Looking at Otto, even the powerful Fu Hua was touched by Otto's performance.

She looked at Otto deeply, but did not take action directly as everyone worried.

Instead, she said to Kallen:

""Key user, think carefully, what exactly do you want to protect?"

Immediately, the powerful immortal turned and left the battlefield.

But even if Fu Hua did not continue to attack, the Tianming army present had already been frightened by the terrifying existence of Shenzhou!

In the end, this decisive battle of the Eastern Expedition ended with the defeat of Tianming.................................

After the defeat, the Mandate withdrew its troops back to Europe. On the way back, Kallen still discussed with Otto whether the Mandate's approach this time was correct.

However, as pawns manipulated by the Mandate, they had no solution at that time and could only leave everything to the bigwigs at the top to solve.

After returning to Europe, in order to make up for the loss of interests brought by the war, the Mandate issued an"indulgence" policy without human rights to oppress civilians.

This caused Kallen's extreme dissatisfaction! It also deepened Kallen's doubts about the Mandate!

So, Kallen transformed into the Purple Kite Thief to rob the rich and give to the poor!

And Otto....

He understood very early on, from the time he officially became a part of the senior management of Satori, he knew very well that Satori's behavior had long violated the original intention of Satori's creation.

But in order to make Kallen smile, to conceal the dark truth of Satori and prevent Kallen from being in danger.

Otto has always been by Kallen's side, supporting her in becoming a thief to rob the rich and help the poor, and at the same time using his power to protect Kallen.


Concealment will eventually be exposed!

Kallen soon discovered the clues! She discovered the inhumane experiments that Tianming was secretly conducting in the city! And the leader of this human experiment....It was Otto!

Different from Kallen's idealism.

Otto had seen the reality clearly. This world is not beautiful. If he wants to gain a foothold in this world, he must go along with those dirty bigwigs above, so as to protect her beloved from being targeted by the world.

He firmly believes in his own path!

He must solve the secret of collapse! Only then can he protect Kallen!

But Kallen doesn't understand all this! She broke into the church with the Oath of Judah and stopped the fate from continuing to experiment with Pandora's Box.

After a big battle, Kallen snatched the magic box and left the fate without looking back!

Left the place where Otto and they grew up and lived together!

But the good times didn't last long.

In just one year,

Kallen was captured by the fate and taken back to the headquarters, and what awaited her was an unfair trial that she could not win!

In order to defeat the three major families of the fate, the nobles and the castle council used Kallen's betrayal to make a fuss!

And the current head of Kaslana did not have the ability to protect the strongest Valkyrie of the fate for Kaslana.

In the end, the result of this parliament ended with Kallen's death sentence!

Kallen was imprisoned in the prison of fate for the second time!

And Otto.

In order to save Kallen, he anxiously searched for everyone he could find. In the end, he still came to his father....................................

【Ningguang: The High Corruption of Destiny...Otto's father has completely changed, right?!】

【Jing Yuan: Such a destiny no longer has any need to exist】

【Furninna: Otto and Kallen's philosophy...Finally, there was a disagreement....】

【Ruan Mei: Karen's idea is still too idealistic】

【Black Tower: Indeed, Otto has seen the darkness of reality, and he is indifferent to human nature. He doesn't care about anyone except Kallen.】

【Lei Movie: I can only say that under the threat of collapse, the sacrifice of a small number of people in exchange for the future of more people is worth it】...................................

In the dim sunlight, the glass of St. Peter's Basilica was even more hazy.

Nicholas Apocalis's expression was murky.

But Otto's eyes were extremely firm.

No matter what the cost, he would save Kallen!

"Defeating the Kaslana family is only the first step. The nobles will make a big fuss about this case!"

"Their goal is to destroy the system where the three major families share power and force us to hand over power to the parliament! This is absolutely not allowed!"

The old man said slowly in a low voice.

His eyes fell on the young third son with deep meaning.

"Karen Kaslana"

"Must Die"....................

【Immediately, I heard the news】

【Even if you are ready】

【Otto Apokalis seemed to have been hit hard! His body shook slightly. He felt dizzy for a moment!

【It is also because he has tried all the means he can think of and asked all the people he can think of!】

【Finally, he came to his biological father reluctantly and begged for mercy but was rejected!】

【Kallen must die】

【These words became a heavy weight, weighing down Otto's heart, trying to push it lower and lower.】

【He thought about these six words and didn't even pay attention to what his father was saying.】....................

"I am old."

Nicholas Apocalis, the most powerful man in Europe, said slowly

"As people grow older, they become more stupid and make big mistakes without knowing it."

"The disastrous failure of the expedition should have sounded a warning bell for me, but I hesitated and did not retreat, which left me vulnerable."

"This fierce impeachment against the three major families is my responsibility"

"After Kaslana's execution, I will retire. This will satisfy the Castle Council, but it will also catch them off guard."

"But the question is, who can replace the position of the Bishop of Heaven's Will?"

"The most ideal heir is dead."

"My Nando, if he were still alive, the failure of the Eastern Expedition would not have affected this much."

"Fabian? My second son, a coward."

"And you, Otto..."

Otto was awakened from his trance when he suddenly heard his own name.

He looked at his elderly father and was surprised to see a trace of warmth on his face that he had never shown to him before.

"You, Otto....Do you think that I look down on you just because I rarely show you love?"

"No, you are my son no matter what."

"Of all my children, you are the most complicated......."

"You inherited your mother's intelligence, learned some scheming from me, and the sinister part is very much like your grandfather."

"People say you're weak, but that's obviously not true."

