Reverend Insanity

: Section 90: It’s just a little wind cream.

In the hall, the lights are bright.

On the round table, the wine is cold and the dish is cold.

The red and bright candle screamed, and the shadow of the uncle's aunt was photographed on the wall.

The shadows of the two men joined together, and with the candlelight, they shook sullenly.

In front of them, squatting.

My uncle broke the silence: "I don't want this source, I really want to be right against me. Hey, I was trying to persuade him, want to stabilize him, let him live at home first, and then find reasons to drive him out. I didn't expect that little sister-in-law was not fooled! He was ironic, and actually refused my invitation, there was no room for negotiation! Even my threshold did not cross further!"

My aunt bites her teeth and looks a little panicked: "This unfamiliar little wolf scorpion is now sixteen years old. If he asks for family property, we can't help but give it. The family we got, the pens are in the house." Clear registration, can not rely on the account. What can I do?!"

"You go first." After the uncle retired and sneered, he sneered. "You should not worry. I have been thinking about planning for the past year. First of all, if you want to separate, you must have a middle-level repair. For this point, the source has already been reached, and it has already been repaired, and even won the first year of the year. It is really impressive. Hehe..."

"However, it is not so easy to succeed in the distribution of family property! A mid-level repair is only a prerequisite. If you want to be assigned to a family property, Fangyuan will also apply. If the House Office approves it, it will release the task. Investigate whether he is qualified or not. This is also the policy of the family to prevent the indiscriminate division of family property, resulting in excessive internal consumption and weakened family strength."

My aunt suddenly realized: "So, to complete this task, Fangyuan can get the legacy of his parents."

"Not bad." The uncle said with a smile, "But the task of the House of Representatives is issued for the group. This family task is no exception. If Fang Yuan wants to complete it, he must rely on the power of the group. It is impossible to rely on himself alone. The family did this, and it did everything possible to integrate the group, so that the team members could unite and improve cohesion."

My aunt laughed: "Master, you are so wise. Let Corner 3 put Fangyuan into the group. In this way, Fangyuan needs their strength to complete the family task. But the third is our people. Fang Yuan alone can't complete this task."

In the eyes of the uncle, a glimmer of light flashed, saying: "Hey, even if he can't get him into the group, I have other ways to deal with him. Don't say that he has completed the task, even if he wants to apply for separation, he receives this family task. It may not be possible!"


As night fell, the snow stopped.

Fangyuan walked on the street, and the bamboo buildings along the road were covered with a layer of white frost and snow.

The foot stepped on the snow and made a slight noise. The cold air breathes into the body, making Fang Yuan’s mind sober.

After refusing to sink, Fang Yuan ignored the retention of the third-class, and left the crowd to act alone.

"It turned out to be the case." He thought as he walked. "My father-in-law is trying to catch me, delaying me and letting me lose the chance to regain my legacy."

"After a year, I am sixteen years old and qualified to be separated. My parents are dead, my brother has re-recognized my new parents. As long as I succeed, my inheritance is mine. But to get back this legacy, the process scores two. Steps, every step is big."

"The first step is to apply to the House of Representatives on the premise that there is no task. The second step is to complete the family task issued by the House of Representatives, so that it is eligible for family property."

"Yang San and his uncle and aunt are all a squat, and don't say the second step. He will get stuck in the first step."

According to the family regulations, the division can only complete one task at a time. This is to prevent the teacher from overcoming the task and causing vicious competition within the family.

The angle three consecutive receiving tasks, just completed the task of collecting saprolite frozen soil, immediately took a new task to capture the wild deer.

The tasks of the family are all issued for the entire group. That is to say, according to the regulations of the family, Fangyuan must complete the task of capturing the wild deer before they have the right to apply for separation.

"But then, I believe that the third corner will definitely pick up the task. As the leader of the team, he will always be one step faster than me in the handover task. I can take a step to apply for the homework task, but he is stuck in In front of me." Thinking of this, the eyes of Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed.

These intrigues are really annoying, like an invisible rope to tie the way forward.

However, Fangyuan does not regret entering this group.

The situation of playing the battlefield at that time put him in a dilemma. The invitation of the third corner is to solve the problem.

If you don't enter this group, I believe that my father and my mother will have other means to prevent it. Now in the group, instead of seeing their layout, they can easily counterattack.

"To solve this trouble, there is no way. The simplest and most direct way is to directly remove the corner three and directly assassinate the father-in-law, and no one will compete with me in the family. But this method is too risky. They are all two-turners, and my training is still a bit low. And even if they kill them, they can’t be reconciled. Unless there is a perfect opportunity, you can take advantage of it... but this opportunity can often I can't ask for it."

Fang Yuan can kill the family slave high bowl, you can kill the Wang Laohan family. That's because they are all mortals, slaves, and their lives are despicable. Killing them is equivalent to killing a dog and breaking a grass. It doesn't matter.

But to assassinate the sergeant, the trouble is big.

