Reverend Insanity

: Section 91: Fang Yuan, we are very worried about you

I didn't sleep all night, and when the day was bright, Fangyuan went out and bought something.

Renting a house is rudimentary, and it is ruined. If you live for a long time, the cold will invade your body and you will get sick.

Although Fang Yuan has consumed more than half of it today, some of the living utensils have to be purchased. This kind of thing can't be saved.

The first is the bedding, the big quilt to be filled with new cotton, at least two. In addition to this, there are sheets and cushions.

The oil lamp has to be bought again to be able to illuminate enough, and the lamp oil must have at least two pots.

Fang Yuan thought for a moment, although the rented room was not large, but it was still able to place a small table and chair, and simply bought it.

The most important thing is the stove.

In the big winter, if there is no stove to warm up, sleep in it, and you can still wake up in the middle of the night.

In addition to these, Fangyuan also bought some dry food. I also prepared some water, enough for him to get it for seven days.

The winter rises and exudes lazy light.

The four-level sergeant of the ancient moon corner, standing in the north gate of the cottage, has been waiting for the heart.

"I'm not right, this place and time was clearly announced last night. But now it has been a quarter of an hour, how has this source still not appeared?" a female team member said.

"Slightly safe, don't wait, wait. Newcomers are also inevitable." Corner three smiled, he was unable to find a chance to suppress Fangyuan, did not expect to take the initiative to send the door the next day.

"We will wait for the first class. Actually, let the leader of the team wait for him with us. The shelf of this kid is too big!" Gu Yuekongjing sighed, his voice was indignant.

However, after half an hour, Fangyuan still disappeared.

The face of the corner three is covered with a haze.

"This stinky boy, will not remember the wrong place? Clearly said, good at the North Gate." Empty well doubt.

"I am waiting here, you go to the various gates to find." Three corners of the order, the three members have to do.

After a while, they returned to the corner of the third in no way.

"This source will not have already seen our plan and left the group directly?" said a son-in-law.

"You think of him too deeply. He is the first person at the end of the year, and he is just a young man. The age is there."

The three faces are gloomy and watery: "If he knows it, it is a secondary matter. The key now is to find him. The only thing I worry about right now is that he left us and started to attack two times alone. I voluntarily give up one task and apply for separation directly from the House of Internal Affairs. Find and find him. The cottage is so big, there are so many houses to rent, you must find him, and you must not give him a second turn!"



In the room, the square source plate sits on the bed.

In front of him, he opened several purses, which contained all the stones he owned.

"The Yuanshi is not much." Fang Yuan sighed and looked a little dignified.

Yuanshi is the fundamental driving force for the advancement of the Yanshi. If Yuanshi is lacking, the real yuan will only rely on its own recovery ability, which will greatly reduce the speed of practice. At the same time, the food supply is not available, and the mites will starve to death.

Yuanyuan’s Yuanshi, once in the school’s study days, once reached thousands of pieces. But I can't afford the accumulated consumption.

In the same period, the sorcerer, until now, is only three locusts.

However, after Yuan Yuan took the first place at the end of the year, he entered the diverticulum and chose a small light for free.

Must choose, give up, it will cause doubt.

Just like this, the number of locusts in his hands has now reached seven!

There is no doubt that this is a heavy economic burden.

"If you continue this way, you can only support for two months. Therefore, you must recapture the inheritance. That is the best economic support. But to regain the inheritance, the first step is to promote the second turn." Fang Yuan has a faint gaze.

For Fang Yuan, it is not easy to promote two turns.

Yanshi practice, the first heavy resources, the second heavy qualification. The qualifications are not good, the harder the practice of the teacher is, the lower the future achievements will be.

Qualifications range from low to high, such as Ding, C, etc., B, etc.

But this is only a rough division.

In fact, each qualification has a detailed scale.

Take C, etc., the storage limit of the real yuan in the open space is at least 40%, up to 59%.

Fang Yuan’s specific real yuan is only 40%. In this scope of C and other qualifications, he is only in the middle and lower classes.

The impact of two turns, at least 55% of the dark green real yuan. This is not a difficult thing for the teachers of Grade A and B. For those teachers whose true yuan is fifty-five, five-five, and that have been five to nine, they can easily pass.

Therefore, C and other qualified teachers, as long as the accumulation reaches a certain level, most people will be promoted to two turns. Only a very small number of people can reach three turns.

Therefore, once the qualification is measured, the generation of most people can be foreseen. Fang Yuan suffered a cold reception and did not blame the world for prejudice.

"My C and other qualifications, although only four-fourth, but to break through the crystal wall, break and stand, to achieve two turns, there is no way. The most fundamental method is to find a locust that can improve their qualifications. The method is to obtain auxiliary mites like worms and so on, and it can also help the sergeant to break through the obstacles. Once again, get the help of the teacher, but the use of heterogeneous real elements has great sequelae, unless you can find clean water in the future. Hey, wash away the strange smell."

While Fang Yuan was thinking in his heart, he took out his hands and took out the Yuanshi from the bag, rubbing the smooth surface of the Yuanshi with his fingers.

