Reverend Insanity

: Section 92: Fangyuan vs Li Hao (below)


The vain flash of the animal power flashed, the sound of the earth shook, and the back of the mountain screamed and screamed, slamming into the square.

Fang Yuan snorted and flashed in time.

The back mountain is carrying a mountain peak. The tonnage is too heavy and the speed is very slow. Fangyuan is easy to dodge.

Cross-crushing, straight hitting and smashing in succession, the back of the mountain repeatedly attacked, even Fangyuan's skin did not reach.

Everyone was stunned.

The image of the back of the mountain sweeping away from the hearts of the people was screamed by Fang Yuan.

"This kid is so fierce!" Li Hao was also shocked, biting his teeth and urging his back to jump high.

"Bad boy, I want to crush you into a meat!" Li Hao opened his mouth, issued a sneer, and his heart was boiling.

However, the shadow cast by the back of the mountain did not actively cover the Fangyuan.

Instead, it fell on Li Hao.

The huge body of the back mountain, began to fall, and slammed into Li Hao.

When I saw this scene, most people stumbled and did not respond. Only a few people, including Wei Yang, saw the good tactics in the eyes.

Simply using the back mountain, squatting to Fangyuan, the attack is very easy to fall.

Fangyuan has a horizontal rush, a straight smash, and can completely dodge.

However, the back of the mountain to Li Hao, Li Hao can use the shape of the 蛊, to exchange the position of the source. As long as the timing is well mastered, it can completely prevent Fangyuan from responding and be killed by the mountains.

The weight of the back mountain, even if you don't die, can definitely hit him.

However, at the moment when the back mountain vacated, Fang Yuan rushed to Li Hao for the first time!

He was rushed to Li Hao's side.

"Damn guy, he actually saw it!" At this moment, Li was very angry.

Fang Yuan is still some distance away from him, but he now uses the shifting 蛊, and Fang Yuan has sufficient time to avoid the attack of the mountain.

But if he doesn't use it now, once Fang Yuan is close to him, he will use the shifting 蛊 to change his position, and he will not be able to escape. He will be killed by Fangshan together with Fang Yuan.

In desperation, Li Hao can only promote the shifting shape, and the position of the square source is interchanged.


When the back of the mountain fell to the ground, Fang Yuan really used a rush to escape.

He has always focused on the alternate use of squatting and squatting. Usually there are three breaths. Count the time around 50 steps, so that he will always have mobile 蛊 available.

Subtleties often determine success or failure.

Fang Yuan’s rich combat experience in the past has left him without flaws.

He rushed back to the back of the mountain, punching and kicking, and the offensive was fierce and hard. The animal power illusion flashed, and it was fierce.

The back mountain scorpion once again fell into the storm and attack, and was screamed and shouted.

The spectators who were screaming in the mouth were all in silence.

Many people open their mouths and watched this scene with surprise...

Going all out to be such a mighty and overbearing use by Fang Yuan, even if it is back to the mountains, it has become a beaten sandbag, and has fallen into a weak position!

The scene is in full swing and the scene is fierce. And Li Hao is calm and calm.

Li Hao never expected that Fangyuan would persevere in attacking the mountains.

In the past, opponents and Li Hao fought, and they all abandoned their backs and tried to attack Li Hao. Li Hao was defeated, and he was not worried about his back.

This is the choice of smart people!

However, Fang Yuan chose one of the most stupid targets.

He concentrated all his firepower on the back of the mountain, and he did not care about the Lord Li.

Li Hao was left aside, as if he had become a spectator of irrelevant situation.

The virtual shadow of the beast is constantly flashing and meets in the air. Fang Yuan was round the mountain and fiercely beaten.

The original mighty body shape is so clumsy at this moment.

"Not good, the back of the mountain are all vomiting blood!" Li Hao, who was far away, saw this scene, suddenly cold hands and feet.

Move shape!

