Reverend Insanity

: Section 188: The power of Xianxian appears

Hei Loulan frowned and walked out of the room where Baiyun was born.

"The strong can win without arrogance, and think of the famous Baiyunsheng, but it is not the case." He was very dissatisfied with the spiritual state of Taibaisheng.

"Tai Baiyunsheng is the first person to treat. If he is in a bad state, the difficulty of my pass will increase a lot." Thinking of it, Hei Loulan looked up and looked up.

At the top of the holy palace, Xia Guangwan Road, full of spit.

The 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building has already condensed sixty-seven layers. It is currently condensing the 68th floor.

Black Loulan obsessedly looked at it, and the twins flashed through the cold light that was bound to gain.

Just in the sixty-eight layers, there is a force!

Hei Loulan has the main command of the first corner. This force has just been ingested by the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, and he knows it.

This is a six-turned power fairy, named the power of the flying bear.

The flying bear is a wild animal, and its combat power is beautiful.

The power of the flying bear can make the celestial attack have a certain chance to explode the flying bear virtual image and play the flying bear power.

This is the fairy that Hei Loulan needs. With it, he can be promoted into a force!

"This fairy, I have to get my hand. With it, my revenge, my plan is hopeful!" Hei Loulan could not help but pinch his fists, but he quickly relaxed.

His black book, a trot, bowed to his feet.

The face of Hei Loulan quickly recovered.

Even in the face of confidant confidants, he does not reveal a trace of real emotions.

At this time of the day, Black Book will report on the dynamics of the great powers in the Holy Palace: "Chang Shan Yin adults. Still in the ninth level of the seventh floor, there is still no progress. Yelu Sang, in the fourth In the 19th floor, he broke the 81st level and lost 30% of his team..."

Hei Loulan completely opened the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, which is a rare and generous move in the past, which ignited the crazy craze of the people.

Every visitor order, even if it is speculated into a sky-high price, there are still countless people rushing.

The man-made dead birds are eating and drinking, and the desire to smoke makes many people die.

Counting Baiyunsheng this time. There have been successive declines in Changyi, Pan Ping, Hao Liliu, Gao Yang and Zhu Zai. This is a huge loss for He Loulan.

The smaller the strength that can be called by him, the more difficult it is for him to gain the power of the flying bear.

Of course, he completely opened the 88-degree Zhenyang Building. There are also certain benefits. Most of the teachers who participated in it will have a rapid improvement as long as they survive.

There are also many teachers who have been promoted to success. Many new faces of four turns and five turns have emerged.

Eighty-eight corners of Zhenyang Building. It was originally a giant Yang Xianzun, arranged for the benefit of future generations.

"This sixty-eighth layer is the focus of my family's strategy. It is even better than the previous thirty-nine. This is a task that my family is too old to explain. So now every one in the holy house A power, you need to cherish. Black book, you will announce this news, from now on. Eighty-eight corners of Zhenyang Building closed, everyone has to listen to my dispatch. The 68th floor is broken. Zhenyang Building Reopening." Hei Loulan said, the tone is full of unquestionable decisions.

Hearing this was actually a task of the tribe who was too old to go to the house. The black book suddenly trembled and looked very solemn.

"Go ahead." Hei Loulan waved.

The black book was busy and retired.

Every battle of the royal court is the chess of the immortals. Even a strong teacher is just a chess piece on the board.

It is the most common situation for Zhu Xian to seek a certain kind of fairy tales and fund a tribe to participate in the battle of Wang Ting.

Hei Loulan is convinced that although he will close the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, it will cause dissatisfaction, but with the name of the black family, there is no one who dares to suggest anything.

"Tai Baiyunsheng's injury is very heavy, but he only needs to rest for half a month or so, so that he can participate in the war. After all, he is a healing teacher, behind the battlefield. He needs to swear, to mobilize him, from this aspect ""

"Chang Shanyin and the seventh floor are more energetic. Oh, his life is not good. Because of his ignorance, his pro-son is often ruined in this level. In order to save his prestige, he must have this level open. However, he had asked me to fly a bear like a fairy, and credited it, owing me a lot of resources. I can mobilize him, it is still possible."

"There is also Yelu Sang, but he has a inflammatory road to help the fairy, but it can be a strong help. I should use it to reinforce it... Of course, the most crucial thing is to mobilize the cedar, black and black cymbals. The power of the fairy. Hehehe, it is time to send a letter to them."


After seeing the letter from Hei Loulan, Heike was very excited: "Wait for so long, I finally waited until the appearance of the wooden chicken, and I thought it was in the 68th floor."

He has no doubt about the content of this letter.

After all, Hei Loulan is the son of Heicheng, the contemporary patriarch of the black family. If his loyalty is to be doubted, who else in the world is worth trusting?

Aside, Heicheng Lang smiled and said: "Xiandi, you are keeping your eyes open and seeing flowers, and your efforts are not worthy of your heart. Can you mention the power of the fairy?"

Black cypress has a red face: "Hey, I only care about the wooden chicken, but I forgot the situation of the sage. The sage is a strong martial art, and must be powerful, and can be promoted to the celestial. Unfortunately, it has not been waiting for the power to appear."

"Isn't that power?" Black City frowned.

