【"Do you want to reach the tree of imaginary numbers?"】

【"That’s right!"】

【"On the other side of the door is the eternal moment, the origin of the end, and the birthplace of all truths and laws!"】

【"It’s me, the destination I must reach!"】!!!


Countless extraordinary people in front of the screen were stunned!

Did they hear it right?....

Otto.....Want to reach the tree of imaginary numbers by himself?!

This is Otto's purpose?

This is Otto's plan?

Originally everyone thought that Otto just wanted to find the answer on the tree of imaginary numbers!

But unexpectedly...

Otto wants to use the power of a mortal to reach this unobservable realm! The origin of the universe! To imitate the pioneering star god?

【Hoshitetsu Himeko: Is Otto really crazy?!】

【Hanabi: This is really interesting~ The show is about to begin~!】

【Yanqing: But how is this possible?!】

【March 7: How could Otto, a mortal, do this?...】

【Yulandel: The Bishop's Target....it turns out....】

Facing Otto's words.

Kevin looked at Otto deeply.

"Do you know the consequences of doing that?"

"I know, and you know, that this deal is valuable because we both know each other."

Otto nodded.

"Give me the beacon and you will get everything in return! Peace, resources........There's still time"



A bottomless silence enveloped the world

【Otto's thoughts also calmed down.】

【He has already dropped his chess piece.】

【Next, just wait】

【Waiting, a word that Otto was very familiar with at that time】

【He had waited for a long time, and he could wait even longer.

Then, under Otto's gaze, the white-haired man spoke.

"If you make a request, you have to pay a price. What will you give in exchange for it?"

"Hahahaha! Very good, very good!"

Otto laughed happily.

"That’s right, equality! Equality is the foundation and pillar of everything!"

"To complete such a historic cooperation, I must offer sincerity equivalent to it!"

"Power, wealth, knowledge, technology...."

"I know these vulgar things are worthless, and this is the only gift that suits you.——"

In silence, no one knew whether Kevin finally agreed to the deal. The screen slowly went dark. Lines of words slowly appeared! It was Otto's confession!

【What exactly is collapse?】

【Over a long period of time, Otto continued to search for the answer to this question.】

【He spent five centuries searching for documents spanning two eras.】

【His understanding of Honkai is absolutely the first among the seven billion lives on Earth.】

【He knows more and more】

【He knows less and less】

【In the end, Otto found that he didn't understand Honkai at all.——】

【Where did He come from and where is He going?】

【What force drives Him, and to what end?】

【Why was He born, why did He end, why did He continue, why did He stagnate, why did He explode, why did He remain silent——】

【Is He a personified being or some kind of eternal rule?】

【Questions, Questions....Doubts were like a surging tide, drowning Otto, sweeping him away, and pushing him into the darkest, most terrifying abyss.——】

【The abyss called the unknown!】

【Otto wants to move forward, but he doesn't know where to go. He wants to start a journey, but he doesn't know where to end.】

【He explored, he doubted, he failed, he was lost】

【Five hundred years have passed, and not only are the hypotheses he proposed countable, but the ones he denied are incalculable!】

【One answer after another emerged in his mind, arranged, transformed, and combined, forming blueprints and pictures, which were torn into pieces and reassembled, reassembled and torn into pieces again.......】

【In this repetitive process, a hazy phantom gradually outlined its outline!

It seemed to be popularizing science for all the viewers in front of the screen.

It also seemed to be the answer that Otto got in his five hundred years of pursuit.

The result he got was also the truth he found!

Otto's voice sounded in the darkness.

"Now, let's imagine a tree, the tree of imaginary numbers"

"There was a huge tree, the top of which was invisible to the eye, and its branches and leaves blocked out the sky."

"Beneath the tree is a vast sea, its depth unfathomable, its boundaries unreachable"

"There was only one tree and one sea between heaven and earth, so they began an endless competition."

"The sea keeps expanding and accumulating, and the giant tree keeps taking root and growing. One wants to drown the other, while the other wants to absorb the other."

"The tree spent countless years under the water of the sea, branched out into countless branches, and produced countless flowers and leaves."

"In this endless process, in some insignificant corner, between the new leaf buds"

"The civilization called humankind was born."

Speaking of this, Otto seemed to have seen the tree of imaginary numbers with his own eyes.

There was also a hint of excitement in his voice.

A hint of hope that his long-cherished wish would come true!

"Imagine! Imaginary numbers are the starting point of mankind! The beginning of civilization!"

"Time flows on the trunk of the tree of imaginary numbers, and like a crown, it branches out into infinite worlds!"

"Each branch is a form of civilization. Each flower and leaf is the present and past they left in the dimension of the world."

"However, the development of the world needs constraints. In the competition with the quantum sea, the direction of the growth of branches and leaves is constantly screened and corrected by a mechanism!"

"A naturally formed mechanism, a mechanism derived from imaginary numbers, a mechanism of nurturing and nourishing, a mechanism of baptism and elimination"

"For humans, it is a disaster called collapse!"

"That's right, that's right, humans can never escape collapse"

"Humanity can only move forward, because the tree of imaginary numbers must grow. Otherwise, we will eventually wither like those failed worlds, becoming another bubble in the quantum sea."

