Reverend Insanity

: Section 189: Plan to launch!

The wind is whistling, and the blizzard is raging.

The magical hills that are covered with red grass leaves are now a piece of white.

The towering hills, at this moment, also succumbed to the power of ten years of snow, weak as a baby.


A huge figure, at least three feet high, looming in the snow. This is the meteorological monster that will appear in the big blizzard - snow monster.

These snow monsters, the larger the size, the stronger the combat power.

Three-foot high snow monsters can be turned to three divisions. Four feet high, there are four turn to the division's ability. Five feet high, there is a horror fighting force of five transfer masters.

With the blizzard, snow monsters ravaged the entire North Plains.

They slowly pooled and concentrated on the surviving points of the North. It is a blow to death for human beings and all things.

But one thing falls, the snow monster is the prey of the snowman.

Devouring the flesh and blood of snow monsters, people can accelerate the reproduction and even prolong life.

Black cypress and black city stand on the top of the towering magical hills.

They are dressed in black robes, and they are particularly conspicuous in the heavy snow.

Beside them is the body of hundreds of snow monsters. Unless the snow monster reaches a six-figure physique, more snow monsters face the celestial celestial beings, and they are only sent to die.

Both Black and Black have been waiting for a long time.

Suddenly, the cypress stunned and suddenly felt, and the sharp eyes looked toward the left.

There, a group of snow vortexes formed in midair.

Blinking his eyes into a giant hand made entirely of wind and snow - flying snow.

The giant hand of Fei Xue, the condensed shape, has been arrested by the two people of Heibo and Heicheng.

"Haha, wait for you." Hei Bo Lang laughed, his fingers flicked and flew out a large number of five-turn locusts.

Black City also did the same move.

The giant snowman took the locusts and took them one by one, then clenched them one by one. The snow hand broke down. The locusts inside disappeared, and they were tightly held by Wei Li, and they were taken into the court of Wang Tingfu.

The black family is two immortals. Do not make any resistance, let the locusts be ingested by the flying hands.

This is the case. After half an hour, a large number of five-turn locusts were taken away. The black cypress and the black city were only able to close their hands. They smiled at each other, and the figure flew away, and the blink of an eye disappeared without a trace.

"Support is coming!" After a while, Hei Loulan suddenly felt a bit, his eyes burning. Looking up at the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building.

At the top of the holy palace, the haze is raging, and the light is shaking.

The sixty-eighth layer is still cohesive, and the last hundredth pass has been formed. Sixty-eight layers that have not yet been formed. It is still just a prototype. Huaguang is like a liquid, constantly shaking, and it contains a lot of mites that have just been taken in from the outside of Beiyuan.

Some of these locusts are wild crickets. Another part is from the black city, the black cypress two immortals.

Eighty-eight corners of Zhenyang Tower will choose the strongest of them, forming the ninety-ninth level, the ninety-eighth level...

Black Loulan feels a little, and his brows are slightly wrinkled: "The two black families have already shot. The cedars are still standing by, oh!"

He and the cedar son pass the song. A deal is reached. One of the contents of the transaction is to let the cedar son assist him at a specific moment.

But now, the cedars have no movement at all.

Hei Loulan was unhappy, and immediately wrote a letter, which was conveyed through the locusts.

Soon, he received a reply.

In the letter, Xuesongzi complained of bitterness. He said that these days he was forced by the two black families, and the snowman business had been squeezed and could not be done. Coupled with his previous days, for the sake of the wooden chicken, he has already supported a lot of five turns of the black Loulan. At this moment, he is required to take the shot, and he is also unable to catch.

"Treasure!" Hei Loulan was furious and almost smashed the letter. "There is no good thing in the demon sorcerer. It is a treacherous generation."

But immediately, Hei Loulan converges with the anger of his face.

He actually expected this.

After all, he is just a mortal, and the cedar son is a tall man. The mortal and the celestial trade, wait until the ants and the elephant negotiate.

The two sides are not at one level at all. Zhu Xian wants to go back and repent, and there is no way for mortals.

Black Loulan is anxious.

The 68th floor is being formed, and the longer the time passes, the weaker the effect of the support of Zhu Xian.

"It seems that you have to get the wooden chicken in your hand before you can let the cedars shoot!" Hei Loulan sneered, and immediately ordered and gathered everyone.

The wooden chicken owl is located on the thirty-ninth floor of the 88th Zhenyang Building.

For several months, Hei Loulan has been focusing on this layer. He had the help of cedars, so the progress was quite smooth and he managed to advance to the last level.

The wooden chicken fairy is the reward for this last level.

At this last level, it is difficult to say that it is easy and easy.

The main consideration is patience and watermilling.

Hei Loulan personally took people, tried four or fifty times, and had already figured out the situation. Every time he ate a little, it took a long time to accumulate, and the effect was amazing. The final success was only the last layer of window paper.

"Before the 68th floor of the Raiders, the 39th floor was taken down to inspire my morale." Black House thought it was good, and immediately took action.

