Reverend Insanity

: Section 134: 5 turns to the peak!

Seeing Chang Hao on the battlefield, Ma also immediately sent a female strong. m

This person is called Yu Xue, but it is a four-turn peak, and the famous ice road strong. With a five-turn sky and snow, once it moves, the goose feathers are flying wildly, and within a few thousand steps, it will turn into a cold ice field.

Chang Hao saw this person and said in a secret voice: "Bitter also."

If you change to his peak state, you must be careful about this woman. Now he is in a state of injury and is even more unworthy.

The two played against each other, and the snow attack was fierce. Chang Hao was mainly dodging and delaying. In this way, it was inevitable that it would be pushed into the wind.

The war continued, and as time went by, there were four defeats in the division, and either the injury or the death, or the death of the enemy.

The two sides have casualties and, overall, a draw.

Gradually, the number of four transfer teachers in the two kings' accounts is scarce and not enough.

"The ancient family leader, I also ask you to contribute at this moment." Hei Loulan looked at the king's account, and he was sitting on the side.

The ancient family long ancient king dragon, is a clay road master, once the stone into a mountain, brought to the black family army. At one time, he had made Hei Loulan give birth to the retreat of the soldiers. But in the end, too, Baiyunsheng arrived, and the black family won. The ancient family, as a defeated party, merged into the black army.

The ancient country dragon went to the battlefield, causing the Ma family army to shake.

This was the first five-turner to be dispatched. Ma Shangfeng immediately responded by sending a family member into a dragon.

This person is the five-turner of change, and the brother of Chenghu.

When I saw Jackie Chan playing, Gu Guolong was slightly ceremonious and polite: "It turned out to be a family leader, please enlighten me."

Jackie Chan laughed and said: "Don't dare to enlighten the ancient family leader, let's talk about it."

The two confronted each other, and they were so powerful that they immediately pressed people and became the focus of sight.

The ancient country has both offensive and defensive, and it is stable and stable. Jackie Chan is in the air, violently calm.

After the two men played against twelve rounds, He Loulan sent a five-turner, Luo Jun.

Luo Jun originally relied on Liu Wenwu, but after Liu lost to the black family, he also became one of the top leaders of the black family.

The Ma family immediately sent a member of the five-stronger to fight.

Compared with the five-turn strong lineup, the Ma family is not inferior. Before the army of Nur swallowed the pottery, the Yang family defeated Nur, and Yelu defeated the Yang family, but in the end the Ma family broke the Yelute army and became the final winner. In this war, the large tribes in the Majia army are not a minority, and they have many powerful forces such as Qilian, Chengjia, Zhaojia, Lujia, Taojia and Yangjia.

At the same time, there are three masters of the slaves of Jiangyin, Yang Broken, and Ma Zun!

The five transfer teachers, most of them are high-powered, and their tone of voice is more enthusiasm than the four-turner. They started to work, and they also had a three-pointed effort and a two-pointed feeling.

Once they die, the tribes will be devoid of the dragons and will be annexed by the black family or the horse family.

Although they are hostile to each other, the true heart is still the interests of their own people. Even though there is a shackle of a covenant, there are tacit rules.

Fang Yuan sat quietly and looked quietly.

Although he only showed the four-turn peak, he was a master of slavery and a key figure influencing the situation. Therefore, the status is special, but also higher than those of the five-turn patriarch.

"Juyang Xianzun is really a big handwriting, a wonderful calculation!" Personally participating in the battle of Wang Ting, so that Fang Yuan's heart is more and more.

Juyang Xianzun left the inheritance for the descendants, established the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, and at the same time set the tradition of "Wang Ting's Controversy", which is a wonderful thought and a good intention.

Do not say the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building, just say that this Wang Ting dispute, every time it is held, is a clear. The golden tribes annexed the other and strengthened themselves.

At the same time, the concentration of materials and the formation of the war-torn economy during the war period is a deformed prosperity. Through the war reparations, the formation of technical exchanges, greatly deepen the foundation of the golden tribe.

More critical is the survival of the fittest. Let the teachers on the edge of life and death, think hard, strive to be strong, become a strong. For the golden tribes, screen out the seeds of the celestial.

Juyang Xianzun, although not in the world, but his influence still rules the entire North Plains.

"Compared with Xianzun, I am now as small as an ant. But it also benefits from this battle of Wang Ting, otherwise my strength will not be so rapid..."

Fang Yuan thought of this, slightly distracted, and put his heart into the air.

In the open air, there are several new locusts, most of which are in four turns, one in three turns, and one five-turned Shura corpse, and a five-turned tyrant.

Since Fang Yuan was inspired by the "three-headed and six-armed" killing, he combined his own knowledge and ideas to make some research.

He also condensed these achievements into a killing trick, and named himself - the four-armed king!

Once he motivates the killing, he will grow a pair of new arms from both sides of the body. When he is out of the four arms, the combat power will skyrocket, and the "three heads and six arms" of the Liu Jiasan brothers will be compared!

"However, comparing the three heads and six arms, my four-armed king form, the duration is shorter. When you step on the ground, you can throw all the fighting power. Once you fly, the combat power will drop by half."

This killing trick is only created by Fang Yuancao and is not perfect. Only after the test of the battle, add some new ones, replace the unnecessary old ones, or cut them directly. In this way, we can gradually improve the killings.

The rising sun is getting higher and higher. On the occasion of the snowstorm, the usual blazing sun is also cold and weak.

On the battlefield, it was murderous and gradually accumulated to the extreme.

Dozens of battle circles, bursting with colorful fireworks, are hard to find.

In the account of the black king, there are very few teachers who have stayed here. Not fighting, retreating, recovering, or simply dying on the battlefield.

But overall, the Black House still has a slight advantage.

