Reverend Insanity

: Section 120: The storm will change sharply

North original calendar, mid-June. m

This is the season of midsummer, but the smell of blizzard has been strong for ten years. The sky is often gloomy, the wind is blowing, and the frost is becoming more and more dignified.

The dispute over Wang Ting in Beiyuan is in full swing.

In the case of Jinghu, the Majia army and the Songjia allied forces fought. The Ma family has a huge advantage and has repeatedly broken the two defense lines of the Song family.

During the period, Song Jiameng leader Song Qingyi took the lead and led the army to counterattack. The Ma family was ambushed and had to give up a line of defense.

But then, Ma Zun slave master Ma Zun shot, dispatched the ace Tianma group, and killed Song Qingyu in the air. The Song family had no dragons in the army, and they were separated from each other by the Ma family. They finally fell apart.

The Ma family swallowed most of the tribes, leaving only a few remnants, and rushed away.

After this battle, as one of the few masters of flying in Beiyuan, the five dynasty narcissus Song and Qing dynasty, the achievement of the slave master Ma Zun's reputation.

Ma Zun’s strength is amazing. Hidden, someone has called out the name of "the first master of the Northern Plains".

In the case of the Mound, the Nurtu wars the river.

Nurtu, originally not a slave, but a half-way. He led the leopard group and even beat the veteran slave master Jiang fangs and eventually defeated him.

Based on this record, Nurtu became one of the masters of the Northern Plains slaves, and Jiang Tingyao, Yang Broken, Ma Zun and Chang Shanyin were called the Five Beastmasters.

However, the battle for fame of Nurtu, although realized, is costly.

The counterattack of Jiang’s tooth has caused heavy casualties in the army of Noor. Despite the fact that after the war, the other party’s remnants were annexed and there were war reparations, the army of Nur’s army was hindered.

As the rat of the Rat King, he was lucky enough to escape and gather the remnant. His original more than 600,000 rats were only less than 30,000.

But even so, as the ruling army, he is still favored by all major forces. There have been more than a dozen forces and an invitation letter has been sent to him.

In terms of the unicorn, Yelüssang is blessed with the immortality of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect.

However, when the army of Yelu, like the fire of the Suiyuan, began to spread around, it was attacked by the seven-way army.

These seven roads have at least a hundred thousand troops in each road. Although they are not class families, there are also famous sergeants.

The seven-way army joined forces and the momentum was rampant. Just after the situation was opened, the army of Yelu, who was about to work hard, was caught in a crisis.

At the same time, the army of the black family is also facing a big enemy and is self-sufficient.

Liu Jia, Liu Wenwu pro-integrated army, approaching the black home is getting closer!

It turned out that Gu Guolong asked Liu Wenwu for help. Liu Wenwu saw the news and was pleased to know that this was a rare opportunity. As long as the ancient country dragon can support it, then his Liu family army will be caught from behind the black family, and it will surely prevail. From the very beginning, the black family will be in a passive situation.

But as a result, the world has changed too fast. When Liu Jiada’s army had just traveled halfway, it was reported that the ancient family was defeated and reluctantly attached to the black family. The key person who caused all of this is too white clouds.

After Liu Wenwu got this battle report, he was shocked.

The legendary figure like Baiyunsheng actually took the initiative to help the black Loulan go. Black Loulan has this one person, such as a thousand troops!

Liu Wenwu quickly understood that this is the power behind the black family.

According to the rules set by the ancestors of Juyang, in the battle of Wang Ting, Zhu Xian can provide some help to mortals to a certain extent. Of course, there is a limit to this kind of help. At least, you can't take it yourself.

Whether it is the fairy scorpion on Yerxon, or the Baiyunsheng who supported the black Loulan after receiving the letter, it is the handwriting of Zhu Xian.

Liu Wenwu naturally has the right to ask for help from his support.

Hei Loulan got too much to help Bai Yunsheng. In Liu Wenwu’s opinion, it’s more terrible than getting the wolf king Chang Shanyin!

Too Baiyun’s reputation is extremely serious. No matter the right way or the magic road, many people are favored by him. Of these people, as long as there is a small part of the mind of repaying, then this power is terrible.

What's more, once the black family grows up, the magical sorcerers who are still waiting to see each other, seeing the hope of entering the court, will take the initiative to rely on the past.

The existence of Taibaisheng makes them more inclined to choose Heilan.

In this way, the black family is getting stronger and stronger. As time goes by, other competitors will be left behind sooner or later.

"Black Loulan defeated the Oriental Yu Liang and won the war reparations of the tribes. It has already earned a lot. In contrast, we have indeed defeated several allies, but they are all large tribal groups, and the war reparations they obtained are themselves It is weaker than the black family. Now the black family has the living signboard of Baiyunsheng. If you give him time to sit up, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with it in the future."

Liu Wenwu thought for a moment and decisively went underground. The Liu Jia army maintained its original plan and moved toward the black home.

Hei Loulan got the news, laughed and said, "Good to come!" Immediately ordered the construction of a defense line in place.

After the first line of defense was built, the army slowly moved and marched toward the Liu family. Every thousand miles, it will stay, stay in the city for a few days, and build a new line of defense.

Twelve days later, the army of the black family emerged from the fourth line of defense, and marched for five hundred miles against the Liu family.

The two armies set aside their positions and began to pick.

The black family generals are rushing, and they will not let them go.

Liu Wenwu saw this and sent Yan Fei to play.

