"what happened....Is anyone calling for help?"

""Go and have a look!"

Yulandel and Theresa looked at each other and immediately headed in the direction of the familiar voice.

After defeating several rebellious Honkai beasts, a man knelt on the ground in a cloud of dust, looking a little embarrassed. But soon, as the dust dissipated! Whether it was Theresa and the others, or the extraordinary people in front of the screen, they were all stunned. This...

....What's going on?!

After the smoke and dust cleared, the man kneeling on the ground was dressed in purple aristocratic clothes, with long golden hair tied up and draped over his left shoulder, and emerald green eyes like gemstones!

Although there was a little dust on his face and body, and he looked a little embarrassed, it still couldn't hide the nobleness and elegance of the man!

"Otto? ? ?" For a moment, countless people exclaimed.....The mysterious man who appeared in the smoke was actually Otto

?...What the hell is this confused and embarrassed look? ?

Why is Otto playing a delicate role here? ?

【Ningguang: Otto?!】

【Keqing: What’s going on?】

【Tesla: How did this guy suddenly appear here?....?!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Something is wrong....Otto's Expression...Seems confused? ?】

【March 7: There is a conspiracy?!】

【Tesla: It seems...Something is really wrong?】

【Yulandel: I always feel that the bishop's eyes seem to be much more immature? ?】

【Otto: Is there a possibility that it wasn't me?】

In the picture,

Theresa and the others who experienced all these strange events looked at this strange Otto with surprise!

Soon, it seemed that just as Otto said in the chat group, this guy in front of them.....

It really wasn't him!

Or 903.....It seems to be from 500 years ago! Otto who has not yet become the Bishop of Heaven's Destiny?!

The severity of the time and space disorder in this area is far beyond everyone's imagination!

And this Otto! It is very likely that he came from a parallel world!

For a moment!

This sudden discovery shocked everyone!

The previous information fragments.

It was either a feeling or a voice.

Suddenly, a living person came...It's really hard to accept.....

"Well....Anyway, let me sort out the situation."

Otto five hundred years ago was a little distressed.

But his habitual movements when thinking were still the same, his right hand gently dragging his chin

"Well....What you mean is that this is the year 2017, you are also people from the year 2017, and you all know me?"

"Otherwise, why should I call you grandpa!"

Theresa frowned.

She found it hard to imagine that she would meet her grandpa who lived five hundred years ago.

Seeing Theresa's expression, she had no doubt that it was fake.

Otto?"But, even if what you said is true, how can I live for more than five hundred years?"

Yulandel interrupted,"You made a mechanical prosthesis for yourself."

But on the side.

Tesla obviously found it more difficult to control his emotions

"Hum, yes, you have also used Trojan horse programs to steal other people's bodies. Anyway, I can't trust you!"

"At least, you have to prove that you are from the 15th century."

"After all, your existence is too abnormal. There is no living person like you in the leaked information of other time and space around here!"

Looking at this elegant and handsome face.

And those emerald green eyes like gems

?Tesla's mind suddenly flashed with countless images that woke her up in the middle of the night. She was unable to control her temper for a moment and spoke angrily.

Tesla's tone and cautious attitude also made Otto, who lived five hundred years ago, understand something.

Otto?"Uh......Although this can indeed be a reason for you to be wary of me, I always feel that there will be many things in my future that you cannot accept....."

Tesla:"It’s more than unacceptable!....!!"

Tesla was about to raise his fist in anger.

But after a few heavy breaths, he gave up the idea of beating up the young Otto.

Tesla:"Forget it, if you are really another him from the 15th century, then there is no point in me beating you up now....I can't worry about the future of parallel worlds."

Otto?:"Parallel worlds? It seems to make sense, after all, this will not cause time paradoxes."

Tesla:"Well, this is basic philosophical common sense."

Tesla:"——Wait, now is not the time to chat about this kind of thing. Theresa, Yulandel, what do you think we should do with this guy?

Theresa looked at the clear confusion and pure kindness in Otto's eyes.

She hesitated and said

".....Help him go back five hundred years? But you just said, Doctor, that the man in front of us could be Grandpa pretending to be him for some reason......"

Theresa's hesitation also caused a lot of discussion among the extraordinary people

【Keqing: Impersonating? ? Otto....It wouldn't be that boring....】

【Keqing: cough cough...It seems like Otto is really possible?】

【Tesla: No matter what this guy does, don't be surprised! He is just so boring!】

【March 7: But is Otto’s acting really that good?...】

【Kafka: This master who plays with human nature and deceives people is of course also good at controlling his expression. 】


After a few simple conversations just now.

