Reverend Insanity

: Section 98: Difficulties in refining

"What? That kid, now it is actually a two-turner, and applied to the House of Representatives for a separation task!" The voice of the uncle's ancient moon and turmoil echoed in the hall.

"This is indeed the case. Although I have received your Yuanshi, but it is not good to stop him, I can only tell him to take the task after three days. Helping you delay so many days is already the limit I can do. "The middle-aged male teacher sitting on the side said.

The ancient moon and frozen soil snorted, and he heard the meaning of the house teacher.

What "delayed for three days is already the limit", saying that is nothing more than trying to trick him into some money.

"However, it is imperative to do everything in its power to keep the property. This little **** is too unavoidable!" The cold moon in the forehead of the ancient moon and frozen water, the growth rate of Fangyuan made him feel a sense of trepidation.

"I came here to tell you aloud, and I said goodbye." The middle-aged male sergeant got up and went.

"Don't hurry, my brother. Some things, please ask for your convenience." The ancient moon frozen land quickly stood up, took out a purse and stuffed it into the hands of the male teacher.

The male sergeant will fill a bag of Yuanshi and stuff it into his own arms. When the words suddenly turn, he laughs loudly: "The frozen brother, you are too kind. What is the relationship between our brothers, as early as ten I met you years ago. You can rest assured that I will prepare one of the most difficult tasks and hand them over to Fang Yuan. But Fang Yuan may hire other teachers. You should pay attention to this."

"Oh, huh, you can rest assured. Brother, although I retired, but the relationship network is still there, I have already asked people to stare at him. If the kid hires an outsider, it is a violation of the family rules, and is not holding his handle. What. Hey..."

"Then I will be relieved and leave."

"I will send you."

"No, please stay."

The ancient moon and frozen soil looked at the back of the teacher, and the smile on his face gradually collapsed.

"This source, obviously C, etc., how can it be promoted so quickly?! It’s damn, what are they doing in the corner three! I can’t even see a big living.”

"Hey, now three or four corners, actually died in the beast tide, it is really useless. Fang Yuan has been promoted to two turns, so that he will be able to receive the task of family production. Previously restricted his means, Can't be used anymore. However, he is now a lonely man, and it is really difficult to complete the family task alone."

"Not right! This kid's luck is a bit sinister. Just ask the three people in the corner to hold him down. Then he came to the little beast. What if he relied on luck and completed the task? I have to make the worst preparation! ”

People are old and fine, the ancient moon and frozen soil can be good and good, and live to the present, it represents success.

Compared with the fledgling source, his interpersonal relationship is much stronger.


“Collecting honey wine?” Fang Yuan received this home production task, and his eyes flashed.

This task is very troublesome. It is to collect the honey of the golden bee. Each of the golden bees has a fist size, a black gold spotted body, a sharp bee sting, and a strong aggressiveness.

This is not counting, the average small bee colony, only honey. Only in the large and medium-sized hive, if the honey accumulates more, it will be brewed into more precious honey.

"This task, even for the five-person team, is also very difficult. Because many people are useless, the sorcerer who collects the honey wine must have a defensive locust to withstand the bee sting attack. It seems that the uncle is Behind the shot is to bully me without a defensive locust. Unfortunately... he is miscalculated." Fang Yuan sneered in his heart.

Now, it shows the legacy of the wine drinker, and the hidden benefits.

It’s easy to do things, and it’s hard to make things clear.

The brighter the act, the more people will see through it, and the easier it will be to stop it. In contrast, acting in secret, hiding the cards, makes people unable to understand the situation, can not prescribe the right medicine.

"However, I want to collect honey wine. It is not enough to rely on jade skin. The jade skin is just a turn of locusts. If it can be promoted into a two-turn white jade, I believe it will come."

There is no need to take the risk to try, and the rich experience of life makes Fangyuan take a detour.

Speaking of it, Fang Yuan is now the first division of the second division, but the aphids on the body, except for the Spring and Autumn Period, are a series of locusts.

This kind of situation is like a big man who can cut people with a big knife, but he has a small dagger. The dagger can't fully play the biggest fighting power of the big man. Only the big knife is the most handy.

In the hands of Fang Yuan, there are seven locusts.

The life of the spring and autumn, moonlight, wine, insects, white peony, jade skin and two small light.

Among them, the moonlight 蛊 and two small gongs can be combined into a two-turn moon 蛊, white 豕蛊 and jade 蛊 蛊 练 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊

Moon Mang represents the rise in offensive capabilities, while Bai Yuxi is a growth defense.

If the Fangyuan Yuanshi is sufficient, naturally both will be refining. But not long ago, in order to push the repair to two turns, he consumed most of the Yuanshi. Now the stone in hand is only enough for one use.

