Reverend Insanity

: Section 217: Grab the biggest flaw!

In the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building, the situation changed and the prominence plummeted.

Once in the world, Wei Ling dominated the nine-turned Xianzun Juyang of an era, especially left behind, specifically used to control the terrorist will of the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower...

The dispute between the North Plains Wang Ting, the well-deserved winner, the contemporary patriarch of the super-tribe black family, is one of the ten best bodies - the black Loulan of the strong martial arts...

Standing in the center of Beiyuan, countless vicissitudes of life, but was imprisoned for thousands of years of Lingling cream jade peacock...

The legend of living, using almost a lifetime of time, walking Beiyuan to save the wounded and dying, the name of kindness is widely circulated, and the inheritance of the immortality, once become a six-turn celestial, has two great mysterious fairy 太 too white clouds students...

as well as.

With the top ten wonderful list, ranking seventh, Chunqiu, nowadays, sitting on the fox fairy land, the mortal identity is a few nymphs, five hundred years of reborn 枭 古 古 古...

He was favored by Qiyun Hongyun Qitian, and became a fairy in Fangyuan. He successively inherited the inheritance of Juyang Fairy, and got the opportunity to steal the demon. He became the hero of Beiyuan, who resisted the attack of Zhongzhou...

Known as the "magic of the heavens" by the giant yang will, Fang Yuan became the wife of Ma Hongyun in his previous life. As a wise man, he gave the husband a lot of help to the legendary woman Zhao Liyun...

and also.

Once the seven turns of the immortals, the master of the refining Taoist, the thirty-sixth generation of the fairy tales, the mysterious will left behind after the death of Moyao, who was trying to make the 88th Zhenyang Building...

These exist, each has its own ideas, each with its own goals. On the stage of this collapsed Wang Tingfu, they collided and fought fiercely.

Each of them has its own advantages and means, as well as its own weaknesses and hoods.

These are not the amazing generations, the elites. It is not good at planning, but also with strength and strength.

Under the stimulation of life and death, under the temptation of huge interests, these existences have all tried their best to make their own means, or to draw a salary, to make a desperate attempt, or to make a vertical connection.

Therefore, the situation is sometimes clear and sometimes confusing.

The competition from all sides, going here, is still chaotic. Only the frost and jade peacocks are the first to go out, and the rest of the people’s every move has a tendency to tilt the whole situation, and it must not be underestimated, affecting the final outcome.

just now--

The main body of Juyang’s will was used by Fangyuan to use the trump card method, and temporarily pulled out of the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building, and was hit by the disaster.

Juyang’s willpower is the strongest, and the will main body tries to return. At the same time, it takes the risk to pull out the will of the true biography, regain the control of the level, and give priority to the magic of the heavens.

Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun accidentally became the masters of Wang Tingfu's land. They were protected by the true passage of the Yundao and temporarily saved their lives.

Fang Yuan and Tai Baiyunsheng formed a temporary alliance and conducted a tentative confrontation with He Loulan.

Black Loulan’s warfare skyrocketed and he was about to fight with Fang Yuan. But at this time, Juyang’s will asked him to transfer the battlefield to deal with Ma Hongyun and recover the true pass.

Hei Loulan hesitated and chose to listen to the will of the giant yang.

"Let's let you go for the time being!" He glanced at Fang Yuan with a sullen look, and then he went away with his body.

Fang Yuan saw that he had withdrawn, suspended in the same place, and did not pursue.

"Call..." Too Baiyunsheng spit out a sigh of gas, then flew to the side of Fangyuan.

Although he is a celestial being, he is only longer than the treatment, and he lacks a large number of geniuses. Compared with the ordinary celestial beings, the combat power is even worse. After some war of attrition, he finally entangled his human illusion and slowly smashed it.

"Black Loulan is going to deal with Ma Hongyun, recycling the true pass! Are we going to mix a foot?" Fang Yuan’s mind, Mo Yao will immediately suggest.

This true passage of the road is the supreme legacy of Juyang Xianzun. At that time, Juyang Xianzun relied on it to dominate an era and invincible the world.

For any sorcerer, this true pass is a huge temptation!

Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed slightly, but there was no movement. Instead, he turned his eyes and looked at the left hand.

Just before him, a whirlwind was gathering.

"Be careful, the punches sent by Hei Loulan, even if they are broken up, can still be re-aggregated!" Taibaiyun showed police.

