In-house Commander

"Lord Otto!..."

Amber was a little confused for a moment, and when she found out what was going on, she wanted to report it to Otto.

But Otto had obviously noticed the screen, and he was not surprised, but instead had a playful smile.

"Haha, it seems I have good luck today"

"Lord Otto...But...This may affect your reputation and that of Tianming! It may also leak some...."

Amber wanted to say something, but Otto waved his hand and placed his hand on his chin.

"Don't be so serious, Amber. Don't you think this is funny?"


"If in another world, there are millions or even tens of millions of people watching your behavior and past, and even a future that you yourself don’t know."

Otto's emerald green eyes were filled with a hint of frivolity like a gamer.

"Isn’t it interesting that in this world where humans are struggling to survive the collapse and faith is maintained in nothingness?"

"I, the so-called Bishop of Heaven's Will, Otto Apokalis, do not care about other people's opinions, nor do I need others to judge my life."

"But as long as one in a thousand people can feel my faith and witness the greatness and purity of Saint Kallen again,"

"All of this is worth it."

After saying these three words,

Otto's core returned to Kallen again.

In response, Otto smiled and looked confident.

"As for whether something will be leaked, will it affect Tianming's plan?"

"There is only one future that is certain to remain unchanged"

"That is...My reunion with Kallen!" Amber nodded in understanding.

Lord Otto really never cared about other people's comments and opinions. But even Amber knew what kind of reputation Otto would face. The message scrolling in the chat group

...Amber had seen some of it.

Not to mention.

What Otto was about to face was the life exposed by this mysterious and terrifying rating system!

In addition to what Amber knew, how many things had Lord Otto done that angered the heavens and the people ?....

Although Amber thinks that what Lord Otto says and does must have his reasons.

But it is conceivable that....The ratings given by adults must be extremely tragic........................................

In the pure white space

"I fooled my friends...Fooled the relatives...Fooled the world and its rules!"

"Just to give you the only real you......With a second life....."........

"I'm back....."


Otto's weak murmur and sigh made Karen's heart tighten. She felt an inexplicable panic in her heart.

It was as if she was about to lose something precious at this moment. She felt an indescribable emptiness.


For a moment, countless conjectures emerged in Karen's mind!

But one thing is certain....

Because of that obsession, Otto eventually did something irreversible!...................................

At the same time,

Theresa was also keeping an eye on the screen!

"The next selected....It's Grandpa?!"

Seeing Otto's name,

Theresa exclaimed.

But her expression was also filled with worry.

How did the outside world evaluate him?....

Theresa knew everything. She even said that she herself broke away from Otto and went to St. Freya Academy in the Far East Branch to avoid Otto because she opposed his control and opinions. But she didn't want her grandfather to be blamed by so many people.......................................

While Theresa was worried.

Most people in the chat group were already convinced!

On the screen.

Lines of words slowly appeared!

The life history of Otto Apokalis.

This person has already appeared in three characters of the Honkai World.

It can even be said that the current bishop of destiny, whose presence is stronger than that of the chosen one! This"evil man" in everyone's eyes!

This person who keeps talking about Kallen and seems to always maintain the noble and elegant Apokalis family's controller! It seems that he is about to be officially on stage in this mysterious rating system!


【Character: Otto Apokalis】

【Identity: Bishop of Heaven's Fate, descendant of the Apokalis and Shaniyat families; holder of the First God Key, Void Ten Thousand Treasures; genius scientist;】

【Personality traits: As the youngest son of the family, he does not enjoy the right of inheritance; he has been weak since childhood and is not valued by the family. In addition, due to his research on Honkai, Otto's personality began to become cold.

As a noble, most of his social interactions are disguised, and his feelings for Kallen are the only real ones. As a result, after Kallen's death, Otto gradually became extreme.

He is arrogant and conceited, thinking that everything is in his hands. If something is beyond his control, he will do everything he can to destroy it. He is cold-blooded and ruthless. He can do anything to revive Kallen. He knows the sin of what he has done but remains unmoved.

A smart, indifferent, stubborn, genius who will do anything to achieve his goals, but is calm and rational, and always considers maximizing benefits.】.................................................

【Character rating: 10.0 (out of 10)】..................

Lines of handwriting appeared, clearly and accurately describing the impression that Otto gave people!

But as the character rating was displayed!

The messages in the chat group!

Suddenly, they stopped for a few seconds!

There was a strange silence!


The state of exhaustion is full QAQ The author is back from gastroenteritis with intravenous drip.....Sorry everyone.....I still owed two updates yesterday, I will try my best to make up for it in the next few days..

Please give me some flowers and evaluation votes!! Thank you everyone!! Love you!!

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