He saw a strange light in his eyes and took a photo of Fang Yuan.

In an instant, Fangyuan’s vision changed greatly, and I’ve taken it to a distant place.

On the other hand, Li Hao replaced the position of Fang Yuan and stood beside the mountain.

He stretched out his palms and pressed his back to the mountain to start treatment.

The embarrassing injury made him feel shocked.

He has fought so many games in the battlefield and has never seen such a serious injury.

"Does this battle, I will fail? Lost to such a younger generation? No, impossible!" The strong premonition of failure, for the first time appeared in the heart of Li Hao.

Fang Yuan sneered and started to charge.

How could he allow Li Hao to treat the back mountain beggar under his own eyelids?

Seeing Fangyuan rushing over, Li Hao licked his teeth and had to give up treatment and start running in reverse.

When Fangyuan rushed to the back of the mountain, he used the shape.

In this way, he once again stood beside the back of the mountain, while Fang Yuan was in the distance.

However, Fang Yuan did not care, still rushing to charge.

Li Hao’s treatment has been interrupted repeatedly, and Fang Yuan’s second impact has not been achieved.

But despite this, he is still constantly slamming and persevering.

After several times, Li Hao took the initiative to stop treatment and his face was cloudy and uncertain.

This scene, many people who watched the battle, couldn’t figure it out.

But in the end there are still smart people.

“The Founder’s charge every time seems to be useless. In fact, Li Hao’s real yuan has been consumed violently.”

"Not bad. Although the effect of the shape of the metamorphosis, but also has drawbacks, the consumption of real yuan is one of them."

"The farther away, the stronger the strength of the object, and the more real elements that Li Ran urges to move."

"Fangyuan is a double pig, a crocodile and a bear force. Li Ran will use a lot of real yuan every time he uses a metamorphosis. Plus he has to treat the mountain, even if it is a three-turn real yuan, you can't help it. Use it like this."

Li Hao is also aware of this, and this is a last resort.

His real yuan is not much.

If you change to the previous opponent, he is a three-turn silver real yuan. But now Fang Yuan’s cultivation is also three turns. After these rounds, Fang Yuan has firmly established the real yuan advantage.

Seeing Fangyuan rushing again, Li Hao’s eyes flashed a hesitant light and had to stand up.

Fang Yuan pinched his fist and clap his hands, immediately gave up his back to the mountain and attacked Li Hao.


He punched the air and screamed at the air, and he was so fierce that he slammed the reef like a tide.

A few rounds down, Li Hao can't support it!

Although his locusts are filled, the real core lies in the mountains and the shackles.

In order to reduce the real consumption of the metamorphosis, he also eliminated the virtual shadow of the animal lurking in the body.

Fang Yuan’s offensive is extremely fierce, such as violent storms, and it is difficult for him to breathe.

Li Hao relied on the foundation of his previous efforts to reconcile a few times, and had to use the metamorphosis again to exchange the back mountain.

Fang Yuan did not chase Li, and attacked the back of the mountain.

The shadows of mountain pigs, brown bears, and crocodiles are flashing.

For a time, the mountain and the stone flew, the back of the mountain vomited blood, madly counterattack.

However, Fangyuan alternately used horizontal and straight collisions, and the counterattack of the back mountain was so awkward.

"How could it be like this..."

"Even Li Hao’s adults have to fight and share the pressure for the mountains."

"The attack of Founder is terrible. It is suppressed by Li Hao and the back mountain."

The battlefield is here, which is beyond the expectations of most people. Ever since Li Hao abandoned his power and changed his aid, they have never seen Li Hao fall into such adversity.

Li Hao's tactics are quite good. The use of the shape 蛊, combined with the back of the mountain, once the cooperation, the effect is excellent.

Even Fang Yuan, did not crack this tactic.

But... Fang Yuan, he doesn't need to crack!