Fang Yuan snorted, and when he stepped, he rushed to the whirlwind and squeezed his fist.


A muffled sound, directly beat the boxing again.

Most of the boxing is dissipated, but the remaining boxing is still sticking to each other. It is only a small amount of residue that has been unable to form.

"This force kills the move..." Fang Yuan's face is slightly heavy.

The virtual shadow is a long-range attack method of the power genre. However, such a spiritual human illusion, Fang Yuan is still seen for the first time.

This seems to be an original creation, and there is no similar record in the history of the sorcerer known to Fang Yuan.

It can be called "the black building of the blue floor."

More crucially, this "black building" is even if it is broken up, it can still reconverge.

This simply has some meaning of "life and death, stalking"!

"Black Loulan has never used all his strength. If he can explode twenty people at the same time, then the remaining boxing will reconverge. This kind of power is terrible. If he can give out 30 people, then This force killing stroke can definitely be compared with your six-armed corpse king!" In the mind, Mo Yao will evaluate, and the tone is heavy.

"What is this killing, do you have an impression?" Fang Yuan asked.

Moyao slowly shakes his head: "I am not trying to force the immortal. This killing is very involved in the soul, the airway, and the idea is not to leave the hub, very innovative, and different styles. I guess it should be this era of research. from."

The six-armed corpse king is the Fangyuan study, and the latter is perfect.

But there are so many geniuses in this world, and of course, not only Fang Yuan alone can study the force to kill.

Of course, the best thing about Fangyuan’s past life is the blood. Power is nothing but a repair.

The tree people swarmed and gathered into a green wave. First, they set off a magnificent wave, attempting to drown Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun.

However, the giant Yang Yundao true pass, like a golden giant egg, the two are firmly protected.

Juyang will vote for the rat, he wants to kill Zhao Peiyun, the magic of the sky is not fake, but also to protect the solitary of the giant Yang Yunzhen.

Hei Loulan had just arrived, and he hurriedly said: "I will open the passage to the true secrets now, and you will help me to advance the true way!"

Black Loulan nodded, the male body was shocked, and the two boxing came out, and the boxing broke out!


The endless muffled sound, the air swelled, and the boxing condensed into one after another.

Ten, twenty, thirty... forty!

Seeing the source of this scene, the pupils are miniature.

The face of Taibaisheng is white, and the eyes are full of taboo colors.

Forty black buildings, the blue shadow of the road, were saved together, and a few blinks of effort, they stood around the true pass of the road.

The road passed through the sky and cracked a black gap.

Immediately, the gap expands to form a circular, huge passage.

The deep channel of the channel is directly connected to the true secret.

The forceful shadows shouted, and stretched out their arms, and actually lifted the giant Yangzheng slightly!

The surrounding trees also extended their giant claws and took the lead. Cyan vines like pythons are entangled to boost.

Juyang’s true biography broke out with a glare-like aurora, and the trees were melted like snow, and the vines were entangled in less than two breaths.

The imaginary shadow of the force is also constantly collapsing, but it is constantly condensing.

Hei Loulan stood in the outer circle, which is the source of strength. The source is endless, and a large number of powers are behind the scenes and spewing out.

Under his efforts, Juyang’s true biography slowly left the ground.

At the same time, the circular passage at the top also burst out of strong suction. Just like a giant mouth, trying to re-integrate the giant yang into the belly.

"It can be formed at the same time, so many powers and shadows! What is this killing?" Far from seeing such an amazing scene, too Baiyunsheng whispered for this.

Moyao will also be in the mind, the other source: "Your strength to kill, special work melee. Black Loulan's killings, just the opposite of you, good at long-distance! This killing, and your six-armed corpse The king is equal. But in the hands of Hei Loulan, the explosive power that broke out is several times more than you."

Hei Loulan is one of the ten best bodies, but Fang Yuan is not.

Legend has it that the masters who have strong martial arts are not only infinite, but also endless in strength and lack of physical strength. At the same time, the ability to heal and recover is extremely amazing!

Any force to kill, in the hands of the strong real body, will play a far more extraordinary fighting power.

"What should I do now?" Too Baiyunsheng stood by Fangyuan, his eyes narrowed into a seam, and he stared closely at Heiloulan and Juyang.

