Reverend Insanity

: Section 133: Picking

Oh, la la la.

A stream of blue water, burst out. Hanging out of the big tiger, a thunderous sound broke out.

This is a four-turn tiger cub!

The tiger sings the sound waves, and the air sways into the air, forming a skeleton visible to the naked eye. The sound wave hit the jī stream, and this stream was defeated into a heavy rain.

Chenghu has become a big-eyed tiger, and the offensive is absolutely extinct.

Tiger cub, burst sound wave. Tiger claws, sharp and unreasonable. Tiger skin, defensive!

The tiger's teeth are sharp, like a gun, and the hole is wearing Converse. Tigertail, hard as a steel whip, swaying!

In order to form a killing trick, the sorcerer of the change will collect the corresponding locusts. Once the locusts are collected and can change shape, the strength of the scorpion will be greatly improved.

Of course, the more powerful the form of change, the higher the value of the corresponding locust combination, the more difficult it is to collect.

Even if the teacher can change, it also requires a lot of training. Life is to walk upright with both legs and one arm. If you change another form, it is not the habit to be the most natural reaction.

Just like flying, only a lot of training, plus talent, can mature the changed form.

The sorcerer has three aspects: raising sputum, using sputum, and refining sputum. This is the deep connotation of sputum.

Both sides of the army have focused their attention on the front line.

The 浩jī stream and the tiger’s jī fight have already reached a critical moment.

Cheng Hu used the killing tricks and changed into a big tiger, firmly occupying the upper hand. The water magic **** ho flow can only be dominated by dodge, and it is awkward to change the previous wild offensive.

However, as time went by, the battle was still deadlocked. Although Chenghu has great advantages, it has never been able to turn this advantage into a winning advantage.

The vast majority of the Ma family soldiers, while still screaming, the horses in the king's account, but they all frowned.

"Not good, this water konjac! Chenghu is dangerous." Ma Yingjie began.

Many of the strong people present here agreed with a slight nod.

Although the killing is strong, in fact, it is a variety of locusts at the same time. In this way, the consumption of real elements is several times more. Therefore, for the teacher, it is a double-edged sword.

Chenghu mobilized the killing move, but the experience of the water magic **** ho flow is very rich, and the style of hard hitting is changed. Cheng Hu can't pick up the water magic in a short time, and when he really bottoms out, he has to change the human form. At that time, it was the time when the water magic **** was a big counterattack.

Ma Shangfeng has a calm face, but his heart is sinking.

If you change to the past, the failure of Chenghu has nothing to do with him. But now, the success or failure of Chenghu is not his personal business, but the morale of the entire army.

The Ma family has lost two consecutive games. Ma Shangfeng knows that the major tribes who have turned to the Ma family have already shaken their hearts.

The Ma Jia Dajun is an alliance that is dominated by the Ma family and supplemented by other tribes. Once the heart is shaking, the situation is dangerous.

Ma Shangfeng naturally does not want to see the failure of Chenghu.

However, seeing that the battle situation is still deadlocked, the success of Chenghu’s failure is getting bigger and bigger, and Ma Shangfeng has to sigh in his heart and yell: “Fee generation.”

The fee is generated immediately, and the right palm is caressed. Shi Lidao: "Below."

"The second time, it is up to you." Ma Shangfeng said. In order to eliminate the impact of the defeat of the tiger, he hopes to be placed on the fee generation.

Fee generation is also a member of the team.

He was previously squeezed out at the Fei family, and he was very unwilling. The Ma family will leave him, lead him to the internal response, take advantage of the weakening moment of the infighting coup, and launch a surprise attack to annex the family.

After the fee generation was invested in the Ma family, it was also met with the Ming master, and repeatedly made great contributions to the cultivation.

Immediately, he went out before the line and shouted.

"The comers are fee-generating. Since the battle of Wang Ting, they have already killed eight and four strong players. In the last big battle, he used numbness, and with one person's strength, he fought three powerful men of the same class and was amazing." In the black family account, Sun Huohan opened the door.

Yelu Sang on the side, cold face.

The "war" of the descendants of the gentlemen and grandchildren is the battle between the Ma family and his allied forces. As a result, Yelu Sang defeated the North, and all the way was chased and killed by the Ma family. He was almost killed as a loner. The Qilian, which was originally attached to Yelu Sang, and other major tribes, all belonged to the Ma family.

The numbness is a four-turn rare and worthy of five turns. Once the sergeant is recruited, the whole body is paralyzed and almost impossible to move. Although the duration is very short, it is a very terrible means in the fierce battle.

Hei Lan Lan sighed, his eyes glanced around and asked: "Who can play?"

When the voice just fell, one person laughed and screamed out, saying: "The fee is generated, but it is willing to play, and clear all obstacles for your hegemony!"

Hei Loulan has a fixed look, not someone else, it is a single knife to Pan Ping.

Before Pan Ping was beaten by the Liu Jiasan brothers, he was rescued by the people of Taibaiyun. Not only him, Gao Yang and Zhu Zai are also saved.

"Okay, let's go." Hei Loulan nodded.

If he changed to the beginning of the war, he was not optimistic about Pan Ping. However, after more than a dozen major wars, Pan Ping has not grown up in the past, and has quickly grown into a strong player in the ranks of Yan Meifei.

