Reverend Insanity

: Section 29: Chang Shanyin, be my husband!

The vast and innocent sallow grassland is darker at night.

The wind whistling in the ear, I don’t know where the wolf is, it’s coming from far away, like the cry of the ghost.

A bonfire, burning in the grass, burned.

Ge Wei, by the bonfire, gradually expelled his chill.

The bonfire drove the pot, and the pot was filled with a fragrant broth.

Ge Wei swallowed a bit of water, as if he was more hungry. Finally, she swallowed a slobber and asked Fang Yuan: "Changshan Yin predecessor, can this broth be eaten?"

Fang Yuan sits opposite the girl, and the two are separated by a bonfire.

"No hurry, this meat is just under the pot, you need to wait for the water to boil. Then wait a while, wait until the meat inside is completely soft, it will be interesting to eat." Fang Yuan took out the push cup for a while, and faintly answered Road.

"Oh, I have to wait for so long." Ge Wei began to speak, and the pretty face was illuminated by the fire, accompanied by the robes of the grassland and the beautiful ornaments, which showed her unique style.

But such a beautiful scenery can not make Fang Yuan's eyes one of them.

His eyes focused on the push cup in his hand.

Pushing the cup for a change is five turns. But when it came to Beiyuan, it was pressed into four turns. On capacity, it is even weaker than some four turns. On feeding, it is costly and occupies the peak of five turns of locusts. On the true element loss, it is also unsatisfactory. But why does Fangyuan choose not to choose, choose it alone, waste a lot of energy, and invest a lot of resources to refine it?

Because it is derived from the hand of the thief, the thief is the richest of all the sages of all ages.

He spent his life trying to find the legendary cave.

The cave was first recorded in The Legend of the People, and the cave is the same shack as the Changsha River. In the long rivers, there are a large number of locusts. And in the hole. Then there are countless ayu locusts.

It runs through the five domains, hidden in places that no one knows, and pushes the thresholds out of the holes, and can instantly reach other parts of the world. The threshold to it is also called the empty door. Empty doors are everywhere, and they can be between small fingers and wide open sky. As long as there is space, there is a threshold of holes.

But since ancient times, very few people have found holes. Let alone enter the hole. In the history of the entire Terran, it seems that only one person has entered and exited.

The secret recipe of the Pirates of the Devils is to refine the cups, stuff them into the holes, and then bring out the wild mites in the holes.

But he failed. It was successful again.

After more than four hundred years, his blessed land was excavated and spurred the competition of all the people. The secret recipe for pushing cups is also widely spread. The powerful effect quickly made it popular in five fields and was praised by countless immortals.

Fang Yuan first took out the golden dragonfly in the open space.

The original four-turn Jinlongyu has been pressed into three turns. After it flew out. Also invested in the push cup.

Fang Yuan poured a large number of real elements into the push cup.

This cup of gold and silver, immediately burst into the golden light and silver, slowly suspended.

Fang Yuan pulled back his palm. Then facing the cup, slowly push.

Pushing the cup and moving it forward, then it begins to disappear, first the edge. Then disappeared most of the time, and finally disappeared into the air.

Ge Wei couldn't help but stand up. I widened my eyes and looked at this scene in amazement.

At the same time, in the distant Zhongzhou, the fox is in the land.

The little fox fairy feels a little, and moves away to the secret room of the sorrowful palace.

In the secret room, a push cup is changed, and the dazzling brilliance blooms and slowly rises. Like being pulled by invisible forces, it slowly moves forward and eventually disappears into the air.

After the cup change completely disappeared, Fang Yuan slowly spread the palm of his hand, and the real element continued to rush.

Suddenly, there was a little gold and silver light that bloomed on his palm.

Later, Ge Wei saw the air, first showing the edge of a cup, then half of the cup, and finally the whole cup appeared from the air.

Finally, the light dissipated, and the cup-like mites slowly fell into the palm of Fangyuan.

"It became." Fang Yuan whispered a whisper. When he saw this cup, he knew that it was not out of his control.

"Changshan Yin predecessors, what are you doing? Hey, it seems that something is wrong." Ge Wei took a few steps and came to Fangyuan's side, very curious.

"How is it wrong?" Fang Yuan smiled lightly, took Yuanshi in his hand and quickly returned to the real yuan.

Ge Wei didn't talk, just staring at the cup and changing it. Suddenly her eyes were bright and she screamed: "This is not the same. The original is gold and silver. Now it is gold." ""

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled.

That's right!

There is not only one, but two.

These two donkeys are on a silver cup, and one on the silver. The two sets are the complete push cups. Before Fang Yuan left, he took one with him and placed the other in the fox fairy land.

When he instills the real element, the two push cups change into the hole and enter the hole, after the exchange is completed in the cavity. The one in the blessed land came to the side of Fangyuan. Fang Yuan was loaded with the cup of the dragon, and returned to the fox fairy land.

In the past, the Pirates of the Devils wanted to rely on pushing the cups to steal the locusts in the holes. He failed and did not achieve his original purpose. But pushing the cup for another change, but to another extent, has achieved some great success.

Relying on the ubiquitous cavity, a pair of push cups are exchanged in the cavity to complete the transfer, which forms the transportation of materials.

What's more, it only has five turns, not the only one.

During the five hundred years ago of Fangyuan, during the five-domain war, the cup-changing was a must-have for all major forces. Even the celestial beings are vying to use it.

Fang Yuan took out a letter from this push cup.

The letter is naturally written by Xiao Huxian, which shows the current situation in the blessed land.

Fangyuan is in the rotted grassland, but in five or six days, the fox fairy land has passed for about a month.

