Reverend Insanity

: Section 97: Devil's Head

House of Internal Affairs, Interrogation Room.

The winter sun shines through the only skylight.

The dust is floating in the light column, slowly floating.

The light column enveloped a chair.

Fangyuan sat in this chair and bathed in the sun.

In front of him, in front of the shadows and dark walls, there was a long table with three old people sitting behind the table.

The investigation has been going on for an hour.

"Fangyuan, are you sure that you have just made a mistake?" A veteran.

"Yes." Fang Yuan lowered his eyes and looked at his toes. The sun shone on his white face, making him look like a white sculpture.

In this situation, he also expected it.

After all, the other four sorcerers in his group were dead, and he was still alive.

In fact, each of the teachers will receive a certain degree of inquiry, which is convenient for the family to collect battlefield information. However, Fang Yuan has been inquiring for an hour, and it is obvious that someone behind him is against him.

This is completely understandable.

As long as it is a person, there is a social relationship, and behind it can involve a series of people.

"Then you will elaborate on the situation in the battlefield at the time." The old man continued to ask.

"Yes. I spent a few days and broke through the second turn. I just went back to the door of the cottage and met the Chishan team... After I found the third class, I went to the group. At the time they were fighting with the wild boar king... Fang Yuan said with a calm tone as always.

The second turn was that he took the initiative to expose it. There was no corresponding locust to cover it. The breath of the second turn was unstoppable.

Nowadays, the four snakes have died, and the so-called nature has been edited with him. However, Fang Yuan has only concealed some key details, and most of the things that have happened are happening.

This is already the fifth time of Fang Yuan’s narrative. The three old people are listening and frowning.

They can't hear loopholes, but they know a little bit - they are afraid to say more. If you say it a few times, you will naturally have flaws. But after five times, Fangyuan has some differences in each statement, but the content is consistent.

"It should be true." The three old men looked at each other and exchanged their eyes.

Just one of them is old and not satisfied.

One of her daughters, the treatment sorcerer in the sick snake group, was the most loved when she was, and she died in the wolf. This made her feel resentful, and at this time she looked at Fang Yuan, her eyes were cold.

"Fangyuan, I ask you, you cut the scales net with the moon blade, why do you do this?" The middle-aged woman looked like a strong old man.

"Because of panic, I want to make meritorious deeds, and the result is really helpless." Fang Yuandao.

"Then I will ask you again, do you hide in the belly of the pig, do you deliberately let the female teachers of the same group stop the disaster for you?" asked the old man.

"I don't know. I was so scared at the time. I wanted to hide in the body of the wild boar when I was in a panic. As a result, she also came in and competed with me for the position inside. She did not **** me and was bitten by the electric wolf. , dead. I am very embarrassed." Fang Yuan replied.

The middle-aged female girl bit his teeth, Fang Yuan answered very embarrassed, but stated a fact. In fact, he did not say his own subjective intentions. This made him want to suppress his old family and could not grasp any handles. His heart was naturally indignant and could not help.

In this case, it is impossible to convict the other party...

It’s been three days since the small beast.

The results of the casualties were counted, making the face of the family’s tops ugly.

In the past, there was a loss of the small beast, but it was definitely not so serious. The reason is the electric wolves. If you put it in before, you will have these wolves after at least three waves of small beasts.

The world is in a difficult environment and difficult to survive.

For human beings, in order to survive, in addition to competing with other human resources, they must fight against fierce beasts and bad weather.

These struggles are often arduous.

The small beast is just a prelude. The real horror is the large wolf tide a year later. By that time, there were thousands of electric wolves hitting the cottage, and there was a thundering wolf with a terrible power.

After the female family was unwilling to ask a few more questions, she finally chose to give up under the unassailable answer of Fang Yuan.

"So Fangyuan, what are your plans for the next?" Another family member asked in a deep sense.

"I intend to apply for a separation task, inherit the legacy left by my parents, and live well." Fang Yuan directly admitted that there is no need to hide this point.

Because the sick snake group is almost completely destroyed, only Fang Yuan is left alone. Therefore, he also has the right to take up the separation task without having to use the right of the second transfer teacher to give up the task.

