Reverend Insanity

: Section 55: What you want is your words.

A round of the moon, looming in the clouds.

The school's old man hurriedly walked on the road, his face was also faint with the looming moonlight.

The world is a tough place to survive, and the disappearance of a teacher is a common occurrence. The rich experience of life tells the school to be old. In general, this inexplicable disappearance often means death.

But anyone can die, but he Jia Jinsheng can't die! In particular, you can't die here in the ancient moon cottage.

He has a special status, his father is Jia's family leader, his brother is Jia Fu, and he is a four-turn teacher.

The four-turner, who has the gold real yuan, has a strong battle. The entire ancient moon family, only the patriarch is four turns, can rival it. Other homes have only three turns.

Jia’s family’s cultivation was higher than five turns. Under his leadership, Jia’s family flourished in these years. It is already a large family, occupying all the resources of a mountain and having many ethnic groups. Compared with it, the ancient moon cottage is just a medium-sized one.

Once the two sides start the war, the ancient moon cottage will definitely fall into the wind.

More crucially, if this matter is passed on, the reputation of the ancient moon family will be damaged. Many other caravans will also choose the route carefully. If there is no trade exchange of the caravans in the ancient moon village, the surplus local resources will not be sold, and the foreign resources needed will not be purchased. After a long time, it will surely decline.

"This is not a trivial matter. If it is not handled well, it is a big disaster!" The old school was worried and hurried to the home cabinet.

As soon as I stepped into the chapel of the main cabinet, the old school felt the atmosphere was dull and dignified.

The main seat of the ancient ancient moon is Gu Yuebo. And the short and fat Jia Fu, with five or six followers, stood in the middle of the lobby, a pair of teachers to ask for sin.

Under the bright lights, many old people are standing next to the seats, and the heavy face is clearly visible.

Jia Fu is a four-turn teacher. He has not sat down. These families only have three turns, and naturally they dare not sit.

This is the deterrent of the four-turner.

It is also a kind of awe of power.

"Seeing..." When the school owner was just about to salute, he was stopped by the patriarch Gu Yuebo.

The ancient Yuebo, which is white and white, is using his fingers to pinch the temple. His face looks distressed: "There is not much to say, the family school is always responsible for you. I ask you, what is the source of the ancient moon? ?"

The school’s old heart was shocked. How did it matter that it was related to Fang Yuan’s kid?

On the other hand, Gong Gong replied: "At this time, he should be practicing in the dormitory of the school."

The patriarch sighed: "Jian brother is very suspicious now. The disappearance of his brother Jia Jinsheng is related to the ancient moon Fangyuan. I am going to go immediately, and I must bring Fangyuan."

One of the old hearts of the school: "Yes!"

He knew that the matter was serious, and he hurriedly took a ritual and turned and left.

"Jia brother, that Fangyuan will be able to bring it immediately, you can sit." Gu Yuebo pointed to the seat around him, to Jia Fudao.

Jia Fu smiled and gave a fist to Gu Yuebo: "Grate to the ancient moon brother for sin! Jia is really anxious at this time, and now it is not a few days to see my good brother, I am afraid it is fierce." Really can't sit still."

Some things are often lost only to be understood.

Jia Fu also reacted to these geniuses. Why did his father arrange for Jia Jinsheng to drag on this and lead the caravan with him.

Just to examine his heart, see if he can suppress his family while suppressing, and also take care of Jia Jinsheng, the younger brother.

If Jia Jinsheng is dead now, what should his father think of him?

When he was fully aware of this, he immediately launched a survey in the caravan and soon targeted the ancient moon cottage.

Almost non-stop, he rushed back.

Now that he is standing in the middle of the lobby, he wants to create an imposing manner. This is not only a pressure on the ancient moon, but also an acquaintance to the father in the future.

"The patriotic patriarch, has brought Fangyuan." Soon, the school family took Fangyuan and came to the lobby.

"Gu Yueyuan met the patriarch, met Jia Fu adults, and met the old family." Fang Yuan looked indifferent and followed suit.

"Is he?" Jia Fu looked at the source under the cold eye and asked a female teacher nearby.

This female sergeant was the one who originally entered the gambling stone field and purchased the lapis lazuli from him.

"It's him! There is absolutely nothing wrong." The female niece looked at Fangyuan with a burning look, surely authentic.

Jia Fu nodded. In a flash, his gaze was like two blades, and he slammed into Fangyuan. But he did not directly interrogate, here is the ancient moon cottage, he must give the ancient moon chief a face.

So he looked at the ancient moon patriarch who was sitting.

The face of the ancient moon patriarch was very dignified. He knew that Jia Fu’s deliberate dialogue with the female teacher was just a matter of determining the identity of Fang Yuan and the purpose of putting pressure on himself.

The subtext is to warn the ancient moon patriarch - you see that I have mastered the evidence in my hands, I have considerable confidence, so you better not to over-maintain your own people.

