Reverend Insanity

: Section 124: 3 Wang Chuancheng opens

"Yes, intelligence business. m merchants' performances, there are hundreds of battles every day, the atmosphere of the military is so strong, can be used. I thought about it, we can collect the big and small divisions in the theater. The information is then sold for sale. You can ask some celebrities, make predictions before the war, make comments after the war, etc." Shang Xinci replied with a smile.

"Miao!" Bai Ningbing immediately called the film.

This idea is really wonderful!

Bai Ningbing has participated in many battles in the battlefield, and he has become more profound in the beauty of this idea. She immediately understood that this was a wonderful idea to open up business opportunities.

Even Fangyuan can't help but look at it.

This idea, in fact, he thought of it in his previous life, even in Wuwu. The Wujia's performance field is bigger than the business and the atmosphere is more intense. Fang Yuan’s pioneering work caused a sensation at the time, which made him earn a lot of money every day. But not long after, they were intervened by the Wu family, and various competitions and pressures came to the fore. In a few months, profits plummeted to a low point. After half a year, I can't do it anymore.

Fang originated from 忖, I can think of this idea because there is memory on earth. The business mind can think of it, it is a real pioneering work, which shows that she is a talented person on the way to doing business!

However, although this idea is good, Fang Yuan shook his head.

Shang Xinci bites his teeth: "Is it a black brother, do you think this idea is not good?"

"The idea is very good, but it is not busy first. I am kind, do you believe me?" Fang Yuan condensed God to look at the business.

Shang Xin Ci Wen smiled.

"My life is the brother of Black Earth, you can save it. What else can you believe in your brother?"

Bai Ningbing snorted in his heart and did not speak.

She is an insider, and Fangyuan has come all the way. It is very clear: the distress of the business is all caused by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan nodded: "Since you believe me, then listen to me. Just 20 days of effort, you can turn the Yuanshi in your hands to three times."

"That's it!" The curious color appeared on the face of Shang Xinci. "Then I will listen to your brother's arrangement."

"He is playing a ghost idea again? Who wants to harm?" Bai Ningbing swept the square light with the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but guess.


Sancha Mountain, located in the chilling mountain of the left home, between the Feilai Mountain of the car home.

Zuojia and Chejia, one with more than 600 years of history, one stood for 580 years.

The two are enemies. The hatred accumulated by the world has made the two families a deadly enemy.

In the past 100 years, the two have expanded and they have made a big fight in order to occupy the Sancha Mountain.

Somewhere on the mountainside of the Trident Hill. A fierce battle has come to an end.

The blood on the ground is flowing, and the bodies of dozens of priests are lying on the rocks. There were only seven standing on the field.

There are three left in the left family and four in the car.

The left family's home is left on the silent chest, and there is a deep wounded hole. There is blood flowing. He held the wound in one hand and blocked it in front of Zuo Zenyu. His face was dignified: "Miss, let's go. It's blocked by us!"

Zuo Zenyu is the eldest daughter of the left family. A qualification is a hope for the future of the left family. She is young and beautiful. She is less than 20 years old and is already a three-way middle school. Never die here.

"The silent family is old..." Zuo Chanyu's face showed the color of reluctance and hesitation.

"Want to go? No way!" On the other side of the car, there was a sound in the old car, and a sneer. The more out of the crowd.

"Silent old ghost, you have today. Hey, today is here, my car has a tone to let you three, die without a place of burial!" His tone of silence is pervasive.

But after saying this, he whispered to a beautiful and beautiful female teacher: "Xianger, you have injuries on your body, you will fight, you will go back, give us a rush."

Che Qiaoxiang suddenly woke up with a pair of eyebrows: "Hey, I was only slightly injured, nothing. I want to fight alongside you!"

She is very worried in her heart.

The other side is silent, and the sound of the car is the opposite of the decades, the strength is actually comparable. Although the left voice is seriously injured, it is not easy to kill him. It is extremely horrible to retire.

"Noisy!" The car whispered in a low voice. "If you listen, you are an order."

Che Qiaoxiang picked up the lips, just wanted to refute, and suddenly heard a long laugh.

"Ha ha ha...oh...when..."

This laughter is very weird, and it makes people feel like a swindle blowing.

With this laughter, a figure appeared on a rock.

This man has a Yushu wind, a robes, and a white butterfly on the robes. Wearing a corolla on his head and crowning a fluffy crocus ball, as his laughter trembled, it seemed to be the corner of the troupe in the troupe, and there was a sense of joy.

But whether it is left silent, or when the car has a voice to see this person, his face suddenly changes greatly, and there is no feeling of joy in his heart. Instead, he feels a panic and panic.

"Ah, you are Pink Butterfly Lang..."

"Kong Ritian!"

The two are one person and one sentence, and the identity of the future will be broken.

This time, the look of other people has also changed. Especially Zuo Zenyu, Che Qiaoxiang and two women, it is even more distracting and nervous.

This hole is a mysterious figure, and it is notorious. He likes to wear a robes embroidered with pink butterflies, so he is called "Powder Langjun".

But in fact, he is a flower thief, specializing in the right woman's chastity. People are resentful and lonely.

The most important thing is that he has four conversions. Appearing at this moment, suddenly changed the pattern of the entire battlefield.

