Reverend Insanity

: Section 132: Cedar

The main peak of the snow-capped mountains is towering into the sky. m

Around it, the remaining peaks, like the stars, are around it.

In the sky, there is a light blue light. The fine snow that has been swaying is squatting underground.

This is a place of whiteness and innocence, even the buildings on the peaks are ice crystals.

Here is the snowy mountain blessed land.

The old nest of the Northern Plains, the fairy tales, has dozens of people, and they occupy the peaks of the snow mountains.

On the peak of a snowy mountain covered with green pines and cypresses, there is an ice crystal seven tower pavilion. On the plaque of the pavilion, the three characters of the book - "Song Song Ge".

The cedar son who is the master of this place is the famous magic road of the North Plains.

He was tall and thin, with a light blue gown, and his long white hair fell to the ground. At the moment, he was on the top floor of Songxue Pavilion, overlooking the snow-capped peak that belongs to him.

His eyes were blue, his eyes were deep, and he penetrated thousands of miles and patrolled his territory.

"Cedar grows well. The snow willows transplanted the year before have expanded to tens of thousands. This year's aphids have also produced nearly three hundred five-turn rafts. These waterways and ice locusts are used for research. There are balances that can be sold, at least two or three pieces of Xianyuan Stone."

"Of course, my main entry now is the slave trade of the snowman."

On the peak of the cedar tree, six alien tribes were raised, all of them snowmen.

The snowman is one of the aliens, living in the icy environment of snow. Their skin is white, their eyes are blue and purple, and their hair is blue. After they died, their flesh and blood were turned into ice sculptures.

Snowmen generally don't cry, tears are rare. The vast majority of snowmen, for the rest of their lives, have not had the joy of crying, or the experience of sorrow and crying.

However, the tears left by the snowman. Will condense into tears in an instant. Tear ice is a valuable refining material that has won the joy of the teachers.

After the cedars inspected it, he nodded with satisfaction.

The snowman looks like a faceless expression, but in fact, in the eyes of Cedars, it is the spiritual person closest to the human race. Many of the immortals raise snowmen, and in order to obtain tears, they are often tortured. Inhumane torture.

Tear ice, a refining material, is used in many places. In Bao Huang Tianzhong, the trading of tears and ice is hot.

Many Zhu Xian, in order to obtain tears, to make a profit. Use all means to kill and torment the snowman.

Cedars have done this kind of activity before, but soon he found that the people who got the tears in the market, the value of the tears itself is much larger.

Since then, he has been raising snowmen and selling snowmen to Bao Huangtian. Let the other celestials torment the snowman.

In the life of the snowman, there were three tears at the top. Add up to no more than sixty. Every time there is a tear, the snowman will lose a lot of life, and the fate of this life will be much lower.

The snowman sheds too much tears and will age quickly and accelerate death.

But the cost of raising a snowman is much cheaper.

In addition to the cedar seed, this peak is owned. It is convenient to plant cedars, snow trees, and raise snowmen, so he sells snowmen, but instead earns more than before selling tears.

He has a wealth of money, and his business has been booming over the years, accumulating a large number of Xianyuan Stone. It is a rich man among the immortals.

But he has one of the biggest regrets - he has been a six-turner for decades. But there is still no fairy.

No matter how many celestial stones he has, he can't buy Xianyu. Because they are the only ones, even if they are there, they will not sell them. At most, I used the fairy to change the fairy.

"Now the Ma family has reached the final step. If you can defeat the black family and enter Wang Ting, perhaps the first fairy in my life, you can get it from the 88-degree Zhenyang Building... eh?"

Cedarwood is thinking about things, and suddenly there is a feeling in the heart, and it is a trick.

The space broke open and a letter came flying.

When the cedars started to look at it, it was the Ma’s letter of assistance.

"At last I still can't stand it." The mouth of the cedars showed a smile.

He has always maintained his concern over the dispute over the Wang Ting, and he has long known about the defeat of the Ma family. Previously, he got in touch with the Ma family, but the Ma family has been unable to make up his mind. Now that the battle is tight, the Ma family sent a letter of help, and if he agreed to his previous request.

"This way, it is time for me to take the shot." Xuesongzi gradually gathered up and smiled, urging God to recite.

The three gods flew away and shot into the three snowman tribes of Xuefeng.

After receiving the thoughts of the gods, the three snowmen fell to the ground and immediately rushed to the mountain.

After a while, they bowed in front of the door of Xuesongge and said: "Snow tile, snow secret, Xueming, see the immortal!"

The cedars did not show up, but took out some mites and flew into the hands of the three snowmen.

"You bring these locusts, and the T-sports department, go down to the outside world, find the horse family, and help them win in the big battle." Xuesongzi passed away.

"Yes." The three snowman sergeants quickly took the lead.

In the hands of cedar seeds, there are four major divisions of A, B, and B, which are the masters of the six snowmen and tribes.

The three snowman sergeants, led the T-word soldiers, out of the Daxueshan blessed land, have not yet arrived at the Ma family, they were spotted by the black family.

