Reverend Insanity

: Section 12: Muddy Crab

"Found it." Fang Yuan's eyes brightened and stood in front of a purple stone pillar.

Too Baiyunsheng looked at the sound and saw this key stone pillar, but it was also ordinary. Only the root of the stone column, there is a stone, smooth like a stool, looks a bit special.

"It is here." Fang Yuan stretched out the thick strange hand, and opened the residual snow at the top of the stone bench, and confirmed again.

After the Baiyunsheng drilled into his fairy, Fangyuan sat on the stone bench and used the mites to cut his arm and apply the blood to the purple stone pillar.

His blood is not the bright red of normal people, but the greenish green. There is no temperature at all, it is very cold.

The purple stone pillars, once stolen by the demon gods, secretly applied mysterious mites, and soon the blood of the green corpse was absorbed.

Fang Yuan’s mind quickly flashed Ma Hongyun’s figure.

This opportunity, originally belonged to Ma Hongyun, Fang Yuan is a misappropriated person.

After Ma Hongyun and Zhao Liyun were brought to the same scene with the Yundao true biography, they suffered the looting of the two ancestors of the North Plains. The scene at the time was in chaos.

Now that they have had no audio, they can definitely be caught by a certain fairy. Whether you can get rid of the difficulties and what you have suffered is not known.

Compared with the past life, this horse has been much worse.

It can be seen that even if there is a good fortune, it is not omnipotent.

Luck can only provide opportunities, whether it can be fully utilized and counterbalanced, but also depends on the personal strength and means of the division.

Now Ma Hongyun is still being searched wildly. I don't know which one is hiding them. The temptation of the true pass of the road, especially for the North Plains. Very huge.

"My Spring and Autumn Period has the drawback of weakening my own air transport. If I can make use of the true pass of the Yundao to make up for this shortcoming, then it is best. Since rebirth. I have already eaten enough bad luck." Fang Yuan sighed.

Not only is Ma Hongyun guilty, but more important is Beiyuan and his party. Ma Hongyun is also an eyewitness and party. He is likely to expose Fangyuan.

Therefore, Ma Hongyun is also the death of Hei Loulan.

The pursuit of Ma Hongyun is already one of the contents of the Snow Mountain Alliance.

Once again, I entered Fangfudi, but Fangyuan did not look like the previous one. Go directly into the quiet room in the Yunge.

The unique landform of the Blessed Land is the mighty cloud of whiteness.

Twelve pavilions are separated from each other. Standing on top of the cloud, they are known as the Twelve Cloud Pavilion.

But what Fang Yuan saw was a messy sight.

The fertile clouds are full of potholes. Some holes are covered with ice. Some pits are still carrying black smoke.

Tai Baiyunsheng came out from Fangyuan Xianyu. Seeing this scene, I immediately blurted out and said: "There was a big battle here not long ago. It seems that there is really trouble in the land."

Fangyuan did not speak, but looked at the Twelve Cloud Pavilion in the distance.

These twelve towers have their own characteristics. Some of them are surrounded by cranes, some are feathered and some are filled with clouds. Some sandalwood is scattered.

But now these twelve Yunge, eight of them are intact. The remaining three were attacked and damaged. The carved beams and paintings have become the wreckage.

"What happened? We have come to the blessed land, how is the spirit yet to appear?" The white brows frowned, and the heart was more alert.

"Advanced to see." Fang Yuan Shen said.

The two flew past and slowly approached the Twelve Cloud Pavilion.

"Look there, there is a dead animal body!" Halfway, too, Baiyunsheng suddenly pointed in a certain direction and opened the way.

I saw a giant fish lying on the cloud and motionless.

It has the size of a normal whale but resembles a squid. At the back of the spine, spurs grow out of the body and extend long.

Its scales are all blue and blue, and a pair of dead fish eyes are as big as a carriage, leaving a few stars.

"This is the wild animal of the wild animal." Fang Yuandao.

He knows that there is a beast of the beast in the hands of Zhai Diling, and the slaves have twelve wild beasts, which are hidden under the Twelve Clouds.

Is this spiny star arowana one of the twelve wild animals?

"Hey? Someone came in." In the dark chamber, the scorpion suddenly opened his eyes and sensed the existence of Fangyuan and Taibaisheng.

In front of him, sitting in a fairy. His middle-aged appearance is quite powerful, his appearance is easy to be ordinary, black and white hair, and he is an ink-man.

"How? Come back to the enemy?" The ink-smelling singer heard the earthly spirit and said that he suddenly became nervous.

"It turned out to be this stinky boy! Huh, scare me a big jump. Nothing, this person I know. He came here half a year ago." After the sensation of the earth, he spit out a sigh.

The ink-man singer raised his brow in amazement. He did not expect that anyone other than him could come to the blessed land to be a guest.

"Since the visitors are friends and non-enemy, it is good to say. We have entered the Chamber of Secrets for three days and three nights. After a while, we will be able to uncover a layer of ban on you. At this time, you must not be disturbed." The boulder of the heart of Zhu Xian fell.

"That can't let them approach the Yunge. Old friends, you don't know, this kid is very sly, it is the rumor of the thief, I have eaten his big loss. Let me mobilize the wild beast and temporarily stop him." Scorpio gnashed his teeth.

