Reverend Insanity

: Section 54: I am a class!

A round of red days slowly slipped to the mountains of the West.

Its light, not dazzling, but reveals a soft and bright.

The sky in the west was dyed red by it, and the sunset glowed into a piece, just like the scorpion was rewarded, and the emperor was surrounded by joy, to sleep together.

Everything in Qingmao Mountain is shrouded in a vague rose.

The high-rise pendants of the seats are also covered with a layer of gold yarn.

The woods planted around the school seem to have been covered with a touch of oil.

The wind blew slowly, and the students took advantage of the Yuanshi subsidies that they had just received, and walked out of the school room.

"I really don't know what Fangyuan thinks, actually gave up the position of the class!"

"Hehehe, his head is broken, it is estimated that he is thinking about killing all day, we don't care about this madman."

"Speaking, he broke into the school that day, I was really scared. It was terrible. After I went back that day, I had a nightmare."

The students walked together in twos and threes.

"The class is good."


"The class is good."


The ancient moon deserted in the north, and the students walked around. Wherever they went, the students all bowed to him.

His face has an uncontrollable excitement and intoxication.

This is the charm of power.

Even a little difference in treatment can make people more certain about their value.

At this time, the setting sun went down, the sun was like blood, and Mobei looked at it. The heart happily thought: "How did you not notice before, this sunset is so cute..."

"Hey, when I got a class, I trembled, what a great thing." Gu Yue Chicheng deliberately walked behind, just didn't want to say hello to the ancient moon desert northbound.

"I really don't know what Fangyuan is thinking, but I don't want to do a good job. But fortunately, otherwise, how can I get the position of the deputy head of the third?" Gu Yue Chicheng has a puzzled heart. Also fortunate.

"The deputy class is good." At this time an ordinary student walked past him and immediately said hello to him.

"Hey, you are good." Gu Yue Chicheng nodded suddenly, his face opened with flowers.

When the student walked over, he naturally thought: "The taste of this class is good, and the taste of coming to the class is even better. If I am not a deputy head, but a class, that would be great!"

Chicheng, which has just fortunately fortunately, has already had a look at it and has looked forward to the position of the class.

Under the family system, a layer of higher power than a layer is like a carrot that is bigger than a big one, and seduce him deeply in front.

"Although I only have qualifications such as C, I believe that everything will get better and better." Gu Yue Chicheng hopes for the future.

However, at this moment, the ancient moon Founder, who is also the deputy head, is in a bad mood and his face is very ugly.

"Brother, you!" He stared at the gate of the school, and a lonely figure was blocked there.

"Old rules, each person a piece of stone." Fang Yuan stood with his arms, his tone was dull.

Founder opened his mouth and said this after several efforts: "Brother, I am a deputy!"

"Yes." Fang Yuan nodded blankly, and looked at Fang Zheng with a faint look. "The sub-heads subsidize up to five each time. Then you pay three out."

The Founder was so stunned that he couldn’t speak for a while.

A group of teenagers gathered around the ancient moon desert.

Seeing Fangyuan blocked at the school gate, Gu Yue Mobei was furious and pointed to Fang Yuan: "Fang Yuan! You are so bold, actually dare to block us?! I am already a class, you have seen this ordinary student. I must first ask you!"

The answer to him is Fang Yuan’s fist.

The ancient moon was inferior to the north, and was hit by a punch. He couldn’t help but step back a few big steps. His face was unbelievable: "You hit me, you dare to beat me? I am a class!"

Answering him again is still Fang Yuan’s fist.


After several offensive and defensive transitions, Gu Yue Mobei was knocked down by Fang Yuan and fainted.

The teenagers around me looked at them all at once, and they didn’t know how to react at that time.

It's all different from what they imagined!

The guards at the door looked at it all under their eyes and couldn't help but whisper.

"Fangyuan has knocked down the new class, what do we do?"


"What do you mean?"

"Just look at you, then call other people and clean up the field."


"Hey, what kind of person is Fang Yuan, you want to provoke? Think about what Wang Da and Wu Er are now!"

The questioning guardian suddenly became a singer and never said anything.

The two guards at the gate were straight and straight. Let a robbery happen around, as if they were all blind and blind, and they couldn’t hear anything, and they couldn’t see anything.

Fangyuan packed up the ancient moon and deserted the north, and cleaned up Fangzheng and Chicheng.

The other teenagers realized that it didn't change. Fangyuan is still the source of the party, and the robbery will still arrive as scheduled.

"Everyone has one yuan stone, three in the first class, and eight in the class." Fang Yuan announced new rules.

The teenagers sighed and slammed out the Yuanshi.

When they walked out of the school gate, someone suddenly slammed their head and shouted: "I thought of it, no wonder Fangyuan didn't want the position of the class. He wanted to continue to blackmail us!"

