【Qin: What an interesting personality.~】

【Kiana: Indeed....It's better not to try to get any useful information from Wei Wei......】

【Su Shang: But, Wei Erwei may not know much about what happened back then?】

【Raiden Meiyi:....................】

【Silver Wolf: After all, it seems that she doesn't know much about the paradise of the past.】

【March 7: But it seems that most of the heroes have come to this paradise, right?】

In the picture.

As many viewers expected.

Mei did meet the next hero soon.

???:"Wow! Help! Help!——!"


Paduo:"Sister Mei? No, it's Boss Mei! Hurry up and save me!"


Padu:"Don't just look at me, Mei! You weren't so cold before! Aren't we good partners who live and die together?!"

Mei:"I just can't understand why someone would get stuck in a treasure chest......."

Padu:"Isn't it the adventurer's duty to open the treasure chest when he sees it? Isn't it natural to go in and check it carefully after opening it!?"

Mei:"Yes, it is indeed a perfect trap for you.......Curiosity kills the cat, I've got it in mind."

Padu:"Help me, Boss Mei! Oh, money.......Money! I, I pay......Well......Well......ah..."


Paduo:"Or, I'd better think of a solution myself."


Mei:"Forget it."

Mei helplessly pulled out her knife when she saw Padu stuck in the treasure chest.

Padu:"Huh?" Padu

:"Boss Mei, why did you pull out your knife? Yes, yes, yes, sorry! I was planning to go to your place tonight to purchase the goods but I haven't done it yet.——"



Padoo:"What? You want to help me split the box? I knew Mei-sister is the best!"

Mei-sister:"Really? Then let's talk about buying from me, right?"

Padoo:"Uh......this....Oh, let the past be the past! Meiyi, why don't you take a look at what's in this treasure chest first? You saved me, so let's split the treasure in half......."

Paddo:"Uh....A card? This doesn't seem to score any points.——"

Padu:"Wow, it's a card with Sister Weir printed on it!"

Mei:"I knew it....."

Paduo:"Ah? Look at Meijie's expression.......Is this your stuff? Then return it to its original owner, as a way to repay your life-saving grace."

Mei:"Forget it, maybe it will be useful, I'll take it."

Paduo:"Of course, these alone are definitely not enough, as a reward for saving me - Mei, sister, I can take you to search together......Why do you want to explore this place?"

Paddo:"Just chasing all the way here, I have caught a glimpse of many treasure chests! This place hidden by Sister Ellie must have many secrets that we don't know."

Paddo:"I know, as long as it is about Sister Ellie, Sister Mei will definitely be interested."

Mei:"Compared to the treasure chest, I care more about the Eternal Paradise itself. If we can carry out a detailed exploration, it is really worth a try."


In the picture. Mei and Paddo Phyllis began to explore this Eternal Paradise.

But after a while.

Mei finally couldn't help but speak. Paddo

:"Treasure chest~ Treasure chest~ Golden treasure chest~"

Mei:"Paddo......Do you really know the way here?"

Paduo:"Huh? Mei, why do you ask?"

Mei:"Because......We have walked that road several times."

Paduo:"Oh, really? I was so busy looking for the treasure chest that I didn't even pay attention to the direction."

Paduo:"Sister Mei, don't you think the road here is too complicated? It's so winding that it makes me dizzy."


Mei:"Your exploration is too detailed. From just now, you have entered this area from three different directions."

Mei:"Even if you come back many times, a treasure chest will not appear out of thin air on this road." Padu

:"I'm just afraid of missing something important. This is my first time here, so of course I have to explore every inch of land before leaving."

Padu:"I am determined to empty all the treasure chests here!"


Mei:"What a grand wish."

Padu:"But Mei is right, it would be great if there was a way to get past these annoying walls........"

Paddo:"Oh right! Sister Weierwei's master key will definitely come in handy! I just put it somewhere else."

Meiyi:"Master key?"

Paddo:"Yes, it's a key that Sister Weierwei gave me that can automatically adapt to all locks. It's very useful when purchasing goods!"

Paddo:"Of course, the price is that if there is any goods that Sister Weierwei needs, we must help her find it first~"

Meiyi:"Is this key really that powerful?"

Paddo:"You'll know when you get it. Come here,~"

【March 7: What a cute cat!】

【March 7: He is also a very adventurous Yingjie!】

【Kiana: Master Key???】

【Kiana: Keys that automatically fit all keyholes? ? Isn't this amazing?!】

【Paimon: It’s really amazing....!!】

【Paimon: Huh....etc.....Why are your eyes glowing?!】

【Ying: Ahem.....Don't talk nonsense....】

【Qin: Haha~ Indeed, in my memory, Ying really loved to open treasure chests all over the mountains.~】


As everyone was teasing,

Mei and Padu once again encountered enemies that appeared out of nowhere.