"Brother, this horse is really involved with the magical roads of Daxueshan. Now the evidence is conclusive, Liu’s surname, Qu Xian Tan Bi Ya, is not wrong." In the land of Fudi, Heibo said to Heicheng.

These two are black family.

Black cypress looks ordinary, middle-aged appearance, and outside the show. The Black City, from a young age, is a recognized genius of the Black House, handsome and handsome, and also the father of He Loulan.

Black City glanced at the black cypress and calmly said: "You don't have to worry about the good brother. The magic road is solitary. It has always been a solitary. Although the big snow mountain is powerful, it has dozens of celestial celestial beings, but it really supports only the Ma family. Three."

Black cypress nodded: "Brothers have a solution. But today's Ma family is really strong. Before they got the support of the Magic Road, they were killed by their own, and they got into a big battle. Once they get support from Zhu Xian, they will inevitably More powerful."

The black city sighed and asked: "Is it a matter of identifying the magical roads that support the Ma family?"

"Not yet, but it is also fast."

"Go and do it, we will buy more than 500,000 wild wolves, three hundred beasts, and two wolves, and thousands of locusts, as well as the prepared materials, to black. Loulan goes."

"Yes, brother!"

"In addition, you smashed the black Loulan, so that he can quickly make a quick decision.

Black cymbal looked good, nodded, did not say much, left the blessed land.

War fights not only for human life, but also for the bottom of the game.

The battle of Wang Ting. In the final stage, I have been supporting the Black City and Black Cypresses in Heilan, and I feel a bit overwhelmed.

Although Zhu Xian is rich, but can not stand such a long time, for the support of the entire army.

The quantities of goods and goods are very large. Some of them come from Fudi, and most of them are consumed by Xianyuan Stone. Purchased from Bao Huang Tianzhong.

A lot of the fairy stone, sprinkled down. Whether it is Black Cypress or Black City, it is actually secretly distressed.

The battle of Wang Ting, in essence, is a game. But not all games that Zhu Xian can afford.

A lot of Zhu Xian, because I want to harvest a fairy, and join this gamble. At last. The person who chose did not enter the court of the king, so he lost a lot and even had examples of bankruptcy.

However, if you win, you will get the fairy from the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, and all the investment is worth it.

After all, no matter how many Xianyuan Stones, you can't buy a fairy.

Ten days later. The Black House and the Majia Army once again fought, and the big battles were facing each other, and they were long and boundless, and they opened up a vast army.

In the king's account. Hei Loulan sits in the main position, his eyes look across the opposite side, and he is full of excitement: "The first two did not hurt the Ma family. This time let us teach them well. The super tribe is not so easy, it can be promoted, hehe! Which one will play first?"

The voice did not fall, the water magic torrent rapids stood up, Shi Lidao: "The lord of the lord, his willingness to be a pioneer!"

Hei Loulan nodded with satisfaction.

The water magic torrent is from the heroic conference, choose the strongman who depends on him.

All the way to help, participate in the battle of Wang Ting, to this point, the rapid torrents kill countless, the battle is great.

Although Yan Feifei, since Liu Wenwu failed, he also turned to the black family. However, the position of the first rapid battle of the four torrents has never wavered.

This is the "veer veteran" of the black family army. Coupled with the enthusiasm of the torrents repeatedly revealed, if there is no accident, after the black family enters the king's court, he will be absorbed by the black family as the old family.

The black family is a golden tribe, a super power, and one of the great giants of the North Plains. If the torrent is to join the black family, if you rely on the big tree. Just like the wind devil Tan Wufeng, the same as the Eastern tribe.

Hao torrents on the battlefield, screaming, Ma Shangfeng snorted and pointed at him: "This is the water magic, who is going to teach him?"

"The lord of the lord, let him go to meet him this time." A Shuhan stood up, it was the Ma Jia Meng, the four-turner who changed the Taoist - Chenghu.

Ma Shangfeng nodded and answered, and Cheng Hu could not wait to go underground to battle the battlefield.

The torrent of the old means the offensive is huge, the water is surging. Because there are a lot of rare locusts in exchange for the martial arts, the turbulence of the torrents at this time has far exceeded the initial stage of the battle of Wang Ting.

Both sides have come to me and played more than a dozen rounds. The torrent has gradually gained the upper hand.

Cheng Hu was crushed and beaten, his heart was sullen, roaring, urging the killing, and turning into a tiger.

Hu Wei was fierce and fierce, and he immediately pulled back the disadvantage.

The torrent is known for its violent and aggressive offensive, but at this moment it is difficult to resist the impact of the tiger. It can only be retired and changed. From the previous attack, it turned into a defensive counterattack.

Ps: It is adjusting and adapting to the rhythm of the double, and strives to write an article that guarantees the quantity and guarantees the quality. But people are not machines, what power is needed, they can be adjusted to the corresponding power instantly. So I give myself a month to adjust.

Thank you for your concern and understanding. I am very touched and will cheer!

Thank you. (To be continued...)

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