"But these methods are not desirable for me now. I don't have the help of the teacher. Even if there is, I will not put the key points in the hands of others. The locusts such as worms are rare. I am able to get the worms for a while, and it is already very lucky. As for the locusts that have been upgraded, they have been pasted, so they can practice to the six-turn realm. I also know where to get, but those places, with my current repair I can't get in. If I get it, I can't keep it, I can't even use it."

"But in addition to these methods, there is the most inferior way. That is to use the Yuanshi strong push!" Read this, Fangyuan eyes flashed, hands hold the Yuanshi tightly.

Yanshi practice, the first heavy resources, the second heavy qualification.

In the case of insufficient qualifications, resources can be used to make a certain degree of compensation.

"My real yuan is only 40% at most, and it has a bad impact. But if I am shocking, I will absorb the real yuan and persist for a period of time, up to four or five days, and I will break through the wall!"

The determination has already been set, Fang Yuan resolutely closed his eyes, and his mind sank into the air.

Bronze Yuanhai renewed the waves, and the waves rushed to the wall of the crystal film.

But this time, in order to avoid premature consumption of the real element, there is no spare force to maintain the crack, so that the wall is restored, and Fangyuan deliberately slows down the impact.

In this way, the loss rate of the bronze true element is greatly reduced, but the rate of crack increase on the crystal film is also reduced, but Fangyuan is still taking the natural true element in the Yuanshi.

The speed of the true element recovery should be slightly greater than the rate at which the crack on the crystal film heals. This is a long-term, although the progress is extremely slow, not as much as one percent of the effect of urging the real yuan, but for a long time, there is hope for success.

In this case, Fangyuan must practice in addition to the necessary meals and excretions. The more time is wasted, the more wasteful the Yuanshi is, and the more efforts are made.

Stop at most a quarter of an hour, and if there is no more real element to continue the impact, the crystal film will be fully restored.

Therefore, once the impact begins, it must be sustained until it is successful and must not be disturbed. Once you stop the time, you have to come back.

There are not so many Yuanshi in Fangyuan’s hands, and you can come back several times.

The time spent in practice was so fast that in the twinkling of an eye, the sun fell to the top of the mountain.

At dusk, the corners of the three faces were covered with frost and the voice was low: "Looking for a day, haven't you found it yet?"

"No, the leader of the group." The empty well wiped the cold sweat on his head. "The kid didn't rent the house we introduced. I don't know where to go."

"Hey! I will continue to find tomorrow, I must find him. I remember to search the inn. I really don't believe it. The cottage is so big, no matter where he shrinks, there will be clues!"

At noon the next day, their search finally yielded results.

A female sergeant rushed to the front of the corner, and reported: "I found it, I found it! Fangyuan is renting a room on the second floor in a dilapidated bamboo building. According to the description of the landlord, it's him."

"Oh, it really is not what I expected. I really hid it, and I fully attacked it." Corner Sanyin laughed. "Go, we all go to his house to be a guest, ask hello. Newcomers, always have to Take care of it."

"Oh..." everyone sneered.

The four immediately went to the residence of Fangyuan.

A piece of bamboo paper is attached to the threshold.

Take the corner three and take a look. Bamboo paper is the handwriting of Fangyuan. The general idea is that it is necessary to close the country for a few days, and not to leave the house. If outsiders see it, don't bother. If you look at the corner three, this is the leave of absence.

The corner three slammed and dropped the bamboo paper.

How could it make you so rushed to the second turn?

He sneered and slammed the door.


"Fangyuan Lao Are you here?" He said very loudly. "We are coming to see you. You are really, retreat this kind of thing, you should talk to us first."

There was no response in the room.


Corner three vigorously knocked on the door.

"Fangyuan's younger brother, I am not saying you. You are good at making claims. Since you have joined our team, you should act to obey the command, obey the organization, and act together. We have taken the task of capturing the wild deer, which is specialized. Give it to you for training. You may wish to stop first, we will complete this task first, and then practice it is not too late." Corner three eyes, his face is gloomy, but the tone is very gentle.

There is still no response in the room.

Corner three suddenly raised the tone, said: "Fangyuan brother, why have you not responded to me. You will not have anything to do? Shock two turns, it is not so simple. You can ask us a few questions first. Well. Fang Yuan! You heard no, not good, have you passed out?"

Jiao San said to himself, his face sneered, and his words were full of concern and anxious tone.

The other three team members looked at the side.

The empty well intervened in a timely manner: "The leader of the group, it is really guessed by you. If Fangyuan does not respond for a long time, we will go in and save people!"

"Fangyuan! Fangyuan, you are going to open the door. You are so silent, really let us worry about you. If you don't open the door again, we will break into the door. You are a newcomer just entering our team, we can't see In a dangerous situation!" Corner three shouted loudly.

But there was no response in the room.

The angle of the three corners of the corner is slightly upturned, and the head is turned back to indicate the empty well.

The empty heart will lead the gods and raise their feet and mammoth.

With a bang, the entire door was smashed and squatted on the bed!

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