Reverend Insanity

: Section 30: Don't block my way to success!

"No, Chang Shanyin, I want you!" Ge Wei’s voice was loud. M

Under the bonfire, her eyes are shining and staring at Fangyuan: "Changshan Yin, you are the hero on the prairie, your reputation, well-known. It is a man worthy of my life! The age is not at all Question. When the ancestors of Juyang, when they were more than a thousand years old, weren’t they still a myriad of young girls every year?”

Fang Yuan’s face sank: “Okay, don’t mess around.”

Ge Wei’s foot, the tone is raised: “I’m not a fool! Chang Shanyin, following you, my heart has been deeply attracted to you. Just now I discovered that I have completely fallen in love with you. I am willing to take care of myself and give me everything, please accept it."

"Young girl, I already have a wife." Fang Yuan sighed and looked complicated.

Ge Wei immediately shook his head: "Your wife has already remarried! Even if you take it back, I don't mind. I don't want to be a wife's position, you can be your little sister. The giant ancestors of hundreds of thousands of people, But there is only one right palace."

However, Fang Yuan’s refusal is also very firm: “I will not be jealous again. My heart is already silent, like this sinful grassland. You are too young to understand this mood. In the days of wolves, I I can't move, I feel extremely painful. When my soul wanders in the vast grassland, I am violently displaced, but my mood is gradually sublimating. I recall everything in the past and witness the life and death of many people. The suffering in the past. Or happiness, I can't penetrate my heart. I will start a new life, I am a new Changshan Yin, I will not even return to my home."

"Then come to me Gejia." Ge Wei's eyes lit up.

She is very sincerely invited, but Fang Yuan still refuses, there is no sign of temptation.

"Chang Shanyin! Your heart. Is it made of iron stone? Are you still skeptical about me? Do you want me to show you the true heart like the stone man?" Ge Wei whispered, his eyes were red, If you are sad, you will cry.


Just then, the sound of the wolves charged in the distance.

There were a large number of poisonous wolves, which were attracted by the fire and quickly approached Fang Yuan and Ge Wei.

But next to the campfire, there are also a large number of wolves in Fangyuan.

The two wolves quickly collided. Entangled with each other and launched a fierce confrontation.

"This is a thousand wolves!" Ge Wei's attention was drawn to the past, his face was dignified.

Before, the two of them encountered a wolf of this size and would choose to retreat. But now Fangyuan has sneered: "No matter. Different from the past, we also have wolves to help out. Ge Wei, please also ask you to take the shot and hold the thousand beast wolves. My real yuan is exhausted, and I have added it. Come to support you!"

The girl nodded but did not immediately leave. Instead, he stared at the source.

Fang Yuan looked at her: "Go ahead."

But Ge Wei had his lips and his eyes were firm and still motionless.

Fang Yuan had to soften his attitude and warmly said: "Okay. This matter makes me think about it."

"But I want to get the answer now!" Ge Wei immediately replied.

Fang Yuan’s eyes flickered, and on the surface he sighed and proposed: “If you can kill this thousand beastmaster alone, I will promise you. You are your wife.”


"Oh, the words of the Beiyuan man are an export. Even a gale horse is hard to chase."

At this moment, Ge's eyes are bright and pressing: "Well, then you wait!"

The girl was full of war, rushed to the battlefield, and took the king of the beast.

Looking at the back of her away, the smile on Fangyuan's face quickly disappeared, and her eyes were cold.

He did not expect that Ge Wei would be so tempted by him, it was a deep root of love. However, this kind of thing, love, has always been unreasonable, and it is difficult to infer from common sense. When the ancient moon was climbing into the mountain of success, it was pursued by the stone people.

According to the records in The Ancestors of Man -

The ancestral rescue son, Tairi Yangshuo, failed, and he was about to resurrect at the last moment. He fell into the valley of the valley by the river.

His second daughter was old and ruined. After knowing the news, he thought to rescue his father.

However, in order to enter the life and death gate, you must have the courage and the help of your faith.

But these locusts are on the body of her father.

The ancient moon was unable to enter the door of life and death, but wanted to save the people. She couldn’t think of a method and had to ask for advice.

Thoughts will tell her two ways.

The first method is to enter the cavity, and then push open the empty door, directly to the side of the ancestors. Then pass the hole and escape the door of life and death. But this method can only save the soul of the ancestors, but it cannot regenerate it.

The second method is to climb the peak of the road to the defeated mountain and find the only success. As long as you make a wish for success, the ancient moon will be able to save the people and resurrect them.

The ancient moon has long known the existence of holes, but how can it not find a way to enter the hole. And she also thought that if the father was truly resurrected, he would come to the mountain of success or failure.

The mountain of success or failure is not high, it is simply a small mound. It is very special, it is a pile of hundreds of millions of "pebbles".

These "pebbles" are actually failures. There is also a single success, at the peak of the mountain.

The ancient moon was coming to the foot of the mountain and began to climb the mountain.

The movement she climbed awakened the love slumber that was sleeping nearby.

Love is disturbed by the dream, very angry, I want to report the retro moon. It uses its unique power to spot a stone.

The stone has become a stone man because of love.

The stone man is tall and mighty, and his body is full of gold, silver, copper and iron, which is very gorgeous and dazzling.

After the birth of the stone man, at first sight, he saw the ancient moon and the wild, and he was shocked as a fairy. He was immediately conquered by her beauty.

He followed the ancient moon in the wild, watching her back, and her heart was filled with love.