The sergeants are all surnamed Gu Yue, both of whom are ethnic. No matter which one is dead, it will lead to a thorough investigation of the family punishment. Fang Yuan assessed his strength, and now the risk of murder is too great, and maybe he will be killed. Even if it is killed, the investigation of the criminal court will be a bigger problem. My future actions are monitored, and even the remains of the wine drinkers may be investigated.

"In order to eradicate a small trouble, it has caused a big trouble of a hundred times of trouble. This is really not for the wise man. Well? It is here." Fang Yuankou whispered to himself, stopping in front of a dilapidated bamboo building.

The bamboo building has been ruined, like an old man who walks in the woods, bending over in the cold winter wind and lingering.

Looking at this bamboo building, Fang Yuan’s face could not help but reveal a trace of recollection.

This is the house he rented in his previous life.

When he was evicted from his home by his uncle, he had less than fifteen stones. After finding a street for a few days, he found it.

The room here is too worn out, so the rent is much lower than anywhere else. And other places are settled on a monthly basis, settled on a quarterly basis, but here is settled by the number of days.

"I don't know other places, whether there is a father's aunt's arrangement. But the memories of past lives tell me, at least not here." Fang Yuan slammed the threshold.

For half an hour, he set up a rental agreement and was taken by the landlord to a room on the second floor.

The old floor, stepping on the foot, makes a worrying sound.

The facilities in the room are simple, only one bed, one quilt. There were a lot of patches on the quilt, and there were still holes in it, revealing yellowed cotton wool inside.

There was an oil lamp on the bedside, and after the landlord lit up, he left.

Fangyuan did not sleep, but sat on the bed and began to practice.

In the open air, the tides of the Yuanhai River rise and fall, and the waves are destroyed. Every drop of water is dark green.

The empty walls are solid white crystal film, translucent.

It is the scene of a peak.

Suddenly, the bronze Yuanhai began to set off a huge wave. It was like a head beast, suddenly violent, and launched a suicide-like impact on the surrounding walls.


The huge waves picked up and slammed into the wall, and the splashing waves shattered into a little green crystal, and then completely dissipated.

In a short period of time, the 40% of the true sea surface is rapidly reduced, and a large number of real elements are consumed violently.

On the thick and solid crystal film, a crack also appeared.

But it is just a crack, which is not enough.

Fangyuan has to break through the peak of a turn, and promoted to the second turn, it is necessary to completely rush this film, break it and stand!

The dark green element constantly impacts the crystal film, and the cracks on the crystal film are also increasing, gradually becoming a whole piece. In some places, the cracks deepen and form more pronounced cracks.

However, with the complete consumption of the Yuanhai, after the real element continued to impact, these cracks on the crystal film began to heal and the crack began to disappear.

Fang Yuan is not unexpected, withdrawing his mind and opening his eyes.

The oil lamp has been extinguished, and there is not much oil.

The room was dark, only the gap in the window, and some faint snow.

There is no stove in the room, not warm. Fang Yuanpan sat on the bed, has not been active for a long time, has already felt the chill of his body is gradually increasing.

His black scorpion blends with the darkness.

"In fact, we must break through the blockade of the third angle, and there is a simpler and safer way than killing. That is to promote the second turn! The transfer of the division does not give up the right to the task, but the second transfer to the division is once a year. If I am promoted Two turns, directly give up the task, you can apply for separation."

"But breaking through the two turns ~ is not so easy." Thinking of this, Fangyuan sighed. Get out of bed and walk slowly in a small room.

From the initial level to the middle level, from the middle level to the higher order, this is a small realm of promotion. From the turn of the peak to the second to the first stage, this is a breakthrough in the realm. The difficulty between the two is not the same.

To put it simply, to break through the crystal film, it is necessary to explode, and to form a strong enough impact force in a short time to break the crystal film.

However, Fangyuan only has qualifications such as C. The true yuan in Yuanhai is only 40%. If the explosion is full, the crystal film will be impacted, and after a while, the real element will be exhausted.

Just like that, after the real yuan consumes light, there is no room for further impact. The crystal film has the ability to self-recover, and it will take a long time to heal. The efforts made by Fang Yuan have become useless.

"To break through the crystal film and achieve two turns, it is not a special case. Generally, at least 50% of the dark green yuan is needed. And my qualification is limited, and the maximum is only 40%. So people often say that the qualification is the second focus of the practice. !"

Thinking of this, Fangyuan slowly stopped.

Unconsciously, he had already walked to the window, so he opened the window.

Surrounded by hurricane, the window is full of snow.

Under the moonlight, snow is like white jade, paving the world like a crystal palace, and it is not stained.

The snow shines on Fang Yuan's young face. He looks calm and his eyebrows stretch. The pair of scorpions are like the moon under the moon.

The cold wind rushed to the face, and the boy suddenly smiled: "It’s just a little wind cream."

(ps: I’m angry, I’ll be able to post it at 8 o'clock, but it doesn’t work. It’s the same yesterday, it’s been three times in a row. Anyone who knows tell me!)

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