He didn't want to crack at all, and he instinctively picked up the iron fist and changed it. No matter which one of you appears in front of me, all you know is it!

The move seems stupid, but it is too wise.

The fierce and overbearing momentum suddenly showed up.

"This is a good way." Someone said, "If I play against Li in the future, I will learn from Founder, no matter what else, and launch a fierce attack on the mountain."

When this statement came out, it was suddenly denied and ridiculed by people around him.

"Fart! You want to learn him too, is your head burnt? Fangzheng can do this because he is a repairman, and the real yuan consumes less. You are a fire repairer, dare to waste the attack on the back of the mountain, it is Li I really want to see it."

The sorcerer has no real yuan, and the combat power must be plunged, almost equal to the mortal.

In the battle, one party has more real elements and often has an advantage. The greater the difference between the true elements, the greater the advantage.

Some of the teachers who want to emulate Fangyuan, when they heard this, suddenly stopped and refute.

Someone slaps his head and realizes: "I suddenly found that strength repair is also advantageous."

"Yes." Someone immediately echoed, "The attack of force repair, with the help of the body, so there is a general advantage, that is, the consumption of real yuan is less."

"Every martial art school has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is not unreasonable to be able to stand up in the ancient times."

The people once again turned their attention to the field.

Li Hao and his back mountain, under the fierce attack of Fang Yuan, retreat.

It is very rare to go all out to consume the real yuan.

Fang Yuan’s real attack power comes from a few great beasts.

But these animal power virtual shadows themselves are not, need, want, eliminate, consume, really, yuan!

This is the most abnormal place! ! !

In exchange for other sorcerers, put them in the position of Fangyuan, and dozens of rounds have already faded, but Fangyuan has become more and more fierce and lasting.

His momentum is constantly rising, his fists are all bringing out the wind, and he is overbearing, as if he is a roaring tiger, a giant bear!

On him, everyone seems to have seen the proud style of the ancients!

The heart is beating rapidly, and the blood in the chest is boiling. Fangyuan is getting better and better.

Since he was born again, he has been on a thin ice, and he has accumulated a stagnation in his heart. With the outbreak of the madness of his fists, he vented it all.

The gloom in his heart was swept away.

Undoubtedly, getting the best out of it is a turning point in Fangyuan’s life.

Before that, he ran to the west and rushed to the ground. When you encounter a slightly bigger thing, you need to think hard about it.

But when he got the best out of it, he finally had a proud capital and could solve many things with his fist.

Just like now, he doesn't need to crack Li's fine tactics and swipe his fists directly.

The devil is blackmail, the devil is overbearing!

Sweeping the sky, sweeping the mountains and rivers, blood splashing, and will drop ten meetings!

You are fierce, I am more fierce than you, you are arrogant, I am more arrogant than you!

magic! magic! magic!

kill! kill! kill!

Fang Yuan played well and his heart was in a fierce rush. Finally, I couldn’t hold back and turned into a shout.

"Because of the difficulties and ambitions, I don't teach the red dust and confuse my heart. This is the time to graze the grass, and it screams and sings the mountain!"

From now on, we will embark on the road of glory!

Sweeping the dust and laughing at the vicissitudes of life.

Step on the green hills, dance the blue sea, bind the dragons, hit the sky!

Bathing in the wind and rain, screaming the demon soul, raising the flag and screaming and advancing, against the sky!


A fist down back mountain can no longer support, the mountain collapsed, blood spewed, and Fangyuan lived to death.


Li Hao flew high and flew out a dozen steps away, and fell heavily.

Plop, falling in the mud, motionless.

The black muddy water mixed with the bright red blood quickly contaminated his robes.

He paid the price of his life for his contempt.

The battle came to an abrupt end, Fangyuan stood proudly, and the masculine violent momentum overwhelmed the spot.

In the martial arts field, it seems that he still echoed his long-sounding voice.

In addition, there is silence, no one speaks!

(To be continued) q

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