Reverend Insanity

: Section 329: Fang Yuan wants to have twins

Late at night.

Wang Xiaoer looked at the thin book "The Ancestors of the People". His eyes were filled with blood and his mouth was spurted.

"There is nothing wrong with this humane practice law that my father gave me. "The ancestral ancestors" is a humane classic!"

"I have discovered now that this part of the ancestors found out that their content is actually a metaphor for the realm of each layer of the martial arts practice. Light film, water film, ice film, crystal film!"

"The three ancestors of the ancestors in the long rivers, the Yudao Zhoudao, the year, the month, the day, does it mean that it takes a long time to practice the martial arts, in order to gradually accumulate success?"

"My level is too low and too low, I can only see this shallow layer."

"The Humanitarian Practice Law states that the most outstanding celestial sages in history have almost many comprehension from "The Ancestors of the People" and there are many results of humane killings."

"Although I can't compare them now, I have different hopes!"

"Own you..."

"It has always been hidden on me, but when I first started to practice humanity, I found it. It must be a human being!"

"There are many locusts described in The Ancestors of the People, but in my opinion, they are the most special and legendary."

"Ha ha ha, with this fairy, humanity is the best genre for me!"

"I am the most correct person to practice humanity."

Almost at the same time.

Supreme fairy, Xiaodonghai.

"Haha." The prostitute, Tang Xianqiong, couldn't help but laugh. "My family joined Fangyuan and survived in the Supreme Immortal. It is definitely the most correct choice!"

Her face is full of excitement and it is difficult to cover up.

A total of three prostitutes, who were recruited by Fang Yuan, led a group of monks to station in Xiaodonghai, and have survived here since then.

The three prostitutes are gradually divided into divisions. The fish pose is mainly responsible for completing the task and earning contributions. Even the heart is mainly responsible for diplomacy. It is in contact with other tribes and forces. Tang Qiong is mainly responsible for the settlement of the monks and tribes. .

After all, unusual events often occur in Supreme Immortals. The land where the various ethnic groups live in concentrated places must have at least one of the immortals to keep guarding.

Tang Qiong just received a decree issued by Fang Yuan, and revealed the most obvious information in the decree.

In the days to come, Fangyuan will intensify efforts to support the outstanding children of all ethnic groups and spend huge sums of money to support them in their practice and to raise the seeds of each family.

To this end, Fang Yuan also issued an indicator to the people responsible for the various ethnic groups.

Every year, every tribe has to cultivate at least how many seeds of the sinensis.

If the target is met, there will be a contribution from the Great Ai Alliance.

If it does not meet the standard, there will be punishment.

"The co-owners are not only treated equally, but also with kindness, helping me to wait for the aliens, and to allocate such a huge amount of resources, that is, to cultivate the priests. Existence! Even if it is a happy man, for the help of my aliens, Xianzun is not the source of adults."

Tang Qiong thought of this, tears in his eyes.

The reason why the music is to help the aliens is that the aliens are in danger of dying, and they can’t bear it, so they help each other.

The source is different.

Fangyuan not only provides a fair survival, no discrimination, and a relatively stable environment for the aliens, but he also really subsidizes these aliens and makes these aliens truly grow and develop.

This is unprecedented.

Before Tang Qiong lived and worked hard in the monk Wang Ting, after the storm, he was crushed by the human race. As a prostitute, he lived a day of being bullied, and he was physically and mentally stressed.

When she reached the Supreme Immortal, she felt suddenly and cheerful.

Despite the hard work in the Supreme Immortal, it is more tired than before in the East China Sea. It requires a desperate struggle. It is extremely normal to sleep for ten days. Sometimes the liver will explode.

But Tang Qiong is more and more like this place, until now, love this piece of heaven and earth, this sea!

Because here, there are five domains that can't be fair and equal.

Because here, there is full hope.

Because here, as long as you work hard enough, desperately, how much you can pay, how much you can gain.

Because here, you can clearly feel that you are constantly improving, and your own tribe is growing rapidly.

Tang Qiong’s thoughts were once again explored into the channel, and the information that had been seen several times was viewed from beginning to end.

Fang Yuan’s decree vigorously encouraged all major tribes to actively give birth, and the more they live, the better. There are many rewards for life, and there are rewards for good students.

For population growth, Fangyuan also has clear indicators.

Those huge amounts of spiritual resources will be transferred to the hands of the various tribes in a few days.

There are a large number of relics, as well as 璞玉蛊, 木本蛊, 蛊源蛊, 胜胜天蛊 and so on.

Relics can directly improve the small realm of the sergeant, and 璞玉蛊 and so on are rare geniuses, which can enhance the qualifications of the sergeant!

Their essence is to mark the traces of certain genres on the teacher.

璞玉蛊 can engrave the track mark of the earth road, which is suitable for the growth qualification of the stone man.

The wood is suitable for the villain, the water source is suitable for the monks, and the human beings are suitable for the pure people who do not have the qualifications of the teacher, forcing them to open up.

"With these resources, the good days of the tribe are coming."

