Review of Genshin Impact ratings: Otto, the tree-climbing expert?

Review of Genshin Impact ratings: Otto, the tree-climbing expert?


191 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Review of Genshin Impact ratings: Otto, the tree-climbing expert?

Hupu score released to the world! When the famous scenes and teasing comments of each character were exposed, the original world of collapse iron was completely numb!


Story of: Review of Genshin Impact ratings: Otto, the tree-climbing expert?

Hupu score released to the world! When the famous scenes and teasing comments of each character were exposed, the original world of collapse iron was completely numb!

【Role: Otto Apokalis】【Rating: 10】

[Comments: "I'm back, Kallen", "My Lord Bishop, please take us to the tree again!", "This life is too long, and the epitaph is too short"]


[Role: Gold Dust] [Rating: 10]

[Comment: "May your trick never be exposed", "**, Kakavasia"]


[Role: Kevin Kaslana] [Rating: 10]

[Comments: "Everyone... has been waiting for a long time...", "This is the inscription of salvation!", "Then why can birds fly?"]


[Role: Funina] [Rating: 10]

[Comments: "She must have been very sad after five hundred years of loneliness", "A mortal body is on par with gods"]


Scattered Soldier: ah? I am...


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