For a long time, Hei Loulan has received strong funding from the two cedars of Hei Bai and Heicheng. The Ma family only came to this battle, only to ask for help from Xuesongzi.

"Hey, this Majia's shards are really anti-mite!" Hei Loulan snorted and looked stunned, and he was gradually impatient.

He turned his gaze to Fangyuan and just wanted to speak. At this time, three herds were rushed from the Majia camp.

On the left, the horses are galloping, and the horseshoes are trampling on the earth, such as boring thunder!

There are countless groups of rats on the right, dense and stunned, and people are chilling.

In the middle of the army, a group of eagle swarmed up, like a cloud rising, there is a cloud of weather!

Ma Wang Ma Zun, Rat Wang Jiang tooth, and Eagle Wang Yang broke, these three slave masters also shot.

The herd rushed and immediately dispelled most of the battle groups.

It turned out that Ma Shangfeng, when he saw the picking, Ma’s slight loss, he wanted to take advantage of the slave masters, force the black family army, and change the bad situation.

In the face of the three-way beast group attack, the black building Lang suddenly became nervous, and he kept a close eye on Fang Yuan: "Wolf King, look at you now!"

Fangyuan nodded and stood up from his seat.

He slowly paced, walked to the head of the double-headed iron rhinoceros, condescending, looking at the three-way herd, all of them were fierce and fierce.

No matter which way the slave master is equal to him, he will never lose to his powerful opponent in slavery.

Even their body, the slave locusts owned by them, are more comprehensive and excellent than the locusts of the slave wolves.

Without revealing the strength of the force, Fangyuan’s double fists are difficult to attack. In the previous two battles, the wolves were crushed by three herds and suffered heavy losses. The Ma family also relied on the advantages of this aspect. After leaving the herd, it was only two times to retreat into the line of defense.

But at the moment, Fang Yuan smiled coldly, and his heart was full of arrogance.

His slave locusts, although slightly weaker than the three slave masters, but before the war, received strong support from the black family, the wolf group skyrocketed more than ten times.

These wolves are hidden in the army and use the power of the locusts to make the enemy unable to detect them.

"Wolf King! Yang Bianzhen is here, can you dare to fight?" In the sky, Yang broke the foot of the giant eagle, the heroic posture, the posture is quite like a gun.

He took the initiative to invite the war and wanted to contain the wolves of Fangyuan.

The eagle group is condescending to fight the wolves, which is very cheap.

"Ha ha ha, Lao Yang, you have to play lightly. After all, Chang Shanyin brothers, but the slave masters like us. You have to give him some face." Right road, the rattle of the rattle of the rattle came over.

Among the horses on the left, Ma Zun, who is not good at words, screams. There are a large number of strong men around him, and their respective riders and horses protect his safety.

The master of slavery, or the commanding herd that is immersed in the situation, can only play a 12-point battle.

The three masters came out together and took the risk to attack the beast. This is like three punches. If you resist it a little, the black army will probably be directly beaten, and the overall situation will collapse and you will not be able to turn back.

After all, the battlefield is full of unforeseen variables. With weak and strong war cases, there are too many enumerations. What's more, the black family at the moment is only slightly dominant.

"Shanyin's younger brother..." Hei Loulan could not help but reveal a worried look. Although the size of the wolves has skyrocketed and is completely above the three beasts, he is worried that Fangyuan’s control is insufficient. After all, Fang Yuan has never manipulated such a large number of wolves.

If it is not handled properly, it will be chaotic. Even if you can control it, but how long can you persist with the real yuan of the Wolf King?

Fang Yuan stood on the iron rhinoceros head, facing away from the black Loulan, silent.

Seeing the three beasts rushing over, the heavens and the earth together attacked, already close at hand, the wolf king still did not see the movement, the black Loulan heart more uneasy, urged: "Shanyin brother, quickly shot it! ”

Fang Yuan is still speechless and does not seem to hear it.

The three-way beasts are surging, less than two hundred steps, and there is no need to go. The black army and the three armed forces fluctuate, and the black Loulan is in a hurry: "Chang Shanyin's younger brother!!"

Fang Yuan looked up and said: "The opportunity is to the enemy! The other party is trying to press me with the herd, and do everything, but I don't know if this is self-defeating. Loulan League, I want to congratulate you."

"Congratulations to me?"

"This war has won, the overall situation has been set, the lord of the king into the court, will eventually become a foregone conclusion." Fang Yuan faintly authentic.

Hei Loulan couldn't help but open his eyes and almost roared out: "His mother! You are inexplicably confident, where did you come from! Let the old man command the wolves, now there is still something to say." The other party has already rushed over!"

But the next moment, his eyes bulged and he was bigger, like someone playing boxing behind his eyes.

Because he feels the breath of Fang Yuan, he is making amazing changes.

From four peaks to five turns to the first level...

From the fifth to the first, to the fifth to the middle...

From five to the middle, to five to the higher...

Then turn from five to advanced, and reach the peak of five turns!

Until now, Fangyuan slowly uncovers the concealment of the shackles and does not suppress his true cultivation.

Five turns to the peak genuine!

The wolf king Chang Shanyin turned out to be the slave master of the five-turn peak!

Hei Loulan stared at the back of Fangyuan and went straight. The guards of the priests near the Wang account also cast their shock and horror.

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, Fang Yuan urged the eagle to move forward, and the wide eagle wing took him slowly.

In midair, he shouted in the sky.

Five turn attack times, and, wolverine!

The wolf screamed through the clouds and directly pressed the cicadas of the three-way herd.

Hey, hey, hehe...

The long wolf's snoring fell, and the follow-up was the echo of the wolves.

Ps: Today, I will start again two more tomorrow. I am constantly adjusting and adapting. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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