The next day, he mobilized the crowd and gathered all the priests of the Holy Palace to hold the swearing-in meeting.

That night, he led everyone, successfully broke through the level, and obtained six turns of fairy wood chicken.

As He Loulan expected, the level was broken, and it really boosted morale, so that everyone was fighting hard, and swept away the haze of Baiyunsheng’s defeat.

The wooden chicken fairy is in hand, and the black Loulan is greatly increased. This is a temptation to finally induce the snow pines to support.

After seven days, the 68th floor was completely formed.

Hei Loulan couldn’t wait to get everyone into it.

In the middle of the level, he did not rush to attack, but ordered the division to open up.

More than a hundred refining sergeants, lined up.

These people are carefully selected, loyal and reliable, although not masters, but they are also elite.

The sergeants formed a round array, and Black Loulan walked slowly into the center.

He sat down and took out the second floor of the House of Lords.

The main building of the second corner was slowly raised into the air. At the same time, the black Loulan began to glow gray.

The light is like a needle, the tip is very fine, and one root penetrates into the air.

Not only the black Loulan, but the rest of the refining sects. The same color of gray needles blooms.

These needles continue to grow, become thicker and longer, flooding the entire circle.

Needles on the individual. When they touch each other, they are hooked together in an instant. A huge gray mans. Slowly explored from the round array and directly stabbed the second floor of the main wing in midair.

Around the round array, a large number of sergeants watched and watched.

“What is this?” a young sergeant asked inexplicably.

Beside him, an elderly elder patted his shoulder: "Oh, this is the essence of the super tribe! Kid. You are optimistic. The scene of the meeting will make you stunned."

During the speech, the landlord made a sudden shock.

The vibration is weak, but with the spread of gray thorns, the amplitude is rapidly increasing.

Wait for this shock. When it was conveyed to the round array, it has become a huge earthquake.

The gray condensed in the circular array, such as a light lake. Affected by this huge earthquake, the lake suddenly broke out and shined. Eye-catching, forcing everyone to pick up their eyes.

Gray light shines through every corner of the first level.

Just as the snow melted away, the heavens and the earth in the level gradually became transparent and eventually dissipated.

It is as if the curtain on the surface is torn open, revealing the second layer of curtain underneath. Hei Loulan and others came to the second level.

"this is?!"

"We didn't do it, actually we cleared the customs?"

After a moment of silence, many young sergeants shouted.

The young sergeant who was just stunned: "What is this means?"

The old master next to him replied triumphantly: "This is the refining and killing trick that the super tribes have mastered. It is called the gray melt, and can be quickly cleared in the 88-degree Zhenyang Building. Kid, you are opening this time. Eyes?"

The young sergeant who opened his eyes quickly nodded, and praised him: "It's awesome! Good means! But with such a means, what do we need to do?"

The smile on the face of the old teacher is a stagnation: "This method is not effective for the second time. Some levels can use this method, but some levels can not."

"Hey, this technique is a bit interesting..." In the mind, Mo Yao also showed his figure.

She is enchanting and glamorous, and she is addicted to the analysis. "This should be the control of the giant sun's will to sleep. It should be external. The sorcerer outside the blessed land, at a specific place, these locusts are ingested. In the eighty-eight-corner Zhenyang Building, the level is refining. But the giant will will sleep, and the speed of refining the locusts will become slow. At best, it can only be regarded as semi-refining."

"The so-called killing and smashing is to use the landlord order to communicate the semi-refined locusts and refine them. As a result, as the core of the level, it has been turned into its own. This level naturally does not exist. And move on to the next level."

"To do this, the key is time. The state of semi-refining will not last long. The will of the giant yang will sleep, as long as the time is sufficient, the locusts will be fully refining. Once these locusts are refining, the sect of Shaoguan How can it not be sensed, and it completely loses the possibility of forced refining."

"Oh, huh, really is not a master of refining the Tao, just look at it, you can analyze it so thoroughly." Fang Yuan smiled, and praised Mo Yao.

This means is white, and is to smash the locusts with the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

If the giant will awakens, the locusts can be refining in a flash, and no one will be left to anyone.

But now it is sleeping refining is slow, there is a hole to drill.

Fang Yuan is the person of the later generations, and it is clear about this.

After the previous Zhouzhou Zhongxian attacked Wang Tingfu, the image was scattered in the images scattered around.

But this method is only used to assist.

Zhongzhou Yuxian really relies on it, or the main order of the Liuli Building.

This second block of the main decree is a godsend! I don’t know how much energy and resources I have spent on Zhongzhou’s forces. Now I have been taken by Fang Yuan and raised to Hexagon.

When everyone focused their attention on the second level, Fang Yuan secretly took out the command of the Hexagon.

He touched the six corners of the landlord's order with his fingers and sighed. He whispered in his heart: "When planning for a long time, I finally got to the time of the plan. The power of the flying bear, with my flying bear virtual image, isn't it right? Oh, I also I want it."

Speak, he has a thought, and he will control this layer in an instant!

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