Reverend Insanity

: Section 215: Stop yourself?

Eight powers of good fortune Qi Tianyi, this source is really real.

This is a kind of helplessness, a kind of fate to make people, crying and laughing, the more struggling, the deeper and deeper the sorrow!

The situation is forced, and the benefits are avoided. Fangyuan seems to have only done this to maximize the benefits.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly shortening.

Save, or not?

In the mind of Fang Yuan, Mo Yao screamed: "Save, shoot quickly!"

Reason is also telling Fang Yuan: If you save Ma Hongyun, you will not be enemies with Qitian's good fortune. Instead, you can use it to deal with the will of Juyang.


At the moment, in the heart of Fang Yuan, there is still a voice.

This voice is roaring, shouting, roaring!

"Save what to save! Do you want to give in? Do you want to bow your head? Slap a slap to kill him! What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of these two small shards? Even if you are lucky, you can't stop me!!"

Fang Yuan’s ears are screaming, but this voice is getting louder and louder, gradually overwhelming others.

His mind burst into pain.

Faced with choices, dry mouth.

The voice in my heart is more and more loud, and even shakes the heart!

Every roar, every roar, every cry, seems to be a fire to Fang Yuan, throwing a group of dry wood.

The blazing flame burned.

That is wild vision, fighting spirit, unyielding, challenge and reluctance!

The flames burned and the source of the source was red, and the blood in the blood was boiling, like a river rolling, big waves!

"Come on. Let me send you on the road!" Fang Yuan opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse. Just like sand iron.

He made a thing that would not normally be made, violating his own style.

He looked at him. The eyes burst into violent murder, directly breaking the huge tree in front of them, tearing up countless vines entangled like snakes.

He rushed to the side of Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun.


Raise your fist!

The attack has not yet been issued, and the horrible boxing has already condensed.

The murderous horror kills almost all the air.

"Ah!" Ma Hongyun was shocked and did not expect Fangyuan's murder to be so determined. He was shocked, his heart was flustered, and his feet were opposite. I fell to the ground at once.

"Oh!" Zhao Liyun and his hands were tied, and he was also beaten, and fell to the ground.

This change made Fang Yuan scared.

He has been accidentally made twice and is very alert.

But soon he found out that this small accident only slightly extended the time for both sides to meet.

Simultaneously. Two huge tree people have already arrived at the side of Ma Zhao.

No matter which tree person, they can make them both meaty with one foot. However, Juyang’s will does not want to hurt Ma Hongyun, but only to spur the tree vines, and to the Ma Zhao two, to separate them. Kill Zhao Qingyun again!

At the same time, the five trees suddenly burst out of the ground, just in front of Fang Yuan.

This sturdy line of defense has to consume at least a dozen times of breathing time.

Juyang will always implement his previous tactics.

Right now, the extremely weak blessed land. Has been kicked out of the game.

The false feelings have been protected by the black Loulan. Very safe.

Although Ma Zhao and the two became the Lord of the blessed land, as long as they killed Zhao Pity, this relationship was broken.

At that time, use the false feelings, and call Heloulan and Ma Hongyun the master of Wang Ting. The overall situation can still be recovered!

So at this moment, Fang Yuan came to kill Ma Hongyun and was blocked by Juyang.

"Hateful! This is the feeling, always at the crucial moment, the key place..." Fang Yuan gnawed his teeth and spurred a 12-point force to forcibly break through.


A thunderous collision, Fang Yuan is like a tiger coming down the mountain, the momentum is fierce, directly breaking through the defense of the tree.

The whole process, only used ten breaths!

However, Fang Yuan also paid a heavy price at the same time.

On his body, he added three huge wounds, one across the chest and one back, and one through which he formed a baby's fist-sized blood hole in the abdomen.

His right forearm was severely fractured, and his left leg was distorted and twisted directly to the outside.

"Ha ha ha!" Fang Yuan is laughing!

The hands and feet can't be used for the time being, he still has mobile 蛊, he can fly!

He quickly flew to Ma Hongyun, Zhao Liyun, and he was in front of him.

Ma Hongyun bent over his back and held Zhao Weiyun tightly in his arms. Outside, it is a tree vine, like a snake winding.

These trees and vines want to separate two people, but they don't want to hurt Ma Hongyun.

Shuteng and Ma Hongyun are more powerful.

Ma Hongyun was inferior in nature, and he saw that he and Zhao Pianyun were forcibly separated. He bit his lip and glared at him, but he could do nothing!

"No-!" He whispered and his eyes were red. Seeing that the lover is going to die in front of himself, he is full of pain and despair, like a beast that is forced into the cliff.

"Save him, now is the best opportunity to save him! As long as they save them, Ma Hongyun must be grateful to you, you can use his Qitian Fortune! Why does the giant will not kill Ma Hongyun, just want to help His luck!!" In the mind, Mo Yao yelled again, persuading Fang Yuan.

