
Everyone in front of the screen was shocked!

Finnish...Killed in front of everyone?!

Everything happened so fast.

Everyone was still digesting the secrets revealed by the Finn!

And in the secret base.

Tesla clenched his fists, his eyes red.

The Finn couldn't even finish his words!

His body had already fallen to the ground!!

He began to lose his life!!................................

"Go and reunite with your family quietly."

The figure said coldly.

Then he turned around and looked at the stunned crowd.


In an instant.

All the audience was shocked!

In the picture!

As the metallic color on the figure slowly faded.

Emerald green eyes, long golden hair tied into a single ponytail draped over the left shoulder.

Wearing a white striped shirt, a purple suit vest and a light black tuxedo, and a purple tie.

Elegant temperament came to the face.

Killing the Finns.....It was Otto! Otto Apokalis!!

"Well, although some of you already know me"

"But for the sake of courtesy, let me introduce myself."

"I am Otto Apocalis. I will serve as the bishop of Destiny for the time being."

Otto's tone was still extremely elegant and calm, as if he was chatting with a friend who was also a noble.

But that elegant smile, in the eyes of everyone at this moment, was frightening!...................................


【Walnut: Actually...Was it Otto who planned this accident?!】

【Yanqing: What a hateful guy...】

【Ray Movie:..........】

【Tesla: I will never forget this scene】

【Collapse·Himeko: But...Why?! Why would he do this??】

【Tesla: He is a conspirator! He can do anything!】...................................

"Otto?! You...What tricks are you playing? Bastard!!"

Walter, who was always gentle, also shouted.

But Otto's face was innocent.

"Stay calm, my pen pal."

"I appear in one of my mechanical bodies. That shouldn't be considered a magic trick, right?"

"Leanna Brigantia, the most powerful and most trusted Valkyrie in over a hundred years"

"What makes her so strong is not some invisible spiritual quality..."

"And it was I who selected countless heritages of previous civilizations and personally built this immortal body for her!"

"Over the past hundred years, there have been thousands of human body modifications, large and small."

"Do you think this body is a Valkyrie or a machine?"

Looking at the angry Tesla and his group,

Otto snapped his fingers and said frivolously.

"Of course, the answer is actually very simple!"

"The question just now is not important at all"

"Because, at the end of the experiment, this body is mine."

"Herrscher, if you live long enough, you will also understand how important it is for an immortal to ensure his or her combat effectiveness."

"You?! How could you do this!!"

Schrodinger was shocked and angry.

For Leanna who saved her life,

Schrodinger's gratitude turned into anger at this moment.

"Oh, yes."

Otto reminded

"I've finished what I'm saying. Seriously, you should feel honored."

"There are not many enemies that are worthy of being executed by Otto Apokalis himself!"

As the voice fell!

Otto's figure flashed up!

He attacked everyone! Using Leanna's soul steel body! Using Leanna's black abyss and white flowers!

Looking at the thin Schrodinger who was trying his best to resist his gun blade

"What can you do after assimilating with the Honkai Beast?"

"Just by touching this Black Abyss, your Honkai Beast weapon has already started to break apart, you know?"......

"What will happen to me?...That's not important at all!"

Schrödinger gritted his teeth and said, struggling to hold on.

"However, I absolutely will not allow you to wantonly defile this body! And use it to hurt my friends!!"

"Its only owner is Leanna!!"

Accompanied by Schrodinger's shout, countless clones flashed in the air and rushed towards Otto!

But Otto smiled slightly.

"There is no need for eternal things in this world"

"Dreams and illusions are fleeting, but they are real"

"The first key of God, the seventh plural mimicry!"

【The void is full of treasures!】

【Rain of Heavenly Flowers! 】

Under the golden bullets, all the clones disappeared like bubbles!

"Today, I just want to clear some obstacles."...................................

On the other side!

Walter, the Ruler of Reason, slowly opened his eyes!!

In his hand was the faintly violent Star of Eden!

【To endure endless pain, even if hope is far away;】

【To forgive every sin, though it be darker than death and night;】

【To overthrow all authority, even if it seems omnipotent;】

【To love, to take responsibility; to wait and persevere in the hopeless years;】

【From the ruins of oneself, one must re-realize one's past promises;】

【Don't change your ways, don't lose heart, and don't regret it;】

【This is your glory, Prometheus!】

【This is the symbol of kindness, greatness and joy, the totem of beauty and freedom!】

【This is the supreme life, happiness, authority and victory——】

【The time has come, this is the day to devour the tyrant in heaven!】

【Otto Apokalis!】

【No, clown.α!!】

【See the stars shattering!!!】.........

With Walter Joyce's sharp shout, the terrifying Honkai energy surged!

"Tyrant of heaven!"

"Come and see it!"

"It looks like the stars are shattering!!!"

Unprecedented energy is accumulating!!

And next to Otto!

A terrifying black hole is forming! Squeezing! Destroying everything around it!!...................................

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