Reverend Insanity

: Section 118: The old man is too white clouds

The weather is getting cold, the wind is blowing up the weeds, and the herd is restless. m

The smell of a blizzard of ten years has already begun.

The vast North Plains is a group of people, and smokes.

Mirror Lake.

Ma Jiajun, and the Song family officially began a war.

After erecting the three or four lines of defense, the two armies confronted each other.

In the Majiawang account, Ma’s family leader Ma Shangfeng sat in the main position, and his gaze was far from looking. He saw the opposite army of the Song family. The military uniform was uniform and the fighting spirit was high. Although the military strength was weaker than this side, it was not easy to defeat.

"The lord of the lord, please let me play, pick and kill the enemy, to revive the military!"

"Lord, Fei Sheng, please fight."

"This first battle is nothing, no one is going to fight!"

In the king's account, the strong men of the sergeant have been fighting, and they have already been gearing up.

Ma Shangfeng looked around in a circle and looked at Fei Sheng and Cheng Hu.

Both of them were four-turners, and Fei Sheng was a wooden road. After Ma Jia annexed Fei Jia, he took down the person. Chenghu is a change of way, from a family. At the heroic conference, the family was overwhelmed by the Ma family. Today is the second force in the Majia army.

When Ma Shangfeng thought about a turn, he smiled and said to Chenghu: "Be the first to become a tiger, and shake my heart."

Chenghu was overjoyed and hurriedly went straight to the front of the two armies.

"Hey, hey is a tiger, who dares to die?" Chenghu screamed.

"Hurricane! Let me Su Yi teach you lessons!" From the Song family army, flew to a four-turn strong.

Cheng Hu did not say anything, and rushed to him.


Both play styles are brave and unparalleled. For a time, no matter how up and down, the two figures entangled each other, and the mud around the battle circle flew.

Both sides of the army are watching attentively.

The lower-ranking sergeants are swaying, and the higher-ranking sergeants are more powerful, the more they heat up.

Beiyuan Duohaoxiong, the blood of the soldiers in the bones of the sergeants!

"The lord, Fei Sheng, please fight!" Fei Sheng screamed, the tiger eyes shine. He is a newcomer, and he is eager to express his loyalty.

Ma Shangfeng nodded with a smile and answered him.

Fei Sheng came on the scene, and the Song family army immediately dispatched a general, to pay for the students.

The two had just played three rounds, and the tiger suddenly screamed, and the whole person burst into a dazzling orange light.

After the orange light dissipated, he turned into a giant elephant-sized tiger!

Chenghu is the master of change. When fighting, it will only change locally, forming tiger tails, tiger claws, tiger skins and so on. Once all changes, it is killing!

This is also the advantage of changing the way - every change of the teacher, as long as the locusts, can have at least one kill!

Su Yi was shocked and hurried back.

The tiger king swooped over and Su Yi rushed to move the shackles. On the occasion of the Millennium, the dangers evaded.

The tiger king did not turn around, but only took advantage of the situation.

The tiger tail, such as the steel whip, took a burst of air and immediately burst out a blow.

Su Yi quickly rushed to defend the shackles and covered them with a mask.

However, the Tiger Whip attack was extinct, and it fell on the mask, and the mask was broken at once.

After the defense was ruined, Su Yi was attacked by locusts and spit out a lot of blood. He hurried back, but it was too late.

A fierce hurricane rushed to the surface, and the next moment he saw a tiger's mouth with a boss, covering his head.


The tiger king sipped a bit and directly crushed Su Yi’s head.

Chenghu won and won the first game for the Ma family!

For a time, the top of the Song family was slightly moved, and the Ma family cheered up and down.

"Victory! A good start is half the success! Today our army will win!" In the account of the king, Ma Yingjie clenched his fists in a sly manner, his eyes bursting with ecstasy, and his heart was extremely excited.

And in another battlefield...

In the vast battlefield, one side of the killing sound resounded through the clouds, and the flag fluttered. The other side of the military squad is shaking, morale is low, there are signs of defeat.

"Luo Mengzhu, the other side is too strong, we can't stop it!"

"Quickly withdraw..."

"For the handsome, I care about the situation. At this moment, Liu Jiameng will be like a tiger. Our army is hard to beat."

Several high-ranking sergeants rushed to rumors, all flustered.

Luo Jun looked around and smiled bitterly: "Retreat to you, where can we retreat? This is our last line of defense. Hehe... Well, we have been supporting the defense for three days since we started fighting with Liu Wenwu. The strength of the other party is too strong, simply fell!"

In the first battle, Luo Jun was seriously injured by Liu Wenwu, Mo Shiman and others, and he has not slowed down.

These days, the Luo family army was defeated, letting him make much effort and being unable to return to heaven. He thoroughly realized the huge power gap between the enemy and the enemy, and he was disheartened and had no fighting spirit.

After hearing the words of the Roman army, the high-ranking sergeants were relieved. They are not convinced by the oath of poison, but since Robert’s own initiative to surrender, there is no problem.

The order of surrender was quickly passed on, and the battle was settled quickly.

"Hahaha, I said it, as long as our three brothers join hands, they can level the world!" The lion smirked and laughed, proud.

Liu Wenwu smiled and his heart filled with great joy.

