Reverend Insanity

: Section 182: Die!

Bai Ningbing saw Fang Yuan suddenly appear out of thin air, and suddenly he was surprised and straightened his eyes.

Up to now, the understanding of the three kings' inheritance has been very thorough. Bai Ningbing is next to Fang Yuan, and his understanding of the inheritance of the Three Kings is deeper than others.

But it is because of this "deep." It makes Bai Ningbing even more surprised.

Fangyuan suddenly appeared, this phenomenon seems simple, but it has amazing meaning!

"White condensed ice, remember the agreement between us. Do you know if you need Yangshuo now?" Fang Yuan said that he should avoid talking about himself, but his hands are shoulder-bearing, his eyes are faint, and he is unpredictable. White ice.

"Hey, you know this because you know it." Bai Ningbing snorted and his blue eyes slammed.

She knows that Fangyuan will not be targeted, and it must have the following: "It seems that you need my help? Just say it. Don't have any deception and concealment, otherwise I will not shoot."

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled and was not moved: "In the business city, you and I both made a swearing oath, one party is in danger of life, and the other party must rescue. To tell you the truth, I will be besieged by the sergeant soon. I need you to protect my law and protect my refining."

"The teacher is besieging? Oh, I want to kill your sergeant more, I am not surprised at all. But you have to refine, what?"

Fang Yuan is very simple this time, and directly put the whole thing out.

It matters a lot, he needs the full cooperation of Bai Ningbing. This thing can't be concealed. White condensed ice is not so fooled.

If it is because of concealment, and what misunderstandings will eventually lead to the failure of refining, then it will be a big loss.

"What! This land of the celestial beings is still alive? You want to refine the fairy? Your courage is too big, you are looking for a dead end! Wait. What have you just said? You killed the iron White, there are witches, demons?"

Fang Yuan’s long story is short, a few words, the amount of information is too large, and it brings a big psychological impact to Bai Ningbing.

She feels like she is listening to a story.

Fang Yuan did not make a language distinction, but directly took out his spoils.

"These locusts!" Bai Ningbing saw the mites taken out by Fangyuan, stunned and completely dysfunctional.

These locusts are genuine. Is the best proof.

"You really killed these people?" Bai Ningbing slammed to Fangyuan, and the shock was overwhelming.

What kind of person is iron white?

He is the last patriarch of the Taijiang super family, the Iron Family.

He is the pride of the sky, born with great talent, the heart is more determined, and the iron is strong.

His life record is brilliant. There are talents, and many tactics of locusts have been researched, which has made countless enemies stunned.

When he was young, he was in the world, and his name was Nanjiang. In middle age, he mastered the iron family and had a strong iron fist. Everyone is jealous. When he was old, he was an emperor and he was so vocal.

He is honored as the glory of the Iron House. The glory of the right path. When he announced his retreat and retired, many people were relieved whether they were the magic or the right way.

Today. He retired and the major families shook. Even Shang Yanfei. Standing in front of you, you must also be polite.

Wu Wushan, the five-turner of the Wu family, is the cousin of the current Wu family leader. In the face of iron white, he also has to hang his proud head.

But this is the iron white, but died in the hands of Fangyuan.

Not only him, but also the two ghosts, the devil, and the five sorcerers, but also the hand of Fang Yuan!

What's more, they are not only dead, but even the whole body of mites have been taken away by Fangyuan! !

"The three five-year-old sergeants, the death is really wrong..." Rao is the outsider of Bai Ningbing, and also feels depressed for the death of three people, such as Tie Mubai.

"Okay, the time is almost over. Next, I will send you to the canine king heritage. According to my advice, you go to Shaoguan. I need the dog and beast as a helper, the more the better." Fang Yuan has a hurry .

"Hey, I didn't say I want to help you." Bai Ningbing blinked.

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "You can rest assured that if this matter is done, Yangshuo will give it to you. In addition, there are other benefits. After we leave Sancha Mountain, where do you want to go, parting ways, I will not stop I am also welcome to go with you. But whether you promise or not, I will refine."

Bai Ningbing suddenly stagnated: "You! This shameless rogue, actually swearing, swearing me?"

If Fang Yuan was smashed and smashed and died, according to the oath of poison, Bai Ningbing would die. In other words, white ice must protect the source.

Fang Yuan sighed and his tone eased. It seems that there is still a touch of gentleness: "This is not to be jealous, but to cooperate, condense ice. Think about it, we are from the Qingmao Mountain, cooperation is impossible, what kind of danger can not stop us How many enemies are falling under our feet. This time is no exception. Don't you always want to have impotence? If you get it, you can recover the man. Do you start to miss the woman's body?"

Hearing Fang Yuan called her "ice ice", Bai Ningbing had a layer of goose bumps.

When she heard the last sentence of Fang Yuan, she knew that Fang Yuan was jī to her, she could not help but anger, said: "You shut me up!"

