Destiny Headquarters.

Listening to his own words exposed by the scoring system.

Looking at the full score comments on the screen.

Even the Bishop of Destiny, Otto, couldn't help but show a bit of surprise on his face!

He heard those words clearly!

【The world revolved for only one person at that moment! Let the imposed sin vanish, let the ended consciousness continue to move forward!】

【I will take the meanness to my grave....The light will extend into the future because of you!】...............

【I fooled my friends...Fooled the relatives...Fooled the world and its rules!】

【Just to give you the only real you......With a second life.....】..................

【I'm back.....】


Although he didn't understand what happened exactly! There was no way to verify it!

Although at this moment, Otto had only connected to the Honkai Will once!

He couldn't even think of what he would do in the future! How to revive Kallen! What would be the result!

But from those few words!

Otto only understood one thing!!

No matter what the price.




Otto's eyes were slightly sour, an emotion he hadn't felt in many years!

This was the throbbing of an obsession that had been accumulated for more than 500 years!

At this moment, he was actually a little jealous of himself at a certain point in the future.

Because at that time, perhaps his reunion with Kallen would have become a reality!

At this moment, this cold-blooded Archbishop of Destiny, who would not waver even if millions of humans perished before his eyes, actually had trembling fingers as he browsed the screen word by word.

Personality comments?

Otto even restrained the adjectives.

A score of 10?

Unexpected, but meaningless to Otto.

Comments from people in another world on himself?

Word by word.

But still no clues to save Kallen were found..................

But even so, Otto did not feel the slightest bit of loss or regret, it was just that his curiosity could not be satisfied.

No matter how excited he was just now.

In Otto's heart, his successful ending was already doomed.

No matter what method he used, no matter what obstacles he overcame.

At the end of the world line, he would definitely complete it and would definitely revive Kallen.

Otto has never doubted this!

This is Otto's self-confidence. Or extreme arrogance!

However, Otto was quite interested in one of the comments:

The dead Otto is the good Otto?

It seems that people in the other world have a lot of resentment towards him........................................

At the same time,

Theresa, like most people, stared blankly in front of the screen.


Theresa never thought that with such a rating exposed, her grandfather, Otto, the destined bishop, would be given a full score?

Even though Theresa had a strong emotional filter for Otto, she had to admit that

Otto's choices in certain matters were indeed very cold, even cruel!

Even if she was not the victim in question, looking at Otto from a third-party perspective, she would also feel a lot of hatred and disgust!

Her grandfather...

What kind of feat was it that could change the attitudes and perceptions of millions of viewers in this other world?!

【Theresa, please eat some fruits and vegetables other than bitter melon occasionally.]

When a comment about herself came into her sight,

Theresa was also trembling in her heart.....

This sentence...

There is no need to think too much.

Only grandpa would say such words to her.....

Even the people in the other world remembered her so much and used her in Otto's comments.

This shows Otto's love and affection for her.....Even the people around him could feel it clearly and deeply.

For a moment,

Theresa felt very complicated and even wavered in her position again.

(What Grandpa did was indeed very excessive.....But if no one is with him, he will be lonely......)...................................

Unlike Otto's excitement,

Theresa's mixed feelings.

Many people in the chat group felt that they had been slapped in the face by Otto.....

The score of falling through the floor....How come it's full? ? ?

It's said that people hate dogs.....

Why do all these viewers in the other world worship Otto as a god? ? ?

What is wrong with this world? ?

【Kafka: Why is it so quiet? And someone seems to be autistic?】

【Silver Wolf: QAQ...............】

【Hoshitetsu Himeko: Damn...Do the people in this other world really have problems with their eyes? Or are they brains broken?】

【March 7: Otto has done so many bad things!】

【Tesla: Damn, what the hell is going on!】

【Hanabi: Oh, stupid people~ Sometimes I feel sorry for your inability to understand.】

【Hanabi: Is it possible that this rating is not the standard for judging the character's character?】


【Heita: Indeed, this rating may be more inclined to evaluate the personality charm of the person involved.】

【Black Tower: Personal charm has nothing to do with good or evil】

【March 7: Otto? Charisma? Where? ?】

【Ningguang: I think what we know about Otto may really be just the tip of the iceberg.....】................

And with endless questions.

There was no time for everyone to continue discussing!

The screen slowly lit up....................................

I'm sorry everyone! I survived after drinking porridge for a day! I temporarily wrote another chapter and uploaded it! I'm going to explode! I'm going to fight to the death!(╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻!!

Ask for flowers and evaluation votes!! Thank you everyone!! Love you!!

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