【Keqing: Did Otto gain something from entering Xilin's consciousness that day?!】

【Bai Lu: But, it wasn’t long before Xilin lost control?】

【Fu Xuan: It may not last long in the outside world, but within the space of consciousness, it is enough for Otto to find a lot of key information!】

【Su Shang: He won't really find a way to revive Kallen, will he?!】

【Black Tower: If it were that easy, Otto would have achieved his goal all these years after the Second Collapse.】

【Ruan Mei: Life is so fragile, easy to pass away, but difficult to revive!】

【March 7: This bad guy...Are you going to poke someone in the sore spot again?!】

【Nashida: A Shilin...How pitiful!】

【Walnut: Yes...Lost my mother when I was young...Then I suffered these hardships again...】

Everyone sympathized with Sirin.

Although she was the second Herrscher, she was also a poor person controlled by the will of Honkai!

Her childhood was so miserable, she never felt the warmth of family and the feeling of home!

At this time, she was being used by Otto who was full of evil intentions.

【In Xilin's consciousness space】


Xilin, whose memory was controlled by Yu Duchen, woke up from her dream.

"just...Having a nightmare?!"

""My Queen, you are awake."

Otto transformed into Bella and walked into the room.

At the same time, he handed over the clothes of Xilin's mother.

"Mom's clothes? Oh, I want...Resurrection Mom..."

Xilin frowned and thought for a while.

Finally, she remembered the memory that Otto had buried in her.

Today, she was going to bring her mother back to life!

"Today, I must revive my mother!"

"Bring some clothes and come to the top of the tower to find me."

While speaking,

Xilin's eyes became determined.

She could not detect any problem with her consciousness.

And following behind Xilin,

Otto showed a triumphant smile

(Haha, the second Herrscher, that's right.)

(In this consciousness space created by Yu Duchen.)

(I will implant the idea of reviving your mother into your subconscious.)

(Let you take the initiative to show me the true power of the Herrscher of Death!)

(Try your best to save your mother!)

(Then, I can find a way to revive Kallen!) At the top of the Babylon Tower.

Under Otto's fiery gaze,

Xilin began to work on reviving her mother!

Powerful Honkai energy emerged!

Floating in the air!

【Use the power of the Herr of Death】

【Extracting DNA from skin flakes stuck to clothing】

【Then, based on her mother's DNA, Xilin used the power of the Ruler of Reason to create the substances needed to make up life!】

【Cells, tissues, organs.....】

【This is different from using Honkai beast's cells to create Bella and others!】

【Xilin used all her strength to create human beings from scratch.】

【The effort paid off!】

【Finally, her mother returned to her! 】

In the sea of flowers, the image of Xilin's gentle mother appeared again!

Xilin immediately threw herself into her mother's arms.

"Mother...I miss you so much!"

Xilin threw herself into her mother's arms, crying wantonly, venting all the grievances she had suffered over the years.

Watching this warm scene, all the extraordinary people couldn't help but sigh for Xilin.

Even though everyone has their own misfortunes, who wouldn't want to see such a warm reunion scene?


Behind Xilin, Otto, who was watching all this, clenched his fists!

(Are you kidding! Is this the power of the Herrscher of Death?)

(How is this different from me cloning Kallen with DNA?!)

(She created a doll with the appearance of her mother, but without a soul!!)

(What kind of Herrscher of Death is this?!)

(What kind of power of God is this?!)

Otto's voice was a little out of control.

Perhaps the expectations he had were too high, and they were suddenly shattered at this moment.

Perhaps the emotions that had accumulated for so many years were difficult to suppress!

Anger surged in Otto's heart.

Anger that expectations were once again dashed!

Unlike the numb attempts in the past.

This time, even Otto had poured too much expectation!!

Such excessive expectations.

Let Otto taste the pain of losing again!

The pain of Kallen leaving again!

【Ningguang: Creating people out of thin air?!】

【Wendy: Is this the power of the Herrscher?...so amazing!】

【Zhongli: What an incredible ability!..】

【March 7: Hand-rubbed clones???】

【Ruan Mei: But this is just cloning, not resurrection.】

【Star Iron Walter: No, strictly speaking, this is more rigorous than cloning.】

【Kafka: The human soul is more than just a memory】

【Silver Wolf: No wonder Otto is so disappointed, this is not much different from his cloning technology...】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I had such high expectations for the power of the Herrscher, but now it is suddenly shattered. 】

But even though he was filled with anger and loss.

Otto still maintained the appearance of Bella and stepped forward and said

"My Queen, I'm sorry for the offense."

"I don't understand, is the person you are holding really your mother? Does she really have your mother's soul?"


Xilin's body trembled.

She hurriedly retorted

"She is my most beloved mother...."

The tone was full of distressing helplessness and panic.

It was like a drowning person grasping at the last straw.

But the next second.

Maybe it was because of what Otto did.

Maybe it was because of Xilin's inner turmoil.

In an instant.

Xilin's mother turned into ashes and dissipated in the air.

Watching this scene happen.

Xilin murmured in despair.

"Yes, Mom didn't come back to life."

"I can only revive my mother's body...But...Where is my mother's soul?"

Seeing Xilin face the reality,

Bella also followed up to encourage

"My Queen, don't be sad."

"It was just a failure. As long as Her Majesty the Queen keeps trying, I believe that with the power of the Ruler of Death, she will be able to retrieve Her Majesty the Queen's soul!"

"No...Bella...I do not understand..."

"What is the soul?"


Xilin's words made Otto stand there in a daze.

(Yes....soul....What is it? )

(For the past five hundred years, Otto has been thinking about this question.)

(He has not found the answer.)

(Even if he can clone Kallen's body, even if he can input Kallen's memories into the clone's brain.)

