Reverend Insanity

: Section 119: Prestige Dragon Power 1st

Too Baiyun’s tall figure – the appearance of the ancients, the hair of the warehouse is like snow, wrinkles and wrinkles.

He is already over 80 years old, with a pair of eyes, but there is no faint faintness, but the gentleness of the sorrows of nature, and the mundaneness of the world.

When he was seven years old, he decided to walk to the North Plains and help the people.

He has been in a lifetime of ups and downs and suffered from fate. The family of the Yi people was shattered and became a slave servant. They were betrayed by their wives and became captives of aliens. In the adventure, they were enrolled in the Taoist ancestral sect, and they will receive the death of their brothers when they died...

Today, he has become a living legend.

Although it is a lone person, it is a well-recognized master. The name of his kindness goes deep into the hearts of the people of Beiyuan, and the prestige is far more than the flow of Chang Shanyin, Hei Loulan, Liu Wenwu and so on.

Just in the face of the battle situation in Hei Loulan, when he was unable to do anything, he had just come out of the camp and held a letter.

Hei Loulan untied the letter and read it.

It turned out that when the black family was too old to go to the old black cypress, he was too white to see him, and he repeatedly pointed or rescued him. Now that the Black Army has entered a difficult situation, the black cypress, which has been secretly watching, sends a letter to Taibaisheng, so that he can come to support.

Hei Loulan knows the power of Baiyunsheng and is overjoyed. A banquet was held that night to cover the hospitality.

On the second day, when Tian Liang was bright, Hei Loulan could not wait to arrange the battle. Please ask Baiyunsheng.

Under the eyes of everyone's expectations, too Baiyunsheng went to the front and looked up at the mountains in front of him.

The ancient family is good at the dirt road, and the Pakistani is famous for its northern plains. The rock is a mountain, which is a ridiculous and unachievable tactic on the earth. But in this world, the new mountain, which was poured in the past ten days, tells people that there is nothing impossible.

The ancient king of the lord, the high mountain, overlooks the foot of the mountain.

When I saw an old man with white snow and snow, the sorcerers around him broke out with ridicule or disdainful irony, but the heart of Gu Guolong rose up and felt bad.

He knows well that his own land is built on the basis of a large number of homes. Even if the power of the family is difficult to imitate but to be cracked, there is no way.

The ancient country dragon was defeated by the black family army several times, the military strength was damaged, and the original ambition of vying for the hero has already faded. He thought about it and decided to rely on Liu.

Liu Jia Liu Wenwu Ren Yingming, who is more generous than others, is stricter than self-interest, and has a much better reputation than Hei Loulan. Before many days, he secretly expressed his letter to Liu Wenwu.

"Liu Wenwu has already replied, and promised to rely on my family's trust. Now I am leading the army to support. I can only wait for seven days, and then I will be able to open the clouds and see the blue sky out of the predicament."

In the heart of the ancient country, he secretly cheered himself up. At this time, too, Baiyunsheng slowly extended his hands.

His palms are wide, old and clumpy, and wrinkles are reminiscent of the bark of ancient trees.

He slowly mobilized the real yuan, his hands burst into a faint silver light. The silver light was weak at first, but it quickly became a few strong blinks, and the silver light was strong, which made it impossible to directly watch.

"Mountains are like the same." Too white clouds are long and sturdy, and the sound is silent.

On the foothills, Gu Guolong listened to this voice, and suddenly there was a sudden color on his face: "No, he is too white!"

It’s too late, it’s fast!

I saw a silver light burst into a straight beam of light, directly bombarded in the foothills.

Numerous sergeants saw the machine not good, immediately provoked defense against locusts, or attacked and intercepted.

But the silver light ignores any interception, and it shines in the mountains.

The beasts are all safe and sound, but the rocks at the foot of the ancient family, no matter how large and strong, under the silver light, like the residual snow under the scorching sun, turned into a piece of nothingness at the speed visible to the naked eye, as if it did not exist. .

At the foot of the ancient army, they lost support and fell.

For a time, people immediately turned over and fell, from the mid-air of five or six feet, fell to the rocks, and countless deaths and injuries.

The stupid ancient master, now also realized the crisis.

They all exclaimed.

"This kind of power, this is the mountain of Baiyunsheng adults!"

"Scorpio, why should Mr. Taibai help the Tyrant Black Loulan?"

"Tai Baiyunsheng, who restored the Yuanquan to my family, was the savior of my family. Now let us fight with him?"

Johor Bahru, at the foot of the ancient army, is the deepest place in their heart, and now it has collapsed. Tai Baiyun’s personal prestige is a huge factor that shakes their fighting spirit.

"Ha ha ha, really worthy of being too white clouds, a shot is extraordinary." Hei Loulan sat in the account of the king, seeing this scene, making a mad laugh.

He did not expect that there is still a secret hand in the family.

However, the old super-families of the super-super tribes will, from time to time, pick out their own optimistic seeds from the mortal martial arts and the mortal martial artists.

Once these seeds are made, they will be absorbed by the super tribes in the future, and their foreign surnames will be too old.

This is one of the development strategies of the super tribe to maintain its position.

