Reverend Insanity

: Section 216: Battle against Black Loulan

In the true secret world, no matter which true biography, there is a will of the giant. Otherwise, how can people who come here come to receive these true stories, especially those who are immortals?

It is like the Shaoguan in the 88th corner of Zhenyang Building.

At each level, if there are locust rewards, these locusts were previously refining the will of the giant yang.

The sergeants went through the battle to get these locusts. The reason why these locusts can be refining and refining in an instant is because of the active retreat of the yang in the locust.

According to this original, any sorcerer can create a "transient" phenomenon as long as he gives his own locusts to others.

In the past, when Juyang was willing to sleep, it led to the slow refining of wild locusts. At the beginning of Fangyuan’s drilling of Zhenyang Building, this vulnerability was also exploited.

Every true biography is dominated by the will of Juyang.

There is no real pass on the road. I did not take the initiative to fly to Ma Hongyun before, because of this.

Now that the true biography has flown to the hands of Ma Hongyun, it is not the will of the giant Yang.

Juyang will be willing to control Ma Hongyun, how can it make it grow stronger and more difficult to control?

So, the truth is clear!

There is no trace of the will of the Sun in the true path of the Yundao.

Juyang will take the initiative to withdraw, which leads to this supreme truth.

Then, relying on the newly generated wild ideas, he turned to Ma Hongyun.

This creates another problem.

Good end, why is the will of Juyang suddenly withdrawn?

Fang Yuan thought of his second shot, to kill Ma Hongyun. Suddenly for no reason, I don’t know where the giant will will come from!

At this point, all the fog has vanished.

Fangyuan used the third means. The giant will will be temporarily discharged from the Zhenyang Building.

Then he entered the Zhenyang Building and successfully persuaded Taibaisheng to save the Shoushan Mountain.

Then came back and tried to control Wang Tingfu. In the second time, when trying to kill Ma Hongyun, it was blocked by a sudden willingness to emerge.

At that time, Fang Yuan was extremely confused.

but now. He understood.

This mysterious will of the giant yang is drawn from those true biography.

The will of Juyang is also an eye-opener. In order to turn the tide, go out of this trick.

He relied on this trick to turn the tide, but the source of the source was too decisive to kill, and directly fight against it.

finally. This will force the grand will of the will. Only the last small share is left, and this level is controlled.

"So, this road has no real biography, and it can save Ma Hongyun in time. In fact, it is also thanks to me. If I don’t take out the giant yang will be sent to the tower, if there is no me and Juyang will fight, where will there be? What about this scene now?"

"I can't think of this third shot, I ended up being blocked by myself!"

Read this. Fang Yuan sighed and his heart’s killing of Ma Hongyun was completely dissipated.

Now Ma Hongyun. It was protected by the true mission of the Yundao. As a mortal, Fang Yuan is not possible to break through this line of defense.

"Hey, let you save him, you don't listen!" In the mind, Mo Yao calmed down and sighed.

Her tone is blaming: "If you save them and get the approval of Ma Hongyun, they will now be protected by the Tao Yun, like Zhao Weiyun. The current true story of the Yundao is the wild will of the new born, just like a baby child. There is almost no defense inside. You are in the true story of the Yundao, you can freely understand the content of the true biography! This is the supreme blessing, you are given up like this..."

Help Ma Hongyun, you can make a profit. Dealing with Ma Hongyun, the harvest is a heavy injury on Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan sneered.

Do it, and there is no regret in his heart.

He quickly retreated and healed the wound. He also said to Moyao: "Even if I can't move this path, do you think that the will of the giant will sit still?"

This true biography is one of the only three true stories in the true secret world. How is the will of the giant yang, is this allowed to recognize the Lord like this?

In the heart of the will of the giant yang, it is not unacceptable to pass the road to Ma Hongyun.

But Ma Hongyun’s heart is the magic of the sky, then it’s impossible!

The will of the giant yang is a special purpose. When the body condensed it, it gave it the special meaning of "seeing the magic of the heavens and doing everything together and killing them immediately."

Now Zhao Weiyun is protected by the true transmission of the Yundao. Juyang will want to kill the magic of this heaven, and must remove the obstacles of the true passage of the Tao.

So the whole forest was angry.

Numerous tree people rose up and rushed to the road.

A large number of tree people have begun to entangle each other, the roots of a tree must be entangled, the trees and vines are entangled, and slowly form a giant tree, each one is up to hundreds of feet, and the atmosphere is called Fangyuan.

