Reverend Insanity

: Section 125: Make a big profit

“The business has used all the funds to acquire these three kinds of shackles?” In the study, Shang Yifan held a paper in his hand. m

This instrument was reported by his mother.

The mother of Shang Yifan is a cousin of Shang Yanfei. The power is huge and there are many eyes and ears.

"A turn of a dog, a two-turned paper crane, and a turn of the egg, what is the use of these?" Shang Yifan frowned deeply, thinking hard, but could not think of any results.

"I heard that it was Shangxinci who entrusted 100,000 yuan to the Founder. Although the battle was strong, but before, he did not have the talent he had to operate. He bought it in such a random way, just tossing and breaking himself. The strength. Is it that I overestimated them before?"

Shang Yifan thought about it.

Although he is not high, he has also exercised his ability to manage and has a keen understanding of the market.

According to common sense, such a large-scale acquisition of locusts, as long as it is any senior businessman, will not choose to do so.

Because this investment has no prospect of return!

However, Shang Yifan left to think about it, and there was always something wrong with his heart. He feels that he seems to have missed something. It seems that behind this mad-like acquisition, it hides the other's calculations.

At this moment, the old housekeeper slammed outside the door: "Young master, just a big thing, urgently need to report to you."

"Oh, Zhang Lao invited." Shang Yifan quickly called him in.

This Zhang general manager is his mother's powerful subordinate. There are three turns to complete the peak, unique and experienced. Naturally, he should not be treated like ordinary people.

Shang Yifan’s mother also took care of him and asked him to treat him with courtesy. When he was in peacetime, he should ask for more.

General Manager Zhang came in and his face looked dignified: "Small sails. Something is not good. The latest news from Sanchashan has already detected the right way to enter the inheritance."

Although the three kings passed down the world, the three pillars of yellow, blue and red were skyrocketing. There is no mystery in the inheritance of the Three Kings. No one can enter the door.

After these days, many crazy ways of exploring people and entering the three kings have been tested.

Upon hearing Mr. Zhang’s words, Shang Yifan immediately emerged a strong interest: “Oh, enter the Three Kings. What do you want to do? Wait, say...”

Suddenly, his face changed, and his eyes couldn't help but stare at the information he had just had.

He thought of some possibility and couldn't help but slowly get up from his seat.

Director Zhang smiled bitterly: "One sailor seems to have already guessed it. There is nothing wrong with entering the three kings. They need three kinds of scorpions. The dog king who enters the yellow light column needs to refine at least one turn. To enter the blue light column of the letter to the inheritance of the king, you need to have a paper crane. If you want to enter the red light column of the king, the standard is to master at least one popping egg."

“How could this be?” Shang Yifan lost his voice.

He sat down on his chair and his face was lost.

He finally understood. Why did Fang Bai buy a large number of these three cockroaches? The reason is this.

Today, the news of the Three Kings has spread throughout the southern Xinjiang. The three five-turn masters came together. I don't know how many people are trying to get a piece of it.

But to enter the Three Kings heritage, you must have at least one of the three.

But today, these three kinds of embarrassment in the business city. Much has been concentrated in the hands of business people. As long as it is not an idiot, it can be imagined. Then how popular they are in selling the locust business!

Shang Yifan is not a fool. On the contrary, he is very smart, at least more savvy than Shang Yang.

“Where did they get the news from? Where is it so accurate!”

"No, it’s no longer important to investigate the source of the news. The key is how can I stop them!"

In the eyes of Shang Yifan, the mansions are constantly flashing, and they are thinking hard in their minds.

After a long while, his face was full of sorrow and helplessness.

No way!

Business is very clean, and it is very clean. This is a very ordinary, very normal investment, but with the trend of the three kings, it is particularly outstanding.

Although at the time of the acquisition, Shang Xinci used more than 100,000 yuan of stone, but this behavior does not violate the family rules, at best, only hit a side ball.

As long as the Yuanshi earned is only calculated with the capital of 100,000 yuan, there is nothing wrong with it. .

If Shang Yifan wants to use this to make trouble, he is completely underpowered. Because he is also playing the ball on the side, he has resorted to many mother forces, such as Zhang. Strictly speaking, he hits the edge ball more than the mercy.

"One sail, young master, this time the other party has the most accurate information. After this handwritten, the other party's capital can at least triple. We can't grasp the other's handle, it is better not to use the dark means, or to hurry and do Good business on our own side. With the network of the lady in the business city, after three months, the young master you will have at least 600,000, still have enough chances to win." General Manager Zhang opened the way.

"Well, I have to do this too..." Shang Yifan spit out a sigh of anger, but there are still residual concerns in his heart that can't be undone.