"You performed great services during the Black Death, which is enough to prove your ability!"

"But let me be frank, you don't qualify to be the Archbishop of Heaven's Will!"..................................

【Hanabi: The tone of voice of this old guy is really annoying!】

【Furninna: She said Kallen must die.....This is too direct....】

【Xingtie Walter: Once power is involved, many things will deteriorate, including people's hearts. They can no longer control their desires.】

【March 7: Even if this guy Otto...In front of this group of people, they all seem to become much kinder.....】

【Walnut: Wait...Didn't he think highly of Otto? Why wasn't Otto the next bishop?】

【Hanabi: Humph, what a short-sighted old fox! He probably could never have imagined that Otto's great achievements five hundred years later would be the limit of their imagination!】

【Ningguang: Indeed, in Otto's hands, Destiny has truly grown stronger and dominated the world! Humans are no longer ants under the feet of Honkai!】..................................

Otto remained silent.

He clearly remembered that at the last family meeting,

Nicholas had said that he would pass on the throne to him.

He waited for his father's final words.

"I will pass this position to Fernando's eldest son Marcel."

"The kid is only sixteen years old, and he has a heart of stone!"

"Your mother and I, along with Fabian and Lisa, will retire together, which will make the Castle Council complacent."

"Your mother and I both agree that this was the best decision, except for one minor incident."

"But that is the accident. You are allowed to stay here and listen to what I have to say."

Nicholas took a step forward.

The archbishop gave off a commanding majesty that froze the air in the room!

"Kaslana, it has become the biggest hidden danger to Tianming and even the three major families!"

"Things are different now. The Kaslana family is no longer our ally."

"The Kaslana family! The traditional third family! If we don't bring it back under our control! This critical situation will sooner or later affect our destiny!".................

So that's it.

Otto reacted immediately.

In the final analysis, Otto is not important, and Kallen is not important either.

What is important is the marriage contract between them!

It can easily allow him to seize the marriage contract of the Kaslana family!

"Otto, my son; next, I'm going to make you an offer, a price you simply can't refuse!"

"Karen Kaslana's life!"

"And the request I make will be one that you have no reason to refuse."

"I want you to marry Ka Karina!"

"No matter what means you use, you must first make her fulfill the original engagement!"

"In exchange, I will save Karen's life."...................................

【The old man's words were gentle but extremely cold. Everything was just an exchange of interests and calculations.】

【Otto's lifelong dream is right before his eyes!】

【The right time, the right place, and the right people, the flow of cause and effect, carried by the tide of time, actually pushed him to the result he had always dreamed of!】

【Forced him, Otto Apocalis married the only woman he loved!】

【But he wasn't happy at all.】

【Because he knew that this was not what Karen Kaslana wanted. 】


Otto came to the cell that night.

"Fulfill your engagement with me. You know I won't let you die!"

In the darkness, within his reach was

Kallen Kaslana, who he couldn't touch.

It was a prison cell. The prison cell where the former Saint of Destiny was imprisoned!

Outside the cell, separated by a wall,

Otto held the railing and could clearly reach out and touch Kallen.

But Kallen's answer was still calm.

"Destiny doesn't care about my life or death, nor does it care about the relationship between you and me. If I agree to you, I will become a hostage used by the bishop to control the Kaslana family, right?"


Otto did not lie, because that was the truth.

But his tone was slightly excited.

"But, so what? Since the engagement was a cover, it can be just a cover in the future! The important thing is...You are alive!"

"As long as you live,...."

From the other side of the iron bars came Kallen's unwavering words.

"Being alive may be very important, but if you betray your own heart and act like a pawn, is this really living?"

"I don't think that kind of life is nobler than death."

There was silence.

The whole cell fell into a dead silence.

Otto already knew what Kallen was going to say. He even knew every word she was going to say.

But he didn't accept it, he didn't accept it!.........But he did nothing.

His hands tightly grasped the cold iron bars, as if he had become one with them.

"Go back and tell Bishop Nicholas that Karen rejected his request. This is her own decision."

"I cannot agree with what Destiny does, and I despise the dark heart of Destiny that is covered in a glorious coat!"

"Kallen Kaslana would rather die! This is my fight, just...fight!"........

Otto Apokalis couldn't move

"I see...Kallen...I really...understand..."

The silent rain falls on my heart, fine and invisible

"But I won't let you die!"

"No matter what means I use, no matter whether you agree or not, I will never���Let you die!".................

For the first time, Otto's elegant voice lost its composure.

Otto Apokalis.

Even in the face of death and the oppression of the god-like Red Kite Immortal, he was able to remain absolutely calm.

But facing Kallen's impending death sentence,

Otto was completely unable to control his emotions and demeanor.

His heart was completely in turmoil!...................................

Inside the Skyman Command Room,

Otto took one last deep look at Kallen.

He then waved his hand and hid the screen.

"Wait until the timeline reaches the present and report to me."

After briefly explaining this to Amber, Otto's face darkened slightly and he returned to work.

It wasn't because he had official business to deal with.

It was about what would happen next.

Otto had already experienced this nightmare countless times!

It was a past that was engraved in his soul and he didn't want to mention it!

He didn't want to witness Kallen's death again.

"Next time we meet, you will no longer be a character in my memory, I promise."

Otto said softly in his heart.

His tone was gentle....................................

It may be put on the shelves later today!! There will be one last burst of updates before it is put on the shelves! QAQ The little author is begging for a first order here! Even one chapter is a great encouragement to me!

The first order is so important for a book! Only books with good performance can survive! After that, the author promises to work hard every day! More than 15,000 updates a day!

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