Hao torrent is a four-turn high-level repair, but Yan Yanfei is also the same. The two played against each other for twenty rounds.

The torrent of the torrent is huge, and it makes people feel tremble. And Yan Feifei is sharp and sharp, and in the torrent, the conflicts are in conflict.

After another battle, the two real people were in a hurry.

The sergeant is not good at fighting for a long time. Once the real yuan is warned, the combat power will definitely drop sharply.

"Can't go on like this anymore!" In the hearts of the two, similar thoughts emerged at the same time.

Water waterfall!

The torrent was the first to take the shot, and the two palms were pushed. It was a big waterfall born out of thin air, with a rumbling sound, and smashed into the Yanyan.

Yan Feifei is not hard to fight, urging the mobile squat, a land, skyrocketing, avoiding the attack of the waterfall.

Four turns, gold 缕 蛊.

Four turns, swallow wings.

Four turns, the rainbow changed.

Killing tricks - Jin Hong hit!

Yan Yanfei made a desperate attempt to make a sign of the nature of the killing trick.

In an instant, he incarnates a golden rainbow and cuts through the sky. With lightning speed, he easily breaks through the waterfall and accurately hits the rapids.

However, the torrent is smashed into water, not real flesh and blood.

Water is like a dragonfly!

The torrential battle lasted for a long time, and there was intelligence before, knowing that Yan Yanfei’s reconnaissance locust was not strong. Therefore, when the water falls, watching the sight of Yan Feifei with a huge flood, it quietly moves the water like a dragonfly, and the real body merges into the waterfall. It can be said that God does not know the ghosts and blinds the vast majority of the two divisions.

Yan Yanfei blasted the water image and immediately called it in his heart. He did not keep it, and urged the remaining real yuan, all infused into the swallow-winged scorpion.

The two pairs of swallow wings behind him, vibrating quickly, took him out of the battlefield.

The torrent was standing in the same place, and all of them were drenched by the water. He won a little, but he was not happy. The opponent’s killing power is amazing. This time he used water to fool him, then next time?

"Big Brother, let's fight out!" Yan Feifei failed and returned, let the ink lion blow his beard and blink, and eagerly ask for war.

Liu Wenwu smiled and did not respond to him.

"The third brother is a little bit safe, the previous battle is for you to play. This war should be my turn." A tall, skinny, tough, bald sergeant, stood up and patted the lion mad shoulder.

"Second brother!" The ink lion screamed helplessly.

This person's name calls Ouyang Bisang, but it is a magician. He had a chance to coincide with Liu Wenwu and Mo Shi in a relic. The three men broke the game together and gained inheritance.

"Who is Ouyang Bisang, who is going to enlighten me?" Ouyang Bisang slowly walked to the front of the two armies and shouted.

Immediately, he looked at the rapids: "If the water magic wants to play against a certain family, it may be a good idea to take a break and restore the real yuan."

The water magic smiled, but did not fight: "If you are not busy, there will always be opportunities to fight."

When he finished, he returned to the lineup.

The battle of Wang Ting, to this day, the intelligence of the various forces and the strong, is also widely circulated.

Ouyang Bisang is the second brother of the Ink Crazy, and this identity alone is not to be underestimated. Before his performance in the Liu family's several battles, he was also very amazing.

He is the strongman of change, and the sect of this genre has at least one killing trick. His cultivation is the peak of four turns, and like the lion madness, he has the power to compete with the five-turn master!

In the first battle, he killed the enemy's five-transition leader. The more difficult the challenge, this is the dazzling record that many people have to look forward to for life!

In the face of such a strong, the water magic torrent rapids, even if it is in a state of full prosperity, I am afraid it will win less. What's more, his energy has been consumed by Yan Feifei in today's World War I. The status of the teacher is not just the number of real yuan in the air.

Seeing Ouyang Bisang's end, Hei Loulan felt a slight headache.

Contrast with Liu Wenwu, he is now by his side, and the lack of fierceness is available.

After absorbing the ancient army, there are three five-turners in the royal account of the black family. They are Hei Loulan, Tai Baiyun, and the ancient king who just joined.

Black Loulan is a lord and cannot be lightly moved. Taibaiyun is a medical sergeant and is not good at fighting. The ancient king is a five-turned martyr, but the other is a four-turn peak. If he is sent to play, he will be laughed at by the rules.

Look at the four turn 蛊 ~ ~ ~ get the hand, also the wolf king Chang Shanyin, the water magic torrent, the shadow swordsman side silk Xuan, Xiaohu Shuai Tang Miaoming and single knife will Pan Ping.

Chang Shanyin and Tang Miaoming are all slaves and teachers, first ruled out. The water magic torrent has already left, and there are only two choices for Heloulan.

His gaze drifted across the faces of Pan Ping and Bian Si Xuan.

Pan Ping knows that his own single card, not Ouyang Bisang's opponent, seems to be uneasy. Bian Si Xuan has a black mask on his face and his eyes are cold.

Hei Lulan turned his head and said to the side of the Silk Road: "This time, there is a shadow swordsman to take the shot."

"Then I can only guarantee that I will not lose my life, but I can't guarantee to win." Biansi Xuan is cold and authentic.

Hei Loulan laughed. Although he was the ally, Bian Si Xuan also had a poisonous oath, but Hei Loulan could not hardly call the side to fight.

Ps: After the plot is lighter and faster, it looks a lot better. What do you think? Oh oh... (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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