"If we want to achieve eternal peace, mankind must return to the starting point of civilization, to imaginary numbers."

"And the answer I'm looking for is hidden in the tree of imaginary numbers!"

【In the 559th winter of his life, Otto found the way to the truth】

【He explored the quantum sea, he surveyed the etheric anchor point, he searched for imaginary creations, and he took the huge key of God into his hands.】

【He experienced setbacks, encountered obstacles, got into trouble, failed, and gained countless impossible things.】

【But Otto doesn't need to know that it's impossible】

【Because he decided, because it must be possible——】

【Otto Apocalis, to reach the realm of the gods】

【Otto Apocalis is going to climb the tree of imaginary numbers. 】

Looking at the golden record on the screen, which seemed like Otto's confession.

All the audience was silent for a moment. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It is true that Otto is not a good person.

It can even be said that most of the audience wish they could stab him with their own hands.

After all, all the things that angered the heavens and the people were caused by Otto!

The tragedy of the first generation of Walter.

Miss Nancy, the Finns, and even the Valkyrie Leanna who was the strongest at that time! []

The sacrifices of all the people were caused by Otto!

Even the tragedy that happened to Siegfried and Cecilia later!

The sweeter the love between them is, the more the audience hates Otto!

Kiana and K423...


Raiden Mei....

All the tragic experiences of the pitiful characters.

More or less, they all have the shadow of Otto!

Even the vivid image of Wuliangta Jizi!

The tragic final lesson!

Fu Hua was shot dead by Otto!

Even the consciousness that relied on Yu Duchen to exist gradually dissipated!

It may disappear from the world forever!

It made all the audience's hatred for Otto reach its peak!

But at this time.

The record of Otto's life confession appeared.

It also made everyone silent.

One thing that can never be denied about Otto...

It is his deep affection for Karen.....

559 years of pursuit!

559 years of persistence!

It is the obsession to revive Kallen that has supported Otto to this day!

Perhaps it is also because of this extreme obsession that makes Otto more and more crazy!

But no one can deny that Otto's love for Kallen is everything, even if it means destroying the world and himself!

This strong feeling is extremely sincere and pure!

【Keqing: Five hundred and fifty-nine years!】

【Qin: When I really face this number...Only then did I realize Otto's persistence....】

【Walnut: Over 500 years! I have been sticking to this principle....】


【Tesla: But those he has hurt will never forgive him for this!】

【March 7: Support!】

【EINSTEIN: But...It is undeniable that Otto has made outstanding contributions to the protection of humanity.】

【Theresa: Grandpa.....】

【Furninna: But...Can Kallen see all that Otto has done?】

【Kafka: Otto, it is enough for you to know it yourself. 】

In the pure white space,

Kallen stared at the screen.

Her eyes were heavy.

She murmured:

"five hundred...Fifty-nine years...."

A light sentence of more than 500 years may not be so dazzling.

But at this time, Otto's hard pursuit and exploration, just to revive Kallen...That is herself...

The weight of these 559 years seemed extremely heavy!

In the golden space.

Kevin seemed to have agreed to Otto's conditions.

Otto smiled and said

"I am very happy that this meeting has reached the most perfect result"

"Let's complete the handover of the beacon as soon as possible. Do you have any requirements for the time and place?"

"It's up to you to decide.

Kevin's reply was still concise and clear.

Otto hesitated for a second.

"Um....Let me think about it....I don't want to wait any longer, I want it to prove its worth right away"

"Activating the Second God Key requires Honkai energy, a lot of Honkai energy!"

"Ah! Got it, there is a perfect place right now - Changkong City in the far east!"

Otto knew it very well.

In this kind of negotiation, keeping calm and peaceful is the most conducive to the negotiation results and the behavior that is most conducive to fighting for one's own interests.

But even though he knew this, even though Otto himself was a master at playing with human nature.

He still couldn't control his emotions.

This...It was so important to him that he couldn't wait even a minute!

"That's where the third collapse happened."

Kevin said

"Yes, three years ago, it left the same singularity as the tree of imaginary numbers"

"Even if the Third Herrscher falls into a deep sleep, the Honkai energy is still continuously released from the singularity."

Otto nodded.

"Those energies continued to increase in response to the catalysis of the Great Collapse and were about to reach the critical point of explosion."

"What a perfect coincidence! Three days later, Destiny transferred the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle to Changkong City!"

"As soon as I get the beacon, I will start the first test!"

While speaking,

Otto's eyes lit up visibly.

He imagined the smooth progress of the test and what would happen next!

He even said...

The method of resurrecting Kallen is also within sight!

Thinking of this,

Otto's figure even trembled slightly!

As the Bishop of Heaven's Destiny, he...

It was hard to suppress the excitement in their hearts.

On the other side, the white-haired man stopped talking, stood up and walked away.

As he walked away, the golden light covering the world began to dim and melt away.

"Oh, you're leaving now? What a pity! I wanted to celebrate with you."

The world slowly dimmed.

Only Otto's regretful voice sounded.

"Kevin Kaslana, I believe that today's meeting has profound significance for you, me, and the whole world."

"——Cheers to the union of destiny and snakes."

Today is the second chapter! Ten thousand words!

Brothers!! I am going to be exhausted!! Please support me with votes and flowers!! A.

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