"Fei Jia children, you are just a shameless family who betray the family and seek glory. It is a shame to live alive, come and die!" After Pan Ping went to the scene, he screamed and fought.

The fee is furious, and he hates others to say this to him: "It’s just a wild type of magic, I used to make you arrogant because I didn’t touch me!"

Immediately, the two men joined together.

For a time, the scene was hot and there was no difference. It can be said that the opponent will encounter good talents.

In fact, the situation of these two people is very similar. At the beginning of Wang Ting's hegemony, both of them were depressed and unwilling people. Pan Ping is a magician, and he is displaced. The fee generation was suppressed by the family and it was difficult to stretch.

However, because of this dispute over the Wang Ting, the two became famous, and they made great achievements from the war.

Before the Pan Ping, the only good thing is the single-handedness. But now he exchanges for the battle, and the locusts on his body are all luxurious and refined, and their combat power is leaps and bounds. It is no longer the case, he has only a single knife in his hand to support the overall situation.

The fee generation is also roughly the same.

Before, he was excluded from the family. Although the mites were basically complete, they lacked powerful means. He also profited from the battlefield, accumulated combat power, and was exchanged for the numbness of the five-turned 媲 蛊, and with his own locusts, the combat power suddenly rose.

The figure of the two is entangled, but they are jealous.

Pan Ping avoids the numbness generated by the fee, and the fee generation has been concentrating on the single-handedness of Pan Ping.

Speaking of a single knife, it is also Pan Ping's luck. Because this is placed on the scimitar, not the empty space or body of the sergeant.

After Pan Ping was blown into pieces, the single-handed scorpion survived.

Later, Baiyunsheng saved Pan Ping, the latter resurrected, and the original mites were destroyed, leaving only a single knife. Fortunately, Pan Ping has a lot of exploits and has not used it before.

As for Gao Yang and Zhu Zai, they are not so lucky.

After they were killed, the locusts were lost. The most regrettable thing is that the five waves of high-spirited waves are also ruined.

If the five people turn around, they can only target the human body and cannot save the locusts.

However, the two people have a calm mind - can be resurrected, it is a great fortune!

Later, the two men basically completed the locusts through the battle. After several battles, not only will the owed battles be cleaned, but also the balance.

The two pairs of four-turn strong people's jī fighting, firmly attracting everyone's attention.

Ma Jiajian fee generation and Pan Ping played hard to understand, and sent six fierce players before and after.

Hei Loulan took it one by one and sent them to Yan Yanfei, Gao Yang, Zhu Zai and others.

When the sixth pair of strong players had just confronted, Chenghu finally lost. Shui Mohao jī flow can not chase, can only watch him safely retreat.

The morale of the black family was alive, but soon, in the third set of confrontation, the Ma family won and the situation was pulled back.

The two sides have successively sent strong players, and the two armies formed more than 30 battle circles.

In other words, there are nearly seventy-four four-turn teachers to show up!

This is a rather vast scene. The vast Beiyuan, with a population of billions, occupies the majority, with only a few hundred in the four-turn division, and less than half a hundred in the five-turn division.

It is because of the dispute of Wang Ting that these people are brought together, collide and compete with each other. In the battle of life and death, a stronger master is produced, and the weaker is relentlessly eliminated.

The battle of Wang Ting, to the final big battle. Whether it is a black home or a horse home, it is a giant like a giant.

If you do not count the immortals, the army of either side will greatly exceed the power of the super tribe.

The two armies are up and down, and all of them are shaking their hearts and shaking their minds.

Only Fang Yuan is calmer. In the past life, he has seen a bigger scene. It is the ups and downs of the five-domain melee.

"The lord of the lord, please call the war!" A young four-turner, the more out of the crowd, can not stand the war.

This person is not a person, it is Ge Guang.

Ge Guang is the Ge family leader. He was only a three-turner. But after the baptism of the war, he survived and his strength increased. He was promoted to four turns in the recent past.

Black Loulan is slightly stunned, and the rotation is about to turn to Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan is the old family of Gejia and Changjia, both of whom are subject to his temperance.

Fang Yuan perceives the gaze of He Loulan's enquiry, and faintly orders: "Geguang retreats, you are the head of a family, how can you easily risk?"

Ge Guangqi retired.

Fang Yuan added: "Why are you always?"

"Adult, his subordinates are here." Chang Hao looked sick and the injury before the war was not good.

However, regardless of these, Fangyuan only said: "You go to battle."

Chang Hao’s mouth is full of words, and his heart is filled with anger. Since joining the Black Army, he has to be ordered by Fang Yuan repeatedly during the big battle.

Even if he is a famous strong, he can't stand such high-intensity continuous operations.

"Damn! Chang Shanyin, this guy, is me to be a beast?! I hate that I am weak now, can't be openly disobeyed. I am patient and come to Japan for a long time. I can frame you more than ten years ago, I will take you after ten years. Really dead!"

Chang Hao growled angrily, but on the surface, he could only choose to obey the command of Fang Yuan, dragging his sick body and going to the battlefield. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. ) @豌豆荚吧@TB小红鸡@神韵有意@小乐鸡@神兽导师

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