Finally, he couldn’t help but ran to the front of the ancient moon, stopped her, and shouted loudly: "Beautiful girl, how dazzling your face is, how elegant your appearance is, your temperament is How noble. When I saw you, I was conquered by you. You are my love, please be merciful and accept my love for you!"

The stone body is majestic and completely blocks the road of the ancient moon.

The ancient moon was frowning slightly, and looked at the stone man in front of him. His tone was cold: "Love, what is that? You let me accept your love, but where is love?"

The stone man immediately collected the iron on his body and held it in both hands. Delivered to the ancient moon, and said: "Beautiful girl, these are the hard air of me. I will give it to you, this is my love for you."

The ancient moon shook his head in disappointment, and she had no interest in these iron blocks.

A stone man. I also removed the copper from my body and piled it on top of the iron block: "Beautiful girl, these are the stubbornness of me. I will give it to you, because this is my love for you."

The ancient moon is impatient and impatient: "Please let me go, I have no interest in your love, I will save my father."

The stone gods see the goddess in the heart without any temptation, can not help but panic. He fell to the ground and made up his mind to take off the silver pieces on his body and pile it on the top of the copper block: "Good girl. These are the dignity of me. I will give it to you, this can always express me. Is your love?"

The brow of the ancient moon was wrinkled even more tightly: "Listen, I don't have time to spend time with you."

The stone man became more anxious and took the gold nuggets off his body. Stacked on top of the silver block: "Cute girls, these are my confidence. I will give it to you. They represent my love for you."

The ancient moon has a deep sigh, saying: "Stone man, in order to express your love, you are no longer hard, let go of stubbornness, throw away dignity, and even give up confidence. But what I saw is an ugly one. Stone man. You get up, I won't accept your love for me, I have more important things to do."

It turned out that the stone man lost the gold, silver, copper and iron dress, became gray and not even autumn, and even a little funny, no longer as gorgeous and mighty as before.

The stone man cried and pleaded for the ancient moon and yin: "How can I get your love?"

The ancient moon was anxious in the heart, but the stone people lived and died on the ground. She thought of a turn, and Yan Yan smiled: "Stone man, since you love me so much, then you can show me your true heart." ”

The stone man did not hesitate to break his chest and dedicate his red heart to the ancient moon.

The ancient moon was really hearted, and it was immediately taken over.

The stone man quickly called out: "Now I can get your love?"

The ancient moon is shaking and shaking his head: "If you give your heart, you can't change love."


"Changshan Yin, you see what this is!" Ge Yan body blood, scarred, gasping, holding the head of the Thousand Wolf King in his hand, stood in front of Fang Yuan.

Lost the Wolf King, the wolves who are committing crimes are collapsing and fleeing.

Fangyuan slowly stood up and nodded and admits: "You killed the king of the wolf."

Ge Wei is often playing, the injury is very heavy, the face is bloody, and the real yuan is also lacking in dryness. Her eyes are staring at Fang Yuan: "Chang Shanyin, you are a hero, you can't talk and don't recognize it?"

"Of course not. Your love, I am moved. From today, you are my wife." Fang Yuan full of affectionately looking at Ge Wei, and then step by step, stretched out his arms, the girl In the arms.

The girl’s hand was loose, and the wolf’s head was thrown on the ground, and the source was enthusiasm. She was short of breath, and she was careful that her liver was pounding. This moment she was more excited than she had just been, and when she was fighting with the Wolf King.

In the warm embrace of Fangyuan, her heart is full of happiness, and a pair of beautiful eyes are red.


Suddenly a soft bang.

The girl's face suddenly jerked, and she broke away from the embrace of Fangyuan and looked down at her heart.

There is a sharp dagger inserted there.

A fatal blow.

Whether it is for the body or the heart.

"Why, why?" Ge Wei looked at Fangyuan incredulously, and his body was shaken, his eyes filled with anger, hatred, shock and doubt.

Fang Yuan stared at the girl and opened her face without expression.

He said the story on The Legend of the People -

"The stone man sees the ancient moon and hides his true heart, and he can't help but rush. He said: 'The ruthless girl, your cold makes me desperate. Since you can't change your love, then please take my heart. Give it back to me, without my heart, I will die.'"

"But the ancient moon was not returned to him, and he was gradually dying."

"Why? I love you so much, but you want to kill me!" Before the stone man died, he cried out in confusion."

"The old moon looked at him with pity and pity, but the voice was still calm: 'Shiren, I didn't want to kill you. But you blocked my way to success.'"

"The road to success?" Ge Wei heard this answer, can no longer support, and fell to the ground.

The strong breath of death made her body cold and cold.

The girl raised her dagger revealing a beautiful and delicate neck like a swan, she looked at the black night sky and made a bleak laugh.

She only smiled three times, but burst into tears.

Then she looked at Fang Yuan, her eyes still as deep as she was: "Chang Shanyin! I don't know, how can I block your success. But even if you kill me, I don't hate you. Maybe you want revenge?" My locusts are left to you, hoping to bring a little help to your success."

"Cough and cough." The girl coughed up the blood of her mouth. She smiled miserably. The other source pleaded. "I am going to die. Before I die, there is a small request. I hope you can hug me. I I miss your warm embrace..."

But Fang Yuan did not move, looking at the girl with a cold eyes.

He stared at the girl, watching the expression on her face a little bit hard, and life died.

In the end, the flowery girl became a cold body.

Fang Yuan looked at Ge's face and fell into a long silence. 8

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