Reverend Insanity

: Section 181: Slaughter 5 turns

The battle between the dogs was over.

"The defensive power of the Iron Dog Group is strong." Five turns of the Magic Road, the sorcerer, and looked at the hundreds of iron armor dogs around, very pleased.

The armored dog has a leather armor and is black and heavy. It is just like iron. It is the canine king's inheritance, the most outstanding dog and beast in the front 50.

Just now, the demon commanded the dog group and played a big victory.

The result was even more fruitful. He used a slap dog to recruit a blue dog king to his knees.

This blue dog king, not only the king of beasts, but also with wild locusts, is extremely restrained.

"The last time I failed, I met a female dog. The ordinary dog ​​group couldn't kill this kind of emptiness. This time, with the English dog king, the Yin dog is not afraid."

This is the 18th pass of the canine king heritage. The demon has already owned a dog king and a large number of armored dogs.

In the end, he did not make a difference.

At the same time, his luck this time is really good.

This is the case with the canine king heritage, which requires luck most in the inheritance of the Three Kings. Good luck, deep accumulation in the early stage, like snowballing, the more rolling, the easier it will be in the middle and late.

"The last time I failed, I only got to the sixty-eighth level. I am embarrassed to say that this is going out! Today, I am running, and I have such a good start. But I can’t care, Iron Mobai chose this letter. Wang Chuancheng. It is said that he was last time, but after the 80th level."

When I think of iron and white, the mind of the demon becomes heavy.

He knows that it is not an opponent of iron and white. Therefore, when he chose to enter the inheritance, he took the initiative to avoid the iron white, and chose the canine king heritage.

In fact, among the three kings, the early stage of the letter to the king is the best. The teacher can interfere with the Mao people with words. Make yourself not win.

As for this embarrassment, of course, Fangyuan took the initiative to spread it out.

When the demon thinks about it, he will pack up his mood and plan to hurry and continue to get through.

Just then, in front of him, the space broke open and a strange young man came out.

"Well? Who!" The devil is horrified!

He has been inherited from the Three Kings, and it has been many times. I am very familiar with the inheritance of the Three Kings. However, the scene in front of him actually happened, which made him feel incredibly shocked.

The source is Fangyuan.

He heard the scream of the demon, and he smiled: "Who? The person who wants you!"

After that, I will motivate Jin Longzhen.

Jinlong suddenly appeared. Roaring. The dragon must be shaken, the dragon's eyes roar, and the four dragon claws are terrifying.

The demon saw this scene, and almost scared out!

He couldn't believe it and screamed: "How is it possible? You can use locusts? How is this possible!!"

At the time of his death and death, he became a stimulating spirit and quickly mobilized his own locusts.

But there is no response.


Jinlong rushed over and grabbed a claw. He crushed almost all of his upper body.

The demon of the devil, the generation of heroes, the master of the old magic, is so dead.

When you die. Even the life-saving tokens are too late to use. Of course, under the manipulation of the spirit, even if he used the token, it has no effect.

"Golden dragons are really overwhelming. But the style is rough and difficult to manipulate." Fang Yuan tasted it. He originally only wanted to pinch the head of the demon, and the result was that the upper body of the demon was crushed directly, and his heart jumped slightly.

Fortunately, the empty space was hidden near the belly button of the abdomen and there was no loss.

Fangyuan stepped forward and his heart rushed into the air and began to search for locusts.

There are as many as eight locusts. But there is only one five-turn scorpion, called the pine bone scorpion, which is very sinister.

This cockroach can soften the bones of all life within a radius of fifty miles. Even if Fang Yuan will be transformed into a fine iron bone, it will be restrained, and sooner or later it will soften into mud. By then, Fangyuan will have no way to fight back.

Without the support of the bones, he will be completely soft on the ground like a mud. The internal organs and the six internal organs are squeezed together, and the blood vessels are lumpy. They do not need to be shot by others. After a long time, they will die.

The other seven cockroaches are all four turns. These cockroaches are all related to the bones, and there is no shortage of fine products.

"Unfortunately, I don't know much about the bones. I have a temporary guest appearance. I really inherit this set of shackles and play the fighting power. There will be no half of the sorcerer. I still collect it first." Fang Yuan thought about it. a bit.

At the level of the demon, the combination of locusts must be adapted to his personality. His combat style explains his understanding of the bones, the battle, and the division.

What Fang Yuan is best at is still blood. In the past life, he benefited from the **** sea, but he started his career by blood. His understanding of the bloodstream is very deep. If the devil is a **** teacher, the situation is different.

After taking the locust's locusts, Fangyuan urged the beastly placenta and swallowed his empty space.

The beastly placenta is moisturized and improved. Originally like a masonry, the surface is now polished, and the surface becomes fine, like a rough ceramic.

Poor sorcerer generation, male, born and scattered, working alone. I have grasped a lot of opportunities in my life, and with the hard work of the day after tomorrow, it is difficult to get through this step.