The teacher who asked the question nodded and shook his head. The other source said: "You still don't understand what I mean. Your team members have all sacrificed except you. My advice to you is to join another group. The task difficulty of the House of Internal Affairs is designed for the team, and it is difficult for one person to complete. Whether it is your separation task or a monthly mandatory task, this is the case."

Fangyuan was silent and did not answer.

The old man continued: "Of course, there is still a choice. You are already a second-in-command, qualified to be the team leader. As long as you pass an assessment task, you can form your own team. Which one do you want to choose?"

Fang Yuan blinked his eyes: "I haven't thought about it yet, I need time to think about it."

"Then you can go, go back and think about it as soon as possible. Reorganize the team, just in this few days, after this period, if you want to enter the group again, it will be difficult." The old family cares.

Fang Yuan sneered in the heart, he will not choose these two roads.

There are too many secrets on his body, and his independence is not only safer, but also more convenient for him to act. Otherwise, next, always follow other people, not to worry about Fangyuan?

After leaving the interrogation room, Fang Yuan did not leave the House of Representatives directly, but applied for a separation task. The result was told that the business was busy recently and he came back three days later.

Out of the door of the House of Internal Affairs, he looked at the sky.

It’s just a winter afternoon, it’s just plain.

The winter is bleak and the wind is biting. The air seems to be filled with grief and heavy.

"Today is a collective mourning meeting. The ancient moon Jinzhu is dead. Do you know Fangyuan?" A group of teenagers such as Mobei passed by here and stopped.

In addition to Mobei, there are also Founder, Chicheng and others.

Mobei and Chicheng usually do not have the right path, but today they seem to have forgotten each other's grudges and walked together.

"Brother, Jin Zhu and we have lived together for a year. Let's go with us." Founder Road.

Gu Yue Jinzhu...

Fang Yuan’s mind suddenly appeared as a girl.

It used to be a match with Mobei in the ring and it was later defeated because of lack of physical strength. It is a girl who works hard.

However, under death, whether it is a beautiful thing or an ugly thing, it is treated equally.

Most people will feel a pity, but in Fang Yuan's view, it has long been sparse.

"Oh, is she also dead? But it is human nature to live and die. It will be light if you look too much. Go, I am not available." Fang Yuan and everyone passed by.

"This guy!" There were a lot of teenagers indignant.

"It's cold blood and ruthless..."

"He didn't even care about his classmates at all!"

"Hey, the family has been spread all over the place, you should have heard of it. The reason why Fangyuan survived is to hide in the pig's stomach, and then use a female sergeant in the same group as a shield."

"It’s a shame. In order to hide and steal, there is no such thing as a man.” Chicheng sneered.

"Brother..." Founder gnawed his Listening to such arguments, as a younger brother of Fangyuan, he felt a shame.

Fang Yuan walked, the cynicism behind him, getting farther and farther, and gradually disappeared.

His heart is calm.

Insulting me?

If you want to talk about it, what can you do?

A person with a shallow heart is often angry with a curse, because of praise and joy.

But in fact, these are just what others think of you. Because of the opinions of others, the people who are alive are destined to be poor people.

In fact, after some deliberate publicity of some people, Fang Yuan’s reputation has been stinking.

Sacrificing female companions and preserving oneself, such acts will not be punished, but will be condemned by moral opinion.

However, this is also the situation that Fangyuan wants to create.

Once you enter the system, it is the chess piece. If you are involuntarily, you must follow the system. For Fang Yuan, it is too inconvenient. He needs resources and needs to be alone.

So he wants to be a lonely man.

How is it rejected by everyone? Oh, only those who are weak inside will be afraid of being excluded.

This situation will fall on the earth, and no matter who is dead. After all, the two fists are difficult to attack the four hands, and social relations are the guarantee of survival.

But in this world, as long as it is strong, one person can reach ten people, one hundred people, and ten thousand people. What is the rejection, blocking his own way, killing directly. Without resources, it is just a direct force.

The rules of each world are different, and they are doomed to differences in social forms, resulting in differences in the way humans behave.

The more the high-mart world, the weaker the collective concept.

So in this world -

The devil is rampant.

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