Reverend Insanity

: Section 13: Ink King

Geng Di Ling looked at his mud crab with distress.

This slough crab fell to the ground and could not climb. Nine pairs of cheeks were unloaded seven or eight, and even the largest steel tongs were smashed.

This kind of victory, let the ink people marry, and the white clouds are cool.

Fang Yuan played tens of thousands of force roads, leaving more than three thousand. He is so good that he will earn the remaining illusion into the fairy.

This illusion can only exist for a period of time. After the time limit, the boxing will dissipate and the shadow will disappear. However, it is convenient to use the source, there will be no waste.

Since the return of the North Plains to the Fox Fairyland, he has two sleeves and a breeze, and there is no such thing as a fairy stone. Therefore, he has never added a large number of Fan Yi.

When he first started fighting, he had already tried to find out: It is difficult to pose a threat to a hard-shelled mud crab by the arm of the eight-armed sacred.

Therefore, the only option is to kill me.

The core of this killing is the soul of a fairy in the hands of Fang Yuan, so it is necessary to consume the green fairy.

Before the situation was unknown, Fang Yuan resolutely abandoned a Qingxianxianyuan and took control of the situation.

Killing and recruiting me is not a slave, but the power is extraordinary. The mud crabs that once brought great trouble to Fang Yuan, which made Fang Yuan’s exhaustion and effort to cope with it, could not be lifted under the head of the family, and they have been unable to lift their heads.

"Bad boy, ran to my house and said, but also hurt my wild beast. What compensation should you take?!" The other source of the scorpion blows his beard and blinks.

Tai Baiyunsheng stood behind Fang Yuan. Look at this land with great interest.

The scorpion spirit is slender and long, white hair is like snow, and the beard is hanging down. The face is ruddy like a baby, wearing a large robe and two sleeves floating and floating. If it is not angry at this moment, the source of the other party has rounded his eyes, otherwise it will undoubtedly sell better, and even more sensational.

Fang Yuan has long been familiar with the scorpion, and he is staring at the five flowers tied to the earth. Wrinkled: "You are in the middle of the ban, it is no wonder that I have been unable to wait for your thoughts in Bao Huangtian. According to Beiyuan time, we have not seen it for half a year. How do you make this look?"

The eyes of Zhai Di Ling were even bigger, and immediately retorted: "How do you make this look? People are not human, ghosts are not ghosts! Promoted into immortals, and fallen into a stiff. Hey. You should have ample life." Ah."

"Hey, hey, you have lived so long, you don't even understand the simplest way to make a choice. If you don't turn into a stiff, how can you appear again in front of you?" How do you master such a powerful combat power? It is you, the more you live, the more you go back. Now you can’t refine it.” It’s really a shame to your body. Fang Yuan sneered. Deliberately inspiring the earth.

The spirit of the earth was said to be sore, and he was so angry that he jumped on the spot.

Not long ago, the blessed land was attacked by mysterious forces. Although the earthly spirits repelled the enemy, they suffered from the airway killing seal.

Therefore, he invited his friend to come and not to release the seal.

The source of the other side is screaming: "Bad boy, are you still saying that I am? The collapse of Zhenyang Tower must be done by you! Hey, so many people are dead, the two super-powerful people are killed, the whole North Plains Xiandu is looking for you as the culprit. You are now a street mouse that everyone is calling, and the days are very bad!"

Ink people, immortals, and too many white clouds are discolored.

The Ink and the Immortal 瞳 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微

But the earth has blurted out and everything is late.

"How can you say this kind of thing? Are you afraid of being killed by two people in front of you?!" The innocent man was frightened and frightened. The two opposites actually confuse the North Plains and even the layout of the Giant Yang Xianzun can be destroyed. The murderer! Too dangerous! This situation is bad!

The next moment, Fang Yuan and Tai Baiyun, both of them, looked at the ink and celestial eyes coldly.

Around the ink, the immortality of the immortal prime time is high and the strength is extraordinary. At this moment, the two murderers are staring, and they feel cold in their hearts.

"Hey, why don't you tell us about this?" Fang Yuan whispered twice, his voice was hoarse and ugly, and people were very uncomfortable.

I don’t want to answer the questions. Who knows what the spirit of the heart will say?

Therefore, the Ink of the Immortal, the scalp, took the lead and stood up, saying: "The monk Motan Sang, who lives in the Mohist City, is the king of the North Plains."

Too Baiyun’s brow was a pick. I didn’t expect this to come to me. I immediately looked at the ink king.

Today's five domains are the world of the human race. Aliens survive in the cracks, and many are used as slaves to buy and sell, and life is quite difficult.

But in the North Plains, the Moh is the best one among the aliens.

Many aliens have no place to live, they can only wander. The Ink has built a city in Beiyuan, and has three indians.

In front of the Motan Sang, it is the owner of the Mohist city. Under his leadership, the Mohists can resist the pressures of the opposite sides, resist the greedy eyes of countless immortals, and maintain the survival of the Mohs. This is not easy, and it shows the talent and means of the Ink King.

"Ink Wang Motan Sang..." Fang Yuan snorted in his heart.