"That's the way to say it." Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled, waved a big hand, stuffed a white dog, a dog, and then disappeared in place.

The white condensate ice suddenly changed dramatically, and was moved by the spirit to the first pass of the canine king.

Fang Yuan suddenly appeared in front of Wu Yishan.

A man suddenly appeared in front of him, and Wu Haoshan was shocked. But she was a fame, and the five-way grand master of the church was quickly calmed down.

"Little Beastmaster, it is you! You seem to be able to enter and exit here at random?" Wu Yushan stepped back, and a pair of show eyes soared.

Fang Yuan's face is expressionless, and the little finger is shot, bursting out a spur.


A soft bang, spurs like electricity, shot through the heart of Wu Yushan.

Wu Yanshan's beautiful face is like a regular. She looked at Fangyuan incredulously: "You, you can still use it?"

After saying this, her breath dissipated to nothing and lost her life.

Another five-turn teacher died.

However, Fang Yuan did not get her five-turn locusts.

At the moment when Wu Yishan died, a mysterious light broke out on her body, wrapped around her three five-turn locusts, and broke the space.

Fangyuan is no exception. He knows that Wujia has a six-turn fairy scorpion named “No One Lost” and has magical power to recover valuable locusts.

Although this blessed land can be suppressed, all the changes of the locusts from one to five turns can not restrain the fairy tales.

In fact, no blessing can limit the power of Xian.

Fang Yuan has done the rest of the four turns, which is not a small gain. After that, he took out the beastly placenta and swallowed the air of Wu Yishan.

This is already the fourth empty division of the five divisions.

The beastly placenta is nourished, as if it is a delicate ceramic. It feels very delicate and smooth on the hand.

Fang Yuan sensed it with his heart and found that the qualification has been raised to 75%.

The more difficult the qualifications are, the more difficult it is to improve. At the beginning, it swallowed up the iron and white, and it increased by 40%. However, after Fang Yuan successively swallowed the three empty sorcerers, the demon and the three empty martial arts, it only increased by 35%.

"Of course, this is also related to the foundation of the priest. There are five squadrons on the three-way mountain. There are only three iron-white, sorcerer, and sorcerer who are five-turn peaks, among which Tie Mubai has Tiejiaxiong hòu The resources, the most profound is hòu. The other Wu Yishan, Wang Hao, are five-turn high-level. Qiu Jiu only has five transitions to the first level. Killing these people, I am afraid that the qualifications are not enough to improve by 10%. It doesn't matter, the sorcerer is very much, it is easy to fire, the hole is flowing, and it will die!"


"The corpse dog is blue and purple, the skin is slightly rotted, the waist is squatting, and the fangs are prominent. If you restrain yourself with a yin dog, you will be successful."

"Choose the left side of the road, the reward of that level is a single-minded, very helpful to you."

"Next, you will meet a heavy Thai dog Wang Hao. It is a serious injury, but more fierce. Sacrifice more dogs and beasts, but also to capture it for your own use. This dog king, It is the only heavy dog ​​king in the first 20 levels. At the 22nd level, there will be a large number of heavy-duty Thai dogs. You can use it without any effort, and receive the code!"

Every time Bai Bingbing turns off, there will be a voice in the ear, pointing her to the maze.

This voice is naturally the spirit.

Xianyuan is scarce, and the spirits moved the white condensed ice to the canine king's inheritance, and they are not willing to abuse the fairy yuan in her body.

Bai Ningbing can only go down and shut down.

However, although the control of the land of the land has fallen to a low point ~ ~ but the layout of the three kings is a hole in the fire, clearly observe the autumn.

These white condensed ice, almost do not consume Xianyuan, but for Bai Ningbing, the help is really too big. It is like a bright light that illuminates the dark road in front of Bai Ningbing.

At every level, Bai Ningbing makes the best choice, and its strength is like snowballing, which is constantly expanding.

"Next, you will meet a sergeant as an enemy. But don't worry, he has just experienced a wave of war, and there are not many dogs and beasts left. You can eradicate it without any effort. At that time, I will stop it. He, after you kill him, take away the cockroaches on his body, which can greatly enhance your lineup of locusts." The spirit also pointed out.

Bai Ningbing nodded and slowly stepped out of the fog.

"It's you..." Her enemies saw her and looked a little surprised.

Bai Ningbing’s eyes are also a glimpse. This person is not someone else. It is just when he enters the inheritance, it is difficult for her and Fang Yuan’s Yun family to be the patriarch of the cloud.

The cloud screamed arrogantly: "You are called Bai Ningbing? Is it bad for me to meet me? The dog and beast in your hand is less than half of me..."

He just said half of his words and he stopped. A pair of eyes widened, and a strange noise in the throat, like the **** was stuck in the neck.

In the fog behind Bai Ningbing, a large number of dogs and beasts have gradually emerged.

Endless... (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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