"You mean, he abandoned his offspring?"

"For that man, he just thought he was carrying a heavy crime, so he chose to stay away from his blood relatives."

"Stigma Project...."

"There may be more details than this, but...Even I have no way of knowing, after all, I am not the real him."

At this point,

Yulandel nodded.

"I should have no problem."

"Then, I will stimulate the power of Kaslana~ that is dormant in your body."

"That power is far beyond the limits of ordinary humans. If you want to defeat and control it, I suggest you be very alert.-"

Kevin finally spoke seriously.

This made Youlan Daier feel more solemn.

She knew that the real test was about to begin.

The man's mind was like a landscape that disappeared in an instant, leaving only an extreme cold that corroded the girl's bones.

The girl concentrated her mind and felt a fateful road, like a frozen glacier, slowly and firmly extending under her feet.

The extended road led her to the end of the void, where only one voice echoed repeatedly in her mind - kill Honkai.

And the next moment!

【Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse Kill the Collapse】

【Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai Kill Honkai]

Countless thoughts of killing Honkai filled Youlandel's mind!


Suddenly, a severe headache came!

"It's okay, my child."

"That is not your sin, and it is not your responsibility alone."

"At times like this, just rely on your mother's strength."

Accompanied by a gentle voice.

Warm blood flowed back to the brain, and the madness that came from all directions disappeared instantly.

Unlike all the predecessors.

The girl felt that she had an extra power that could truly control it.

That power was silent and warm, soft and powerful.

It prevented her from becoming a vessel for releasing the power of revenge, and helped her become a knight who controlled the long-standing destiny.

——The girl knew.

It was her own biological mother, a momentary yet eternal embrace that she had received across time.....Cecilia's hug!

In an instant!

Inside and outside the screen,

Yulan Daier's figure was shocked!

An indescribable feeling....The emotion from the blood connection surged in my heart!

And in the chat group, there was an uproar!

【Theresa: This is....Cecilia?!】

【Raiden Mei: At a moment like this....】

【Kiana: A】

【March 7: Woo woo woo...No more....So touching....】

【Theresa: Cecilia...】

【Ningguang: As expected, no matter what time it is, mother is someone I can rely on without worry.....】

【Keqing: A Great maternal love...】

【Kafka: Indeed....As a mother, to your children....】

【Silver Wolf: Cough cough cough...Kafka....】

【Rita: Lady Cecilia, that's great.....Helped Lady Yulandel at the critical moment!】

【Tesla: What a magical power...】

And the next moment!

Along with the awakening of the power in Youlan Daier's body!

A horse neighed!

"The road to Tianyuan begins here!"

"It seems that I succeeded, Judge."

On the back of the blue Krishna,

Yulandel slowly opened her eyes and looked at the monsters emerging from the desert.

"Tianyuan Qiying! Ride, Krishna! Drink——!"

Kevin's faint voice followed.

"Defeat the ugliness in this bloodline and prove that you have a unique, new heritage that belongs only to you."

【Qiying's spear flew up and down! Like a butcher cutting an ox, the virtual divine body stopped functioning in an instant.】

【The cold will that controlled the entire space finally dissipated completely, leaving only the fragments of personality that it had previously taken away. 】

At the moment when the imaginary god's skeleton fell.

The huge white puppet that appeared before appeared again!

"you...Really passed that test. Overcame the destiny of saving the world, and entered the Tianyuan realm as a human?!"

"I didn't do this on my own."

"Well, I know, but can your personal efforts be denied just because of this?"

The white puppet continued.

"Life is about inheritance and innovation, and never stopping on the road to progress."

"So, I am grateful that I can stand on the shoulders of giants. Having said that, when these giants turn around and threaten the survival of the world, I must stop them. At least, let them go their own way and not harm this world of people who continue to thrive."

"You don't have to feel conflicted about this. Stopping the old stubborn from doing what they want is the original meaning of the existence of young people in the world. Even though I am just an insignificant fragment of personality, I can feel the passion contained in that Siegfried. He is a real man, and I believe that until the end of time, he will have a young heart."

"you....Memory restored indeed."

"After all, you passed the test of the holy scar and reset the space around you."

The giant puppet said with a smile

"I will eventually return to who I really am....Although by then, he would at best regard the memory between us as an extremely vague dream."


"You don't have to be sad about this helpless thing, compared to those....In these fleeting, foaming final moments of my split body, I have one final obligation to fulfill to you."


"This is the depth of imaginary numbers, but it is also a place where space and space react to each other in a wonderful way. Although with my ability, I am afraid that I can only pass the information from the other side to you in one direction - but no matter what, this is my duty to do my best for you."

The next second.

A purple light appeared on the huge puppet.

As the spatial information spoken by the puppet jumped.

The scene in front of Youlan Daier and all the audience suddenly changed.

"This is where the real Siegfried was finally taken into custody."

"He has always wanted to escape from the Holy Scar Space....But he, who was no longer able to awaken properly, could only shed fragments of his personality like mine in vain in space."

"Kevin's choice was to seal him there - in the place where all his sins were condensed."

Suddenly, hearing the news about the real Siegfried, in reality,

Kiana was shocked.

She originally thought that in this stigmata space, there were fragments of Siegfried's memory and personality.

It was all caused by the strange bloodline of the Kaslana family!

But she didn't expect...

Her dad....I'm really trapped here?!