Regarding the competition of the young master, this has just begun, and the other party has given him such a "surprise." I really don't know what to do next, they will make some moths.

The original confident business was a sail, and the heart began to be a little more hesitant.


The three kings refer to the dog king, the letter king, and the blast king.

Its origins, dating back to three hundred years ago.

The three kings came from the Wang family. Wang Jiazhai was captured by the enemy Wujia, and all annihilated, but accidentally missed the children of the three royal families.

These three children, two men and one woman. The oldest age is only eight years old, which is the dog king in the future. The youngest age is only five years old, but it is the explosion king. The girl was a later believer and was only six years old at the time.

The Wu family was busy with the annexation and digested everything in Wangjiazhai. What are the three little children? Even the squadrons were not counted, so they didn't care. They randomly placed a killing order and they no longer controlled them.

The person who chased him was also a lazy man. He casually killed three children and took the initiative to deal with the difference. The three kings were lucky enough to return to their lives.

They have gone through hardships, have been tempered, barely living, and living hard. In the mutual support, developed a deep feeling.

As they get older, their hatred towards Uzbekistan is getting deeper and deeper.

However, after the Wu family annexed the Wang family, the strength expanded and it was a large family with three famous mountains. After years of operation, the forces are deeply rooted in the place. The three kings were left alone, and there was no chance to open the house. To deal with the Wu family, revenge and hate, it is simply a fantasy.

But the things in the world are wonderfully transformed in the impermanence of fate. You never know the next moment, waiting for your fate.

At one time, risking his life, in the process of collecting medicine in the mountains, the three kings were accidentally involved in an ancient heritage.

This inheritance is not the same as a small one, but it is a mysterious six-turned immortal.

Therefore, the three kings have turned their fate. They inherited a part of the inheritance of the six-turn Zhuxian, and made great efforts to practice for nearly a hundred years.

The three encouraged each other and worked hard together. When they practiced together to the five-turn realm, they felt that the time was ripe, and they went out of their inheritance and rushed to the Uzbekistan to take revenge.

At that time, the Wu family was prosperous and flourishing.

The three kings did not use any conspiracy calculations and directly hit the house. The Wu family leader is a five-turn sergeant, but how can he defeat the three five-turn sergeants to join hands?

In particular, these three five-way divisions have inherited the inheritance of the ancient times.

The dog king drives the dog group in the mountains, and the big hand wave is the majestic army. The dog group, like the vast rivers, swept the Wujiazhai.

The letter king is agile, and the gods are gone, killing the top of the Wujia backbone, making the dragons without heads and commanding chaos.

The King of Explosives is violent and powerful, and he does not have to shoot. He is shocked by a shot, causing a big explosion of landslides.

The powerful Wu family was annihilated by the three kings within three days.

On the three famous mountains, Yuanquan was smashed, and the corpses were everywhere, and the blood was flowing all over the place.

The Wu family was completely pulled out, and the three kings paid a heavy price.

But they can revenge and hate, and they willingly pay for these costs.

The great hatred was reported, and the three kings felt that life was utterly boring. They also don't want to rebuild the king's family, and the strong family can't resist the real strong.

They lived in seclusion and never returned to the rivers and lakes. It is like three meteors, shining in an instant, doing a big event that sensationalizes southern Xinjiang, and then rushing back and screaming.

No one knows the news of the Three Kings after this. Until recently, their heritage has suddenly emerged.

"In the hands of the dog king, there are at least three five-turn squat dogs. With it, you can control the beastmaster, command the herd, and attack the world!"

"He is good at refining, and she developed a strange locust from the usual two-turned paper cranes, which made her steal intelligence very easily. It is because she, the dog king and the blasting king know the vulnerabilities of the Wujiazhaizi. The three kings can annihilate Wujiazhai, and she has contributed."

"There is also a blasting king. His temper is like a fire. Every time he shoots, he is a big blast that shakes the earth. The power can be arrogant and he can get his inheritance, and he will surely be able to traverse the world!"

"Three-way five-way inheritance, you can fly together in one sky, you can get a name for two in history, you can achieve the heroic hegemony with three ways!"

"This is a big I don't want to work hard."

"It must be rushed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a step late and be taken away by others. I will regret it forever!"

With the spread of the methods of the Three Kings, countless people are boiling in the business city.

"I want to buy a popping egg."

"I want paper cranes!"

"I want to lick the dog, there are paper cranes, and popping eggs!!"

"What, how are these cockroaches so expensive? The price is more than three times before!!"

"Cut, if you don't have the money to buy, you can go there. There are so many people to buy."

"Oh... I bought it!"

"I bought it too, I have to buy it!"

Countless people gnaw their teeth and swear by the unscrupulous profiteers while they are distressed and add pain and blood. (To be continued) 8

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