(But...he knows...That's not Kallen! )


(Her essence is what she is! It is her smile...Her tears....)


Under the silent gaze of all the extraordinary people.

Xilin and Otto were silent.

They had no answer.


Xilin murmured dejectedly

"Bella, I don't understand what the soul is..."

"Maybe only God knows the answer to the soul...."

In an instant!

Xilin's words made Otto's pupils shrink!


(That's right....God! )

(It is said that a true Herrscher can talk to the God of Collapse. Is this true?!)

(However, if we face something that is beyond human wisdom,...I....)

(Be reasonable! Otto! You shouldn't take this risk!!)

For a moment,

Otto gritted his teeth.

Reason told him that he should use Yu Duchen to suspend the consciousness of the Second Herrscher, and then slowly study the method of reviving Kallen, which would take hundreds of years!

But at this moment, in the face of this huge temptation! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the face of the opportunity to revive Kallen!


He must take a risk!

Because of the collapse....The time left for him, the time left for the earth! It's running out!

【March 7: What does Otto want to do?!】

【Honkai Walter: He wants to find a way to revive Kallen through Honkai Will?!】

【Honkai Himeko: No! That's Honkai!!】

【Tesla: Too dangerous!!】

【Black Tower: Even at this great risk, do you have to find a way to revive Kallen?】

【Silver Wolf: His Heart...Maybe this is the only pursuit and goal....】

Everyone in the chat group.

Seeing Otto's voice, their hearts tightened!

Of course, everyone in the collapsed world understood...The horror of the collapse!

And now, in order to get a way to revive, Otto actually wants to actively communicate with the will of the collapse!!

This crazy move made everyone unbelievable!

And in the picture, in just a moment,

Otto had already made a decision!

"My Queen, I believe that God can understand your sorrow and will help you."

"Please seek the answer from God."

Bella leaned over and bewitched the confused Xilin.

And everyone.

All the audience.

Could see the blazing flames in Otto's eyes.


All the audience's mind emerged Otto's expression under the reflection of that fire!

It was a kind of madness and determination that would not be shaken even if the world was annihilated!

That was the oath he made! It was far more important than Otto's existence!

"No one can prevent Karen and I from reuniting!"

"Even God!"

"No exception!!"

At this moment!

All the audience were shocked.

And this time!

Otto.....They are about to face the real God!!

In the picture,

Sirin, who was successfully bewitched by Otto, seemed to have grabbed the last straw!

She knelt on the ground and prayed to the Honkai Will!

She was devout and determined!

She wanted to revive her mother's will.....It should not be underestimated either!

"God, please help me!"

Xilin prayed.

The Ruler's wave echoed!

In just a moment!

A dazzling beam of light suddenly fell from the sky!

Everyone closed their eyes involuntarily!

In a moment!

Otto's consciousness was transmitted to that high-dimensional existence.

Standing in front of Otto was the one he had always been resisting, who was considered the enemy of human civilization, the one with the will of collapse, the God.


Otto's heart beat faster.

He realized that he was going to face something beyond human wisdom.

The God was invisible, and He turned into Otto's appearance, colorless, soundless!

Otto frowned slightly.

A little surprised, but not afraid.

In order to resurrect the most important person.

He had already put life and death aside. He stepped forward and saluted elegantly like a gentleman.

"My Lord God, I am Otto Apocalis."

"The purpose of coming here is to seek your help."

On the surface, it was a perfect gentleman's courtesy.

But behind Otto, another hand had already grasped the handle of the Holy Fire Judge.

Facing the collapse.

Facing the gods.

As a human, you should be on guard.

Watching this scene.

In the pure white space.

Kallen bit her lip, and her heartbeat quickened a few beats!

Seeing Otto trying to revive himself even in the face of the collapse of the gods......

Kallen's pupils trembled.

At this moment, everyone could see that

Otto's heart was burning.

Even if he had to sacrifice the world and burn everything, he would still revive her. His overwhelming obsession!!

In the consciousness space, facing Otto's salute, the god did not speak.

But His answer appeared directly in Otto's mind.

In an instant,

Otto's face changed.

It seemed that he could not believe the answer that appeared in his mind!


"You said you would try your best to help me?!"

The unexpected answer made Otto unable to believe it easily!

He decided to test the other party first.

But before Otto asked his question, countless truths poured into his mind!

With a painful groan!

Even if the thinking ability of all the wise men from ancient times to the present was added together, it would not be able to withstand the countless truths pouring into Otto's mind at this moment!

In an instant!

Otto knew.

The one in front of him was indeed the omniscient and omnipotent God, and he also understood why God would help him!

In the eyes of the gods of higher dimensions, there is no difference between helping him and rejecting him.

Even instilling the omniscient information and truth into him has no effect!

The existence in front of him is the god he has been looking for!

The next moment!

Otto was more sincere than ever! And more eager than ever! He waited for this moment, and waited for an unknown period of time...

Even his heart began to tremble!

He asked that question

"God, I only have one question left. I want to know how to bring the dead back to life."

"She is the most important person to me, her name is Karen Kaslana......."

However, this time the god did not answer him.

In silence,

Otto's mind only had memories of the past!

The people he had hurt!

The lies he had told!

The sins he had committed!

Otto looked at these memories.....

Maybe he would feel guilty, maybe he would regret it!

But not now!

Now, he just wanted to know the answer!

The answer he had been searching for for more than five hundred years! He was willing to give everything for it!

"Please tell me the answer, God. For her, I will do anything."

Otto's voice echoed in this empty space.

His eyes were like fire.

Burning and scalding!

The first update today! Five thousand words!

Starting today, the minimum is fifteen thousand words!

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