Liu Jiameng Jun defeated!

Next, it is to annex the enemy forces, collect the captives, expand the military power, and then start the journey!



The leopards are smashing, and the rats are fighting **** battles.

The squadrons of the two great military forces have become a foil.

Nurtu bears his hands, stands proudly, surrounded by beasts and leopards, showing the majesty.

On the other hand, his opponent, as one of the recognized masters of slavery in the North, is a sweaty tooth, and his face is pale.

"Jiangfang tooth, you have already lost. Do you know where you are defeated? Your number of rats is too large, up to 650,000. The soldiers are not expensive, the same is true of the herd. Today, you, you It’s a stepping stone to my name, Beiyuan!” Nurtu faintly opened, and the calm voice sounded through everyone’s ears.

"No, I haven't lost yet, I still have a card!" Jiang fangs yelled hysterically, "Let you see my long-lost slave killing - plague!"

The voice just fell, and the rat population of more than 100,000 scales was born at the same time.

The leopard group suffered heavy casualties in successive explosions.

The earth is shaking slightly, the turf is flying, the mud and stone splashing, and a lot of yellow poisonous gas is also produced.

The surviving leopard group, under the cover of this poisonous gas, suddenly became sick, slow-moving, and reduced combat power.

On the other hand, the rats of the tyrannical tooth of the river, but in the yellow gas, have no effect at all.

"Ha ha ha, the last winner is still my toothy tooth! Young people, want to step on my body, you have to practice for another hundred years!" Jiang fangs laughed.

"Hey! I still want to hide it. If you are looking for death, then you can't blame me." Nurtu snorted and his face smiled.

He screamed loudly: "killing tricks - leopard!"


The leopard is arrogant and unfolds with an unparalleled violent charge.

"This?!" Jiang fangs rounded his eyes, the leopard group's combat power has skyrocketed more than twice, and the degree has reached an astonishing eight times!

Under the gaze of everyone, the leopard swarmed out of the yellow gas-filled area, breathing fresh air, like a terrible tsunami, drowning everything, devour everything!



A big battle has ended.

The red flames rushed, and the entire battlefield became a burning sea of ​​fire.

In the sea of ​​fire, there is a teacher standing proudly, just like the **** of fire coming to the world.

He played with the flame in his hand, making it into a variety of forms, slender eyes looking around the sorcerer, the sound in the hot sea of ​​fire is extremely cold and cold: "Destroyed under my peak fire, also It’s your privilege. Surrender, otherwise... you will turn this low-lying grass into coke.”

The surrounding teachers, looking at each other with a lost look.

After a few breaths, they fell to the ground.

"I, we... willing to drop..."


After the Black House defeated the Eastern Army and won the victory of the war, in the major battlefields of the North Plains, the six major wars began to fall.

The loser did not lose everything, some surrendered, some fled, and re-selected the dependent forces. In the early days of this battle of Wang Ting, there is hope and possibility.

The winner, the annexed weak, gets a lot of war reparations and grows himself.

The countless corpses of the herd, the priest, and the ordinary mortal are turned into the nourishment of the grassland. In the days to come, in the snow of the cold, there will never be a day.

Cheng Wang defeated!

After more than ten days in the grass house, the black Loulan absorbed the descendants, and the military power expanded by 60%.

This time, he targeted the Kansai.

There, the ancient army was stationed there, because the military strength was weak, and it became the best goal of the expansion of the black building.

After seven days, the black army confronted the ancient army.

In the first battle, the ancient family was defeated, and the defeat was lost. The ancient king of the ancient lord of the ancient country was decisively ordered to abandon the three lines of defense, and the turtles shrank into their own base camp.

Hei Loulan laughed and led the army to push the way.

But when he came to the final battlefield, he was stunned and said to the left and right: "How is there a mountain here?"

Even though the ancient army is not good, it has its own means. They landed in the mountains, stationed on the mountains, and laid numerous traps at the foot of the mountain. Being condescending, it has a huge advantage. The intention of strictly guarding against death is clear.

The Black House army attacked several times and was repelled, leaving a large number of bodies.

Fang Yuan stood by and looked at it with all his strength. He used the wolves and only worked **** the surface. Coupled with the multi-forest shrubs on the mountain, the wolves are difficult to carry out the military, but they are divided and killed one by one. Therefore, although the war situation has progressed, it is quite slow.

In particular, The ancient army continued to pour the mountains, causing the mountain to become taller and higher.

Hei Loulan was furious: "The ancient country dragon is as stubborn as a rumor. After I win, I must step him to death!"

However, the military situation is still not optimistic.

The rolling stones that people throw away by hand, after falling, have the power of attacking a locust.

"I knew this, I will not go to this hard bone!" Hei Loulan has already retired, just at this time, there was a man outside the camp.

This person came to Heloulan by virtue of the token: "The old man is too white, born by the letter of the benefactor, come to help you."

Hei Loulan was overjoyed and grabbed the hands of the people: "There is a shot by the old man, and the big things can be illustrated!"

Ps: Still in the design outline, the battle of the North Plains Wang Ting is too long, intends to compress, and enter Wang Tingfu as soon as possible. There are too many involved and need to be considered repeatedly. Sadly, I am tortured to death! For the time being, I’m going to have one more time. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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