Juyang will encourage all efforts and kill Zeoyun!

Fangyuan retreated quite smoothly.

It is the first priority of the will of the giant yang to eradicate the magic of the heavens. In particular, the emergence of the true passage of the road is more attractive to hatred.

Fang Yuan is a threat, and the ranking is still behind.

Juyang will also know that he will not live in Fangyuan for the time being. The two evils are taken lightly, and the giant will has limited strength at hand, and it is a matter of heart and mind, focusing on the truth of the delivery.

Soon, Fang Yuan will be close to the battle group of Taibaisheng and Heiloulan.

Taibaisheng was pushed into the wind, but Hei Loulan wanted to lay the victory and could not do it.

Tai Baiyun was a master of treatment and a master of flight. The former made him good at the war of attrition, and the latter made him slippery and inaccessible.

The battle between the two sides presented a stalemate.

The two men hit the ground from heaven, and the offensive was amazing. The aftermath of the battle and the surrounding trees led to the signs of the collapse of the trees.

"Taibai brother, I will help you!" Fang Yuan shouted.

The "Sister" suddenly angered the black Loulan counter-scale, and he immediately thought of Zhongzhou. Because of the five domains, the other four domains are family inheritance, and only the Zhongzhou martial system is popular.

The black Loulan is full of anger, like a bear roaring: "Sure enough, the thief has been planning for a long time! You brothers and brothers are hidden deep enough! Now that you jump out to find death, then I will fulfill you!!"

Said, far away from Fangyuan, too Baiyunsheng two people burst into four punches.

The punches are squirming and thin, and they are turned into human shadows in midair. They are all like the black Loulan.

Four fists are divided into two groups, one of which rushes to Taibaisheng, and the other three are concentrated sources!

Fang Yuan is a mortal, too Baiyun is a fairy. But avoiding the reality, this is the most common tactic.

Three human illusions, killing Fangyuan, and the other is to prevent Taibaisheng from rushing to support.

"Rewind!" Taibaisheng was taken aback. Keep alert.

He is very clear about the power of this force.

When he was in Fox Fairy, he got a lot of gifts from Fang Yuan. Added a lot of defenses.

But until now, the defensive locusts on Taibaisheng’s body are almost left, and they have been seriously injured many times, showing the extent of the black building’s killing!

Three human figures. Come quickly. The momentum is raging, and the wind is blowing up.

"A good killing trick!" Even the Mo Yao will in his mind, seeing this scene, also issued a sigh, "Be careful, this power of the black Loulan kills, absolutely beyond your four-armed king to kill! ”

Fang Yuan grinned, but he was not surprised. Instead, there is a sense of war and eagerness to try.

"Of course I won't use the four-armed king. Because I have more powerful force to kill." When it came here, he paused, and then suddenly shouted, "Come on, six-armed corpse king!"


An invisible momentum suddenly broke out.

The sense of horror of the horror is filled with dozens of miles.

There was a lot of pain, such as a wave of madness, and it hurts my heart!

Fang Yuan has noticed the infinite pleasure. His body sees the wind swell, the skin loses its luster and moisture, and it quickly hardens and turns black.

Defense is skyrocketing!

In a short while, he turned into a giant with a height of two feet.

On his back, he grew six large grotesque arms in a row, his fingers were thick and sturdy, and each had its own characteristics, which made people feel guilty.

Three human shadows rushed to the front of Fangyuan.

"Good to come." Fang Yuan slightly opened his mouth, no fear, directly meet!

Intertwined with fists and fists, there is no clever direct fight!


The thundering sound of the thunder is endless.

Whether it is Fangyuan or the three human shadows of Hei Loulan, it is all powerful, and every blow can blow the air.

Too Baiyun was initially worried about looking back, looked at a few breaths, and slowly widened his eyes.

A mortal in Fangyuan District can actually resist three human shadows at the same time.

Both sides are evenly matched!

However, the three human virtual shadows are spiritual, and they can't be attacked for a long time. Actually, they cooperate. They are from the front, the upper left, and the lower right.

"Be careful!" Taibaisheng gave a loud warning, and he had suffered a lot of similar pains before.

Fang Yuan laughed and laughed.

He spurred the killing, and gave birth to six strange arms, even the original arms, a total of eight arms.

