Reverend Insanity

: Section 93: Rule Shards, Trails of the Avenue

In the secret room, the square source plate sits on the futon and the eyes are closed.

The pale silver real element is constantly urging, pouring into the self-reliance.

Self-reliance, located in the open space of Fangyuan, is diving in the sea.

It is shaped like a scorpion, with a flat body and a dark brown body. The filaments of the filaments are divided into front and rear wings.

This is a three-turn treatment, which was purchased when Fangyuan had a large blood transfusion period.

Self-reliance can almost be said to be the perfect match for the master.

The stronger the strength of the teacher, the better the treatment effect of self-reliance and health. Conversely, the smaller the strength, the worse the effect.

Self-reliance and self-reliance are the ability to gain renewal and growth from strength.

Fangyuan has the power of a double pig, a bear and a crocodile. At this moment, it promotes self-reliance and self-reliance, and the therapeutic effect is already flat with the meat and bones. This is not the limit of it. When Fangyuan continues to add new power in the future, its curative effect will surpass the flesh and bones, and will continue to rise and rise.

However, there are drawbacks to self-reliance.

That is not to treat others, only to the teacher himself.

This greatly limits its application.

Plus it is expensive, it is rare, up to 45,000 yuan stone! It is much more expensive than the sword shadow. Therefore, although there are many teachers, there are few people who can afford it.

Unlike the ancient times, most of the current leaders are located at the bottom, doing hard work. There are more low-turning realms, less high-turning, and less color. The arrogant peak is extremely rare. Looking at southern Xinjiang, it is also a martial artist. She still relies on the inheritance of the ancient force.

This is an era of declining power.

Now, Fangyuan is taking advantage of self-reliance. Self-healing.

In the battle with Li Hao, he was injured.

The culprit leading to the injury is not Li Hao. It is not a mountain, but a source of his own.

In the fierce battle, his offensive was wild and powerful and lasted for a long time. It causes muscle strain and tendon rupture. Even the canopy is very wilting and needs to be cultivated.

Fortunately, he used the iron skeleton beforehand. Iron bones, nothing. Otherwise the bones will break.

If a person is too strong, it will strain the muscles. The more the shells are played. The more easily the muzzle is blown up.

Any force needs to be carried by the cornerstone. This is especially true for the strength of the road.

Although Fangyuan has a canopy. Iron bones. But the power is too strong, the tricks are continuous, the muscles can't bear, the burden of internal organs, blood, etc. is very big.

After a war, he was covered in darkness.

Even sweating, bleeding bleeding.

"It is the fifth hour to use self-reliance and healing. This is mainly the effect of reinforced sputum. It leads to difficult treatment." Fang Yuan has a sense of concentration.

Prior to this, he had been using reinforced concrete to transform himself. Work out. Causes the big ribs in the muscles, all dyed with a touch of black, revealing a metallic luster and becoming more tough.

Nowadays, these big tendons are not strained, or they are directly broken. It is necessary to continue to grow and restore treatment. It is more difficult than ordinary people's muscles.

how so?

Ordinary people may not be able to say clearly, only know that there is such a phenomenon. However, Fang Yuan clearly knows that his past life was a celestial being, knowing that this involves the rules of heaven and earth.

Man is the spirit of all things, and the earth is really fine.

The body of the locust is large or small, and it contains the rules of the heavens and the earth.

The effect of reinforced concrete is to strengthen the muscles in the body of the teacher and exercise as tough as steel. This makes Fang Yuan's big ribs, permanently attached to the corresponding law of force, the trace of the road.

Self-reliance and treatment are not only to restore the meat of itself, but also to overcome and cover the power of this layer of law.

Fortunately, this rule does not conflict with the law of treatment. Otherwise, it is not the source of treatment, but the source of the injury.

Similarly, brown bears are strong, black and white, and crocodile are the same.

They themselves contain a piece of avenue law about "pneumatic power", which is attached to the body of Fangyuan and becomes a hidden shadow of animal power. After the full force breaks out, it will be visible to the naked eye.

What is the virtual shadow of the beast, the essence of it is the trace of power - the traces of the heaven and earth avenue!

Let me give you another example - a poisonous oath.

It is a rule about restraint, placed in the body of the teacher, and at the same time constraining each other.

This pattern is not visible at all times, but it can be revealed and then destroyed by the words without words.

The law contained in the words and without the letter is the opposite of the poisonous oath. Only the former is stronger, so it can play a restraining role.

Expanding further, why does the light rainbow and the scorpion need to be cleansed by the teacher himself?

The same is true.

The law of force will interfere with the law of light and the law of space. If the force pattern is too strong, it will know that the latter two failed.

"The sorcerer used 蛊, in fact, it used the fragments of various avenues of the avenue. 蛊 is the carrier of the shards, it is a natural tool. The same is true for the teacher, but also the law of fusion, the law of condensing. Refining 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊

Fang Yuan’s heart has long been enlightened.


"Because of the difficulties and ambitions, I don't teach the red dust and confuse my heart. This is the time to graze the grass, and it screams on the mountains and rivers."

