Reverend Insanity

: Section 328: Find yourself 蛊

"Fast, cultivate this!" Among the Tan Kui's fairy tales, the middle-aged five-year-old teacher of the house is teaching a method of practice to Wang Xiaoer.

"What is this? Father." Wang Xiaoer looked confused.

Wang Xiaoer carries his own secrets.

He is not the blood of the house, but the prisoner who is being held by the house. After the house was destroyed by the battlefield, Xianyu was invaded by Xiao Yehu, causing unrest.

Wang Xiaoer took the opportunity to escape and was mixed with the family members of the house.

Subsequently, they were sold to Bao Huangtian.

Tan Kui was one of the immortals who bought these human slaves. He bought a group of family members, including Wang Xiaoer.

Wang Xiaoer has started a new life in Tan Kui Sin.

Tan Kui Xian also naturally has the blood of Tan family, so the family members are very low and are slaves.

But there are also people with higher status among slaves.

For example, the middle-aged teacher in front of Wang Xiaoer.

This sorcerer is also a bad life. When the house is in a state of turmoil, the family is dead. The middle-aged teacher was disheartened, and he did not intend to swear again. He also saw Wang Xiaoer, a young boy who was similar to his situation. He was also lonely and timid. His age and appearance were similar to his former son. Simply ask him to be a son.

In the eyes of the middle-aged teacher, Wang Xiaoer is also the blood of the house.

The middle-aged teacher knocked on Wang Xiaoer’s head and smiled and said: “What do you suspect this kid? Can the father still harm you?”

"I tell you the truth, buy the celestial beings of our group, from Zhongzhou."

"He valued the qualifications of our people, so they bought us."

"Now he passed down the humane practice method. If we can practice well, then we will be able to improve our status. Even in the future, we will become a sinister, and we are not sure!"

Wang Xiaoer was stunned.

But soon, he again had doubts: "There is such a precious method of cultivation of immortality. Why does the Zhongzhou Zhuxian not practice it himself? Why not leave it to his descendants and leave it to us?"

The middle-aged sergeant clearly knows the secrets of many celestial beings and has a wide vision. He continued to explain: "The immortal practice has a genre, and humanity is one of them. Since this Zhongzhou 蛊 immortal has become a fairy, it must not be humane."

“In addition, not everyone has the qualification to practice as a fairy.”

"The genre of humanity has just developed. Zhongzhou Zhuxian distributes these methods, mainly because of the attempt. Therefore, the genius of his own bloodline descendants must retain some essence and inherit his spiritual practice. The remaining Tan family And we, only to practice humanity."

"The humane genre is really bad. I have never heard of it in my family's blessed land. But there is no way. If we don't practice, we don't even have a little hope."

"Small two, you will live here for the rest of your life, and you will always be trampled by the Tan family and act as slaves. Are you willing?"

Wang Xiaoer quickly shook his head, and his face was calm: "Please ask the righteous father to teach me, I am willing to practice!"

Wang Xiaoer got a lot of humanitarian information, which helps to promote his understanding of humanity. There are also a number of locusts, all of which are humane genres, which are the basis of the practice of humanity.

After the middle-aged teacher taught Wang Xiaoer a hand, let the latter practice privately.

On this night, Wang Xiaoer was so excited that he couldn't sleep, and practiced alone.

A fairy is so unexpectedly awakened by him!

The consciousness in Xianyu actually took the initiative to communicate with Wang Xiaoer, and Wang Xiaoer was shocked: "Own you?!"

I am so small that I have been hiding in the body of Wang Xiaoer, so that no one has noticed it.

He remembers that this is a famous legend in the "Ancestral Mystery". With ecstasy and incredible emotions, he flipped through the "Ancestral Mystery".

The fifth chapter of The Ancestors of the People, the thirty-eighth section is loaded -

Falling into the river of the long river, the three ancestors awakened at the same time.

The three quickly climbed up to a nearby ice floe, although they were only a little while, but they all got older.

"There is a place in the long river, and our life will be washed away with the river."

People's ancestors repent: "It's not a good thing to always encounter good things. It will become a big bad thing! It's too happy to be happy, too bad. It's too easy for people to stop and forget to forget the time."

Xiaoyao Zhixin has some surprises: "Look at our hearts!"

The three men examined their inner feelings and found that there was a lot of emotions in their hearts, but when they just fell into the water, the emotions in their hearts were washed away a lot.

This discovery makes the three people happy.

Next, they continue to rely on ice floes.

Whenever they encounter bad things and feel uncomfortable, they put their hearts in the river to wash: "These will all pass."

Bad moods have faded over time.