Obviously, too Baiyunsheng is optimistic about being turned into a six-turn 蛊仙黑柏, and believes that he can be promoted to the hopeful seed of the realm of 蛊仙.

Looking at the enemy's wolverines, the black army's morale is booming, many people are making loud laughs, and many people shouting loudly, to kill the enemy and the old and the young.

In the king's account, the strong men of the Yanshi are also rejoicing, only Fang Yuan has a quiet face. The appearance of Taibaisheng was already in his expectation.

In the memory of the past five hundred years, Taibaiyun was from this mouth, participated in the army of the black family, and assisted all the way, bringing great help to Hei Loulan.

Hei Loulan was able to defeat Zhu Xiong in the end, thanks in large part to Tai Baisheng.

But too Baiyunsheng, born with kindness, in the way of assistance, deeply understand the violent and violent nature of Hei Loulan. Therefore, when he entered Wang Tingfu's land, he was promoted to Zhu Xian there, and did not agree to the requirements of Hei Bai. The surname of the black family was too old.

"Kill! Kill them, this group of dog things, actually dare to make a mountain into a mountain, swearing!" Helou Lanxing excitedly screamed.

The former Baiyunsheng in front of the array, listening to the words of Hei Loulan, was frowning. He sighed with a sigh of relief, but did not continue to shoot, but voiced, and advised Heilanlan: "Allies, God has a good life. De, why bother to kill? Traditionally, the battle of Wang Ting, all **** drifts, heavy casualties. The lord must stay in Wang Ting, not to accept the ancient army, the old man is willing to be a lobbyist!"

The ancient army was built into the mountains to fight against the black home, but in the face of too white clouds, the pouring of the mountains became their deadly trap.

The current situation is that the black army is firmly surrounded by the ancient family and is not airtight.

As long as the white marble can be done by hand, the ancient house can be damaged. The ancient family will not sit still, but when the new mountains are exhausted, their military power will be insignificant, and the final charge will have no threat at all.

But too Baiyunsheng did not do this.

In the eyes of the black Loulan, the fierceness of the eyes was flashing. Although he had already succumbed to his heart, he had to worry about the face of Baiyunsheng.

Taibaisheng is not an ordinary teacher.

He is a very rare sect of the ecclesiasm, and he is cultivated as a peak of five turns. His prestige in the North Plains is in full swing, and his influence extends throughout the grasslands.

Hei Loulan indulged in a long time and replied: "Take the old gentleman this meeting, but it is too dangerous for the old gentleman to go up the mountain alone. I sent six four-strongers to protect the old man!"

Too Baiyun nodded, then came under the heavy guards and came to the mountains.

He is prestigious, and the name of kindness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Wherever he goes, the enemy forces spontaneously separate the sides, revealing the middle aisle.

"I don't want to see the grace at this moment." Gu Guolong smiled again and again, and went to see the ceremony.

At that time, the ancient family Yuanquan dried up and was crowded out by several major tribes. Migration was very dangerous. I asked Taibaisheng to come to the hospital. Taibaisheng did not charge any fees, and he paid for it free of charge. He is a benefactor of the ancient family.

Under the persuasion of Tai Baisheng, Gu Guolong, despite his favorite Liu Wenwu, but the situation is stronger than the people, he had to bow his head.

It was only a moment when Baiyunsheng went up the mountain, and he went down the mountain.

When he went up the mountain, there were only seven people. When I went down the mountain, I led more than 100,000 people.

It is the service, too Baiyunsheng persuaded the success, the ancient army all invested in the black Loulan, the black family army so the military strength soared.

Too Baiyunsheng changed the situation with one person. With deep prestige, he saved more than 100,000 lives and made great contributions to the black family.

When Taibaiyunsheng came to the first day of the Black Army, he won the first place in the battle. The opposite is Fang Yuan.

The name of the wolf king Chang Shanyin, at the end of the martial arts list, is a bright red and a huge negative number, and a sharp contrast with the battle of Tai Baisheng.

That night Hei Loulan ordered, to hold a celebration of celebrations, but also to wash the dust for Taibaisheng.

The moon is star-render and raises the sky.

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Hei Loulan frequently toasted Baiyunsheng, and he praised: "With the old gentleman, any defense line will be ineffective!"

In the hands of Taibaiyun, there are two five-way gongs that are well known to the people of the North.

One is called "Mountain as the old." One is called "Jiang Ru."

The former can restore the earth to the hills and valleys, and restore the original appearance. The latter can make waterfalls in rivers and lakes, and restore the original appearance.

The ancient country was poured into Johor Bahru, which was originally a flat grassland. Therefore, under the effect of the mountains, the original landscape is restored.

The original Yuanquan of the ancient family was restored to the original state by Jiang Ru, and the Yuanshi could be re-produced.

The army fights and pours defense lines. It is often dominated by dirt road locusts and builds high-rise walls that stretch for thousands of miles. These walls will be restored to flat grass under the influence of the mountains. Therefore, Hei Loulan said that "any line of defense will be ineffective." It makes sense! ...... (To be continued) [] If you like my text update, you are welcome to click or reply to fifteen words, your reply is the biggest motivation for my update staff. ) Bring the most cute, purest and most loving little, cold and cold, and bring a good friend, Xuan Tianxiao A.


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