Before, Blackberry was worried about the wooden chicken and was comforted by the Black City. This time, it was finally the turn of Hei Bai to in turn to comfort the Black City: "Brothers don't care, the eighty-eight corners of Zhenyang Building must be condensed in eighty-eight layers. Now there are twenty layers that are not condensed."

The Black City nodded slightly and sighed: "The dark ferry is too fast to cover up. This is almost the last chance for me. Hey... I am doing things in the sky, and I am resigned."

Black cypress is eager to turn the topic to the body of the wooden chicken. He reminded: "Brother, time is not waiting for people, let's prepare quickly. Give Heloulan some help!"

"Well. This is an urgent matter. What is the letter saying?" Blacktown slowly got up from the seat and stood up.

Black cypress also followed up: "It is near the magical hills."


The two immortals are very simple. Depart immediately.

Not long after, rushed over the magical hills.

The Magic Blood Hill is a famous area in the North Plains. Once the four major tribes in the right path, they joined forces to annihilate the magical gangs that had been plagued by the North for hundreds of years.

This magical road gang is very crazy. Because of the deep background, there is the secret support of the magic road.

After the fierce battle, the gang was annihilated in full. The right path is also not lost. The blood of the Demon sorcerer reddish the entire hill, so later generations called it the magical hill.

In the letter, He Loulan asked for help.

The black family is two immortals. I have been preparing for a long time. Take away and leave, this trip is to help Hei Loulan get through the level as soon as possible.

But the 88-degree Zhenyang Building is located in Wangting Fudi. Why did the two black-skinned monks come here?

This will start from the structure of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

As mentioned above, the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building is an eight-turn fairy house.

It is composed of thousands of small towers, and it is one of the main cornerstones.

Every few miles, the small tower covers Wang Tingfu and takes care of all parts of Beiyuan. On weekdays, the wild locusts in Wang Tingfu’s land are absorbed. Whenever the ten-year period comes, these small towers will sink. Sacrifice the wild donkey in the tower and respond to the snowstorm outside the North Plains. Get wonderful power.

These great forces carried out a huge search for the whole of Beiyuan, and ingested the precious resources of the northern plains to the top of the holy palace of Wang Tingfu, thus condensing the layer of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

This layer is superimposed to form a complete 88-degree Zhenyang Building!

At that time, Juyang Xianzun proposed the idea and was dismissed by the long-haired ancestors. The long-haired ancestors were the great masters of the refining sect, and they took a different path and conceived a wonderful idea to refine them into the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

Every time the eighty-eight-corner Zhenyang Building is formed, it is a process of refining.

It is not only the wild donkeys in the small towers, but also the aphids that are ingested.

For example, on the 68th floor, the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Tower first ingested the power of the flying bear, refining it, and using its own strength to form the first hundred levels.

Ingest other powerful aphids to form the 99th level. Followed by the ninety-eighth, the ninety-seventh...

It is like building a tall building, you must first cast a heavy foundation.

If the locusts are not complete, then the Zhenyang Building will be replaced by the scorpion, Yuanshi, and inheritance secrets.

Everyone knows that the more difficult the 88-degree Zhenyang Building is, the more rewarding it is. In fact, in reverse, it is because the reward is thicker, the stronger the locust, the harder the level is.

It can be said that every insect that is ingested is a component of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

The numerous battles of Wang Ting, the groping of countless generations of immortals, finally got the operating mechanism of the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower.

Originally, there was no flaw in this.

However, as time went by, the loopholes were created and used by the North Plains Division.

This loophole is on the "refining".

Eighty-eight corners of Zhenyang Building searched the North Plains, ingesting locusts, "refining" them, and relying on their power to form a level.

Refining aphids, what is it?


At the beginning, how did Fangyuan refine the wine worms?

It is to use the real element as a carrier, so that the will of the sorcerer will continue to ruin the will of the locust until the locusts are all the will of the sorcerer, so that the locusts have become the tools of the priests.

When Fang Yuan refining, he used the Xianqi Spring and Autumn Festival to keep on knowing.

Between the locusts, two turns higher, will form a pressure. Fang Yuan used the breath of the spring and autumn to force the will to turn the locusts down, so that they would be tortoise, and then use their own real yuan to infuse them, their will will drive straight in, and swallow the will of the locusts.

The 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building is not a teacher. What does it rely on to refine other locusts?

For this reason, Juyang Xianzun deliberately left his will!

Juyang will!

Fang Yuan once saw the will of the giant yang when the refining and chemical came to stop the monument. Really magnificent, the majestic.

In comparison, after Fang Yuan refining and coming to stop the monument, the will left is like a small ant.

Eighty-eight corners of Zhenyang Building refining locusts is the use of the giant will.

Immortal invincible, the will is equally invincible, can easily eliminate any other will.

Therefore, the 88-degree Zhenyang Building refining the locusts has never encountered any difficulties.

However, there is a problem.

The will is made up of thoughts. If there is no soul to provide a carrier, continuous thinking will continue to be consumed.

In order to resist this amazing consumption, the will often chooses to sleep deeply.

When Fangyuan entered the near-water platform, the Moya will, which was stored inside, was awakened from deep sleep.

Although the will of the giant yang is vast, but the giant yang sage has been gone for so many years, it is gradually difficult to resist the power of the years, but also chose to sleep!

When the giant yang will sleep, the speed of refining the locusts at the 88-degree Zhenyang Building will be slow.

This slow, the loopholes in Zhenyang Building appeared. (To be continued.)

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