The left family and the car home are all at the end of the battle. The two major combat vehicles have sounds and left silence. They are injured. The real yuan is not enough.

"Ha ha ha ... oh ... whistling ..., no mistake, I am Kong Ritian!" The name was broken, and the buddy Lang Jun was very happy, and issued his signature eccentric laughter.

Suddenly he had a big sleeve, and the real yuan was poured into the locusts, and the rain suddenly sprinkled.

The pink petals turned into a colorful butterfly and danced.

For a time, the battlefield was full of fragrance.

The left family and the car family quickly fought off and showed their talents.

Kong Ritian smashed and the battle broke out. The rain is more urgent, and the figures are flying.

After a round of battle, Kong Ritian was in a flash. Then he then withdraws and leaves the battlefield.

"Repulsed him!"

"so close……"

The car had a sound, and the left was silent. The two of them sighed with relief, but their face changed dramatically in the next moment.

"Zen Yu my child!"

"Qiaoxiang! Dog thief, you let my daughter go!!"

The two old men are screaming, and their eyes are all raging.

"Ha ha ha ... oh ... whistling ..." Kong Ri Tian Yang Tianchang laughed again and again, two hands, one hand, holding two beautiful women.

It is Che Qiaoxiang and Zuo Zenyu who have fallen into a coma. It was just gotten in the scuffle by Kong Ritian.

What Kong Ritian is best at is to deal with the female teacher.

"Today's harvest is good, I didn't think about it. I can see these two little beautiful people here. Hahaha... Hey... Hey!" When Kong Ritian was full of consciousness, he suddenly made a change.

The entire Trident Mountain began to oscillate. For a time, the earth and stone rolled down and the ground moved to the mountain!

"what happened?"

"what's going on!?"

Everyone exclaimed, three beams of light, from the highest three peaks of the three forks, burst out. A magnificent light column, a yellow. A blue, a red, straight into the sky, running through the clouds.

at this time. The sound of three people mixed together spread throughout the Trident Hill -

"The Three Kings inheritance, open today, no matter what the devil is, leave it to the edge."

Everyone looked straight at this scene. They were all shocked.

Even Kong Day, I forgot the two beautiful women in my arms for the time being.

The inheritance of the Three Kings... It turned out to be the inheritance of the Three Kings!

After everyone reacted. There was an extremely excited look on his face.

The three kings inherit, the Tianzhu, the three kings are each a five-turn teacher. This is their heritage, this is actually their heritage! !


Three days later, the business city.

Nanqiuyuan, study.

Put a piece of intelligence in his hand on the desk, and flash a light in the eyes of Fang Yuan.

"The inheritance of the Three Kings finally opened up..."

Calculating the day is the same day as the previous life. It can be seen that in this world, rebirth can change history, but big events have inertia and will not be easily changed.

"Since the three kings have been opened, there is not much time left for me. I will push the business to the position of the young master, and I should leave here immediately."

Fang Yuan has a sense of urgency in his heart and needs to hurry.

The inheritance of the Three Kings is not the same as the ordinary inheritance.

The flower and wine inheritance and the inheritance of the bones taken before Fangyuan are only one. The three kings passed down, but they were three together.

If you can do both of these at the same time, Fangyuan's strength will expand several times, and the demand for four-turn locusts will satisfy most of them. At least five years before the practice of resources, it is not necessary.

However, the inheritance of the Three Kings is the inheritance of the Magic Road, which is very dangerous. There are many people in the crowd, and the level is heavy. The past lives have sacrificed countless lives, and it took a long time for half a year to get through to the bottom and gain inheritance.

Therefore, it is useless to go to Fangyuan for the time being.

"The news of the inheritance of the Three Kings is unstoppable. How can the three beams of light be covered?"

Fang Yuan knows that these three colored light columns are the entrances to the inheritance. But to enter this entrance, you need certain standards.

"In this way, I can fully acquire the cockroaches, the paper cranes, and the blasting eggs." Fang Yuan calculated.

Prior to this, he was using the funds on his hand, and skillfully quietly acquired the three kinds of 市 on the market~ but he was cautious and did not take full action.

Now the news of the three kings has been passed to the business city, and the time is ripe.

Full acquisition!

In the following five days, Fangyuan acquired a large number of cockroaches, two paper cranes, and a blasting egg tart. Not only is the 100,000 yuan stone, but also the 300,000 newly paid.

Fang Yuan once swindled hundreds of millions of stones, and now hundreds of them have paid more than half.

Coupled with the remaining money in the hands of Bai Ningbing, Fangyuan’s acquisition plan was a great success.

(ps: Clap your hands! Warmly celebrate the first dragon hole hole debut. The stage of the business city has entered the end, the wonderful three kings inheritance, the devil war, is about to come. At that time, each dragon set will debut, but there are some dragon sets Need to modify. Everyone wants a dragon set, you can go to the starting point of the book review area, "Three kings inheritance and Yi Tianshan Zhengmao war dragons set up the building" this post under the post registration. Dragon set should not be designed too strong, two turns, three turns almost. The four-five revisions are generally revised. There can be not so many strong people. Welcome everyone to experience the fun of participation.)

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