This has somewhat dissatisfied the ancient moon patriarch, and said: "You Jia Fu lost his younger brother, it was originally your mistake. Now come to our ancient Yue family, the impetuous teachers to ask for sin, is it that we are bullied by the ancient moon? I am ancient The moon and the family are right and wrong, but do not mistakenly think that this is weak!"

Thinking of this, he did not directly interrogate Fang Yuan, but sternly to the female sorcerer: "You can see it clearly. I am not afraid to tell you the truth, this source has a twin brother, and his appearance is very similar. You are sure Really him?"

However, the female sergeant changed her mind, and under the momentum of Gu Yuebo, she suddenly showed a hesitant and nervous look.

Jia Fu frowned and took a step to block the sight of Gu Yuebo. Archer: "The ancient moon brother, I have always respected the ancient moon family. Especially the generations of the ancient moon family and the four generations of patriarchs, these two sages are five strong people. A white hand starts, thorns, Created a hundred years of foundation in the ancient moon cottage. A benevolent hero, to defend the homeland, sacrifice self, deserves respect. Gu Yuexiong as a patriarch, I am very confident that you will be impartial, and ask the ancient moon brother to interrogate this source. ”

Seeing his soft tone, Gu Yuebo is only a little bit, but in fact he has made up his mind.

If this is done by Fang Yuan, then hand him over. Anyway, a district C, etc., do not feel bad when handing over. As long as you can eliminate this contradiction.

If the party is doing it, it must be considered as the source of this. Fang is the genius of A, the only one in three years. The family's top executives also hope to cultivate him vigorously, so as to counter the Bai Ningbing of Baijiazhai.

"Fangyuan, don't be nervous." The ancient moon patriarch showed a kind smile and said in a gentle tone. "I ask you, can you know the news of Jia Jinsheng?"

"Who is Jia Jinsheng?" Fang Yuan blinked his eyes and his voice was calm.

"He lied!" Fang Yuan’s voice just fell, and the female teacher of the casino screamed.

The people in the Chamber of the Church, listening to this sharp voice, could not help but frown and looked at her in unison.

The female sergeant pointed at Fangyuan and looked very excited: "It is him, it is him! In our casino gambling stone, I bought six purple gold stones and opened a shovel in the fifth stone. Jia Gongzi saw it. I used 500 yuan to buy from him. This gave me a very deep impression, even after a year or two, and it was not only me, but the other teachers in the casino saw it."

"Is it like this..." The smile on the face of the patriarch Gu Yuebo suddenly disappeared, and the face was long, and the tone was long and looked at Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan nodded, his face involuntarily revealed a trace of tension, and made a sigh of relief, said: "It turned out to be him. Well, if he is Jia Jinsheng, my confirmation recognizes him. However, since the casino, I have I have never seen him again."

"He is lying again!" This time it was not the female teacher, but a male teacher, who called out on the spot.

Fang Yuan looked at him as if he had just recognized him. His face suddenly appeared a strange color, and he immediately tried to hide it.

His changes in his looks are reflected in the eyes of everyone present.

Everyone suddenly thought about it.

"You adults, small work in the wine shop." The male sergeant first gave a fist to everyone, then violently reached out to Fangyuan. "I saw it clearly in the wine shop that night, that is, he and Jia Jinsheng Together, the two talked for a long time!"

As soon as this was said, there was a whisper in the lobby.

The school family used the cold eyes like ice to look at Fangyuan.

The patriarch, Gu Yuebo, leaned back slightly and slowly leaned back on the wide back of the How could it be! "Fangyuan's face showed a clear nervous look, and hurriedly said, "There are so many people in the wine shop. How can you just recognize me?" You can admit your mistake yourself! ”

"Haha, I will never admit my mistake." The male teacher smiled and looked at Fangyuan with a burning gaze. At this moment, he felt that he was full of momentum.

"And not to mention that Jia Jinsheng's son came to our wine shop, we have to take care of it all the time. Even if it is not Jia Jinsheng's son, I will recognize you. Because the impression you gave me is too deep!"

Having said that, he raised his eyebrows and filled his smug look: "Do you remember, you came to our wine shop that morning, you have a cup of monkey wine, but only took a sip. Then you release The worm, the rest of the monkey wine was fed to it. I saw the worm, very excited, bought it, you did not sell, turned and left!"

"Well, what you want is your words." Fang Yuan sneered in his heart, but his face showed a shock, and could not help but step back.

"The worm!" Fang Yuan, who stood behind the school, suddenly got a bright eye.

But he quickly frowned and couldn't help but ask: "Fangyuan, where did you come from?"

Fang Yuan clenched his fists and bit his teeth without answering.

The old people around me were furious and they ate low.

"Fangyuan, you know that you have a big disaster!"

"Let's say, what the **** is going on?"

"Take all you know, all of them. Is this worm, is it Jia Jinsheng?"

"How could it be his? This worm is clearly out of me!" Fang Yuan slammed his head and looked excited. He seemed to be unable to endure such grievances and shouted out loudly.

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