The suspicion of the identity of Otto in front of them has been reduced a lot. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After looking at each other, Yulandel said:"I don't think he looks like he is playing dumb, but if you need to take him back to Hyperion for investigation later, I don't object."

"It just seems to me that our top priority right now is to explore this abnormal space."

But Tesla said bluntly

"What you said makes sense, but I still think we should try to rule out certain possibilities, lest he really is a time bomb!"

While speaking[]

Tesla stared at Otto?.

It seemed that he wanted to see through him completely!

Otto? :"It seems...In a certain future, I am really someone who scares you."


What Otto didn't expect was that his sympathetic and concerned look directly aroused countless unforgettable memories for Tesla! He immediately became emotional!

"——Tsk! You're asked to be more talkative?!"

"Do you know what despicable things the person with your disgusting face has done? Do you want me to list a few for you?!"

"Dr. Tesla, please control your emotions.

Yulandel quickly stopped Tesla from continuing to attack.

"I know the bishop has done a lot of things that have wronged you in the past, but compared to the past grudges, we now know that there are more important matters to deal with."

Otto nodded.

He was not displeased by Tesla's anger and rudeness.

He continued gently.

"It is this chaotic time itself. In your eyes, I am a person who is both familiar and strange."

"For me, it was just a moment of distraction, and the battlefield that had just ended became very strange, and the people around me disappeared without a trace.

Dr. Tesla was stunned.


"Yes, we just defeated the main force of the Mandate of Heaven headquarters in this town and wiped out their Bishop's guards."

"Wait, wait! You, Otto Apocalis, led the army here to defeat the main force of the Destiny Headquarters? Did you come from that time? ?"

After hearing this, the person who looked like Otto muttered to himself and thought for a few seconds.

"......It does seem so, which means our history is indeed very similar?"

On the side, Yulandel confirmed the truth of Otto's words.

"In 1491, such a battle did take place. Otto, who was not yet the Bishop of Heavenly Mandate at the time, led the rebel army and defeated the main force of Heavenly Mandate headquarters here.

Theresa also nodded.

"Although my grandfather was the legitimate successor to the Bishop of Heaven's Mandate, his sister and nephew took away all his power due to a series of changes."

"The reign of terror by these two men lasted for more than a decade—until Grandpa, supported by the people, overthrew them."

As Theresa and Yulandel explained, there was a whisper in the chat group.

Otto, supported by the people,....Why does this sound more and more awkward the more I hear it?....

Although it is known in history that Otto overthrew the headquarters of the old destiny, it is still a little difficult to associate at first glance.

Tesla is also straightforward.

"Excuse me, I have always found it hard to imagine how a man like him could be supported by the public! He must have used some kind of trick!

The man who looked like Otto was not displeased by Tesla's sarcasm again.

He was silent for two seconds, and his tone was���Seems to be with memories

"........Indeed, rather than saying how capable I am, it is better to say that everyone is willing to let me serve as a symbolic totem. People are united not because of me, but because of the myth of the saint."

"The legend of the saint? The saint of destiny, do you mean Kallen Kaslana?"

"Of course, apart from this, there is no other saint in the world I know of."

Otto's eyes drooped.

And this also made everyone feel a little familiar.

Perhaps only when talking about Kallen, these two Ottos, who were five hundred years apart and even in different worlds, would have such a similar sad expression!

And this point, his devotion to Kallen, seemed to never change.

"Kallen...She died because of me. I couldn't bear this sin. All I wanted to do was escape from myself in the meaningless second half of my life."

"At that time, I didn't dare, didn't want to, and didn't have the ability to face a world without her."

"I fled to a small island that was used as a cemetery by the Venetians, where I opened a monastery in the name of a priest to adopt special orphans."

"After all, I am a noble, so I can do what I want even in my down days."

"As for ordinary people under the rule of destiny, even if they are extremely disappointed with life, they can only endure the unbearable days day after day."

"Therefore, the belief of the saint began to spread among the people. They believed that Kallen's death was a redemption for all those who gave birth to sinful children."

"They worship everything and everyone related to the Saint, and use this spiritual sustenance to fight against the dark rule of destiny."

As Otto narrated, the extraordinary people in front of the screen could not help but be shaken and sighed.

No matter which world or time,

Kallen seemed so holy and great in Otto's heart.

So much so that in Otto's mouth, people could only hear the legend of the Saint forever!

【March 7: Sure enough...This is the only similarity between him and the Otto we know.】

【March 7: This is how it is when it comes to Kallen....】

【Silver Wolf: Really...Different is the world, the same feeling towards Kallen】

【Keqing: Alas.....】

Chapter 2 today! 10,000 words!

Brothers!! It’s been updated so fast!!! Please give me some votes and flowers to support me!! I’m so tired!!

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