This name, he has an impression.

In the past five worlds, the Mohist Wang squatted with the human race, and when he did not care for him, he seized the opportunity and actively developed and expanded the Mexican forces.

When the Beiyuan Terran forces wanted to suppress him, he actually took the initiative to rely on the Liu family despite the king's prestige. To the servant of Liu Jiatai’s great elders, he was a slave.

Liu Jia is one of the super forces, so he is trying to protect the ink power. Under the umbrella of this layer, the Indian forces have developed steadily.

Then the Liu family was defeated, and the Mohist king immediately abandoned the Liu family and cooperated with Ma Hongyun on an equal footing.

Before the explosion, the Mohists had already used hundreds of cities and occupied a third of the mountains in the North.

It can be seen from this that the Mohist Wang Motan Sang is a full-fledged male. Not only is it unique, it is decisive, and it can be stretched, not to be underestimated.

Think of it here. Fang Yuan sighed with a sigh: "It turned out to be the king of the ink, and there is a kind of prestige, beyond the ordinary."

"Dare to dare. Dare." The Ink King is busy and modest.

The person in front of him, but the main criminal who destroyed the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower, such a dangerous person, his heart is extremely vigilant.

He took the initiative to explain: "I have been friends with you for many years. In fact, the Mohist City has always been closely related to the blessed land. Our Mohman City is the most good at the air, just in the air, the airway seal Therefore, I came to help. You are the dragon in the world. Stirring the storm, turmoiled the entire North Plains. Such a style, called Mo Mou have to admire. Our Mohist City. Has been jointly suppressed by the golden tribe. In the past, giant Yang Xianzun is an excessive demand for the Mohist City, and tribute to countless Mohs women. In this way, you have destroyed Wang Tingfu. It is also helping us to avenge the enemy. You are also a friend of the earth. Then it is me. A friend of Motan Sang. If there is a plan in the future, please go to the Mohist City as a guest."

It is worthy of being the head of the ink, and the eloquence is achieved. If you say something, you will fully show your intentions, especially if you are not humble, it is very rare.

"Who is a friend with this stinky boy?" The voice of the earth shouted dissatisfied.

However, just hearing Fang Yuan praise his friends, he is happy. The previous anger was weakened.

Fang Yuan nodded to the Ink King and said with deep meaning: "I have a chance. I must go to the Mohist City to see it."

After that, he looked at the earthly spirits, did not buy the account of the spirits, and continued to excite: "The earth, I am not your friend, you have to welcome me, refining for me. You forgot, I still Once I was asked to take the opportunity to refine! I want you to smelt, you can't refine it!"

There is no city in the land, and the anger is rising again.

Usually, there are also Zhu Xian who asked him to refine. They are all polite and even flattering.

When was he so angry with Fang Yuan?

However, Fang Yuan said that it is the fact that he still has the last chance to refine, and the spirit of the earth is the obsession of the long-haired ancestors. The body promised to agree in the same year, he must obey.

"The little thief is abominable, and I am also discouraged, and I am also mad at me!" The awkward aura was blushing and thick, and wowed.

Suddenly, he smiled and smiled: "Ah, hahaha, I am trapped, this airway seal is too troublesome, there are seventeen or eight layers, layer seals. Just the ink king just unlocked the first layer! Hahaha I really can't help you refining it now, I can't get it, it's great!"

Since being sealed, he has been bored and can't refine, and his biggest hobby has been deprived.

But this time, he felt that he was very happy.

It’s all from the source.

Looking at this wonderful sly spirit, it is also called laughing, the old urchin is generally alive, and Baiyunsheng feels that this trip is not empty, it is an eye-opener.

The Ink King is silent. His family is big and he is not willing to offend Fangyuan easily.

Fangyuan coughed and said: "Well, let's say something serious. Since you can't refine, then forget it. I have one more thing to come here, I want to make a deal with you."

"Transaction, what transaction?" asked the earth.

The mind of the Ink King immediately alerted him. Although the IQ was quite high, his temperament was real and it was difficult to ensure that he would not be deceived. If you are a real friend of the earth, if Fang Yuan really plans to do something wrong, he will stand up and detect the other party’s tricks for the The transaction content is very simple, you should remember that I am a Zhidao teacher. Right? I am willing to calculate the immortal side for you, and you spend the sacred stone as a reward. This is a win-win deal. Fang Yuandao.

“Thinking the squad?” The scorpion’s eyes widened, and after smashing it, he laughed again.

He laughed and leaned forward, and if his hands were not tied, it was estimated that he had already laughed and threw his thighs.

Sui Lingling sneered: "Fangyuan ah Fangyuan, you are now a zombie, actually want to calculate the 蛊方?

Ink King said: "If it is a fairy, even if it is a remnant, it is of great value. If you are not able to calculate it, then is the content of Xianfang not known to you?"

Dingling received a reminder, suddenly shouted: "Good boy, you actually want to lie to my old man's fairy!"

Fang Yuan had already prepared. At this time, he smiled and reached out. He spread a strange claw and revealed a fairy worm: "Look, what is this?"

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