His tone was full of regrets and regrets. He continued: "This is the ultimate success! The giant will want to reintegrate it into the real secret, but unfortunately Black Loulan is there, we can't get involved."

In the speech, there has been a retreat of "Black Loulan can not fight for the front."

It is no wonder that the character of Taibaisheng is just like this. Mingzhe protects himself and is not radical, unless he is forced to die.

Fang Yuan regained his gaze, but he smiled softly.

"What should I do?" He asked himself and answered himself. "Of course, go to the true secret!"

Too Baiyunsheng is strange: "The true secret of the world?"

Mo Yao’s will was shocked and reacted. He almost patted his thigh and shouted: “Yes, in the real secret world, there is no residual will of the giant yang. Those true stories have become the things of the Lord! ”

Previously, there was a huge will in these true biography, so you can only use the token in your hand to qualify for the true biography.

Now it is different, and the giant will will be taken away. In the true biography, a wild young will is born, and as long as it is properly operated, it can be refining itself.

"But your time is running out. The giant will outside the building will soon return to the future. This time is probably only enough for you to collect a true biography." Moyao will remind, "Fangyuan, which one should you charge?" True biography, we must consider it as soon as possible!"

At this time, too Baiyunsheng also wanted to pass this doorway and asked another key question: "This level has been controlled by the will of the giant yang, how can we enter the true secret?"

This voice just fell, Fang Yuan took out Ding Xian You Xian Xian.

This fairy was handed over to Baiyunsheng before, so he was not surprised, but his eyes were condensed and he looked at Fangyuan: "If I remember correctly, I am sure that Xianxian is good, but I can only bring one person. ""

"Not bad." Fang Yuan nodded. "So open your fairy, let me in. I will infuse the pictures in the real world through my thoughts."

Too Baiyun’s brain shot: “I almost forgot, I am already a fairy!”

The six-turn, seven-turn 蛊仙 possessed the fairy 窍, also known as the "blessed land."

Wang Tingfudi, Qifudi, and Fox Fairyland are all Xianxuan, and the interior is vast, waiting for a small world. Too Baiyun’s Taibaifu land is certainly no exception.

Immediately, Fang Yuan will lend the sacred tour to Taibaisheng, drill into Xianxu, and instill the thought of having a real-life secret picture.

Taibaiyunsheng urged the immortal to swim, and where is the ability of Juyang to block? He can only let him take the first step and come to the real secret.

In the true secret world, there is chaos.

Dozens of true biography, dominated by the wild will of the new born, like a headless fly, ramming. From time to time, they collide with each other, wipe out sparks, and the loss is constant.

In this scene, it seems that Mo Yao is greatly distressed: "Quickly make a choice, Fang Yuan. These real stories collide with each other. If the degree is serious, you will lose your essence if you get it."

For Fang Yuan, he has not had much time left, only to take a true biography.

In this regard, Fang Yuan had long been planning.

He said: "Mu Yao, I need your help."

"Say it."

"Give me the last place where there is no real biography!"

Fang Yuan’s words will make Mo Yao a glimpse.

Immediately, her eyes were wide and her mouth was wide, and her mind was extremely shocked!

In the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, there are three true stories. Mo Yao is very clear that when Fang Yuan broke into the real secret before, she pointed to him.

The first pass is true, it is nine turns of wisdom.

The second true story is the inheritance of the Yunyang Xianzun.

The third pass is true, it is the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower itself!

That is to say, mastering this true biography, you can control the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower! !

"How come I didn't think of it?" Moyao whispered will be tempted, this is the best time to seize the control of the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower! ”

"Yes! Juyang will take care of this and lose one's heart, and want to deal with Zhao's pity cloud, revealing the biggest flaws, thus giving us a good opportunity to turn this Jedi!" Fang Yuan's eyes flashed a sharp and unpretentious man.

He looked around and burned a flaming ambition flame in his chest.

The flaws of the other side were sharply caught by him!

Success or failure is here, as long as you can take the 88-degree Zhenyang Building as your own, you will have a home advantage.

At that time, the main will of Juyang is stronger, and it has become a falling dog outside the door! Looking at the closed door, you can help!

Ps: Thanks to Lin Ziwu's new wedding, congratulations on his becoming a book owner! Thank you for the rewards and blessings of your friends. I am with my wife and I thank you.

This month's update will not improve, because there is a honeymoon trip. Come back in October and officially start the career path. Rs

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