"There has never been such a sage of Fangyuan adults, so that we can truly care for every citizen. No matter how ordinary these people are, his love is like the sun, like the warm wind, always everywhere."

"He is a veritable big love fairy! I am lucky to be able to follow him."

Tang Qiong thought of this, can not help but excited, tears rolling down.

Fang Yuan, who was adored by Tang Qiong, has just spurred a confusing killing.

no way.

There are too many gains from the stolen genius.

Up to now, there are still Zhuxian who are going back and forth, quietly bringing back the spiritual resources from the East China Sea, Xi'an, and South Xinjiang.

The most valuable thing is the information about the five-domain intelligence, Fangyuan’s own killing and improvement, and the construction of the combat system.

All of this has led to a significant increase in the scale of Fangyuan's gas transportation.

Therefore, Fang Yuan had to once again provoke a confusing tactic to reinforce the effect of the previous body.

During this time, Fang Yuan did not refine the fourth nine-turn fairy.

On the surface, he is refining and refining the traces of the East China Sea refining road. The secret is mainly the result of digesting the stolen genius, and calculating a lot of things. As for the resolution of the factual ice floe, it used to be the most important work, and now it is no longer the point.

It is not too big to understand the expected benefits of ice floes.

This point has also been reflected in the gas transportation of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan has to examine and transport himself, but he can only inspect a part of it, but it can be seen in the tube, and it has a high reference value.

Everything about the nine-day-old machine is the biggest secret of Fangyuan. Confusion and stolen aircraft are included.

Because of the stolen genius, Fang Yuan began to look at the mortal people in Xianyu.

After he acted resolutely and understood the value of these people, he immediately began to vigorously cultivate them.

Tang Qiong, these people are not aware of the truth.

Fangyuan Xiancai is very rich in treasury, but some are lacking.

Supreme Xianyu has produced many kinds of all kinds of materials, and the scale is very large. However, there are many kinds of materials that are cultivated by mortal people. The Supreme Xianyu also has to communicate with Bao Huangtian to carry out various transactions to meet the needs of this area. .

The implementation of the policy and the cultivation of resources are not a problem, but Fangyuan still wants to do better.

He planned for a moment and found that he had a lot of means to cultivate these mortal teachers.

For example, the blood cranial sputum, the fleshy scorpion scorpion, the courage, and the second openness of one turn to six turns.

Qualification is very important for the teacher.

In the same year, Fang Yuan used the blood cranium to kill the relatives and obtained the qualifications of A.

A qualifications helped him a lot during his later practice.

At the same time, the qualifications of A and other qualifications become the seeds of Zhuxian, of course, far greater than the qualifications of B, C and C. If the qualifications are poor, if you practice three to four turns, you will have reached the limit. How can you break through six turns from five to six?

"The effect of blood cranial sputum enhancement is better than that of Mikimoto, Shuiyu, Suiyu, and Jinjin. Maybe I can use the blood cranium to carry out massive massacre, then use the sea to resurrect and then use the blood cranium.蛊 Repeated slaughter... So, you can brush up a lot of qualified teachers."

Fang Yuan’s mind is surrounded by a rather horrible practice plan.

He also thought of the flesh and blood.

This locust was also in the stage of the martial arts practice, which brought considerable help to Fang Yuan.

It can purify the real yuan to help practice, not only help Fangyuan to impact the small realm, but also impact the realm!

It's really useful.

"Just refining this, you need twins."

"A little trouble."

Fang Yuan does not need one or two hundred bones and bones ~ ~ He needs thousands of bones and scorpions, and then put them on the large scale to the Supreme Immortal. In this way, in the future, a steady stream of seeds will be formed.

"I am now practicing the soul of the soul, and I have not yet had the energy to enlighten. I have tried a little before, and the progress has been small. So the courage can also be used to cultivate the seeds of the celestial scorpion. It is very helpful for them to be strong."

"As for the second open space, it is just a icing on the cake."

Fangyuan could not refine it into a second empty 窍 窍 六 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊

Today, the second open space has been identified as a locust.

The second open space of six turns requires Shouyi as a coffin, while Shouyi is the most classic astronomical locust with a trace of heaven.

The nine-turned Supreme Immortality is the use of ten extinct as a coffin, but the "fairy fetus" is not "Xianyi", so it is a human fairy.

Fang Yuan summed up that he needs to hoard the seeds of Zhu Xian, which first requires a large population.

It doesn't matter if it is a different person or a human race.

Fangyuan is not planning to acquire a foreign population for the time being, and the seed of the celestial cultivar is still cultivated in the Supreme Immortal, and it is more loyal. Alien is of course the most loyal.

Fang Yuan is more reassured and has more people.

The population has increased, and there are more teachers. However, if you want to have a seed, you have to upgrade your qualifications.

This requires that not only do people have to be born much, but they also have to have more brothers and sisters and more relatives to facilitate mass killings in the future.

It is best to have more twins.

When the massacre is in this way, it is also possible to refine the flesh and blood.

"I want to have twins..." Fang Yuan said, "It seems that I still want to find the giant Yang Xianzun. Countless people, he is best at childbirth!"


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