"There is no doubt that it is more sensible to choose to practice white jade. With white jade, I can collect honey wine. And having white jade, it is also helpful for the inheritance of the wine drinker. But if this is my refinement Failure, the result is serious. My economy is on the verge of collapse, and without the white jade, I cannot inherit the inheritance. If this card is stuck, it will seriously delay my growth rate."

Fang Yuan feels a pressure.

He knows that he is at a critical moment. If it is successful, the natural future is bright. If it fails, it seems to fall into the abyss. If you want to climb to the present level, you need to work harder and longer.


"Yu Shi takes his own Yuanhai as the cornerstone and uses locusts as a means. He is a must-have for the priests. If there is no blasphemy, he will not be able to talk about the sorcerer. In addition to his own practice, the sergeant has to refine, Keep cockroaches and use cockroaches."

In the room, the patriarch Gu Yuebo carefully explained to the Founder.

"Refining, raising, and using, these three aspects, all aspects are profound and profound, and the life of the people can not be explored. In terms of refining, you already know how to refine a locust and collect it for yourself. Use. However, this is just a single refinement. In addition to single refining, there are more important refinements."

"By refining, you can combine different kinds of locusts into one more advanced locust. This is the evolution and sublimation of life. Founder, you have already been converted into a second, the locusts in your hands are It’s all a turn. It’s a two-turn locust.”

Founder asked: "The patriarch, how can I refine it?"

Gu Yuebo said: "If you want to refine, you have to know the secret recipe. Some locusts cannot be refining. After countless years of development and precipitation, the ancestors summed up through continuous practice and countless failures. Many secret recipes. Our ancient moon family, the most in-depth study of moonlight, has now mastered two five-transition secret recipes."

"What is the five-way secret recipe?"

"According to this secret recipe, we will continue to train and finally get a five-turn locust. Fang Yuan, you have a jade plaque in your hand, and there is a moonlight 蛊, which is in line with one of the five-turn secret recipe. You follow this secret recipe and will eventually combine five turns of locusts - Baoyueguang Wanghao!"

"Bao Yueguang Wang Hao?" Founder's face suddenly appeared a yearning for love.

"Hehehe, now I am telling you five turns of locusts, it is too early. Come, you take out the jade and the moonlight, I will guide you how to make these two scorpions into two turns of locusts!"

Having said that, Gu Yuebo’s face turned solemn: “The most important thing to do with locusts is to use one heart and multi-purpose, and to integrate consciousness. Now the moonlight in your hands, the jade skin, the original wild consciousness are gone, they are all Replace your consciousness. What you have to do now is to combine these two consciousnesses."

"Combine together?" Founder blinked, his expression was very confused.

Gu Yuebo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, practice more, you can grasp this feeling. Let's get started."

"Yeah." Founder nodded. Under the guidance of Gu Yuebo, the reddish red iron real element rose like smoke, and the jade skin and the moonlight were carried in the air.

Founder closed his eyes and began to feel and mobilize the consciousness of these two Gu Yuebo always pays attention outside, and sees the jade skin and the moonlight as two stars, rotating around each other .

As the consciousness becomes more and more integrated, the distance between the two locusts is getting closer.

After three hours of continuous trials, the consciousness in their bodies was finally mobilized by Founder and completely integrated.

Suddenly, both the jade skin and the moonlight burst into a dazzling white light.

Two pieces of white light are linked together and soon form a size of the washbasin.

"Keep the current state, and then throw the Yuanshi into the light group." Gu Yuebo pointed out in time.

Founder took out a piece of Yuanshi and put it into the light group.

It is also strange to say that after Yuan Shi cast it in, he turned into a pure natural real element and completely integrated into the light group. Only some of the white stone powder was left, and they fell on the sheets.

"Continue to throw, until the two turns into a locust." Gu Yue Bodao.

Fang Zheng then threw out the second piece, but at this moment, the white light suddenly disappeared, and the two locusts seemed to be pushed each other by the other side, and flew out in two opposite directions.

The refining failed.

"Well, I just forgot to maintain the fusion of consciousness." Founder immediately recognized the mistakes he made.

"It doesn't matter, the previous failures are very normal." Gu Yuebo comforted Fang Zhengg and then reminded, "But you should pay attention to the fact that the number of failures cannot be too much. Otherwise, the moonlight and the jade will die."

Founder recalled the jade plaque and the moonlight 蛊, and it was discovered that there was a slight crack on the surface of the moonlight scorpion, while the jade scorpion scorpion looked a little languid.

He suddenly sinks into his heart and truly understands the difficulty of refining.

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