the elegant and beautiful fur of the leopard.

But the female leopard has died.

The male leopard squats beside the female leopard, making a whimper. The distance between them is so close, so far away, between life and death.

"Why don't you leave?" Bai Ningbing secretly complained.

"Do not worry, the leopard is male and female, one side is dead, the other side will not live alone." Fang Yuan sighed. "I will go back to sleep first."

He went back to sleep in the cave, and Bai Ningbing stayed at the hole.

The male leopard licked it, kneeling down, sticking out his tongue and licking the wound of the female leopard.

The wounds of the female leopard are dark, which is caused by the toxins of the black feathers.

The male leopard lives here, and as long as it smells, it can tell the toxin. But now, it doesn't matter.

In the end, its bright eyes are getting darker and darker, and the eyelids are getting heavier and heavier.

When it was noon, it also died. Quietly lying with the female leopard, the beautiful fur makes them look like beautiful crafts.

Seeing the whole process with his own eyes, Bai Ningbing could not help but sigh.

Soon after, Fangyuan woke up and walked out of the cave with full energy. He saw Bai Ningbing relying on the cave wall and watching the bodies of the two leopards in a daze.

"How is the harvest?" Fang Yuan asked Bai Ningbing shrugged, and some of them were stunned: "The flying locusts are flying away, I don't have the means to catch them. Besides, the battle last night. Have you seen it before? The dead, wounded, and residual of the locusts are not what we need. Oh, if not, how can you take the initiative to go to sleep?"

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "Although it is two thousand beasts, the locusts on the body are not very good. But it is not necessarily without gain, hehe."

Said, Fang Yuan went to the body of the leopard. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.) [] bring Zier @紫杉雪萌

[Dark martial arts lander]

Through the male discovery, he actually packed the game lander that was played before the game, and he could randomly log into the book of Jin Gu Huang Liang.

It’s just that the lander has actually mutated and can only randomly log in to the characters, but they are also rebel.

Zhang Wuji, Duan Yu, Shuanglong, Han Bai, Feng Xing Lie, and so on, the protagonists of countless beautiful women have become the resentment of men.

It’s just a small matter. I landed a certain time and walked through the man’s body to see a beautiful girl in red dress smiling at it.

"Xiao Linzi, Yu Huashan........."

Hey, this sad reminder will not land.........for the revenge of the goods from the palace.

PS: Brothers, let us follow the protagonist, only this body, travel all over the world, will be endless masters (system and Xiuxian pay equal weight)

Address: Dark Martial Lander

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