【Keqing: Wait....The Real Siegfried....Sealed here?!】

【Kiana: Dad?!】

【Raiden Mei: It seems that it was mentioned before...Siegfried was captured by the World Serpent!】

【Kiana: World Serpent....hateful....Why....】

【Theresa: Siegfried...Locked in here by Kevin?!】

【Rita: So far, it seems to be true.】

【March 7: Why are there so many crazy people in this world?...】

【March 7: One Otto killed Cecilia, and another Kevin imprisoned Siegfried!】

【Su Shang: It's too cruel to Kiana and Yulandel...】


【Tesla: Damn these guys!】

【Tesla: He keeps talking about plans to complete, but they all sound like crazy ideas!】

【Einstein: Whether it is Otto or Kevin....They are too great a threat to the world!】

【Honkai Jiko: We must stop them! First Otto! Then the World Snake! 】 (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The next second.

As the puppet said.

Siegfried appeared in the picture.

A weak murmur[]

Apparently , he has been trapped for a long time.


"Why are you smiling at me?...."

"Obviously...I killed you....."

Until this moment.

Until this space has worn him down to this point!

Until his consciousness is almost blurred!

Siegfried is still on this edge, feeling painfully guilty and blaming himself!


Facing Siegfried's painful whispers and self-blame.

Yulandel is also moved.

"No...Mr. Siegfried! Your biological daughter...."

Finally shouted

"She's still alive! She's right here!!"


The white doll on the side poured a bucket of cold water on her.

"This is a one-way communication, she won't hear anything we say, Yulandel"

"this....Of course I understand."

There was a hint of heaviness in Yulandel's voice.

"But I need to tell myself that one day, I will try to let him know that among the many regrets in his life, one is just a misunderstanding of fate...."

"This may be the only comfort I can give him as a person."

0Please give me flowers

【Keqing: Wow, I can’t bear to see this.....】

【Kiana: Dad....】

【Paimon: Paimon wants to cry....A】

【Ying: Good boy... don't cry, little Paimon!】

【March 7: It’s all Otto’s fault!! He ruined the happiness of the whole family!!】

【March 7: There wouldn't have been so much misfortune! Siegfried could have had a complete family!】

【Tesla: Yes.....If it weren't for these tragedies....What a happy family this is.....】

As the identity of Yulandel and the misfortune of her family were emphasized, the people in the chat group were filled with righteous indignation! They all began to criticize Otto!

And just as they said.

If it weren't for Otto's conspiracy and sabotage!

Siegfried would have a happy family at this time! Yulandel would not be ignorant of her life experience and become a destined Valkyrie with only the mission of saving the world!

And Kiana would not have had a miserable childhood!

And just as Yulandel was choking with sobs.

Siegfried seemed to feel her gaze!

He raised his head and murmured

"I seem to have had that dream again."

"Kiana...The sister who inherited your name should not disappoint you."

"Ha ha....At times like this, I'll just pretend someone is listening - when I was a kid, I never thought that Kaslana's bloodline would contain such a deep curse, the constraints of the stigmata, and this icy hell-like scene....."

"But no matter what, I believe that we are all helping others with our own will and protecting the weak with our own will....."

"Seriously, if Cecilia, you guys were still alive....Now, I should have a clear conscience and can calmly accept all arrangements of fate."

"but...It's you, it's you who left like the real Kaslana...."

"So, I have to cheer myself up like I am doing now. Even though I know there is little hope, I will keep telling myself...."

"I must leave here, I must go back to that child and tell her in person that I am fine....."、

".........This should be the greatest comfort I can give her now."

Siegfried's words are so similar to Yulandel's.

But it also makes everyone outside the screen extremely sad and moved.

At this moment,

Kiana in front of the screen is already in tears.

Yulandel in Destiny is also wiping her slightly red eyes.

In the picture,

Siegfried's words continue

"Hahahaha, it seems I have to too.——"


The voice from afar stopped here.

Soon, the vicissitudes of life, but still optimistic face, disappeared from the girl's sight.

He is still alive, he still has his own memories, and he is still trying and optimistically looking forward to reuniting with his family.

Although the time is short and the other party cannot be aware of her existence - the girl still feels that a stone hanging in her heart has fallen unconsciously.

It's not because he is her biological father.

It's not because you yourself have benefited from his guidance not long ago.

Above all - she is sincerely happy for this hero whose life is full of regrets.

Happy that he is still alive.

Maybe also happy that......His blood flows with his strength and perseverance.

"Alas, it seems that I can only hold on till here."

The huge puppet was emitting a white glow.

His tone was also full of weakness;

"you...Is it going to disappear?"

"It seems so. The entanglement between us has become weaker and weaker - I will soon return to the real him, and you will soon be able to return to the real world. After all, I can't decide anything for him, but if I can, I hope.....I can still be your relative and protect your path forward. I can also witness your life blossoming in the future."


After that, the puppet's aura disappeared.

The last memory it left for the girl was a photo that had gone through vicissitudes of life but was still as new as ever.

In the photo, there was a man and his daughter.

Time froze in the moment when they were enjoying the happiness of family life.


Looking at the photo of herself and Siegfried, the smiles were so bright.

Yulandel took a deep breath and suppressed all the sadness in her heart.

"No matter what, I will definitely find you with Kiana - our father."

First chapter today! 5,000 words!

A small burst of updates, the minimum is 30,000.

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