"Yes. Every time he extorts us, we have fifty-nine yuan stones, but now it grows to sixty-eight. If he is a class, there are only ten at most." Many people suddenly realized.

"Too sinister, too cunning, too poisonous!" Someone patted the thigh, resentful.

"Oh, this way, the head and the deputy heads are nothing remarkable. They are still robbed, and the remaining Yuanshi still has only two pieces, exactly the same as us."

I don’t know who said this, the teenagers listened and could not help but silence.


The school’s old man slammed the table and was furious.

"This source is too much, what do he want to do? Actually dare to grab, grab the eight yuan stone in the class, the third class stone in the deputy class. In this way, what is the difference between the class, the deputy class and other ordinary students? ?!" The old school is trying to keep the voice down, and his words are filled with anger.

Fang Yuan refused to take the position of the class and refused to include himself in the family system. The serious point is that it is a betrayal of the family.

This has made the school home very angry.

Then, Fang Yuan robbed his classmates. His hand stretched longer and longer, and it has exceeded the old bottom line of the school.

By such a blackmail, the power status of the head and the deputy head was completely weakened.

Over time, ordinary students will lose their awe and interest in these two positions.

Fang Yuan’s move seems to be small and significant.

This is already a challenge to the family system with one's own strength!

This is a scene that the old schoollors would never want to see. He cultivates new hopes for the family, not family traitors.

However, although Fang Yuan’s move challenged his bottom line, the school’s old family knew that he could not handle the matter.

If he did, the first one to circumvent him was the patriarch. The second and third opinions on him are the ancient moon and the ancient moon.

The patriarch hopes that the ancient moon will be Founder. After all, Founder is the only genius in the past three years. The patriarch needs a tenacious genius and does not need a delicate flower to be cared for.

At the same time, for the practice of red training and desert, they also hope that their grandchildren can grow up in this setback.

If the school is old, it will punish the source. This word spread is "the future successor of the Mojia and Chijia, but they can't beat Fangyuan, so they have to help the elders."

How ugly it is.

This reputation for the desert home and the Chi family will surely be a major blow.

Of course, the old school is not afraid of a small source, but he is worried that once he intervenes, it will lead to the triple pressure of the patriarch, the desert, and the red vein. This is almost the entire ancient month. Where can he afford a small home?

"The root of this matter is still the secret of Fang Yuan. What is he relying on, and is he promoted to the middle level?" The school’s old family kept their eyes on the fire and focused on the three investigation reports on the desk. on.

The first report is the detailed family background of Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s roots are Miaohong, his identity is not flawed, and his life experience is clear. The parents died and were taken over by the uncle. But it is not harmonious. After attending the school, Fangyuan has been living in the dormitory.

The second report is the past record of Fang Yuan’s life.

When he was young, he had early wisdom and was optimistic about the tribe. He thought that he might be a qualification. However, after the opening ceremony, it was measured that C and other people were greatly disappointed.

The third-party report is a recent trace of Fangyuan.

His daily life is very simple, almost three points and one line. During the day he was in class and sleeping in the dormitory at night. He practiced very hard, and every night he had to practice the martial arts, and he was warm and empty. Sometimes I will go out for a trip to the only inn in the cottage to improve the food, buy wine He has a special liking for wine, like to drink green bamboo wine. Under his dormitory bed, there are dozens of altars of green bamboo wine.

The school’s old and detailed readers read the three reports in detail, and the impression of Fang Yuan was deeply and vividly.

"My parents died early, and I didn't agree with my uncle and my mother... No wonder Fangyuan is a kid who has no sense of belonging to the family. He was personally crowned with the name of genius, and he personally took it off and fell from the sky to the ground... He wonders. Unruly, quirky and indifferent. His life is so simple, and practicing hard, is to take a breath, not to admit defeat, want to prove to the tribe that he can do it! So when I suppress him, he is so fiercely counterattack..."

When I was thinking about it, I couldn’t help but sigh gently.

The more he understands Fangyuan, the more he understands Fangyuan.

Of course, understanding does not mean forgiveness. Fang Yuan slammed him, violated his prestige, refused to serve as a class leader, and robbed his classmates. This is something he cannot tolerate.

Shaking his hands on the information, the school’s old man frowned. “These materials are detailed, but the promotion secrets of the other source are not involved. It’s been a few days, and this group of people is too disappointing!”


Just then, the knock on the door sounded.

"Come in." The school is old.

The door opened.

It is the guardian of the patriarch Gu Yuebo: "The patriarch has a life, please ask the old man to go to the home cabinet, and have something to discuss."

"Oh, what is it?" The old man from the school stood up from the seat, and he felt the importance of the matter from the tone and manner of the guard.

"It’s the four-turner, Jia Fu’s adult is back, and his brother Jia Jinsheng’s whereabouts are unknown!” the guard replied.

"Hey..." The schoolhouse was always taking a breath of air.

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