As a result, all the hard work was swallowed up by Fang Yuan. The imperious five-turn sergeant also fell from the peak and became a stepping stone at the foot of Fangyuan.

"Unfortunately, the dog can not be recycled, otherwise these dogs can also be used for me." Fang Yuan regretted to see the dog group, disappeared in place.


A battle is going on intensely.

The witch ghost directed the chrysanthemum Akita, and a huge group of telegraph dogs, entangled and killed each other.

The chrysanthemum Akita dog is extremely united, and the more the number, the greater the combat power. However, the witches are obviously not good, and the chrysanthemum Akita in their hands is only over forty.

He put all these dogs and beasts on the front line and controlled them with full concentration.

The chrysanthemum Akita dog faces a number of five-character telegraph dogs, each with injuries, but not injured. Mutual cover, subtle cooperation, showing the powerful talent of the witch.

The witch ghost was a slave teacher many years ago. Later resources were insufficient. Only genres can be converted.


Fang Yuan suddenly appeared and stood behind the witch.

The sorcerer deliberately manipulated the chrysanthemum Akita, but did not realize the arrival of Fangyuan.

In the past, he was able to use the words of reconnaissance, and when Fang Yuan appeared, he would be killed. However, in this Xianfu land, he reduced to an ordinary person, can only mobilize the dog, and so on, even if it is the effect of physical transformation. Also weakened to none.

Of course, this also has the ghost spirit to concentrate all the spirits and manipulate the dog and beast.

Fang Yuan did not have any nonsense, and he smashed a spur.


A soft bang, a bone spur like a long gun. Directly through the heart of the witch, the sharp front end of the spur is deeply inserted obliquely on the ground.

The sorcerer's scorpion instantly shrank into a needle tip size, and suddenly suffered a fatal blow, which made him extremely shocked and confused.

"Who is killing...I am!" He murmured, and the blood of the big stream ran down from the corner of his mouth.

He turned his head slowly and tried to see the face of the murderer.

But in the end, he lost all his life in the middle of the journey.

The whole ghost of the witch was slammed down. Such as a beach of mud, hanging on the bone spurs.

This is even older than the iron white qualification, the master of the magic road that has been famous for more than two hundred years, so died.

When he died. The eyes are big and I want to see the killer who killed me.

But this simple and simple wish has not been realized.

Dignified witches, death is not eye-catching!

He is dead. The chrysanthemum Akita, who lost the owner’s manipulation, was immediately overwhelmed by the telegraph dog group. The telegraph dog growled. Rush to Fangyuan.


Fang Yuan gently slammed his hand, and Jin Long reappeared, killing the group of unidentified telegraph dogs.

Fang Yuan quickly came to the body of the witch ghost, and he did the same. He took his mites first, and swallowed them with the forceful placenta.

In the hands of the witch, there is a five-turn.

Its ellipse is like a black stone. However, there are seven white lines on the surface, and the style is different. It is the Wuqiu.

Once this cockroach is activated, it will be filled with black smoke. Any aphid below six turns, contaminated by this black gas, will be banned to varying degrees, and the power will be greatly reduced.

As for the other locusts, there are only four turns. However, it involves several genres, which are rather messy, and there are no locusts of the devil, the iron and white people.

"Witch ghost locusts, although they can form a subtle match, but the whole is not a set. The reason why he can travel south of Xinjiang is mainly relying on the black scorpion."

There is no doubt that Wuqiu is a very practical five-turner.

Fang Yuan got Wu Qiu, and his heart was very happy.

He put the black scorpion into the open space, but the other four turns, but only in his pocket.

His empty space, a lot of locusts were loaded at once. Among them, there are five locusts, and there are five. Therefore, the pressure on the open space is very high.

Of course, the most crucial thing is the Spring and Autumn Period. This six-turn transition gradually recovered, greatly suppressing the openness of Fangyuan.

"The flow rate in the blessed land is three times that of the outside world, and it speeds up the recovery of the spring and autumn. I have to hurry and refine the second space as soon as possible. With the second space, it can greatly ease the spring and autumn. The pressure brought by you!"

For Fang Yuan, the situation is very urgent He not only has to refine the second open space, but also guard against the huge internal troubles of Chunqiu. At the same time, in the late stage of refining, the blessings were full of loopholes, and the outside world was very likely to be besieged by many teachers.

At that time, the spirits were weak and unable to rely on, and it would be the most dangerous moment of Fangyuan.

"Refining the second empty space, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is. In the last step, you need to use the gods to swim. I must concentrate on my concentration and concentrate on my own safety."

The lesson of the ghost blood, just now, Fang Yuan had to guard against it.

However, his situation is different from the witch.

"I still have a chess piece, that is Bai Ningbing! Hehehe, she used a poisonous oath, can be trusted. It seems that the last moment, I have to rely on her to protect me."

Thinking this way, Fang Yuan suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of Bai Ningbing.

"Fangyuan, how come you suddenly appear here?" Bai Ningbing saw Fangyuan, and was surprised and suspicious. (To be continued)

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