"Your nonsense is really much." Fang Yuan's answer is full of ruthless coldness.

As soon as he succeeded, he calmed down, his face was blank, and he was innocent.


The Ma Zhao and the two were included in the attack range, and Fang Yuan broke out a fatal blow in the first time.

The blow, the stone was shocked, and the atmosphere in front of it exploded.

The power of arrogance is as if the dragon has risen to the sky, and the river has fallen over the sea.

"No!" This time, I changed to the will of the giant yang, and made a cry of helplessness and despair.

He immediately dispatched the surrounding trees and used his body to cover the Ma Zhao.

Tree vines are no longer separated from the two, but are quickly transferred.

But in the heart of Juyang, it is a darkness.

He knows that what he does is useless. Fang Yuan’s long-awaited anger hit. Is it so easy to cover up?

The tree man's torso will be torn by this attack, and the transfer of the tree vines is too late. In the end, Ma Zhao and his two will be attacked by Yu Wei. Directly smashed into pieces of minced meat.

Even if there are thousands of people, Yu Linhai, everything is too late!

Fangyuan decisively decided to break out of the defensive line and successfully seized the critical time.

Tree people have always been slow to move, and the speed of support is not good.

Ma Hongyun is dead!

This moment, not only the source. Even the will of the giant yang is like this.

Not only do they think so, Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun have no hope of escape.

The factors affecting the situation seem to have played their respective roles.

Hei Loulan, Tai Baiyunsheng, 88-degree Zhenyang Tower, Juyang Will, Frost Jade Peacock, Fangyuan, Moyao...

These people or things are at this moment, and they have done their best.

Time seems to be slowing down, and Fang Yuan’s mouth is slightly tilted. There is a smile: "What else can you save Ma Hongyun?"

But just in the next moment!


A loud noise rang, the world shook, Wanmu "".

The compelling golden light shines through the entire level.

"Is it that Juyang will re-enter the Zhenyang Building?!" Fang Yuan was sinking. But soon he found that it was not like this.

Juyang will still be beaten outside the tower. Zhongzhou Yuxian has been planning for so many years, and the third means deliberately created cannot be underestimated.

If not, Fangyuan is alive. Zhongzhou Yuxian will not return to the triumph, and the 88-degree Zhenyang Building will be successfully pushed down.

Huge golden light group. Like a meteor, with lightning speed, it slammed on the earth, melting the surrounding trees, and protecting Ma Zhao in the center.

"This is not the case - the fate of the road is true!" In the mind, Mo Yao was extremely shocked and could not help but scream.

"What happened? Nothing is true. It is not in the real secret world. How can it suddenly rush to this level and vote for Ma Hongyun alone?!" Fang Yuan was helpless and had to stop the pace of progress.

Without the power of the true biography, he has already been taught in the true secret world.

This is not something he can touch.

But why, Ma Hongyun is in the light group, but is there nothing at all?

For a time, Fang Yuan’s heart could not help but rise up a huge sense of loss.

He instigated all the fighting power, and the third attempt to kill Ma Hongyun, even if he saw hope in the previous moment, it seemed that he was successful, but in the end he still failed.

"How can I vote for Ma Hongyun on my own?" In my mind, Moyao was completely out of order, his hands scratching his head, and his hair was long and confused, just like a mad woman.

It is no wonder that her performance like this.

Her body was so painstaking, it took a lot of effort and effort, and it just broke a crack in the true passage of the Yundao. She also ran away with the good fortune, and finally, in desperation, she refining the disaster.

In the end, the disaster-stricken squad did not help Ai Lang Bo Qing, she and Bo Qing both fell.

At this moment, she saw the entire passage of the true pass, and took the initiative to send a hug to a three-turn mortal.

If you have a good fortune, can't you? !

Why is it not me, I work so hard, pay so much, why not me?

But it is a kind of ordinary man like him, a fool, a child!

People are better than people, mad!

Fang Yuanqiang calms Try to eliminate irrelevant emotions and try to think hard.

A glimmer of light in his mind, slippery.

"I understand!" Suddenly, Fang Yuanxiong was shocked. He seized the aura, and the seemingly impossible things in front of him suddenly broke through.

Supreme Truth took the initiative to recognize Ma Hongyun, not others. This is because Ma Hongyun’s body has the power of a good fortune.

The Qiyun 鸿 of the Fortune is the true marrow of the Yunyang Xianzun, and it is the crystallization of the essence. For the rest of the true biography, it is the leading brother, the king emperor.

But there is no truth, why didn't you come early, don't come late, but this time?

There is no truth in the way of the road, and it exists in the real secret world. How come here for no reason?

Both of these issues actually point to a key factor.

That is - Juyang will!

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