The letter said that except for the Wandering Mountain, everything in the blessed land is good. Xianhemen proposed to trade again, and Xiaoxuexian refused according to the rumors before Fangyuan.

If the number of transactions increases, it is more likely that Xianhemen will find Fangyuan not in the blessed land. Fangyuan people are in Beiyuan. But rest assured that it is not a blessing. By pushing the cup for exchange, and writing letters, he can manipulate behind the scenes, not to teach people with ulterior motives to succeed.

After Fang Yuan read the letter, he immediately returned a letter.

Ge Wei saw the fog in the clouds, she did not know the words of Zhongzhou.

Together with this reply, Fang Yuan put in three four-turn squats, which are Jin Yuyi, squatting, and bones.

The more things you load, the more real elements you consume when you push the cup. Instead, the distance between the two cups. There is no relationship at all.

This is because the cup is changed, the idea is wonderful, and the wonderful secret passage of the hole is used.

Fang Yuan just that time, just an attempt. Convinced that the cup is working properly, he began to officially put the southern locust on his body. Put it back into the fox fairy land and feed it to Xiaohuxian.

In the blessed land, the little fox fairy was on the table, staring at the bright eyes and staring at the air.

The golden dragonfly in the cup on the table has been taken away by her for the first time.

Suddenly, push the cup for a float. Also drilled into the cavity. Then, change to another one and drop it on the table.

Xiao Huxian quickly took out the cup and changed the things in the cup, and saw the letter from Fang Yuan. She is very happy, can not help but scream: "The master's reply!"

In this way, once again, the real element in Fangyuan’s empty space was consumed again.

He had to hold the Yuanshi again. Add your own true yuan.

Ge Wei stood aside and gradually saw some clues. She is very curious. Can not help but ask a few more words. However, Fang Yuan only smiled and did not answer her positively.

"Oh, God is mysterious, what is great." The girl pouted and swelled back to her original position.

She sat down, wrinkled a good-looking brow, and stared at Fangyuan with anger.

Fang Yuanli ignored her, which made Ge Wei more angry.

She had been loved by her father since she was a child, and she was a tribal flower. No one ever dared to despise her. On the way to the source, it will turn a blind eye.

Many young Lang’s enthusiasm for her has further fueled her proud temper.

Ge Wei stared at Fang Yuan for a while, Fang Yuan recovered the real yuan, and was pushing for a cup change, still ignored her.

The sulking of the North Plains girl gradually dissipated.

"In the end, it is Changshan Yin, not the guys who are stupid and superficial and show off. In his eyes, what is it like? Just a junior who meets."

Thinking of this, Ge Wei couldn't help but feel a little disheartened. Looking at Fang Yuan's face, he gradually became ignorant.

Fang Yuan used a human skin and changed a face. The unique appearance of the Beiyuan people is undoubtedly more in line with Ge's aesthetics.

When Chang Shanyin is young, he is a handsome young boy who is rare in the Chang family.

His facial features are correct, his nose is straight, his brown eyes are deep, and bóbó's lips are squatting, showing his strong personality silently.

His eyes are already frosty, revealing the vicissitudes of mature men, which is a strong attraction for girls.

The bonfire swayed with the wind, and the fire illuminates the face of the source, either bright or dark, which highlights his firm and steady manner at the moment.

Ge Wei’s thoughts gradually drifted away. She secretly recalled, what kind of person is Fang Yuan?

The first time I met, the horror, the gentleness of my smile, the wisdom of my own, the unparalleled bravery in battle, and the coldness of my skin.

This scene flashed in the girl's heart, the impression is so profound, it has been engraved in the heart of the girl!

"What about his past?" Ge said could not help but think.

The past of Chang Shanyin has already become a legend about heroes and is widely circulated in the land of Beiyuan.

Countless people respect him, love him, and be optimistic about him.

When he was young, he had no two in the limelight, and he was the future hope of Changjia.

He became famous very early, and the first-class wolf technique is so impressive.

More crucially, he is honest, fair and friendly, never bullies the weak, filial parents, and helps people with difficulties. At the same time, he is also very loyal and does not know how many times he has laid down his life to defend his homeland.

He married his wife, but ushered in the betrayal of his childhood friends. The ruthless capture of fate, the man lost his mother, lost his brother, lost his wife, and almost completely lost his life.

But he finally came alive.

Relying on my own efforts struggling from the abyss of death, creating a miracle that is unimaginable!

"This man bears endless pain on his shoulders. There are countless scars hidden in the dark." Ge Wei thought of this, and he had an impulse in his heart, so he wanted to hold Fang Yuan in his arms and use his own gentleness. To comfort this injured lone wolf, the former Wolf King.

The bonfire swayed and the wood creaked.

Ge Wei bet on the face of Fang Yuan, the more affectionate, and gradually unable to extricate himself.

In the warm fire, there is a feeling brewing and growing in the heart of the girl.

When Fang Yuan completed this round of pushing and changing, and began to take out the Yuanshi, and took the real yuan, Ge Hao secretly made the most important decision in her life.

She suddenly stood up and the other source shouted: "Chang Shanyin! Be my husband!"

The sound spreads on the vast grasslands in the deep night, and goes away.

"What do you say?" Fang Yuan frowned, even though he had five hundred years of experience, and did not expect the girl to change his mind.

After the reaction, he smiled and said: "Don't make trouble, little girl, I am your predecessor. According to age, I am a man in your twenties, my son and you just match."

"No, Changshanyin, I want you!" (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group @pea pod bar] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support Is my biggest motivation. )

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