"We have been in this for a long time, and the spirits still do not appear. It seems that something really happened here! It is not one person who attacks the blessed land. This kind of power can not be provoked, we will search the battlefield as soon as possible, and then retreat as a wonderful ""

When Taibaisheng was talking, a huge "yellow metal rock" was slowly drilled out of the mud.

The "blocky boulder" moves lightly and is intercepted in front of the two.

"Abandoned beast!" Too Baiyun was born as an enemy.

The wild beast has no eyes, a pair of huge cheeks, placed at the forefront of it. No one dares to doubt the power of this murderous weapon.

Subsequently, the other nine pairs of chelation feet, also extended from the sides of the body of the massive boulders.

The cheeks are deeply inserted in the clouds, and the broad body of the wild beasts is raised.

At this point, Taibaisheng finally recognized the origin of this wild animal: "This is the swamp king mud crab!"

Fang Yuan snorted. He is clear about the mud crabs. After he won the Fox Fairyland in this life, he encountered a mud crab when he was robbed.

The key of the mud crab is actually carrying a thin mud. The scourge of the Wandering Mountains.

In order to save the Dangling Mountain, Fang Yuan only set foot on the North Plains. Nowadays, Fang Yuan is risking a life of nine deaths. Not only has he succeeded in saving the Wandering Mountain, but he has also recruited Baiyunsheng to the side.

The mud crab stopped the two people to go. Taibaiyun stopped his body and asked Fang Yuandao: "What should I do now?"

Fang Yuan eyes locked the wild beast in front of his eyes and gently spit out a word: "Hit."

"You are careful." Too Baiyun nodded. Retreat quickly and open the distance with Fangyuan. He is treating 蛊仙, and in general, does not take risks himself. This is also consistent with his temperament.

Fangyuan hovered in the air. Silently watching the mud crab. Then, he took a deep breath, his waist was straight and his arms were stretched.

His muscles are bursting like a steel monster. Blood red eyes, green face fangs, add to the horrible gas.

The next moment, Fangyuan suddenly launched. The figure is like a meteor, and it slams into the mud crab.

The mud crab is huge. However, it is unusually flexible, and the nine pairs of cheeks move quickly, driving the body to dodge to the side.

However, Fang Yuan is a master of flight. It seems to be difficult to turn, and suddenly collapses and squats on the back of the mud crab.


A thunderous bang, the mud crab was crushed by the impact of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan has a body of up to two feet and stands in a pit. This is the damage he has just caused.

"Enough hard!" Fang Yuan grinned and reclaimed his four right fists.

His fists, without exception, are all skinned and revealing white bones.

However, Fang Yuan has already lost his pain. The cracked boxing bone is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few breaths, his four right fists returned to their original condition.


Two bad winds slammed.

The back of Fangyuan is open, the foot is stepping on, and the figure rises like lightning, avoiding the evil wind.

Two sounds came immediately, and Fang Yuan looked back and saw that the pair of giant cheeks in front of the mud crabs were reaching out to their backs with an incredible degree of extension, fiercely clamped in together.

If Fang Yuan is dodging slowly, I am afraid I will suffer.

The power of the wild beast is comparable to that of the six. Even if Fang Yuan is defending against the skyrocketing body, he does not want to taste the taste of being clamped by steel tongs.

"The mud crab is a shell, hard and extraordinary, and there is almost no loophole in the defense. I have no means of breaking and breaking. Only by force breaking, violence is the right way." Fang Yuan’s mind quickly collided .

His figure continued to rise and looked down. In just a few short breaks, the mud crabs are already covered with a lot of crabs.

These crabs, some as big as tigers, are fierce and fearless. Some cheeks are sharp, like steel needles. Some limbs are like eight claws, and the speed is very fast.

This is the unique ability of the mud crab. It can self-conceive at any time and anywhere, producing a huge crab army and loyal to it.

"Very good." Fang Yuan looked cold and sighed, screaming and killing me!

The consumption of a Qingxianxianyuan first motivated the core fairy.

Then a large number of locusts, in a certain pattern, followed by successive urging.

Fang Yuan’s eight fists came out, and the mud crabs underneath were hit.


Every punch broke out a burst of invisible and colorless boxing. The fist shadow flies, the fist is like a rainstorm, and it falls down!

The mud crabs made a sharp scream, and the body shape was continually punched, and the pressure became lower.

Thousands of fists smashed on the back of the mud crab, and the unevenness of its hard shell was uneven. The disintegration of the boxing spirits once again gathered together to form a virtual shadow of Fangyuan.

Ten breaths, on the back of the mud crab, stood a strong force.

"This is..." Taibaisheng was eye-catching, and he was the first to see this killing.

The force of the virtual shadow surrounded the mud crabs, the crab army suddenly collapsed, the mud crabs could not support, and even screams, struggle to fight, but it is difficult to cover up.

No matter how much it kills and smashes, Fangyuan keeps attacking for a moment, and more power is produced every moment.

"Oh, my wild beast! This stupid kid makes what to kill, I have never seen it, the power is so strong! This killing trick is definitely a killing trick!!" In the secret room, the inspiration is not bad, No more calm, and immediately shouted. (To be continued...)

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