The eight-armed wheel turned away, and the fist shadow fell like a rainstorm, and it defended itself rigorously. Fully resisting the three human illusions, from all sides of the offensive, did not fall into the wind.

"I actually stopped it, this killing move..." Hei Loulan’s heart trembled and his face dignified.

"Oh, half-fair force, this is also a metamorphosis..." Too Baiyunsheng saw this and felt a sigh. He is both accidental and not unexpected.

Think of your master, everything can be explained.

So too, Baiyunsheng completely let go of his heart, and quickly concentrated on dealing with the virtual shadow of his own eyes.

He had a big sleeve and flew countless brilliance from his cuffs.

Sawtooth wind blade, flame knife mang, blue water scorpion, gold wire cage net...

There are hundreds of locusts in the foot, and they are all promoted by the white clouds. The colors are colorful and colorful, just like fireworks.

The human virtual shadow was covered by fireworks, and the speed was slow, and the direction was changed immediately, and the electric shot came out.

However, the offensive of Tai Baisheng was closely followed.

The offensive was like a fireworks, and it was launched in succession.

The human virtual shadow is extraordinary, and actually knows that the curve is flying, trying to get close to Baiyunsheng.

However, too, Baiyunsheng also continued to withdraw, and there was no sign of a break in the offensive.

He is a fairy, with almost endless real elements. If he had just been promoted to Zhu Xian, there was no accumulation on hand, and the locusts were still too little. Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of locusts will be rushed together, and the offensive will be even more horrible.

Although the human virtual shadow can avoid most of the attacks, but under the rain-like offensive, it is constantly being reduced and reduced, and the figure becomes bleak and faint at a visible speed.

But the purpose of the black Loulan has been reached.

Too Baiyunsheng has no means of brute force attack, and can only slowly kill the human shadow.

He is a good old man, but he is cautious. He is never brave and clashes, and it is difficult for the other source to form effective support.

This is precisely because of his heart, otherwise he would not have chosen from the inheritance of the three immortals, and chose the "ruth" of the Tao.

However, Hei Loulan achieved the original tactical purpose, but he was not happy.

Because he found that Fangyuan does not need support at all!

There, Fang Yuan hardly smashed three human shadows at the same time. Both sides attacked and attacked. The thick defense of the six-armed corpse king was really shocking.

"Ha ha ha!" Fang Yuan is playing harder and harder, and the fists are more and more powerful. In the end, the fist shadow handover, even into a dark shadow!

The three heads of human illusion are gradually weak in the consumption.

Hey, hey, hey.

After three consecutive explosions, the three human figures were finally unable to support, and were blown up by Fangyuan, turning into a smashing fist.

The black Loulan smashed, and the war in his heart turned like boiling water.

"Interesting. This killing is very powerful, almost the same as my killing. But more importantly, he has such rich combat experience, can be rated as master level! If you change to other people, it may not be Can bring the power of this killing to such a degree!"

Hei Loulan licked his lips, and his eyes flashed with violent and excited colors.

The attack just happened is certainly not his full strength, but just a temptation.

The battle with Taibaisheng made He Loulan feel very wrong. Because Taibaisheng was mainly based on escape, but Heilongjiang could not keep up, and there was nowhere to make it.

Now that Fangyuan’s hardship is out, it naturally makes its warfare soar.

Shattered the three human shadows, Fang Yuan did not take the initiative to attack, but suspended in the same place.

The distance between the two sides is thousands of steps, and the eyes collide with each other fiercely.

"Don't hit Come here to help!" At this time, Hei Loulan suddenly heard the instructions of Juyang will.

"But, ancestors..." Hei Lou Lang was hesitant, and his war was disordered.

The status of Juyang Xianzun in his mind is still very high.

This has nothing to do with personality, but from small to large, it has been instilled with a sense of honor. This has become an important factor in the value of Heilan.

"Don't care about them. Killing the magic of the heavens and regaining the truth of the Supreme Court is the most important thing!" The giant yang will speak quickly. "This is a lonely book. Only the truth of this road is left in the heavens and the earth. Even if it is a longevity, I haven’t left any content for the transport. I’m about to open the passage to the real-life secret, and you’ll go out and push the truth into the secret.”

This level has been controlled by Juyang’s will, and many people are like the sea. However, even if the will of the giant yang has the ability to break the true passage of the road, it cannot do so.

As soon as it takes a long time, there are many night dreams.

Second, breaking the truth of the road is also a violation of the true biography. (To be continued...)

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