After using the cards invented by Weiwei to deal with these enemies,

Mei was also a little surprised.

Mei:"It is indeed the power of the engraving..........Weiwei didn't exaggerate the facts."

Paduo:"Good, good, doesn't this give Mei one more reason to explore with me?"

Mei:"Then where did you put your key? You didn't forget this, did you?"

Paduo:"Don't worry, even if I forget my name, I won't forget where the goods are hidden. This is my professional quality as a businessman."

Mei:"I can see that you are really dedicated to these [businesses]."

Paduo:"Hehehe, who can resist money?"

After a while.

Paduo:"It's here! Looking down from here, it's like standing in the air, why not call it the sky garden!" Mei

:"Well, the view is really good, if there is an enemy, you can see it all at a glance."

Mei:"Huh? What is that....."

Paduo:"Hmm? Mei, what's wrong?"

Mei:"I feel....There is a strange smell there."

Mei:"I'll go check it out."

Padu:"Eh? Mei, where are you going? Wait for me."——!"

After a battle in a mysterious space.

Mei:"It feels a little different from the battles I had in the previous trials......."

Mei:"Where on earth is this place?"

Padu:"Wow! Mei, look, I found another card!"

Mei:"So you were hiding behind me when I was fighting.���Treasure hunting?"

Padu:"Hey hey hey......This, this can't be helped, who told me to be so weak? But Meiyi, look, this card seems to be a little different from the last one. Could it be that this card has other uses? But why did it fall here?"

Meiyi:"More investigation is needed to answer these questions"[]

Padu:"Yes, maybe this is where Sister Weiwei hides her cards? Let's come in and take a look when we see something like this next time!"


Mei:"Anyway, you are not the one in charge of the battle, right?"

Padu:"Ah......Ah ha ha, let's not talk about this for now, let's go get the key, it's just in front!"

Soon, the two came to a remote corner.

Paduo started searching without saying a word.

Paduo:"This is it. Let me see......Sure enough, it's still there!"

Paduo:"How is it? This is my treasured master key that can solve all obstacles!" Meiyi

:"Which one do you mean? That strange robot? Or the strange hook next to it?"

Paduo:"What hook? That's a real key!"

Meiyi:"Are you sure it can be called a key? From the appearance, the only thing it has in common with a key is that they are both made of metal."

Paduo:"Don't underestimate it, it is much more useful than ordinary keys, commonly known as the universal purchase artifact."

Meiyi:"Then what about the robot next to it?"

Paduo:"Oh, I picked it up on the side of the road, and I always felt it was useful, but I couldn't fix it, so I put it here temporarily."

Paduo:"Ah, but don't worry about it now. Now that we have the key, let's go back and get rid of those walls that are in the way~"

Paduo:"Come on, Meiyi! I can hear those treasure chests calling us!"

In the picture,

Mei was helplessly dragged by Padora to explore this paradise of warriors.

She opened treasure chests one after another.

And the picture changed.

It also made all the audience feel nervous!

Eden's figure walked slowly in the dark depths.

She didn't like the name of the deepest place, either now or in the past.

It reminded her of the back alleys of the theater, those corners that were completely opposite to the stage, full of empty bottles left after the wine was dried.

Eden:"How long ago was the last time you came here?"

In the distance.

Aponia:"Eden, is that you?"

Eden:"You know the visitor is me, Aponia. Then you......You must also know why I came."

Eden:"We were all witnesses of that feast. That night, we lost a common friend."

Aponiya:"Or, we witnessed a new life."

Eden:"So, you left [there] in the paradise and hid it in this depth?"

Aponiya:"Eden......We all have too many feelings that are hard to let go, and too many pasts that we want to recall."

Abonya: Just like you are obsessed with yesterday's music, I also need a place......To put this long thorny road aside."

Eden:"Look at Ellie's reaction, is she aware of it?"

Aponia:"Well, although it is my own selfish desire,......You know, it's Alysia after all. After she found out, she almost accepted it happily."

Eden:"I respect you, Aponia, and I respect your and Aly's decision."

Eden:"You know what? People usually say that I am the giver and you are the receiver."

Aponia:"The receiver......How can I be called this when I can't even bear her departure?"

Eden:"Although that's not what I want to say..........But it is true that the opposite may be true."

Eden:"Perhaps I am the one who has been favored and played by fate. And you, Aponia....."

Eden:"You are the real giver, giving everyone commandments, giving them hope, and even the way forward......"

Eden:"What everyone saw is not her true appearance - it is exactly the same as what happened that night."


All the audience were originally upset because the truth was gradually fading away after Padofils's involvement.

But Eden appeared in time.

He talked to Abonya about [that night] [the banquet] again. The mysterious past of Alicia!

The secret of that banquet, which was also the last one!

Everyone's heart was once again excited!

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