Whenever they encounter good things and are about to forget, they will also put their hearts in the river to wash: "These will also pass."

The good mood has also been cut a lot over time, so that they are not too overwhelmed.

Thoughts look at the three people always wash their hearts, can not help but jump out and reminded: "It is never time to heal the heartache, but the heart is old. People are not the worst, old age is the most terrible. Don't wash your heart again."

The three ancestors listened to this advice and stopped.

But they can't wash their minds, and their speed of progress has dropped.

"Let me help you." At this time, a locust flew out and landed on the ancestors.

The three ancestors saw this locust and were very happy.

It turns out that this is a family affair.

With the help of family members, the three ancestors shared their emotions with each other. When one is happy, they will share three points with happiness. A person is sad, and can divide the sorrow into three parts.

The three ancestors of the people used their affection, comforted each other, shared each other, and walked steady and fast.

But the good times are not long.

The hearts of the three people accumulated more and more emotions. The three of them were very tired and felt unbearable. They were gradually injured.

Feelings of sadness.

The situation soon became even worse. The three men were seriously injured and could not bear more emotions.

At this time, Xiaoyao Zhixin took out a cage and put it in his hand: "This is the state of mind that I created. Let us put our emotions in it."

Both the ancestors and the powerful Zhenwu said that they are good.

They put their emotions in their minds.

Suddenly, the fact that the ice floes are in the eyes of the three people reveals the shape that should have been.

It’s just a piece of ice floe. The three people feel the same about ice floes.

People's emotions, nothing to do with others, are only their own state of mind.

"What is this?" Xiaoyao Zhixin discovered the locusts in the ice floes.

The locust replied: "I am calm."

The facts are originally cold and quiet, this is the attitude that should be faced with the facts.

The three people of the ancestors finally came to the very center of the factual ice floes.

But they didn't find themselves.

"It turns out that I am not here." The ancestors were disappointed.

At the beginning, people will think that they are the center of everything, but they are not.

The center of the ice floes is not self-defeating, but there are three other crickets.

The first is just rules, the second is just the moment, and the third is just practice.

The two rules and the ancestors worked together for a long time. After the hearts of the ancestors were all eaten by the predicament, the rules were that the ancestors died and left the ancestors.

They came here and made factual ice floes with practice.

Any facts are about the rules of the world.

The three cockroaches constantly made the facts of ice floes, and then watched the ice floes drifting away under the influence of Zhou Yu and gradually sinking.

When I saw the ancestors, I was surprised: "People, you are not dead."

The ancestors asked them both, how can they find their own?

The rules are all pointing to practice, and they say in unison: "It can help you!"

Practice 蛊 replied: "People, you have experienced too many things. For such a long time, you have already changed. You are the same, even if it is close at hand, it is very strange, you can’t recognize it. of."

"What can I do?" The ancestors were very upset.

"This is actually very simple." Practice laughed and said, "Do you have to do something about ‘know yourself?’

"Yes!" The three ancestors of the ancestors swelled Practice 蛊 continued: "For people, knowing yourself is the most important and difficult thing in the world. Vigorously, you are capable. The strong, we work together, the hope of success is great."

The ability to laugh and say: "Doing things, can make me stronger."

Xiaoyao Zhixin is also very supportive, and will be seriously lent to the powerful Zhenwu.

Vigorously, Zhenwu and the practice team worked together to start doing things.

They first created a piece of ice floe. The ice floe was very small, like a ball. It wrapped the strong martial arts and practice cockroaches. The edge of the ice hockey was a light film.

The ancestors and the wise mind stood on the ice hockey and drifted all the way to see the young.

"Is this your own?" asked the ancestors.

Vigorously, Wu Wu shook his head: "No, I am going to be smaller than it."

They continued to do things in the ice hockey, and their ability became stronger. The ice floes became larger and the edges became a film of water.

During the drifting period, the ancestors saw the New Moon.

"Is this your own?" asked the ancestors.

Vigorously, Wu Wu shook his head: "No, I am going to be smaller than it."

Vigorously, the military and the practice continued to work hard, and the ability became stronger. The ice floes were made even bigger, and the edge of the ice really became an ice film.

The ancestors saw the sundial.

"Is this your own?" asked the ancestors.

Vigorously, Wu Wu shook his head: "No, I am going to be smaller than it."

The stronger the ability, the more you find yourself small.

Finally, the ice floes became the biggest, and after the edge of the ice floes became a crystal film, the three ancestors drifted along the ice hockey and finally found themselves paralyzed.

"It turns out that I am so small." The hearts of the people were shaking.

The thought sighed: "For the whole world, for everyone, the individual self is very small."


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