In the study, Shang Yan fluttered in the mouth, chewing on the poems of Fang Yuan and Xiao Xiao, and the face was interesting.

"Because of the difficulties, but the ambitions of the ambitions. The red dust is rolling, and you can't restrain yourself. It's really great! Especially the last sentence. Is this the business city, as a grass?"

"The patriarch, in my opinion, Founder should say that the opponent Li Hao, weak can not help but fight." Wei Yang holding a fist.

Shang Yanfei shook his head: "No problem, I have not been narrow enough to this extent. It's just a pity, I missed a good show. But although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I can imagine that the Founder is making a big splash. Fighting the momentum."

Shang Yanfei is in a high position with a broad vision. Open minded. The ambition of the other party's source is generous and tolerant.

It was mentioned by Shang Yanfei. Wei Yang’s mind suddenly showed a vivid picture at that time, and his tone said: “It’s true. At that time, the scene was just as strong as it was, and it was overwhelming, shocking everyone, no one heard!”

Shang Yanfei raised his hand and stood up from his seat. Slowly walk to the window: "A thousand troops are easy to get, one will be hard to find. Unfortunately, this will be, high-spirited. Even my business city is not in the eye. Also, although he is difficult, but they have come over And it has been harvested many times. The cultivation is even more brave and refined. This has cultivated his character."

"The patriarch is an adult. The analysis is extremely. Young people always have this kind of enthusiasm and can’t be lawless." Wei Yang hangs his head and echoes.

Shang Yanfei looked out the window and gradually narrowed his eyes.

Fang Yuan compares the business city to the grass head. This kind of ambition is terrible, and it is absolutely ambitious. But Shang Yanfei himself does not care.

He is standing at the top. The man who overlooks southern Xinjiang has his own mind. And the business city. It’s not like being a grasshopper, it’s really a grass.

He cares about the previous sentence.

Because of the difficulties and ambitions, I don’t teach the red dust and confuse my heart...

In this world, there are many people who are too big. There are few ambitions and talents, and there is very little. It’s rare to have more ambitions and stronger wills!

There is ambition and talent is not terrible, but adding this unwilling steel will will be worrying.

Such people, in history, are often referred to as heroes, heroes, or traitors.

Such people can often change history and create history!

How can such a person be subordinated to people? How can it be used by merchants? If you can't use it, the magic road has this one, it must be swaying the world, setting off the wind and rain. Far from being the right path...

Thinking of this, Shang Yanfei suddenly said: "I heard that Founder took the opportunity of Li Ran, and for the peace of mind, took the initiative to repay 200,000 yuan. How much now?"

Wei Yang replied: "I have already paid 130,000, and there is still a gap of 70,000. But depending on the fact, it is also fast."

After listening to this answer, the concerns of Shang Yanfei have alleviated.

He nodded: "Yes. But wherever the ambition is to the grandeur, from the informal section, what is the 200,000 yuan stone in the district? Hehehe."

Also thinking of the things that Fangzheng saved the business, Shang Yanfei could not help but laugh.

This sub-temperament is a little cute, acting very principled, and there is grace and resignation. However, it is not a dangerous character with no ceremonial morality and no scruples. With this, there is hope for attracting control.

It’s just that when he is in the limelight, he’s hopelessly, and he needs to be slow.

When he was frustrated by reality, he moved with emotions and recruited for his business. With such help, he was relieved.

"It's worth it. Founder, let me see which step you can take..." Shang Yanfei was indulging in his heart.

His eyes were sharp and he was fascinated by the whole situation.

Fang Yuan murdered Li Hao and caused a sensation throughout the Yanwu District.

The strength of going all out is very eye-catching.

Many people are beginning to realize that Fang Yuan is a hard battle. On the other hand, it has also aroused the attention and embarrassment of other powerful people.

Fang Yuan will spend a period of stability, but then his life will be difficult.

According to his heart, he will surely hit his head. By then, he will realize his weakness.

First, by playing the power of the martial arts, press him down and grind him.

As Shang Yanfei expected, Fangyuan ushered in a relaxed day without victory.

Who is Li Hao?

In the fifth inner city's performance field, he was the first person to be deserved, and he had to rise to the fourth inner city.

Even he died in the iron fist of Fang Who else can hold Fangyuan?

However, the forcible challenge, can not be canceled, the original magical sorcerer who wanted to smash the cheap, had to hold his nose and force it to appear.

At the beginning, some people will take care of the face and try to play with Fang Yuan several times.

However, Fang Yuan seriously injured several people. After killing one person, they no longer dared to support them. They often took the initiative to admit defeat when the battle started.

Nineteen wins, twenty wins, twenty wins...

Fang Yuan’s playing is no longer a battle. He has gone through the field and led Yuan Shi.

It can be said that the spring breeze is proud.

Under such circumstances, a team of 100 hunters came to the foot of the business city.

Ps: Recently, I need to take a trip and need a lot of real money to drive the plane. Therefore, the two can't be reminded, and they can only remind one more. Until July 10th, the period may not be motivated. Helpless... above notice! To be continued.

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